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'My Brother Benjamin' by his sister Beth Britten

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Many books have been written about Benjamin Britten, but this one is different, and no one else could write it. With a rich and lively memory, and privileged access to all the sources, Beth Britten has written an engaging memoir of her brother, and gives us a loving and revealing portrait.

Through original letters, many used and quoted for the first time, the years Britten spent in America come to life. They showed that he allowed no distance nor circumstances, even illness, to affect the bond between himself and his family. He voices concern over the politics of the time, and the war, often through the eyes of his friends, and behind all this is the overwhelming beauty of his music. During this period his compositions included his Violin Concerto, 'Les Illuminations', 'Sinfona da Requiem' and his first opera 'Paul Bunyan'. It was after his return to England that he wrote such works as 'Peter Grimes' and 'Albert Herring'.

'My Brother Benjamin' by Beth Britten, published by The Kensal Press, Buckinghamshire in 1986.

ISBN 0-946041-40-7

This 'open space page' serves as a place to connect the people mentioned in the book.

A WikiTree profile is created, once a reliable accurate source has been identified, and the profile, under a 'See also:' section, will link back to this 'open space page'.

SurnameMaiden nameFirst namesConnectionPage number(s)WikiTree-ID, date of birth, or note
?Alicewife of Francis Britten (born 1702)203
?Annperhaps the wife of William Niblow (born about 1797)202
?BethleySwiss friend of Edward Benjamin Britten living in Basle, Switzerland77-80
?Charliefriend of Yvonne Clar80
?Christinaperhaps a domestcic servant of the Britten family184
?Christopherfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten184died in August 1944
?Cicelyfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten184
?Edithservant of the Mayer family155
?Elinormentioned in Edward Benjamin Britten's letter to the author in 1939116
?ErnestRobert Victor Britten's senior dental mechanicxiii
?Flausifriend of Edward Benjamin Britten79
?Florencemaid working for Edith Rhoda (Hockley) Britten in Pole Barn Lane, Frinton, Essex76, 84
?Francesperhaps the wife of Francis Britten (died 1708)203
?Geraldrejected suitor of Edith Barbara Britten66-67
?Humphreyson of Sophie Belinda Brittenvii
?Janewife of George Britten (born 1807)203
?Kathleenfriend of the author96
?LiselSwiss friend of Edward Benjamin Britten living in Basle, Switzerland77, 79-80
?Marydied 1808, wife of Edward Horsnett203
?Marywife of George Britten (born 1774)203
?Olgaan émigré child staying with the author148
?Peterlison of Lisel ?79-80
?Susannawife of Thomas Britten (born 1802)203
AbellStephenneighbour of the author's parents74
Adams?husband of Ann (Britten) Adams203
AdamsBrittenAnnborn 1700, daughter of Francis Britten (born about 1680) and Margaret (Nott ) Britten, wife of ? Adams203
AllenHugh Percy(Sir) English musician, academic60Hugh Percy Allen (abt.1870-abt.1946)
AlstonAlfred Edward (Rev) husband of Audrey (ffolkes) Alston48Alfred Edward Alston (abt.1862-1927)
AlstonffolkesAudreywife of Alfred Edward Alston, friend of Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten48-49Audrey (ffolkes) Alston (1883-1966)
AlstonJohn Denyseson of Alfred Edward Alston, gifted pianist at 8 years of age, friend of Edwad Benjamin Britten48John Denyse Alston (1914-1996)
AsheBenjamin(Dr.) American doctor attending Edward Benjamin Britten in 1940136
