Tabitha's birth year is somewhere between 1771-1780, according to her age in the 1830 and 1840 censuses. Given her marriage date and the ages of her children, it is likely to be closer to 1780 than to 1771.
Her birth location of Virginia comes from her daughter Permelia Williams' response in the 1880 census.
Tabitha is sometimes stated to be the first, brief wife of William Huddleston, with most of his children being born later to a second wife ("Elizabeth Newton"). However, Tabitha is found alone in the 1840 census near the grown Huddleston children. No marriage record between William Huddleston and an Elizabeth Newton has been located.
Tabitha is also often cited as a wife of Littleberry West, with the unexamined evidence showing that she married to him and having children with him at the same time that she was married to Huddleston. DNA does support links between Huddleston and West descendants, not including the known marriages of Tabitha and William's descendants with the West line. Perhaps the Tabitha Ann South who married Littleberry West will turn out to be a first cousin or similar to this Tabitha.
DNA Notes
The following segment locations, particularly chromosome 8, may be worth noting for descendants seeking to triangulate with each other.
Chromosome 4: position range 157-175
descendants of Tabitha's daughter Permelia (single line)
descendant of Tabitha's alleged brother Phillip South (single line)
Chromosome 8: position range 101-124
descendants of Tabitha's daughter Permelia (single line)
descendant of Tabitha's alleged brother Phillip South (two different lines)
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Tabitha:
~3.12%Phil Huddleston :
AncestryDNA, yourDNAportal PHI14880194, Ancestry member winger39
Family Tree DNA Family Finder, yourDNAportal PHI14880194, FTDNA kit #N225329
Connections to Kings:
Tabitha is
16 degrees from Martin King, 18 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 15 degrees from George King, 16 degrees from Philip King, 20 degrees from Truby King, 15 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 13 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 12 degrees from Amos Owens, 17 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 20 degrees from Richard Seddon, 26 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 30 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian
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