Communication Preferences:
I am interested in communicating with
cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy.
Here is my family tree.
My research focuses mostly on the following North Carolina counties: Mecklenburg, Gaston, Lincoln, Transylvania, and Macon, though obviously there are many other areas where my families have spread.
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2024! Together, we have made a significant difference to the quality of the One Big Tree, as we strive towards making English profiles the best that they can be.
Hi Pip, I hope 2024 has been a good year for you :) Here is the link to the newest G2G question: US Civil War December 2024/January 2025 Newletter. You'll find several links there. Also, just for fun, you might like to share a family tradition or favorite recipe with the group :)
Keep (fruitlessly) trying to remember if you are in SC or NC ...
if in SC watch out for amok monkeys (20-some of the 40-some had been so far captured yesterday) and the 2 emu ... IMO the monkeys are more likely to attack ...
I would never have thought that having a canoe or rowboat or pontoon in NC or SC as a thing to have .... you could store one for a decade and never have use for it and then sell it at a yard sale and then get slammed the coming winter by wind and water and where is the dratted water craft NOW when you NEEd it ??
You might want to schedule some blocs of time wherein you at least rest if not doze or even sleep?
Thanks, M. It was only fairly harrowing for us. We're just south of Asheville, and they got it a lot worse than us. We had only 10 days without power. No damage to our home.
K, if you find a profile of an ancestor that already exists on WIkiTree, you can just connect to that profile instead of creating another one. On the ancestor's page, click on [add child], and follow the directions on the page that the link takes you to.
Glad to see some upbeat "movement" in matters affecting you, such as the church workings, the priest, (and hopefully his wife) as well as the absence of flooding in your own local areas -
Reading the headlines (AOL) and the last 3, 4 days tells the tale of North Carolina battered by a storm and subsequent flooding. ARE you in the flood zone??
I actually live in what they call the Midlands of South Carolina. We live in Chapin which is about 30
minutes from the state capital of Columbia, South Carolina. We are lucky to only get the rain and wind from these storms, thank goodness. Thank you for asking.
Um. I'm geographically challenged, and don't know where Chapin is in relation to Cathey's Creek (Pip's locus) but It's good to know you're still on dry ground, so to speak. But Pip's in a "wet zone" so far as annual rainfall is measured ... think he also lives on areas where mudslide is a possibility. And he mentioned the outer band of the current hurricane crossing over his area
Yah, I figgered if she was in SOUTH C. and you are in NORTH C. and the ocean etc is even more "south" and "east" than NC and SC, that SC would be wetter ... concern is flooding, mudslides and / or mountain (or hill) sides that "calve" where dang near the whole "face" falls off .... AND etc ... including "sinkholes" that appear ... or the roadway falls into the abyss (been there, done that a few times) ...
Howsomever, is y'all are high and dry, I celebrate that
THANK you, once again, for the blessing of being acquainted with you.
I am lmpressed by the roster (incomplete, no doubt) of mechanical failures - and a few slaps from Nature such as hurricanes, blizzards, floods ...
You do not lead a "dull and boring" life. You DO lead an expensive one brought on by those mechanical bums.
It's a life a gambler might relish, plunk down your cash and spin the wheel and ... oops, the wheel breaks loose and careers across the room, knee-capping a few on its wild course ... It's the sort of life that if you operated an off-track betting parlor, the computer systems across half the state you live in would fritz in a periodic spasm of "surge" ... but you'd never suffer more than a moment's boredom before Mama Luck slapped you silly.
(You can see that if I lack facts, I can always supply malarky from my imagination. )
I can read about your trials and tribulations and "feel better" about the shambles I sometimes have to wade through.🤪
I see by this week's Chat you are filled with exhuberance planning of various actions and activities ... hopefully pain-free ... been a year since the 1st shoulder was "fixed" and not all that long ago, the other shoulder ditto ...
I have to suppose as long as you refrain from hurling cabers, your shoulders should do well ... seen some film clips of that and it is an impressive feat, success or no success ... but successful or not the effort exended in practice and in performance is rough on the whole body ...
Not sure why you are being phoned at 7 AM each AM when your daughter hies off to her destination, but in the events you do at least have a cheerful start to your day, both of you
Having attended Scottish Games (of course) and watching the caber toss, it's an activity that I don't want to think about trying. The last games I went to in Charleston SC a few years ago had several cabers shatter which is why they keep extras, lots of extras.