AstleEdith Maudschoolteacher of the Britten children36, 48Edith Maud Astle (1870-1938)
AstleEthel Mary Kateschoolteacher of the Britten children36-37, 48-49Ethel Mary Kate Astle (1872-1952)
AudenBicknellConstance Rosaliemother of Wystan Hugh Auden168Constance Rosalie (Bicknell) Auden (1869-1941)
AudenMannErika Julia HedwigGerman actress, wife of Wystan Hugh Auden, daughter of Paul Thomas Mann29, 98, 99Erika Julia Hedwig Mann (1905-1969)
AudenWystan Hughfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten, artist29, 87, 89-93, 98-100, 102, 104, 106, 109, 116, 120, 123, 126, 139, 144, 153, 155, 157, 159-160, 164-165, 169, 177, 198Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973)
AustenJaneEnglish novelist123Jane Austen (1775-1817)
BachJohanne SebastianGerman composer47Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
BackhouseRhoda Jane(Miss) violinist, committee member of the Aldeburgh Music Club193-196Rhoda Jane Backhouse (1889-1975)
BakerJanet Abbott(Dame) English mezzo-soprano192Janet Abbott Baker
BannisterBrittenElizabethborn 1700, daughter of Francis Britten (born about 1680) and Margaret (Nott ) Britten, wife of Joseph Bannister203
BannisterJosephhusband of Elizabeth (Britten) Bannister203
BarbirolliGiovanni BattistaBritish conductor, cellist136, 168Giovanni Battista Barbirolli (1899-1970)
BarryBillyEnglish cellist194
BartókBéla Győző JánosHungarian composer132Béla Győző János Bartók (1881-1945)
BartonGindersHannah Myottdaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Hannah Myott (Ginders) Barton (1825-)
BashamMabel Lillianfounder member of the Music Club of Aldeburgh193Mabel Lillian Basham (1884-1958)
BatesAlfred Naunton(Rev) Rector of Blaxhall, Suffolk, father of Ernest Bates33Alfred Naunton Bates (1831-abt.1915)
BatesErnest(Rev) Rector of Blaxhall, Suffolk, son of Alfred Naunton Bates29Ernest Bates (abt.1870-1921)
BeaucheminWolffLilian R. E.business partner of the author67-68, 102, 105Lilian R. E. (Wolff) Beauchemin (abt.1915-)
BeechamHumbyMargaret BettyBritish pianist, wife of Sir Thomas Beecham79Margaret Betty (Humby) Beecham (1908-1958)
BehrendJohn Louisknown as Bow, patron of the arts, friend of Edward Benjamin Britten99-100, 184John Louis Behrend (1881-1972)
BehrendSandhamPhyllis Marywife of John Louis Behrend, friend of Edward Benjamin Britten99-100, 184Phyllis Mary (Sandham) Behrend (1883-1977)
Behr-SchnabelBehrThereseGerman singer, gave lessons to Peter Neville Luard Pears138Therese (Behr) Behr-Schnabel (1876-1959)
BenbowBrittenAnnedaughter of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten, wife of Thomas Benbow203Anne Britten (bef.1799-)
BenbowThomashusband of Anne (Britten) Benbow203
BenjaminArthur LeslieAustralian composer, conductor, Edward Benjamin Britten's piano teacher in 193360Arthur Leslie Benjamin (1893-)
BergAlban Maria JohannesGerman composer60Alban Maria Johannes Berg (1885-1935)
BerkeleyLennox Randal Francis(Sir) English composervii, 91, 94, 106, 109-112, 124, 141, 152Lennox Randal Francis Berkeley (1903-1989)
BernardElsie(Miss) violinist, friend of the author61-62
BlowersDeckerinnkeeper of Falcon Inn, friend of Robert Victor Britten46Decker Blowers (1881-1956)
BonaparteNapoleoneEmperor of France127Napoleone Bonaparte (1769-1821)
BondRalph EdwinEnglish film director and editor, directed 'Advance Democracy'107Ralph Edwin Bond (1904-1989)
BooseyLeslie ArthurEnglish music publisher146Leslie Arthur Boosey (1887-1979)
BoydEdwardsCatherine Stewartwife of Francis Doveton Boyd, lent a square piano to Edward Benjamin Britten 44, 64Catherine Stewart (Edwards) Boyd (1878-1969)
BoydElizabethdaughter of Catherine Stewart (Edwards) Boyd44, 64Elizabeth Boyd (1912-)
