Chet Snow
Honor Code SignatorySigned 12 Dec 2013 | 68,524 contributions | 6,929 thank-yous | 2,763 connections
I came across this in a recent research foray. If anyone knows whose grave this is on, let me know. Chet
I was born at the end of WW II in Paterson, NJ, where my father was employed as a mechanical engineer at the Wright Aeronautical works, helping develop jet aircraft engines during that conflict. My parents met when both were students at Penn State University in State College, PA. Both my grandfathers were also professors at Penn State until they retired. All are now deceased. I have one older brother, retired from the US Federal Government, in Florida.
I went to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, alma mater of my maternal grand-father, for whom I am named, and I later did graduate work in history at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, at Columbia University and at the Institute for Advanced Studies, up to my doctorate in social history. I taught college history for a while until I decided Academia, with all its committees, was not for me.
In the 1970s I moved to Napa, California; since 1994 I have lived in Sedona, with my wife, born in France, and whom I met while living in Paris doing research in the 1980s. We have no children and I am now retired.
Ten years ago, in December 2013, I was "bitten by the genealogical bug" and discovered Wikitree, whose easy access and community ethics appealed to me. In a relatively short time, I have found answers to many of my questions about different branches of my family, such as that my Snow relatives and I are descendants of 2 Mayflower passengers... I have therefore set up a Snow one-name study page (although I haven't had much time to work on it yet!) and added DNA testing to my biography.
I am always open to new information, corrections anywhere on my Tree (with Sources, please!), and to finding new distant cousins from my Snow, Bonine, Weston, Whiteman +/or other related lineages.
As I am bilingual in French, I will be happy to assist Wikitree researchers seeking short translations etc. from that language too.Acadian heritage connections: Chet is 21 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 23 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 19 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 23 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 19 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 21 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 20 degrees from Anne Murray, 21 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 21 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 20 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 20 degrees from Marie Travers and 22 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
I believe both suggestions on his page are wrong, and the other Revells who have researched it are wrong as well.
I think he's from the Revells of Ogston, Derbyshire, possibly an illegitimate son of Edward Revell and Jane Lacy (see Derbyshire Pedigrees, 1569 and 1611, p.71). It fits the pattern of obviously highborn but without documents, a pattern similar to the recent Jamestown DNA discovery. His first son was Edward so it fits the naming convention, and the general Royalist naming pattern is consistent with the descendants and ancestors. (I'm his 13th great grandson, first name Richard).
Y-Haplogroup also ruled out a French origin after 1400; the Revells were Normans.
Thon sign up, for next month, is now open. If you are able and wanting to join me, please sign up here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1828097/have-you-registered-for-our-2025-winter-connect-a-thon-yet
Also, here is the team chat!: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1826084/legacy-heirs-january-2025-connect-a-thon-team-chat
It has been a good while since the Magna Carta Project asked members to check-in. We are interested now in updating our membership list and making sure that it accurately reflects our current membership. We would greatly appreciate your timely response to the following questions:
1. Would you like to continue as a member of the Magna Carta Project?
2. Do you have any interest in taking a more active role in the project and, if so, what might you be interested in doing?
3. If your interests have changed and/or you no longer have time to participate in the project, would you like to remain a member of the google group and continue receiving updates about project activities?
If you do wish to continue as a project member, please either post a response to this message or send me a private email. If we do not hear from you by October 16th we will assume you are exploring different interests and no longer wish to be involved with the project.
with warmest regards,
Jen, Magna Carta Project co-leader
Chet Snow and Polly Watkins are both descendants of Elizabeth Stewart (abt.1450-abt.1529).
I hope you might be able to help me remove my ancestors and ydna results from this tree. Benjamin Brown, Sr. and wife Sarah Thompson were their names. The John Brown shown as Benjamin's father is not related to me. Thanks, Keith Brown
I see you contacted me recently in regards to Mayflower descendant stickers on profiles. The stickers I am using are merely a customized version of the normal Descendant sticker; it is NOT the official Mayflower Descent Sticker that is restricted to living individuals.
Numerous other people have contacted me in regards to this, and I was told previously by people who are involved with template maintenance/usage that there is not an issue with my usage of the template.