I didn't know that any nation except Scotland tossed cabers around. Hah. Little did I know and freely do I admit it. Turns out at least one other nation, Ireland but then I read further, and "It's highly popular and celebrated in such countries as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States of America." which is NOT to say any but Scotland is the "parent" nation.
In short, anywhere in the world a contingent of Scots settled, there you would find, eventually, a rasher of games and contests favored by the Scots.
Thank you for participating in the July Connect-a-Thon with the Southern Super Sweepers! We ended the Thon with 3291 profiles added! That's 114 more than in April. We couldn't have done it without you.
Hope to see you in October for the Source-a-Thon!
Dorothy and Nan,
Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers
Good to see you are still flourishing, amid the plethora of problems being solved with the church matters. Sad about the priest, keep his name active in the prayer circles.
PiP Sheppard I understand you are very knowledgably on all things WIKITREE and Hans Hofann has eluded to. so I am a newbie, and started adding folks to the tree, but I am interested in this one great tree\
On my home page I see some of the most direct person, I have added, mostly copying from my ancestry tree I have done DNA on Ancestry and 23 and me Found a lot of my bio family five years ago, I was adopted So like you home page, so as I add, I create new profiles, as they do not seem to match, will only records come up, I see on cousins match I have a lot of Churchills that is on my mothers side So how do I bring all the work they have done into mt tree?
I promise you, Mark, that there are others MUCH more knowledgeable about WikiTree. :-)
As you keep adding your family, you are eventually going to find a match with an ancestor or cousin who is already on WikiTree. Once you make that connection, all those lines beyond that ancestor will also be in yours. Others on WikiTree will have done the work for you. All you have to do is to make a connection.
Great to have you with the Southern Super Sweepers again! You've probably got all this, but just so it's handy --
We start on Friday, July 19th, at 8 a.m. Eastern; and go through Monday, July 22, at 8 a.m. Eastern.
Our team page is here:
A link to our G2G chat post will be posted there as soon as it's created.
A link to the tracker for this thon will also be posted there as soon as it's available.
PIP: "I’m still in therapy for my shoulder(s) but don’t know why. I think they are waiting for Medicare to finally say, “ENOUGH already!” I guess that if I am a money maker for them… On the other hand, I have to pay a deductible at my chiropractor’s office. I see him once a week for my favorite treatment: The Frankenstein Table. This version doesn’t bring you back to life, just taller."
SUSAN: your comment "just taller" reminds me of HS chum Vic who was born with one shoulder higher than the other ... Did not interfere with his becoming Special Forces (?) multi-tasking mentor, instructor, etc to cadre of natives in Viet Nam ... he came away from Viet Nam due to having to call in an airstrike on his own position - he was choppered out and repaired and recovered and went back in again 2nd time and 2nd time had to once again call in an airstrike on his own position ...
Vic came out of his 2 tours some 3 to 4 inches taller and the wonky shoulder gone, looked like the other shoulder ...
It was a long time before the hair on my neck stood down from hearing his Tale complete with entrails, bone fragments, lots and lots of gore, and some other even more gross details ...🌟 viva la vida, Vic !! 🌟
the message of the new German member you forwarded me was about a User Interface in German. I wrote her that non-English-natives want an international interface already for a long time, but that there isn't one currently.
Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.
The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year.
Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in?
Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project.
Many thanks!
Steve, on behalf of the England Project leadership
Thank you for participating in the April Connect-a-Thon with the Southern Super Sweepers! We ended the Thon with 3177 profiles added! That's 473 more than in January. We couldn't have done it without you.
You can choose either of these stickers to put on your profile:
Pip Sheppard participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon.
Pip Sheppard participated with Southern Super Sweepers during the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon, and added ### connections.
Hope to see you in July!
Dorothy and Nan,
Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers
Thanks for joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon! We start on Friday, April 12, at 8 a.m. Eastern; and go through Monday, April 15, at 8 a.m. Eastern.
Chat this Friday, 30th March - squirrels ate your truck?? Had you said "goats ate your truck" I'd credit it a lot more. Squirrels?? You have photos of the damage, yes? Insurance company may well collapse from laughing themselves silly.
