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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Maternal line
mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share
some percentage of DNA with Marie Louise:
Deborah (DAndrea) Grande :
MyHeritage DNA
Pierre Savage :
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A094727 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member pssavage45
Liza (Macklem) Gervais :
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A057406 [compare], Ancestry member LizaGervais
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch T670382 [compare], FTDNA kit #251920
Guy Lusignan :
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch GL9073609 [compare], Ancestry member glusignan1
Richard Normandeau :
Gilles Roy :
Chantale (Turcotte) Elliott :
23andMe, GEDmatch ZP7611668 [compare] [compare x]
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch ZP7611668 [compare] [compare x], Ancestry member chantale_elliott
Have you taken a test? If so,
login to add it. If not,
see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
This week's featured connections are
New York architects:
Marie Louise is
13 degrees from Daniel Burnham, 27 degrees from David Childs, 26 degrees from Frank Gehry, 13 degrees from Cass Gilbert, 16 degrees from Henry Hardenbergh, 32 degrees from Maya Ying Lin, 14 degrees from Frederick Olmsted, 25 degrees from I. M. Pei, 16 degrees from John Roebling, 16 degrees from Stanford White, 15 degrees from Frank Wright and 20 degrees from Minoru Yamasaki
on our single family tree.
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