Hennie Scheepers
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Hendrik Theodor Scheepers (1878 - 1935)

Hendrik Theodor (Hennie) Scheepers
Born in Goedehoop Ermelo dist., Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiekmap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 20 Sep 1910 in NG Kerk, Ermelo, Transvaal, Unie van Suid Afrika.map
Descendants descendants
Died at age 56 in Jansen Street, Ermelo, Transvaal Provinsie, Unie van Suid Afrikamap
Profile last modified | Created 9 Jul 2015
This page has been accessed 1,174 times.
Image Soldiers Anglo Boer War
Hennie Scheepers was part of the Anglo Boer War (1899 -1902)
Join: Anglo Boer War-Anglo Boere Oorlog 1899-1902 Project
This profile is part of the Scheepers Name Study.
South African Flag
Hennie Scheepers is genealogies verbind aan Suid Afrika /is genealogically connected to South Africa



Hendrik Theodor 'Hennie' Scheepers was gebore op 11 Mar 1878, op die plaas Goedehoop, dist. Ermelo . Hennie was 'n seun van Gert Scheepers en Margaretha Joubert . Hennie (32) het in huwelik getree met Anna Smuts (21) op Dinsdag die 20 ste September 1910 in die Ned.Herv Kerk Ermelo . Uit die huwelik is gebore 8 kinders . : Familieplaas Smuts Klipbank, ge-erf deur Anna, het oorgegaan na Scheepers.
Hennie was op komando gedurende die boere oorlog.
Hy was laat in die oorlog, op sy plaas Spitskop gevang [1] naby die huidige dorpie Sheepmoor nadat hy die aanvoerder van ‘n vyandige Engelse patrollie dood geskiet het. Dit word beweer dat die Engelse hom daar en dan wou doodskiet; maar dat ‘n boervrou hulle dopgehou het, sy het uit die huis geskree " ek sien wat julle doen" en dat dit sy lewe gered het.
Hy is wegevoer as krygsgevangene na ‘n Krygsgevangene kamp in Bhimtal, in die provinsie Uttarakhand, die verste kamp Noord in Indië.
Bimthal waar oupa Hendrik Theodor (Hennie) as krygsgenvangene aangehou is
Na sy terugkoms het hy op die plaas Spitskop naby Sheepmoor geboer (Lived 1919 Ermelo, PK Sheepmore)
Boer later op Klipbank en is ook daar begrawe . Hennie sterf op Sondag die 22 ste Januarie 1939, aan Prostaat Kanker, aan huis te Jansen straat Ermelo. Transvaal Provinsie, Unie van Suid Afrika .


Noemnaam: Hennie



Datum: 11 Mar 1878
Plek: Ermelo Transvaal Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek


Bruidegom: Hendrik Theodor Scheepers
Bruid: Anna Lucia Smuts
Datum: 20 Sep 1910
Plek: Ermelo, Transvaal Provinsie, Unie van Suid Afrika
Marriage - "South Africa, Transvaal, Civil Marriages, 1870-1930," database, FamilySearch [2]. Bygevoeg deur Carl Schulze Scheepers

Prisone of War

Surname Scheepers [1]
Name Hendrik Thedorus [1]
Age 23 [1]
Address Goedehoop [1]
District Ermelo [1]
Where Captured Spitskop [1]
When Captured 1902/02/23 [1]
Camp Onbekend [1]
Country Indië [1]
Ship (To) Onbekend [1]
POW Number 30161
Anglo-Boer War Museum. An agency of the Department of Arts and Culture [1] Added by Carl Scheepers
Die Krygsgevangene Kamp briewe wat hier geplaas word is goedgunstiglik deur Henk Scheepers "Henk" aan my beskikbaar gestel . My oom Jantjie en tant Hiedie Het die oorspronklike briewe op wasvel oorgetik en afgerol vir die familie, Baie dankie . Die briewe is hoofsaaklik tussen Margaretha Elizabeth (Joubert) Scheepers (1850 - 1935) in Volksrust Konsentrasie Kamp en Hendrik haar seun Theodor (Hennie) Scheepers (1878 - 1935) in die Bhimtal Krygsgevangene Kamp, Bhimtal, Bengal, Indië . Sien fotos .


Datum: 14 Oktober 1982
Plek: Ermelo
Oorsaak van dood: Prostaat kanker.
Information of a Death - "South Africa, Transvaal, Civil Death, 1869-1954," database, FamilySearch [3] Added by AR Swanepoel
Death Notice - "South Africa, Transvaal, Probate Records from the Master of the Supreme Court, 1869-1958," database with images, FamilySearch [4] Added by AR Swanepoel


Boedel / Estate - Hendrik Theodor Scheepers - "South Africa, Transvaal, Probate Records from the Master of the Supreme Court, 1869-1958," database with images, FamilySearch [5] Added by AR Swanepoel


Grafsteen foto: eGGSA library Gravestones in Klipbank, farm cemetery, ERMELO district, Klipbank 295 IT, Mpumalanga, South Africa - Hendrik Theodor Scheepers 1939-1-22 [6] Added by Carl Scheepers


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Prisoner of war Scheepers Hendrik Theodorus)
  2. Marriage (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C91J-133J-X?cc=2727134 : 27 September 2019), > image 1 of 1; Citing NARS "Civil registration (marriages - coloureds), Transvaal and Swaziland, 1898-1927." The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa, Pretoria.)
  3. Information of a Death (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9BY-5DQW?cc=2998108 : 15 September 2019), > image 1 of 1; Department of the Interior. Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Transvaal.)
  4. Death Notice ((https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS4V-T9XP-G?cc=2520237 : 7 April 2020), > image 1 of 1; Pietermaritzburg Archives (formerly Natal State Archives), South Africa.)
  5. ESTATE / BOEDEL (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSSW-NPJZ?cc=2520237&wc=Q6VB-B5J%3A1590242745 : 16 December 2016), 007818054 > image 1508 of 2330; Pietermaritzburg Archives (formerly Natal State Archives), South Africa.)
  6. Burried (https://www.graves-at-eggsa.org/main.php?g2_itemId=4019489.)


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Hi would you be so kind as to also add ABW as manager. Thanks in advance R

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