Thank you Pip for welcoming me to WikiTree. I look forward to getting involved as I can regarding the Mason Singleton Jr tree as I have time. I have always been fascinated with learning more about my ancestors, and I do have quite a bit of information to share going forward on the Mason Singleton Jr tree...I am a 5th generation native Texan and Mason Singleton Jr is my great-great-great grandfather. Records I have go back to 1609 in London, England to Sir Robert Singleton and so far that is where we loose the trail on our ancestry. Thanks again for the welcome!
I saw you have completed your y-DNA; maybe you can help me with getting my father into a surname project. My goal for project enrollment is to prove paternity of Dad's g-grandfather who was adopted, though not likely legally adopted. I am pretty sure who I am seeking, though cannot find any records of him prior to 1843 marriage record, and census saying b.1825 in PA. Can I use the y-37 test (least expensive) to complete my goal?
Thanks for the welcome message. However, I tried adding a bunch of information about my background and my family tree and none of it is showing up. I don't understand how this works.
Hi Pip, the US Civil War Project is conducting a Check-in for 2024 to see if your still interested/active in the Project.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project
Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate this time around. My recent shoulder surgery keeps from from the computer except for short periods of time. Additionally, my daughter is coming this weekend. So sorry I cannot be there for the team. But when I get a chance, I’ll pop in on Discord to cheer the team on!
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023! Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be!
I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023!
On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024!
Hello from the Appalachia Project! Join us for our online Appalachia Project Party on Saturday, December 9th, 2023 at 2pm (EST)/7pm (UTC).
If you are signed up for our Project's Google Group, look for an email with the easy instructions on how to join. If you are on our Project's Discord Chat Channel, all details were posted under Announcements. (Please make sure to check your Spam folder as many have mentioned the Monthly Newsletter and other communication is landing in their spam.) Need to sign up for the Appalachia Project Google Group or Discord channel: Google Group and Discord Chat Channel
Hope to “see” you there!
Thank you for joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the 2023 Source-a-Thon! Dorothy will be starting a chat page on G2G when we get a little closer to the Thon. Our team page is here:
It has, among other info, the thon's video chat schedule, and a link to the Southern Super Sweepers discord channel.
Many thanks Pip for the Welcome to WikiTree; very much appreciated.
One of the reasons I wanted to join is because the surname I've been researching for approximately 40years, I'd previously undertaken as a One-Name Study, and indeed had been a member for several years of the UK "Guild of One-Name Studies", and whilst I have much of my research on my own website, in a book I had written, on my regularly updated program, and in 100s (literally) of files in my study, I feel that now is the time for me to share the fruit of my labours!
I'm sure that others have probably taken the same path as myself, inasmuch as when I first began researching my own Family History, there weren't such things as "Personal Computers", let alone anything else "electronic", and I still find it amazing that I had to go to Australia and New Zealand in 1992 in order to research the branches of the family who went there (voluntarily!) in the very early 1800s onwards - whereas nowadays I can "go" into the very vaults of where I went all those years ago, without having to fly, drive or stay anywhere!
Looking forward to being part of WikiTree, and to hopefully providing many new names, connections etc that will help achieve this site's ambitious aim!
Thanks again
(Whoops, almost forgot to say; my own ONS is Powditch)
Ha! I remember those days of research BEFORE computers. The progress was sloooow. I bought books that had some simple, transcribed records. Now most of those are obsolete as I can look at the actual documents online.
It is once again time for our annual Scotland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:
•If you would like to continue as a project member •If you are happy with your current teams or would you like to join a different team •How much time per month (on average) you spend working on Scottish profiles •Anything you’d like the Scotland Project to do more of in the future
You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you are no longer able to participate in the Scotland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.
On behalf of the Scotland Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve Scottish profiles!
Thanks for you message. Sadly, I cannot do as much as I would like within the Scotland Project. On occasion I work on a family I find that needs some improvement, but I am truly tied up with where my ancestors (mostly Ulster-Scots) settled near where I grew up. So, If you would not mind, I will formally drop out from the Scotland Project, though I will continue to do some work there when I need a break from my own closer family members. I really enjoy taking a deep dive in to something different once in a while.
That's a shame - we'll miss you! If you feel in need of more of Scotland you can always re-join the project by replying to our Welcome post in G2G which is linked from the main project page at
This is the time for the 2023 annual check in with members of the US Southern Colonies Project. Have you been active during the last six months in this Project? Note that it is a Wikitree requirement to respond to the US Southern Colonies Check-ins. Please reply to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..
