Deena (Smith) Cross
Privacy Level: Private with Public Tree (Yellow)

Deena (Smith) Cross

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 13 Dec 2014 | 65,146 contributions | 2,316 thank-yous | 3,823 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Deena B. Cross formerly Smith
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and [private mother (1930s - 2010s)]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Descendants descendants
Mother of [private son (unknown - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Deena Cross private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 1 Aug 2011
This page has been accessed 14,651 times.

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  • full middle name (B.)
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  • images (1)
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  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Deena Cross's full information you must be on Deena's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Deena:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Deena (Smith) Cross: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A040160 [compare] [compare x]
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 88

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Thanks so much for joining Team Virginia for Connect-a-Thon XIII and helping to "grow" WikiTree!

Cheers, Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Deena - Thanks so much for joining Team Virginia for the 2024 Source-a-Thon!

If you'd like to add a sticker to your profile, here's coding for one option ... {Source-a-Thon|team=Team Virginia|year=2024|sources=46|extra=Team Virginia sourced 1,319 profiles!} add 2nd opening/closing braces to make the sticker "live" -

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with Team Virginia during the 2024 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 46 previously unsourced profiles. Team Virginia sourced 1,319 profiles!

For other options, see the Stickers section on the Team page.

Thanks again! Liz

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Found your bib image ...


posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Thank you Deena for participating in the July 2024 Connect-a-thon with the Northwest Terriers.  Together we brought in 3,025 added profiles.  Your count at the end of the Thon was 112 profiles added.

I'm looking forward to working with you on October's Source-a-thon.

Karen - Team Co Captain

posted by Karen (Rollet) Lorenz
Hi Deena, I am removing myself from Nettie Adsit's profile. Adsit-101. Pick it up if you want it. At 87 I'm pulling my horns in further and further as far as managers is concerned. It's been a pleasure working with you over the years.


posted by Beulah (Maltby) Cramer
Thank you ,Beulah! It has been a pleasure working with you.


posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
Hi Deena. Looks like you put Lloyd DeVault's birthplace as Jackson Township. What source lead you to decide that? I would love to see it. To the best of my knowledge he was from Pitzer, just outside of Winterset. On his first child's birth certificate he listed his own birthplace as Winterset.

Mike Jones (grandson of L W DeVault)

posted by Michael Jones
Family Search shows that was where Lloyd was born. There is also a source of the 1915 Iowa census which shows that is where he was living at the time of the census. I am still in Iowa and have done a lot of research on the Devaults. My husband's great, great grandmother was Anna Devault. I visited the cemetery in Pitzer several times where the parents of Anna are buried, Plus lots of other relatives
posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
Since you have been doing this for a long time and you are familiar with Iowa, may I ask you a question or two?

If I am looking at the same notation for 1915 census, I see a few things: 1. This looks different than all census records I have seen before; it is small and not a page full of the neighborhood. What is this? Is it what the family filled out and sent in? 2. It says County: Madison, PO: Winterset, Township: Jackson. But Jackson county is not Madison county and the two are not close to each other. How do you reconcile these?

By the way. My grandfather L W DeVault won't be found in a Pitzer cemetery. He was cremated and ashes scattered in the mountains in central California to be with my grandmother's ashes that were scattered in the same location years earlier.


posted by Michael Jones
This is an Iowa state census. They did them from 1895-1925, in years ending in 5. Yes, the 1905 and 1915 are not much help because they are individual cards. The 1895 shows family groups and neighbors as does the 1925. They lived in Jackson Township, Madison County, Iowa. If you are unfamiliar with townships google townships of Madison County, Iowa and you can find a map showing where each township is located.
posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
Thank you for the reply. I am not familiar with Townships. I googled. We don't have anything like that where I live. Seems strange. It is not a city or a town and it is not the county. So it seems that it is the geographic level between a County and a City. So, looked it up and we were both right. Pitzer is in Jackson Township.
posted by Michael Jones
Hi Deena,

I noticed that you updated the death date for Julia Ann (Janney) Hoge (1814-1882). What is your source? The research notes on the profile mention that no death date has been found, but it's great if you've found one. We should update the research notes.



posted by Paige Kolze
I wanted to take this time to thank you for your participation in the 2023 Source-a-thon. It was a pleasure to work together as a team to improve Wikitree. We hope you'll join in the fun during the next challenge!