W. A. Hopkins
Thank you for your quick answer. I spent some time in the past few days with a 31 pages (plus detailed notes) document that Alice Eichholz put on the Linville Family web site https://linvillefamily.us/ called "Linville Family in America – First Generations." I just happened to discover it about a week ago. To see this, you can go to the web site and click on the link to the document, and it will download. She wrote this in 2012, and it includes updates and corrections to the information in her book. Regarding the death of John Linville (Linville-5), she says (p. 13): "John Linville probably died after 14 Oct. 1739 at Conestoga, Lancaster County, PA, a date when daughter Lydia's husband, Samuel Richey, wrote his will. The inventory for Richey's estate indicates that John Linville owed the estate 1/3 of a debt." Alice seems to feel that John probably died in Pennsylvania, but Ann went to South Carolina, probably to live with a daughter, and died there in 1785. She has a citation for an estate file for Ann. I am planning to try to get a copy of it, but I just learned about it from this document, which I just found about a week ago. I was gratified to discover that Alice cited an article I wrote about the marriage of Agnes Linville, daughter of John (Linville-5) and correspondence with me in notes 261 and 262! Peace Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer (also a descendant of John Linville (Linville-5) and Ann, through their daughter Agnes (Linville) Hindman)
I have been working on my Linville connection recently, and am looking at the Wiki page for Ann (Hendricks) Linville (1685-1733??) (Hendricks-355), wife of John Linville (1677-1739 [not 1733, according to Alice Eichholz]) (Linville-5). Whoever wrote the original page for Ann Hendricks wrote that Ann's third husband was "Ellender Bryan." This is *very* confused, because Ellender is a variant of the name Eleanor, and Eleanor Bryan was the wife of William Linville, the son of John and Ann (Hendricks) Linville. That whole paragraph needs to be removed. I am not yet certified for pre-1700 work, so I can't do it myself. Also, Thomas Baldwin was the name of John Linville (1677-1739)'s stepfather (b. 1657) and stepbrother (b. 1685). There is no evidence that either of them were married to Ann Hendricks. Can that paragraph also be removed from the biography? I have more questions, but will wait until you answer this.
Peace Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
You are right there have been many additions to this profile which I did not create but as Ann is my 7th great-grandmother, I adopted it a few years ago. I had made "notations" on it about the clearly-conflated passages but have not had time to do real research - and I do not have access behind Ancestry.com's "pay wall" subscription. I have added "Research Notes" to help clear up the conflations. I do not know which date 1733 or 1739 is when Ann Linville died - it may be 1739 as her husband is said to have died in 1733 but I do feel certain that they died in Augusta Co., Virginia, not in Pennsylvania. More research is required than I have time for at the moment but at least I believe the narrative is clear.
He is not a relative so far as I know - my apologies if I interrupted your work.
Best Chet Snow-2128
George Parchment married Grace Snowe 15 Sep 1603 in Salisbury, St Edmund, Image 171 Salisbury, St Edmund Parish Register https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/902397501:61187?_phsrc=dpS30&_phstart=successSource&gsfn=agnes&gsln=davys&ml_rpos=33&queryId=56933ec3c4d536dc9698595c90ade468
I've added this in research notes on Parchment-1
Short answer - maybe. There was an important Snowe family in Salisbury/Wiltshire in that time period that went on to become Goldsmiths and Bankers in London - all to end in scandal in mid 1800s when there was a "run on the bank" at a "panic" and the last heir got caught - so far as I know they are NOT related to "my" Snows, my earliest male ancestor came to Plymouth Colony in 1623. I will see if I can find the profiles I posted on WikiTree and make the connection. Chet
Update - All I can find is an "Edmond" or "Edmund" Snowe who died 1637 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. He had a will that is on Ancestry but it's in medieval English script and I am not an expert on that - wife was "Elizabeth". There are more from Wiltshire but I do not know how to find them.
edited by Chet Snow
Here is the registration page link: Have you registered for the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon yet? - WikiTree G2G
Hope to see you there.
There is one "fix" which is to accept Margaret Dernewell as the wife of John' father, Thomas Penne (1370-1413) making son John the heir of lands in Aldenham and husband of only Alice Fereby.
Any insight?
Don Ward (husband of Sue Penn)
Thank you so much for being a Legacy Heir and being in the Connect-A -Thon. I hope to see you for the Source-A-Thon in October.
When you get a chance, can you investigate Charles Whitten Sr (1736-1798)?
In 2014/2016 you wrote, "Charles Whitten was the son of Evart Jones Whitten and his wife, Dorothy (Tash) Whitten." There is an Evart Jones Whitten (1913-1980) who married Dorothy Jeanette (Tash) Whitten (1914-2007) in Maine. It would be a strange coincidence if the parents of this Charles Whitten, born in Virginia ca. 1736, were also named Evart Jones Whitten and Dorothy Tash.
Registration for the July Thon has started. It is going to be a connect-a-thon for the year of connections. The thon will start 15 Jul 2022 and, as always, run for 72 hours. I hope to have you with me for the Legacy Heirs team. I will understand though if it will not work out. Register so I can put you on the team roster. Here is the Registration Link:https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1431009/have-you-registered-for-the-july-2022-connect-a-thon-yet
Congratulations on being #1 on the Legacy Heirs team for the April Connect-a-Thon. You kept me inspired as I pushed to keep up with you (til I had to stop for the evening - but even then I was about 20 behind you). You kept going! Very impressive, sir. And then I read your bio - wow! I was bested by the bestest! All best wishes to you and thanks for keeping me inspired!