Many thanks,
Mary~ Project Coordinator, Membership, US Southern Colonies
I have not been working on any of my SCs in the past six months, mainly adding descendants, but I do have one on my to-to list that needs a bit of ordering. So, I hope the project will hang on to me! :-)
Hello. I got a general message from you. I am trying to fill in immediate family and work on connections first. If you have any knowledge about Haliburton links, please let me know.
Victoria, the best place to get assistance for your research into your Haliburton line is to ask on our G2G Forum. Over the years, I have received tremendous help from members on G2G. I highly recommend it.
On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!
The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.
Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?
Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.
We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.
On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!
HI, Elizabeth! The England Project is so big, I'm wondering how many hours it's gonna take you to send all these check-ins!
I am on the Cornwall Team, have been for a while and that is my focus when I am working on English profiles. I have not done much for a bit. My American research is taking up most of my time. But, on occasion I work in Gulval Parish, home of my ancestors. I have not found a particular focus with the Cornwall Team but to create and/or clean up profiles there, rather individually.
I'll continue with what I am doing and enjoy the ride!
it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.
If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.
In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.
Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.
Join us for our online Appalachia Project Meetup on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 at 7pm (EST). If you are signed up for our Project's Google Group, an email was sent this morning with all the details. If you are on our Project's Discord Chat Channel, all details were posted under Announcements.
Please make sure to check your Spam folder as many have mentioned the Monthly Newsletter and other communication is landing in their spam.
ok Sir Pip I have some other life things to do. yes they exist, I was trying to correct my name to what it really is, I was being sly but It will not let me fix it ?
Please help. I like things neat. I was able to put the link in the fb. page i put the pic on and the link no prob. the problem was the old f,b I was trying to revive to keep it just for this but why have twenty of them. Im getting that look I have to go
OK Pip, I'm new and green, but I was hoping there was some way to populate a tree in a free app back 10 to 12 generations without having to copy and paste it all all over again. Is that possible any where of which you know??? I have uploaded a small test tree GEDCOM into Wiki, but I get just a spread sheet and don't see anyway to populate a tree. Thanks in advance for anyone's thoughts?? :) I looking for a fee program to put locally on my laptop, I find what I am trying to ask for is a way to LOAD A GEDCOM INTO A PEDIGREE STYLE TREE WITHOUT having to copy and past each name all over again. Sorry I'm so new I don't know the correct terminology to use in my requests. Thanks for your patience. :)
I have used small gedcoms because it's not so overwhelming adding those folks and cleaning up the profiles. The largest gedcom you can upload on WikiTree is limited top 5000 people or less.
Yes I've uploaded a GEDCOM, but all I get is a list or grid not populated tree. Seems like there should be some program that will take GEDCOM and upload it into a tree no just an excel looking sheet?? Does that make sense. I looking for a fee program to put locally on my laptop, I find what I am trying to ask for is a way to LOAD A GEDCOM INTO A PEDIGREE STYLE TREE WITHOUT having to copy and past each name all over again. Sorry I'm so new I don't know the correct terminology to use in my requests. Thanks for your patience. :)
Born in '25 connections:
Pip is
20 degrees from Arthur Guinness, 26 degrees from Tommaso d'Aquino, 19 degrees from Juana Aragón, 22 degrees from Jean Martin Charcot, 22 degrees from Johan de Witt, 31 degrees from B. B. King, 18 degrees from Angela Lansbury, 21 degrees from William Little, 19 degrees from Oliver Plunkett, 17 degrees from Joseph-Noël Ritchot, 27 degrees from Catherine Spence and 23 degrees from Wallace Yonamine
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2024! Together, we have made a significant difference to the quality of the One Big Tree, as we strive towards making English profiles the best that they can be.
I'd like to share our end-of-year 2024 Newsletter. You can read it here: We hope you enjoy reading about our many project achievements and ongoing developments.
On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, I wish you all the best for a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2025!
Joan, England Project Leader
May you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Kind regards,
if in SC watch out for amok monkeys (20-some of the 40-some had been so far captured yesterday) and the 2 emu ... IMO the monkeys are more likely to attack ...
