WikiTree is different because our goal is to have one profile per person, and that means we all work together as a BIG collaborative team!
You'll get an email from us that has helpful links to get you started on WikiTree, which is not like any other genealogy site out there.
When you confirm your email address, youll have an opportunity to volunteer and tell us about your genealogical interests.
What brings you to WikiTree? Do you have research youd like to share? Are you interested in how your family fits into the big tree? ?Fill in the tags and comments on your profile to show what you're researching? and click the "Save Tag(s) and Volunteer" button, and one of our Greeters will be happy to confirm your membership, and youll be on your way!
Now that you have had a little time to try WikiTree, there are a few more features you may find useful.
Ideas on what to include in a profile can be found in Styles and Standards, including some tips on writing biographies.
If you need to describe an event, an heirloom or a location relevant to your research, you may like to learn about Free Space Profiles.
Lastly, sometimes you'll run into unresponsive profile managers. We have a process for resolving those unfortunate situations.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask via my profile page.
Shirley Dalton, WikiTree Mentor
You are now a confirmed member of WikiTree! Thanks for volunteering.
Have fun and ask for help if you need it! WikiTree members are eager to offer guidance.
If you need additional help, our Mentors Project is a friendly bunch of volunteers who will be glad to assist you with WikiTree-specific problems.
Check out our Question of the Week: What are your favorite areas of genealogy research?
There are many ways you may get involved. See the Volunteers Needed page for more information on projects you can contribute to.
See you in the branches
WikiTree is different because our goal is to have one profile per person, and that means we all work together as a BIG collaborative team!
You'll get an email from us that has helpful links to get you started on WikiTree, which is not like any other genealogy site out there.
When you confirm your email address, youll have an opportunity to volunteer and tell us about your genealogical interests.
What brings you to WikiTree? Do you have research youd like to share? Are you interested in how your family fits into the big tree? ?Fill in the tags and comments on your profile to show what you're researching? and click the "Save Tag(s) and Volunteer" button, and one of our Greeters will be happy to confirm your membership, and youll be on your way!
Michael F. Harris, Volunteer Greeter