Maternal relationship is confirmed by a triangulated group on GEDmatch who share a 8 cM segment on chromosome 4, consisting of Deadra Doucet, GEDmatch kit # T299183, and Ronald Thibodeaux, her 5th cousin 1x removed, GEDmatch kit # CM7128676, and Jason Thibodeaux, her 5th cousin 2x removed, GEDmatch kit # LD2475986. (Ronald and Jason are 5th cousins 3x removed.) Their most-recent common ancestors are Pierre Thibodeau and Françoise Sonnier, the 5x great grandparents of Deadra Doucet, 4x great grandparents of Ronald Thibodeaux and 7x great grandparents of Jason Thibodeaux. DNA test taker Deadra Doucet is the daughter of Joyce Smith, the daughter of Lelia Thibodeaux, the 3x great granddaughter of the common ancestors Pierre Thibodeau & Françoise Sonnier.
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