I would never have thought that having a canoe or rowboat or pontoon in NC or SC as a thing to have .... you could store one for a decade and never have use for it and then sell it at a yard sale and then get slammed the coming winter by wind and water and where is the dratted water craft NOW when you NEEd it ??
You might want to schedule some blocs of time wherein you at least rest if not doze or even sleep?
Nice to see you back! M
I have a ton of information for my family tree but I'm not sure how to merge certain profiles and still continue.
Kind regards,
I actually live in what they call the Midlands of South Carolina. We live in Chapin which is about 30 minutes from the state capital of Columbia, South Carolina. We are lucky to only get the rain and wind from these storms, thank goodness. Thank you for asking.
Howsomever, is y'all are high and dry, I celebrate that
I am lmpressed by the roster (incomplete, no doubt) of mechanical failures - and a few slaps from Nature such as hurricanes, blizzards, floods ...
You do not lead a "dull and boring" life. You DO lead an expensive one brought on by those mechanical bums.
It's a life a gambler might relish, plunk down your cash and spin the wheel and ... oops, the wheel breaks loose and careers across the room, knee-capping a few on its wild course ... It's the sort of life that if you operated an off-track betting parlor, the computer systems across half the state you live in would fritz in a periodic spasm of "surge" ... but you'd never suffer more than a moment's boredom before Mama Luck slapped you silly.
(You can see that if I lack facts, I can always supply malarky from my imagination. )
I can read about your trials and tribulations and "feel better" about the shambles I sometimes have to wade through.🤪
edited by Susan Smith
I have to suppose as long as you refrain from hurling cabers, your shoulders should do well ... seen some film clips of that and it is an impressive feat, success or no success ... but successful or not the effort exended in practice and in performance is rough on the whole body ...
Not sure why you are being phoned at 7 AM each AM when your daughter hies off to her destination, but in the events you do at least have a cheerful start to your day, both of you
Adios, adieu, and other such blessings
In short, anywhere in the world a contingent of Scots settled, there you would find, eventually, a rasher of games and contests favored by the Scots.
Best regards
Best wishes
Thank you for participating in the July Connect-a-Thon with the Southern Super Sweepers! We ended the Thon with 3291 profiles added! That's 114 more than in April. We couldn't have done it without you.
Hope to see you in October for the Source-a-Thon!
Dorothy and Nan, Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers
On my home page I see some of the most direct person, I have added, mostly copying from my ancestry tree I have done DNA on Ancestry and 23 and me Found a lot of my bio family five years ago, I was adopted So like you home page, so as I add, I create new profiles, as they do not seem to match, will only records come up, I see on cousins match I have a lot of Churchills that is on my mothers side So how do I bring all the work they have done into mt tree?
As you keep adding your family, you are eventually going to find a match with an ancestor or cousin who is already on WikiTree. Once you make that connection, all those lines beyond that ancestor will also be in yours. Others on WikiTree will have done the work for you. All you have to do is to make a connection.
Best of luck in your research,
Great to have you with the Southern Super Sweepers again! You've probably got all this, but just so it's handy --
We start on Friday, July 19th, at 8 a.m. Eastern; and go through Monday, July 22, at 8 a.m. Eastern.
Our team page is here: A link to our G2G chat post will be posted there as soon as it's created. A link to the tracker for this thon will also be posted there as soon as it's available.
Participation instructions are here:
Schedule for the video hangouts during the Thon:
The Southern Super Sweepers Discord channel:
What an incredible job the greeters did this morning during the WikiTree Workshop the Ontario Ancestors Conference I did this morning!
The over 50 attendees were seamlesly, able to "Get Started" on WikiTree as the greeters were amazingly diligent at approving them.
An amazing bit of collaboration, there Pip!
Thank you for setting that all up for us. Great, just great!
SUSAN: your comment "just taller" reminds me of HS chum Vic who was born with one shoulder higher than the other ... Did not interfere with his becoming Special Forces (?) multi-tasking mentor, instructor, etc to cadre of natives in Viet Nam ... he came away from Viet Nam due to having to call in an airstrike on his own position - he was choppered out and repaired and recovered and went back in again 2nd time and 2nd time had to once again call in an airstrike on his own position ...
Vic came out of his 2 tours some 3 to 4 inches taller and the wonky shoulder gone, looked like the other shoulder ...
