Dirk Solterbeck
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Dirk Solterbeck

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 2 Jan 2024 | 1,265 contributions | 12 thank-yous | 94 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same ancestors. My family tree is on another website.
I may also be contacted via WhatsApp, Facebook, Ancestry etc.
Mr (Diplom Dirk H. Solterbeck
Born 1960s.
Ancestors ancestors
Son of and [private mother (1930s - unknown)]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Father of [private daughter (1990s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Dirk Solterbeck private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 2 Jan 2024
This page has been accessed 267 times.


1962 born in Rendsburg 1963 moved to Flensburg 1968 moved to Eckernförde 1975 got interested in Ancestry and other Hobbies 1981 moved out into the world 1992 my daughter was born 1995 increasing desire for a Solterbeck Family (Re)union but could not convince others so far 2007 moved to Altenholz near Kiel 2008 got to know William Dale Solterbeck by chance in Suffolk VA USA 2023 DNA-tested 2024 hoping to find more DNA-related or otherwise documented family members 2025 Solterbeck (and "my DNA") Family (Re)union ?

Born 6 Dez 1904. Büdelsdorf, Rendsburg-Eckernforde, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Could not interpret date in Birth Date (6 Dez 1904).
Died 11 Feb 1982 oder 11 Dec 1962 ?. Erfde, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Could not interpret date in Death Date (11 Feb 1982 oder 11 Dec 1962 ?).
Residence 1905 Büdelsdorf, Rendsburg-Eckernforde, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Note: Vater August war Arbeiter, AHLMANN Carlshütte, Rendsburg-Büdelsdorf ! 1908 ca nach Erfde gezogen. Bauernhof gekauft (Nähe heutige Feuerwache) . 1919 ca abgebrannt (Kurzschluß als Ursache) ! Umzug zu Süderende, Erfde !. 1961 Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland. [1] File . CROP LEFT 984. TOP WDTH 100. HGHT 100. standard MTTAG . @T8@. Marriage Husband Heinrich Solterbeck. Wife Frieda Johanna Buhmann. Child: Harry Solterbeck. Child: Bruno Solterbeck. Child: Klaus-Heinrich Hein Solterbeck. Child: Karl Friedrich Friedrich Fiedi Solterbeck. Marriage 15 Dez 1925. Schenefeld, Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Marriage 15 Dec 1929. Schenefeld, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland. Could not interpret date in Marriage Date (15 Dez 1925).

External Files

  • File O121 File: Format: jpg. image MTYPE portrait. STYPE jpeg. SIZE 1379439. WDTH 1504. HGHT 922. HEINRICH #4 AND FRIEDA #3 SOLTERBECK AND BUHMANN FAMILY. RIN 5bea3fbc-e5e8-47f9-8d49-2cdce830bf28 META <metadataxml><cemetery><transcription/><metadataxml> CREA 2016-07-20 18:48:02.698 USER WCTNxahKxySig4Sc/aWyE0xtWlzG6xZv3cTl2qyxApYjxwhkUXT4wpxa1wOmEkBBc9NtKsBvWvI+7VI3XbxK3Q== ENCR 1. CLON TID 1160163. PID -1984553843. OID fb9f7eaa-f6ef-4b4a-8d4f-e020dc656e2d. USER ZwCbWys2lhrRiA+9z5IBQQ6rcLsbWpKVF64/nhYAf10grWqPcWdWQHHmx2x3oDg+zap36CS3MzVtqwlTyvEw==. ENCR 1. 2012-10-23 16:45:27.000. Origin: u ATL N


