1861 Census: "1861 Scotland Census" Parish: Galashiels; ED: 1; Page: 28; Line: 11; Roll: CSSCT1861_139; Registration Number: 775; Household schedule number: 115; Roll: CSSCT1861_139 Ancestry ca Record 1080 #492015 (accessed 28 December 2023) Clara E Smith (1) daughter in household of Peter Smith (42) in Albert Place No 9 in Galashiels registration district. Born in Gals, selkirk S.
1871 Census: "1871 Scotland Census" Parish: Galashiels; ED: 3; Page: 12; Line: 1; Roll: CSSCT1871_177; Registration Number: 775/1; Household schedule number: 55; Roll: CSSCT1871_177 Ancestry ca Record 1104 #685901 (accessed 28 December 2023) Calard E Smyth (11) daughter, Scholar, in household of Isabella Smyth (54) at 17 Paton St, Galashiels, Selkirkshire in Galashiels Burgh registration district. Born in Galashiels, Selkirk.
1881 Census: "1881 Scotland Census" Parish: Galashiels; ED: 4; Page: 23; Line: 24; Roll: cssct1881_313; Registration Number: 775; Household schedule number: 115 Ancestry ca Record 1119 #2605132 (accessed 28 December 2023) Clara Eliza Smyth (21) daughter, Power Loom Weaver, in household of Isabella F Smyth (63) at 25 Overhaugh St in Galashiels registration district. Born in Selkirkshire, Galashiels.
1891 Census: "1891 Scotland Census" Parish: Logie; ED: 13; Page: 7; Line: 8; Roll: CSSCT1891_114; Registration Number: 374; Household schedule number: 35; Roll: CSSCT1891_114 Ancestry ca Record 1108 #1116911 (accessed 28 December 2023) Clara E Knox (31), wife, in household of Archibald Knox (31) at Mill House in Logie registration district. Born in Galashiels, Selkirkshire.
"Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924" Library and Archives Canada; Form 30A Ocean Arrivals (Individual Manifests), 1919-1924; Rolls: T-14939 - T-15248 Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry ca Record 1588 #532581 (accessed 28 December 2023) Name: Clara Eliza Knox; Gender: Female; Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860; Birth Place: Galashiels, Scotland; Age: 60; Date of Arrival: 10 Mar 1920; Ship Name: Victorian.
1921 Census: "1921 Census of Canada" Reference Number: RG 31; Folder Number: 14; Census Place: 14, Fraser Valley, British Columbia; Page Number: 29; Line Number: 19 Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry ca Record 8991 #8882764 (accessed 28 December 2023) Clara E Knox (61), widowed head of household at 365 Williams Rd, Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Born in Scotland.
1931 Census: "1931 Census of Canada" Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Seventh Census of Canada, 1931; Folder Number: T-27364; Census Place: Vancouver South, British Columbia, Canada; Page Number: 2 Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry ca Record 62640 #7102530 (accessed 28 December 2023) Clara Ge Knox Sr (71), widowed mother-in-law, in household of Clara Ge Knox Sr (71) at 3817 W 16th, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Born in Scotland.
Find a Grave, database and images, memorial page for Clara Eliza Smythe Knox (18 Jul 1859–5 Dec 1935), Find A Grave: Memorial #126662051, citing Chilliwack Cemeteries, Chilliwack, Fraser Valley Regional District, British Columbia, Canada; Maintained by Just Searching (contributor 48308223).
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