It was a long time before the hair on my neck stood down from hearing his Tale complete with entrails, bone fragments, lots and lots of gore, and some other even more gross details ...🌟 viva la vida, Vic !! 🌟
the message of the new German member you forwarded me was about a User Interface in German. I wrote her that non-English-natives want an international interface already for a long time, but that there isn't one currently.
Have a nice week
Thank you for contributing towards the goals of the England Project! Over the past year, a staggering amount has been done to improve English profiles on WikiTree and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.
The England Project leadership like to check in with all our project members at least once a year.
Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Or is there another team you would like to join or become more active in?
Please reply to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. Please also let us know if you have other feedback about the direction of the project.
Many thanks! Steve, on behalf of the England Project leadership
On occasion, when I can find time amidst my duties, I am still working on adding profiles from Gulval and Paracombe parishes.
Warm regards,
Thanks for the the reply (and for everything you do for WIkitree)
Best wishes Steve
Thank you for participating in the April Connect-a-Thon with the Southern Super Sweepers! We ended the Thon with 3177 profiles added! That's 473 more than in January. We couldn't have done it without you.
You can choose either of these stickers to put on your profile:
Hope to see you in July!
Dorothy and Nan, Co-Captains, Southern Super Sweepers
Thanks for joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the April 2024 Connect-a-Thon! We start on Friday, April 12, at 8 a.m. Eastern; and go through Monday, April 15, at 8 a.m. Eastern.
Participation instructions are here:
Our team page is here:
Our G2G chat post:
The Southern Super Sweepers Discord channel:
A link to the points tracker for this thon will also be posted on the team page, the chat page, and our discord channel as soon as it's active.
Schedule for the video hangouts during the Thon:
Share a connecting selfie here:
See you there! Nan, Co-Captain, Southern Super Sweepers
edited by Susan Smith
I saw you have completed your y-DNA; maybe you can help me with getting my father into a surname project. My goal for project enrollment is to prove paternity of Dad's g-grandfather who was adopted, though not likely legally adopted. I am pretty sure who I am seeking, though cannot find any records of him prior to 1843 marriage record, and census saying b.1825 in PA. Can I use the y-37 test (least expensive) to complete my goal?
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. You can click the reply button or message me with your answer. Thank you. Pam Kreutzer, leader of the US Civil War Project
Will you be able to join us for the Connect-a-Thon? Registration closes Wednesday night. If not, feel free to drop in on Discord every now & then for cheerleading duty!
Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate this time around. My recent shoulder surgery keeps from from the computer except for short periods of time. Additionally, my daughter is coming this weekend. So sorry I cannot be there for the team. But when I get a chance, I’ll pop in on Discord to cheer the team on!
Best of luck to the Sweepers!
Thank you for your commitment to the England Project and its goals in 2023! Together we are making English WikiTree profiles the best they can be!
I'd like to share our end-of-year 2023 Newsletter. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have achieved in 2023!
On behalf of all the England Project Leaders, we wish you a peaceful, productive and enjoyable 2024!
Best wishes,
Maddy, England Project Leader
If you are signed up for our Project's Google Group, look for an email with the easy instructions on how to join. If you are on our Project's Discord Chat Channel, all details were posted under Announcements. (Please make sure to check your Spam folder as many have mentioned the Monthly Newsletter and other communication is landing in their spam.) Need to sign up for the Appalachia Project Google Group or Discord channel: Google Group and Discord Chat Channel Hope to “see” you there! Tabor
Thank you for joining the Southern Super Sweepers for the 2023 Source-a-Thon! Dorothy will be starting a chat page on G2G when we get a little closer to the Thon. Our team page is here: It has, among other info, the thon's video chat schedule, and a link to the Southern Super Sweepers discord channel.
See you then!
Co-Captain, Southern Super Sweepers
I sent you a message a couple of days ago, have you had a chance to have a look at it?
(Feel free to erase this message after reading it... I didn't find the auto-destroy (MI) tool for after reading, to include here)
Regards, Rui
One of the reasons I wanted to join is because the surname I've been researching for approximately 40years, I'd previously undertaken as a One-Name Study, and indeed had been a member for several years of the UK "Guild of One-Name Studies", and whilst I have much of my research on my own website, in a book I had written, on my regularly updated program, and in 100s (literally) of files in my study, I feel that now is the time for me to share the fruit of my labours!
