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Johann Rohlfs (abt. 1693 - 1772)

Johann Rohlfs
Born about in Buchhorst, Sleeswijk-Holstein, Duitslandmap
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of — married 20 Nov 1731 in Varrel, Nedersaksen, Duitslandmap
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 79 in Buchhorst, Sleeswijk-Holstein, Duitslandmap
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Profile last modified | Created 6 Feb 2022
This page has been accessed 253 times.
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Johann Rohlfs was born in 1693 in Buchhorst, Sleeswijk-Holstein, Duitsland.

Occupation Leibzüchter

Johann had the folowing child:

  1. Hinrich Rudolph Rohlfs

He died on 15 April 1772 in Buchhorst, Sleeswijk-Holstein, Duitslan

He was burried 17 April 1772.


See also

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