Little_Team_On_The_Prairie-17.jpg Little Team on the Prairie : Learning I Connecting I Sourcing I Mentoring

posted by Judi Stutz

Your Virginia ancestor is Johanne Alexander Winegar aka John A Winegar, b 1750 , VA, first wife Irena died before marriage to 2cd wife Catherine Huffman. see my book Descendants of John A. Winegar, Revolutionary War Soldier. He died 1835 in Orange Co. Ind. DAR placed a marker on his grave at Cane Creek Cemetery. His father is Johan Nicolaas Winegar aka Nicolas Wininger, buried in the JOHN WINEGAR CEMETERY, Hawkins Co. Tenn. His son Andrew was executor of his will. I am descendant of 3 of John A Winegar's sons. They moved to Dubois Co. Ind. where I grew up with a huge extended family of Winingers/ Weiningers. DeborahGregoryWinegar, aka Deborah Silveira

Deena -

Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the April 2023 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to the First Place finish with over 7500 profiles added. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 76,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!! Here is The Wrap Up information

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with The Virginia Connectors during the 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 106 connections.

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi Deena!

Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the January 2023 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to a Historical Finish with over 10k profiles added and an amazing 1st place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 95,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!! Here is The Wrap Up information

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with The Virginia Connectors during the 2023 Connect-a-Thon, and added 199 connections.

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

Next Thon: Connect-A-Thon in April (tbd)

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi Deena!

Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the 2022 Source-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to an amazing 1st place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members sourced over 63,000k Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!! Here is The Wrap Up information

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with Team Virginia during the 2022 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 110 previously unsourced profiles. We added 7,350 sources & finished in 1st place!

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

WikiTree Symposium and Day on November 4-5, 2022

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi Deena,

You recently made some name field changes to

I reverted your edits to a previous version, supported by what's explained in the narrative.

I appreciate what you were trying to do, but in this specific case, the changes were inaccurate.

posted by Jillaine Smith
Deena -

We just started a new project on WikiTree: the Appalachia Project and we would love to have you join us. Since you are already working on profiles in Appalachia it wouldn't add to your WT work. Just a sticker and a category, here and there. To join, review the Project page, pick a regional team (or teams) and answer the G2G Membership post.

Join Today!
posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
edited by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi Deena!

Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the July 2022 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to an amazing 1st place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 87,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!! Here is The Wrap Up information

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with The Virginia Connectors during the 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 138 connections.

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

Next Thon: Source-A-Thon in the Fall (tbd) and WikiTree Day on November 5, 2022

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hello Deena!

I’m conducting the 6-month check in for the US Black Heritage Project. Because we are growing so fast, it’s not always possible for me to see what everyone’s working on.

I’d love to hear what you’ve been working on and if you are still happy being a part of the Heritage Exchange and Profile Improvement teams. Members can change teams at any time.


The most recent thing I have done is go through my Baker family wills and add the enslaved persons listed in the wills to the profiles of the owners. One such person is Robert Baker b. 1747. Most of the Bakers lived in Prince Edward Co Virginia.
posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
Thank you for doing this valuable work! It's going to help many descendants. Thank you for merging this. Donna Cator
posted by Donna (Fuller) Cator
Hi Deena!

Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the April 2022 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to an amazing 1st place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 84,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!!

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with The Virginia Connectors during the 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 87 connections.

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

Next Thon: Connect-A-Thon in July (tbd)

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Sourcerers' Challenge Wise Owl Red Hot Effort Milestone for 100 sourced profiles
Deena (Smith) Cross reached the Red Hot Effort milestone by sourcing 100 profiles in the ??January 2022?? Sourcerers Project Sourcerers' Challenge.

