Ron Smith
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Ron Smith

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 6 Nov 2012 | 2,471 contributions | 56 thank-yous | 2,573 connections
Ron W. Smith
Born 1940s.
Ancestors ancestors
Son of [private father (1890s - 1950s)] and
Brother of [private sister (1920s - 1990s)], [private brother (1920s - 1970s)] and [private brother (1920s - unknown)]
Descendants descendants
Father of [private daughter (1960s - unknown)], [private son (1960s - unknown)], [private son (1960s - unknown)] and [private son (1970s - unknown)]
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Profile last modified | Created 5 Nov 2012
This page has been accessed 2,907 times.



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  • First-hand information. Entered by Ron Smith at registration.


This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.


Date: 05 SEP 1941
Place: St. Peters, Charlottetown, PE

Religious Confirmation

Religious Confirmation:
Date: 06 MAR 1953
Place: St. Peters, Charlottetown, PE


Education: Ronald attended grades 1 to 7 at West Kent School from Sept. 1947 to 1954; grades 8 to 10 at Queen Charlotte High from 1954 to 1957; and Prince of Wales College from 1957 to 1963.
Date: BET 1947 AND 1963
Place: Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Note: #N1
Education: MSc in Rural Sociology (Granted May 1975) Ronald entered the PhD program at Penn State in 1977 and completed the required coursework and passed the comprehensive exam but did not complete the required thesis.
Date: BET SEP 1973 AND MAY 1975
Place: Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
Education: Bachelor of Arts (Granted May 1974)
Date: BET MAY 1972 AND MAY 1973
Place: University of PEI


EMPLOY Accepted a post with Manpower and Immigration.
Date: NOV 1966
Place: Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada


Residence: The first residence of Ronald was 63 Cedar Street in Halifax. He lived there for about 4 years while his father was posted in Halifax in the Canadian Army.
Date: 16 FEB 1941
Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


  • WikiTree profile Smith-34011 created through the import of Smith - Aitken_2012-11-05.ged on Nov 6, 2012 by Ron Smith. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Ron and others.


Note N1Attended West Kent (Grades 1 to 7); Queen Charlotte Jurior High (Grades 8 to 10); and Prince of Wales College (Grades 11 and 12). Also completed 1st and 2nd year university at Prince of Wales College.
Note N2Father, Walter Smith, served with the Canadian Army during 2nd World War and was based in Halifax, NS, therefore Ronald was born in Halifax.

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Comments: 14

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Hi Ron,

Here is the Space page started for Henry and his decendants. Feel free to edit at will, comment or critique. Cousin Toomy

posted by Thomas Lawrence
Hi Ron,

Thanks for taking the Pre-1700 Quiz!

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Can't find what you're looking for? Let me know, and I can make some suggestions! :-)

David ~ Pre-1700 Greeter

posted by David Selman

Hi you may have this information on the history of Taunton MA

still trying to see if Smith family related

posted by Sharon Smith
Thanks for the star, Ron! That was very nice of you :)
posted by Leanne Cooper
I think I found all of the duplicates. Let me know if I missed something
posted by Paula J
Hi Sharon. I have read your notes but I don't think that our Smiths are connected excepting through some common ground, Taunton. My Smiths went to Taunton from Prince Edward Is. looking for work in the silverware factories. They originally immigrated to Prince Edward Is. from Mendham, Suffolk, England in about 1832.
posted by Ron Smith
A marginal note in the Plymouth Colony Records states that"Taunton began here to be added to this booke, June 5, 1638." A list of Plymouth Colony freemen of 7 March 1636/37 contains seven names of men identified as being of Cohannett: Shadrach Wilbore.) Other records show that these seven were first made freemen on 4 Dec 1638 so that the names were additions to the earlier list. Previous to 1640, Mr. Richard Smith, William Parker, John Smith, Mr. Thomas Farwell, Mr. David Corwithy, Mr. Holloway, Mr. Nicholas Street, Thomas Gilbert, Thomas Cooke, John Richmond, Hezekiah Hoar, Richard Paull, Hugh Rossiter, Francis Street, John Gingell, and William Scadding, were freemen. Thus we have the names of not less than twenty-four men, who doubtless belonged to the original church of Taunton, and if
posted by Sharon Smith
A place to collect the families and individuals who settled Taunton, Massachusetts and examine where they came from in England and their marriage patterns.

"Probably the early settlers of this region came largely from the southwest of England, for we there find the familiar names of Norton, Dorchester, Weymouth, Wareham, Bridgewater, Plymouth, Barnstable, Somerset, Dartmouth, Berkley, Tiverton, surrounding the English Taunton, much as do their namesakes our own city ; and the settlers of Cohannet on March 3, 1639, (O. S.) procured the name to be changed to Taunton, as they themselves say, 'in honor and love to our dear and native country.'"

posted by Sharon Smith
Smith Family

According to Samuel Hopkins Emery (1853), The relation of the two early settlers, Mr. Richard Smith and John Smith is not known. If John was the son of Richard, as is not improbable,* the following names copied from the Proprietors' Records, may be those of his children, otherwise his grand-children. "The names of the children of John Smith, Sen.: (1) Elizabeth, born Sept. 7, 1663. (2) Henry, born May 27, 1666. John Smith, Senior, mar. Jael Parker of Bridgewater, Nov. 15, 1672. (3) Deborah, born March 7, 1676. (4) Homer, born March 22, 1678. (5) John, born Dec. 6, 1680.

Richard Smith, Jr. came with his father, Richard Smith, Sr. [Is this correct??] in 1630, from Gloucestershire, England, to Boston where he married. The young man settled with his father at Taunton, Massachuse

posted by Sharon Smith
Thank you Ron for adding the McDonald information.


The family names are Smith Keith Carr Hopkins Doty Cooke also related to rev John Willis working on connection to President John Adams please e-mail me anytime
posted by Sharon Smith

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