I'm sure that others have probably taken the same path as myself, inasmuch as when I first began researching my own Family History, there weren't such things as "Personal Computers", let alone anything else "electronic", and I still find it amazing that I had to go to Australia and New Zealand in 1992 in order to research the branches of the family who went there (voluntarily!) in the very early 1800s onwards - whereas nowadays I can "go" into the very vaults of where I went all those years ago, without having to fly, drive or stay anywhere!
Looking forward to being part of WikiTree, and to hopefully providing many new names, connections etc that will help achieve this site's ambitious aim!
Thanks again
(Whoops, almost forgot to say; my own ONS is Powditch)
Kind regards,
It is once again time for our annual Scotland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:
•If you would like to continue as a project member •If you are happy with your current teams or would you like to join a different team •How much time per month (on average) you spend working on Scottish profiles •Anything you’d like the Scotland Project to do more of in the future
You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you are no longer able to participate in the Scotland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.
On behalf of the Scotland Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve Scottish profiles!
Sheena - Scotland Project Membership Coordinator
Thanks for you message. Sadly, I cannot do as much as I would like within the Scotland Project. On occasion I work on a family I find that needs some improvement, but I am truly tied up with where my ancestors (mostly Ulster-Scots) settled near where I grew up. So, If you would not mind, I will formally drop out from the Scotland Project, though I will continue to do some work there when I need a break from my own closer family members. I really enjoy taking a deep dive in to something different once in a while.
Warm regards,
That's a shame - we'll miss you! If you feel in need of more of Scotland you can always re-join the project by replying to our Welcome post in G2G which is linked from the main project page at
Last name is misspelled. Should be Jett not Hett. I apologize for any error on my part.
Kind regards,
This is the time for the 2023 annual check in with members of the US Southern Colonies Project. Have you been active during the last six months in this Project? Note that it is a Wikitree requirement to respond to the US Southern Colonies Check-ins. Please reply to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..
Many thanks,
Mary~ Project Coordinator, Membership, US Southern Colonies
I have not been working on any of my SCs in the past six months, mainly adding descendants, but I do have one on my to-to list that needs a bit of ordering. So, I hope the project will hang on to me! :-)
Kind regards,
On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!
The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.
Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?
Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.
We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.
On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!
Kind regards,
Elizabeth, England Project Leader
I am on the Cornwall Team, have been for a while and that is my focus when I am working on English profiles. I have not done much for a bit. My American research is taking up most of my time. But, on occasion I work in Gulval Parish, home of my ancestors. I have not found a particular focus with the Cornwall Team but to create and/or clean up profiles there, rather individually.
I'll continue with what I am doing and enjoy the ride!
it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.
If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.
In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.
Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.
Kind regards from Black Forest
I have not been able to contribute much in the past year as my German lines are so far back. You can drop me from the ranks of the Germany Project.
Thanks so much,
Join us for our online Appalachia Project Meetup on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 at 7pm (EST). If you are signed up for our Project's Google Group, an email was sent this morning with all the details. If you are on our Project's Discord Chat Channel, all details were posted under Announcements.
Please make sure to check your Spam folder as many have mentioned the Monthly Newsletter and other communication is landing in their spam.
Appalachia Project Google Group and Discord Chat Channel
Please help. I like things neat. I was able to put the link in the fb. page i put the pic on and the link no prob. the problem was the old f,b I was trying to revive to keep it just for this but why have twenty of them. Im getting that look I have to go
edited by Philip Klingensmith
I have used small gedcoms because it's not so overwhelming adding those folks and cleaning up the profiles. The largest gedcom you can upload on WikiTree is limited top 5000 people or less.
Yes I've uploaded a GEDCOM, but all I get is a list or grid not populated tree. Seems like there should be some program that will take GEDCOM and upload it into a tree no just an excel looking sheet?? Does that make sense. I looking for a fee program to put locally on my laptop, I find what I am trying to ask for is a way to LOAD A GEDCOM INTO A PEDIGREE STYLE TREE WITHOUT having to copy and past each name all over again. Sorry I'm so new I don't know the correct terminology to use in my requests. Thanks for your patience. :)
Best, Phil K. :)
edited by Philip Klingensmith
Cheers, janet
sherry kirby
edited by Sherry (Kirby) Smith