BrahmsJohannesGerman composer47Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
BridgeSinclairEthel Elmorewife of Frank Bridge29, 59-61, 88, 95, 103, 110, 152, 165Ethel Elmore (Sinclair) Bridge (1881-)
BridgeFrank(Professor) English violist, composer, conductor, husband of Ethel Elmore (Sinclair) Bridge29, 48-50, 53-54, 57, 59-62, 88, 95, 103, 110, 117, 152, 165, 173Frank Bridge (1879-1941)
BrittenAlan Edward Marshson of Robert Harry Britten and Helen Marjorie (Goldson) Britten, husband of Barbara (Walton) Britten, husband of Judie (Ackerman) Britten182, 204privacy protected
BrittenAnnperhaps the daughter of Francis Britten (died 1708)203
BrittenAnnborn 1766, daughter of Edward Horsnett, wife of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Mary ?203Ann (Horsnett) Britten (bef.1766-1845)
BrittenAubery Gindersson of Edward Horsnett Britten (born 1879) and Sarah Dorothea (Phelp) Britten5, 204Aubery Ginders Britten (1915-1944)
BrittenWaltonBarbarawife of John Robert Marsh Britten29, 204privacy protected
BrittenCharlotte Thomasinedaughter of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten201, 204Charlotte Thomasina Britten (1866-1879)
BrittenDanielborn about 1960's, son of John Robert Marsh Britten and Barbara (Walton) Britten204privacy protected
BrittenEdith Barbaradaughter of Robert Victor Britten and Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Brittenvii, 16, 19, 27, 30, 35-36, 38, 44-46, 49-51, 53, 55-58, 62, 66-70, 73-75, 78, 81, 96, 101-103, 106, 112-114, 116-121, 123-124, 126, 129, 131-132, 136, 139, 141, 146, 148-149, 151-153, 156, 159-163, 165-166, 169-170, 173, 176-177, 179, 183-184, 188, 191-192, 202, 204Edith Barbara Britten (1902-1982)
BrittenHockeyEdith Rhodadaughter of William Henry Hockey, wife of Robert Victor Brittenvii, viii, 16-21, 23, 25, 27, 29-32, 36-37, 39, 43-44, 46-50, 52-53, 55, 57-58, 60, 62-63, 66-81, 83-86, 88, 92, 94-98, 101-103, 106, 109, 126, 141, 163, 200, 202, 204Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten (1872-1937)
BrittenEdwardborn 1816, son of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten203Edward Britten (1821-1871)
BrittenEdward Benjaminthe subject, son of Robert Victor Britten and Edith Rhoda (Hockey) BrittenthroughoutEdward Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
BrittenEdward Horsnettborn about 1825, son of John Britten (born 1798) and Sarah (Hay) Britten, husband of Mary (Longmore) Britten203Edward Horsnett Britten (abt.1825-1876)
BrittenEdward Horsnettborn 1879, son of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten, husband of Sarah Dorothea (Phelp) Britten15, 204Edward Horsnett Britten (1879-1942)
BrittenEdward Horsnettborn 1908, son of Edward Horsnett Britten (born 1879) and Sarah Dorothea (Phelp) Britten15, 204Edward Horsnett Britten (1908-1998)
BrittenElizabethdaughter of John Britten (died 1671)203
BrittenDownesElizabeth1st wife of John Britten (born about 1707)203Elisabeth (Downes) Britten (abt.1715-)
BrittenElizabethdaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten203Elizabeth Britten (bef.1766-)
BrittenFlorence Haydaughter of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten16, 39-40, 88-89, 102, 104, 189, 204Florence Hay Britten (1875-1956)
BrittenFrancisdied 17th May 1708, son of John Britten (died 1671)203
BrittenFrancisborn about 1680, son of Francis Britten (died 1708), husband of Margaret (Nott) Britten203Francis Britten (abt.1680-1755)
BrittenFrancisborn 1702, son of Francis Britten (born about 1680) and Margaret (Nott ) Britten, husband of Alice ?203