  1. Source: S1637472914 Ancestry Record 60654 #24001319

  • First-hand information. Entered by Dirk Solterbeck at registration.
  • Source: S1637472914 German Phone Directories, 1915-1981 Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 2015 Provo, UT, USA Record Collection 60654
  • Source: S1692919357 Stammbaumindex der Geneanet-Gemeinschaft Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 2022 Lehi, UT, USA Record Collection 62476 Note: Geneanet Community Trees Index. Paris, France: Geneanet.Ancestry Record 62476 #4317695982
  • Source: S_2139025556 Ancestry-Familienstammbäume Publication: Online-Veröffentlichung - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network Ursprüngliche Daten: Von Ancestry-Mitgliedern eingereichte Familienstammbaumdateien. Record Collection 1030 Note: Diese Informationen kommen von 1 oder mehreren einzelnen Ancestry-Familienstammbaumdateien. Diese Quellenzitierung verweist Sie auf eine aktuelle Version dieser Dateien. Hinweis: Die Eigentümer dieser Stammbaumdateien haben seit der Erstellung dieser Quellenzitierung evtl. Informationen entfernt oder geändert.Ancestry-Familienstammbäume APID 188619520:1030:-7438 APID -1418343481:1030:976644 APID -1984553843:1030:1160163 APID 1787705137:1030:26149913 APID 382226680164:1030:77219910 APID 260178422237:1030:118338546 APID 292299441953:1030:176690165

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Dirk's formal name
  • full middle name (H.)
  • nicknames
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • private children's names (1)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Dirk Solterbeck's full information you must be on Dirk's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Dirk:
  • 100.00% X DNA 100.00% Dirk Solterbeck: AncestryDNA, Ancestry member DSolterbeck
Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 18

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Hallo Dirk,

Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen und habe Ihnen eine private Nachricht geschickt.! Dieter ~ WikiTree-Mentor

posted by Dieter Lewerenz
Hallo Dirk,

willkommen im Deutschland Projekt. Ich habe dir die Projekt-Plakette verliehen und bitte dich, folgendes zu tun:

1. Lies dir die Seiten des Deutschland Projekts durch.

2. Inzwischen gibt es verschiedene Kommunikationswege für deutsche Wiki-Tree-Mitglieder. Alles darüber kannst du hier lesen.

Wir freuen uns auf deine Mitarbeit Jelena Eckstädt, Projekt-Koordinatorin

posted by Jelena Eckstädt
Hallo Dirk,

falls dir nach deutschsprachigem Austausch zu WikiTree ist, kann ich dir die entsprechende Kategorie im Discourse von Compgen, den Discord-Server Ahnenforschung und den Space:Stammtisch empfehlen.

Falls du Fragen hast, immer her damit.

Viele Grüße aus dem Hochschwarzwald

posted by Florian Straub
Moin Florian und Dank ! Da mein Vater gerade verstorben ist, muss ich anderweitige Aktivitäten für ein paar Wochen sehr reduzieren. Aber nach dem Valentines Newsletter von WT kamen mir tatsächlich ein paar Fragen : Gibt es in WT eine Übersicht der, sagen wir mal 1000 ältesten DNA-Träger weltweit ? Gab es von Ötzi, den Neanderthalern und der Moorleiche Haitabu/Schleswig/Gottorf DNA-Material ? Und wenn ja, macht WT oder Ancestry.com damit Abgleiche ?
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
Moin, sorry, bin chronisch einen Monat hintendran. Erst einmal herzliches Beileid zum Verlust deines Vaters!

Ich habe von DNA-Genealogie leider so gut wie gar keine Ahnung. Vielleicht magst du die Frage ja mal im G2G stellen?

posted by Florian Straub
Und leider ist mit meinem Vater wieder einmal jemand von uns gegangen, der viel familiäres wußte aber leider nicht alles irgendwie hinterlassen hat. Bist Du "Profi-Ahnenforscher" ? Hast Du etwas in der Richtung studiert ? das Frage ich nur interessehalber, weil ich zwar im Bereich Analytik beruflich tätig war, aber in Sachen Medizin, DNA, Ahnenforschung usw muß ich mir doch alles erarbeiten bzw helfen lassen ...
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
Nein, ich bin definitiv kein Profi, sondern eher "ambitionierter Laie". Ich war vor WikiTree über ein Jahr bei Wikipedia, da habe ich ein paar Dinge aufgeschnappt bezüglich nachhaltiger Dokumentation, das hilft mir bei der Forschung ungemein. Ich habe erst Anfang 2018 damit angefangen und bin ein paar Jahre später zu WikiTree gestoßen, nachdem ich zunächst meine Vorfahren in FamilySearch ergänzt hatte. Vermutlich hilft mir der Informatik-Hintergrund auch dabei, die Forschung halbwegs strukturieren, zumindest bis zum nächsten Rabbit Hole :)
posted by Florian Straub
Dirk, a chara,