Thanks for sourcing.

posted by Bill Feidt

Congratulations on adding sources to 193 profiles during the January Sourcerers Challenge! Thank you for improving the health of our One Tree.

Nan, WT Appreciation Team

posted by Nan (Lambert) Starjak
Hi Deena,

If you wish to join the Disasters project, go to g2g, and ANSWER this posting . A leader will award you a badge for the project. Then you can work on a space page for Flooding Disasters or a space page for the


Mary ~ Project Coordinator

posted by Mary Richardson
edited by Mary Richardson
Hi Deena!

Thank you for your participation with Team Virginia in the January 2022 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to an amazing 2nd place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 85,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!!

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with The Virginia Connectors during the 2022 Connect-a-Thon, and added 128 connections.

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

P.S. Our Discord Channel is also active all year, not only during Thons. Drop in and say hi!

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
edited by Sandy (Craig) Patak

You have added the project box for the US Black Heritage to numerous profiles....remember that this project box must also have the project as a profile manager. Please make sure the project is in agreement and adds these projects to their managed list. Thanks for helping to improve WikiTree.

posted by Robin Lee
Thanks Robin. Does the project box look the same only smaller?
posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
A "Project Box" indicates that a project is responsible for managing the profile, therefore, the project MUST be added as a profile manager and the project must direct this activity. The person on the project directing this activity should provide you with the appropriate instructions. The the US Black Heritage project manager is unaware of the work you have been doing and is also interested in who gave you the direction to add the Project Box to these profiles. We need your help understanding who gave the direction.

Is is possible that you thought you were adding a "Sticker" to the profiles?

posted by Robin Lee
Deena -

Registration for the 1st 2022 Connect-A-Thon is open. Can't have a Team Virginia Thon without ya!

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Thanks for joining Team Virginia on the 2021 Source-A-Thon.  Our Team finished in 1st place by sourcing over 6,600 Profiles!  That is an amazing job!! 

We couldn't do it without you & look forward to you joining us on the 2022 Clean-A-Thon!

Mindy & Sandy - Team Virginia Co Captains

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Dazzling Deena -

WikiTree's 2021 Source-A-Thon is October 1st through the 4th and registration is NOW open. We would love to have you join us at Team Virginia again this year!

To sign up, "Answer" the main G2G question and state that you wish to be on "Team Virginia". LOTS of great prizes this year!!

(As a note, you can source ANY needy Profile, not just those in VA/WV/KY)

Hope you will join us!

Mindy and Sandy - Team Virginia 2021 Source-A-Thon

Register at:

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
Hi Deena!

Thank you for your participation on Team Virginia in the July 2021 Connect-A-Thon. You helped bring Team Virginia to an amazing 2nd place finish. We could not have done it without you! This year's Thon members added over 74,000k new Profiles to the Global Shared Tree!!

Deena (Smith) Cross participated with The Virginia Connectors during the 2021 Connect-a-Thon, and added 97 connections.

Mindy and & Sandy ~ Team Virginia

Save the Date: October 1st through 4th, Source-A-Thon (with amazing prizes!)

posted by Sandy (Craig) Patak
edited by Sandy (Craig) Patak
As part of an annual check-in for the WikiTree US Presidents Project we are asking members if they are planning to continue their contributions to the project. We are establishing a page where everyone can identify the President or Vice President that they wish to manage. Just respond to this message to let me know 1) Are you planning to continue with the Project and 2) do you have a specific President or Vice President that you are interested in.
posted by Robin Lee
Hi, Deena!

Thank you for your participation in October’s 2020 Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better.

Keep up the great work!

Pippin Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Hello, Deena!

Thanks for all the work you accomplished during our Connect-A-Thon 2020. It is amazing how many more profiles were created and added to our Shared Tree. You have every right to be pleased with your efforts!

Kind regards,

Pippin Sheppard ~ WikiTree’s Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Hi there, Deena!

