Sharon (Shockey) Wetzel
Honor Code SignatorySigned 14 Nov 2014 | 5,299 contributions | 85 thank-yous | 1,801 connections
Sharon was born in 1965. She is the daughter of Daniel Shockey and Rosalee Keplinger.
mtDNA Haplogroup T2j1
See also:
This week's featured connections are Continental Congress participants: Sharon is 17 degrees from Samuel Adams, 17 degrees from Silas Deane, 17 degrees from Eliphalet Dyer, 16 degrees from Ben Franklin, 18 degrees from Mary Goddard, 15 degrees from Benjamin Harrison, 16 degrees from Stephen Hopkins, 14 degrees from Edmund Pendleton, 13 degrees from Peyton Randolph, 18 degrees from George Read, 14 degrees from John Walker and 17 degrees from Artemas Ward on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
S > Shockey | W > Wetzel > Sharon (Shockey) Wetzel
Categories: Descendants of Johann Christoffel Schacke, Shockey Name Study | West Virginia, Shockey Name Study | Shockey Name Study
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Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the January 2023 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to a Historical Finish with over 10k profiles added and an amazing 1st place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 95,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!! Here is The Wrap Up information
Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia
Next Thon: Connect-A-Thon in April (tbd)