I'm looking forward to working with you: please see my private message for further details.

posted by Feargal Hennigan
Hi Feargal ! as my time in WikiTRee is still below 90 days I am not sure where I would could or should find "private messages". Can you point me in the right direction ?
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
You should receive private messages in the form of an email from noreply@

edit: I see you've found it already.

posted by Feargal Hennigan
edited by Feargal Hennigan
and as you seem to be an Irishman, maybe you can help me finding someone in Eire ?
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
Hi Dirk, and Welcome to WikiTree and DNA.

My name is John Kingman. I am a Coordinator with the WikiTree DNA Project.

I noticed that you asked a question about uploading DNA and thought that you may be interested in how you can use DNA test matches with your relatives to strengthen your genealogy on WikiTree. You will find the answers in the DNA Help pages, of which the DNA Help category page shows all the DNA help that is available, and the How to Get Started with DNA page is highlighted. Also the DNA Features page can show you various ways that DNA tests can work with your genealogy. For a detailed guide to connecting DNA test results to WikiTree profiles via GEDmatch, look here.

You may see some relatives show up in your list of "DNA Connections" on your profile if they have added a DNA test to their profile. These DNA Connections are possible DNA test matches, they are not sufficient for marking parental relationships as "confirmed with DNA" without providing a DNA Confirmation source citation providing details of an acceptable DNA match. You may find that you have acceptable matches with some of them. There is more information about DNA Connections on the DNA Test Connections page.

When you are ready to start documenting that your genealogy sources are confirmed by DNA test matches, be sure to follow the guidance at the Confirmed with DNA help page. Note that every time you mark a child's relationship to their parent as Confirmed with DNA you must add a source citation to the =Sources= section of that child's profile that explains how you made the DNA-confirmed determination for their parent.

I strongly recommend using the DNA Confirmation Citation Maker WikiTree app for creating and/or validating your DNA confirmation source citations. Note that a profile should not be marked "confirmed with DNA" without source citations for both genealogy and the necessary DNA test matching information.

If you have questions or need assistance, feel free to ask on the G2G Forum using the Tag "DNA" and/or "DNA_Confirmation". There are lots of folks willing to help. You may want to follow the DNA and DNA_Confirmation tags on G2G as well.

Happy WikiTree-ing!

John Kingman

posted by John Kingman
Thanks John ! I think, I will leave the DNA business aside for a while and concentrate on extracting data from the brilliant sources of the Danish Rigsarkiv  :-)
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
also: can you help me where to find my "GEDmatch ID" or my "yourDNAportal.com ID"  ? thanks :-)
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
Hi John ! I klicked the button telling WikiTree that I have AncestryDNA and that info is now displayed in my DNA subsite. Will WikiTree be pulling the AncestryDNA from Ancestry.com ? or will I have to upload my DNA data and if so, how ? Dirk sends
posted by Dirk Solterbeck
Hi John ! I like the honour code. very british :-) Your surname sound like being from estonia / lithuania / latvia / baltic area ?
posted by Dirk Solterbeck

I live in Oklahoma, USA. My family name is actually Viszokay/Viszokai and originates in Hungary.

I hope you enjoy yourself here on WT!

John - Greeter

posted by John Vaskie
Hi Dirk. Welcome to WikiTree!

Do you have any questions about our Honor Code? https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Special:Honor_Code

I'm happy to help!

John ~ volunteer WikiTree Greeter

posted by John Vaskie

Australian Connections: Dirk is 31 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 37 degrees from Russell Crowe, 33 degrees from Howard Florey, 38 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 47 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 37 degrees from Barry Humphries, 36 degrees from Bert Jacka, 41 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 35 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 34 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 31 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 30 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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