
''Brasfield-Brassfield Genealogies'' Revisited

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Surname/tag: Brasfield, Brassfield
Profile manager: Steve Broyles private message [send private message]
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Brasfield-Brassfield Genealogies by Annabelle and Edward McAllister contains a wealth of information. The attached study revisits the very first part where family connections were made based on family lore. A new analysis of the records shows the following.

George Brasfield was born 1688 in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, and emigrated to America as a boy. He had the following sons:

  1. Michael, d. 1763, Caroline County, Virginia. Uncertain.
  2. George, d. 1771, Granville County, North Carolina
  3. Edward, d. 1805, Garrard County, Kentucky
  4. John, d. 1788, Wake County, North Carolina
  5. David, d. 1816, Wake County, North Carolina



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