Diane Scholten (from Barrington, IL - suburb of Chicago)
Registration for the April Thon has started. It is going to be a connect-a-thon for the year of connections. The thon will start 22 Apr 2022 and, as always, run for 72 hours. I hope to have you with me for the Legacy Heirs team. I will understand though if it will not work out. Register so I can put you on the team roster. Here is the Registration Link: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1392037/have-you-registered-for-the-april-2022-connect-a-thon-yet?start=0#a_list_title
And here is our team Chat page: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1392211/legacy-heirs-april-connect-a-thon-g2g-chat
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing its first annual check-in with our project members. We are in the process of transitioning to a team structure. There will be three participant PIP Teams to start -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team who guide new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team. Please let us know which team(s) you would like to participate in.
Thank you for being a member of the project. You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team Level 1. If you would prefer a different or additional Team, please let us know. You joined the Project before the Voyage started in late 2018, we would like to invite you to consider a "fast track" Voyage, especially if you plan to join the Biography Team. If you’re interested, choose a profile that you have completed to the best of your ability and compare it to the Voyage Biography Standards. If your profile is at Level 2 or better, include a link to the profile in your response to this check-in for a “fast track” review.
We would also like to invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. (When you request to join our GoogleGroup, please be sure to include your Wiki ID). You will find more information on the GoogleGroup. https://groups.google.com/d/forum/wtprofileimprovement
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project and WikiTree. The Project’s mission is to:
We know you’re working on profiles *smile* We would like to hear about successes you’ve had toward the Project’s goals. We would also appreciate any feedback you might have to help us improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or privately via private message to either of us.
Debi Hoag and Robin Shaules Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
I was born in Mars Hill, Maine almost directly across from the Snow Cemetery in Mars Hill. As a teenager I mowed that cemetery on a weekly basis, summers. Obviously, I noted the Snow names including Moses who died in 1847, perhaps in a house (purportedly the first built in that town in 1845), though he had cut logs/slash, etc. there as early as 1844. I have a cousin, Sandra Leighton (we have Sewell relatives who lived in Maugerville, NB, Canada, in common) who has done some work on Moses Snow, her relative. Gladys Tweedie, long since deceased, wrote a history of Mars Hill, ME and apparently included a lot of research in it related to Moses Snow and his relatives. I have written five books on the history of Togus, America's first Veterans home and hospital 1866-2016. Learning that one of Moses Snow's sons, Jeremiah Snow, is buried at the VA Cemetery at Togus in Augusta, Maine, I want to write a booklet about him and his brothers, especially, all who were in the Civil War in the 15th Maine. They signed up while living in Mars Hill. I am wondering if your Snow family hailed from this Moses Snow? If so or otherwise, perhaps you would share any information/sources related to Moses and Jeremiah, etc. I am a professional historian and have written mostly local history as an appendage to my educational, teaching and leadership roles. I'm 86 and still writing. I can be reached, preferably at [email address removed] I live at 245 Main Street, Winthrop, Maine 04364. My land line is 207-377-6251. Thanks. Donald Beattie PS: I am also on Facebook as Donald Beattie ad am known as my extended families' genealogist.
On behalf of the US Black Heritage Project, I am doing a check-in with members that have the black-heritage tag to see if you were interested in joining the US Black Heritage Project. Would you be interested in joining the project?
Membership Requirements Requirements for joining: • Have Family Member level membership and sign the Honor Code Once you join, we ask you to: • Join at least one project team and make at least one contribution towards the project's goals every six months • Join the project's Google Discussion Group • Respond to the six-monthly check-in and to your team leader/coordinator • Add black_heritage to the tags you follow to keep up with project posts
How to Join Please reply to this post if you are interested in joining the project or to tell me you added this tag just to keep up with the activities of this project.
I hope you will join us, we could really use your help! Denise ~ Project Coordinator, Membership
Cheers ~ Denise
https://www.linvillefamily.us/LFA-o/g0/p1.htm#i3 had no son named William. Someone must have changed the profile but their info is pretty impressive. maybe you could move that info to William's profile before removing it. Thanks for the input.
Thank you for being on Team Legacy Heirs for the source-a-thon. I hope we will have you join the team again for the next thon.
I wonder if you were able to get over to France this year with all the troubles now? Hope you and yours are well.
I am helping Lisa from Legacy Heirs out for the Connect-a-Thon 2020. We start the day after tomorrow, Friday, July 17th, at 8:00 AM (EDT). Our link at G2G is over here at: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1054824/legacy-heirs-2020-connect-a-thon-g2g-chat-page
Registration ends today if you know anyone who wants to join our team.
Looking forward to your participation again and thank you.
Thanks, Karen
We both descend from Winston, where my family is from his son, William Henry Snow.
Perhaps we can collaborate tree information via email - mine is [email address removed]
Just noticed it was your wedding anniversary 12 December ? Congratulations and a big hug for both of you and hope you had a wonderful and very romantic day !
Greets from the Netherlands,
Bea x
you are a member of our team, Legacy Heirs, for the source-a-thon. I wanted to welcome you to the team and give you the links for the team pages. I am so happy to have you with us.
Chat page: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/902254/legacy-heirs-2019-source-a-thon-chat-page
Space Page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:2019_Source-A-Thon_Legacy_Heirs
Help Page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Source-a-Thon