Born in California iust north of Mexico’s border. Parents medical missionaries, so I tagged along. Schools in London, Rangoon Burma (Myanmar) and India’s Himalaya Mountains. Eventually medical school in California with a stint in London, the United States Army in Vietnam and then decades in Chicago hospitals.
My father was fascinated by genealogy, so as a kid I got to visit old family homes and relatives in Europe. Genealogy is terrific in retirement. I just wish my dad had lived to see the explosion of genealogy on the internet.
edited by John Smith MD
Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles!
It’s very important to read and understand the Help:Pre-1700 Profiles page. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many, and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines in the certification quiz.
Primary sources should always be added to pre-1700 profiles at the time they are created. If you don't have a source for a pre-1700 profile, it would be best to ask for help in the G2G forum before creating the profile. However, I can see that you are already doing this!
Best wishes
Maureen ~ WikiTree Pre-1700 Greeter
I am so excited to see you here!
Thank-you for the warm welcome. Happy to be aboard. You and I can tag team. I noticed over the years Wikitree is the most informative, reliable and helpful online genealogy site; so, rather than just take info, I’ll enter some. Unfortunately for you and me, I know far more about my mom’s than my dad’s side. So, we’ll just have to dig deeper.
Thank you, for signing the Honor Code. Please visit our tutorial pages to learn how to use WikiTree: How To Use WikiTree. Exploring the site is the best way to learn. One way to do that is to check out the drop-down menus on the top right side of your profile page.
Finding a known ancestor and collaborating with the profile manager is a great way to start.
Questions? You can always use the G2G link in the Help Menu to find answers.
Laura ~ WikiTree Greeter 🙂
This is just a note to say hi and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about WikiTree.
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Karen Lorenz - Wikitree Greeter
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