Thanks so very much for your participation in the spring Clean-a-thon! Every suggestion you cleared made our Tree that much better. The WikiTree community appreciates YOU!

Pip Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Hello Deena,

It's Thon time again, this time the Spring Clean-a-Thon! It will be from April 24-27, 2020. Do you want to participate with Team Cornbread Catchers in this Thon? Sign up here! And mention that you want to be on the Cornbread Catchers team!

Debi & Sarah

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
I would love to be on the Cornbread Catchers team.
posted by Deena (Smith) Cross
Great, Deena. Please use the sign up here link in my original post to add an answer and say that you want to be on our team.
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Incredibly great work during the 2020 Scan-a-thon! Our Tree has been enhanced by your efforts to preserve photos and documents, Deena!

The Appreciate Team THANKS YOU!

Pippin Sheppard Appreciation Team Member

posted by Pip Sheppard
11th cousin thru Perkins line
posted by Patricia (Long) Kent
Thank you for your outstanding participation and efforts during the 2019 Source-a-thon. As a result, the team placed 8th this year, up from our 25th place last year. I couldn't be more pleased!!

Looking forward to our next "a-thon" together!

Don't mark them unsourced! Source them and include them in your sourcing total!

Anything marked as unsourced NOW will not count if you source it from what I understand.

Good afternoon fellow Team Missouri team mate! Just wanted to make sure you have the link for the team chat and don't forget, things kick off tomorrow at 8 AM Eastern time!

Hi Deena,

I hope you are saving the date (4 Oct - 7 Oct 2019) for the annual Source-a-Thon. Registration is now open. Head to the G2G for the registration post. I'm really excited as this is my favorite Thon. I hope that you are joining us in the fun again!

(=' :')
GO Team Virginia!!
posted by Mindy Silva
As part of a re-vitalization of the WikiTree US Presidents Project we are asking members if they are planning to continue their contributions to the project. We are establishing a page where everyone can identify the President or Vice President that they wish to manage. Just respond to this message to let me know 1) Are you planning to continue with the Project and 2) do you have a specific President or Vice President that you are interested in.
posted by Robin Lee
Hi Deena- between us sounds like we might be able to get the whole of Samuel P May's book into Wikitree! How great that will be for those that follow. Did you see the book we got in It has S P May's personal notes in it. e.g. check out page 799 -
posted by L. Ray Sears III, P.E.
HI Deena!

Congratulations on making more than 1,000 contributions to WikiTree for the Month of May. We all appreciate your efforts to make our Shared Tree the best it can be. Keep up the great work and THANK YOU!

Pip Sheppard

WikiTree Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Just a quick note to say good day! I hope you have a great time as part of Team Tornadoes and WikiTree's Spring 2019 Clean-a-Thon :-) Be sure to drop by and say "hi" once you get rolling on errors.


posted by Abby (Brown) Glann
Hi Deena

The Arborists Project is currently making some changes, starting with a change of the Arborists Project Google Group. The link to request to join the new group is on the Arborists Project page. Alternatively, if you send me your preferred email address for google groups, I can send you an invitation to join. Thanks for being part of the Arborists. Sarah and I look forward to you being involved as the Project moves forward. Gillian, co-Leader, Arborists Project

posted by Gillian Thomas

Rejected matches › Deena Smith

This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Deena is 14 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 16 degrees from Winston Churchill, 23 degrees from Charles de Gaulle, 22 degrees from Vida Goldstein, 15 degrees from Patrick Henry, 18 degrees from John Kennedy, 18 degrees from Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt Nez Perce, 19 degrees from Louis Riel, 17 degrees from Eleanor Roosevelt, 21 degrees from Sojourner Truth, 26 degrees from Richard von Weizsäcker and 19 degrees from William Wilberforce on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

S  >  Smith  |  C  >  Cross  >  Deena (Smith) Cross

Categories: Mayflower Descendants on WikiTree | University of Northern Iowa | Teachers