BrittenFrancisborn 1737, son of John Britten (born about 1707), and Elizabeth (Downes) Britten203Francis Britten (1737-)
BrittenGeorgeborn 1774, son of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, husband of Mary ?203George Britten (bef.1774-)
BrittenGeorgeborn 1807, son of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten, husband of Jane ?203George Britten (bef.1807-)
BrittenSmallHannahwife of John Britten (born 1827)203Hannah (Small) Britten (abt.1837-1910)
BrittenGoldsonHelen Marjoriewife of Robert Harry Marsh Britten71, 94, 97, 103, 204Helen Marjorie (Goldson) Britten (1908-2015)
BrittenJanedaughter of John Britten (died 1671)203
BrittenJessie Dorotheadaughter of Edward Horsnett Britten (born 1879) and Sarah Dorothea (Phelp) Britten15, 204Jessie Dorothea Britten (1911-1997)
BrittenJessie Mabelladaughter of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten16, 204Jessie Mabella Britten (1874-1927)
BrittenJoandaughter of John Britten (died 1671)203
BrittenJohndied 1671, of Sutton Sturmy, Herefordshire203
BrittenJohndied 1737, son of Francis Britten (died 1708), husband of Eleanor ?203
BrittenJohnborn about 1707, son of Francis Britten (born about 1680) and Margaret (Nott ) Britten, husband of (1) Elizabeth (Downes) Britten, (2) Susanna (Pritchard) Britten203John Britten (abt.1707-abt.1776)
BrittenJohnborn 1739, son of John Britten (born about 1707), and Elizabeth (Downes) Britten203John Britten (1739-)
BrittenJohnborn 1798, son of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten, husband of Sarah (Hay) Britten203John Britten (bef.1798-abt.1857)
BrittenJohnborn 1827, son of John Britten (born 1798) and Sarah (Hay) Britten, husband of Hannah (Small) Britten203John Britten (1827-1888)
BrittenJohnson of Robert Harry Marsh Britten and Helen Marjorie (Goldson) Britten97privacy protected
BrittenJohn Robert Marshson of Robert Harry Britten and Helen Marjorie (Goldson) Britten, husband of Barbara (Walton) Britten204privacy protected
BrittenAckermanJudiewife of Allan Edward Marsh Britten204privacy protected
BrittenNottMargaretwife of Francis Britten (born about 1680)203Margaret (Nott) Britten (abt.1680-)
BrittenLongmoreMarywife of Edward Horsnett Britten203Mary (Longmore) Britten (1821-1905)
BrittenGindersMary Charlottedaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders, wife of Thomas Britten (born 1829)15-16, 201, 204-205Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten (1840-1914)
BrittenNancy Margaretdaughter of Edward Horsnett Britten (born 1879) and Sarah Dorothea (Phelp) Britten5, 204Nancy Margaret Britten (1917-2006)
BrittenRandolphperhaps the son of Francis Britten (died 1708)203
BrittenRandolphborn 1741, son of John Britten (born about 1707), and Elizabeth (Downes) Britten203Randolph Britten (1741-)
BrittenRichardborn 1821, son of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten203Richard Britten (bef.1816-)
BrittenRobert Harry Marshson of Robert Victor Britten and Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten, husband of Helen Marjorie (Goldson) Brittenvii, 16, 19, 27, 29-31, 35-36, 38-39, 44-45, 49-51, 55-58, 65, 67, 71, 75, 94, 96-97, 103, 106, 122, 141, 152, 165, 202, 204Robert Harry Marsh Britten (1907-1987)
BrittenRobert Victorson of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten, husband of Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Brittenvii-viii, 15-18, 25, 27, 29-32, 34-35, 37-39, 43, 45-47, 49-58, 60, 62-63, 66-76, 78, 83, 85-86, 102-103, 106, 128, 140-141, 163, 198, 200, 202, 204Robert Victor Britten (1877-1934)
BrittenHaySarahwife of John Britten (born 1798)203Sarah (Hay) Britten (abt.1794-)
BrittenPhelpSarah Dorotheawife of Edward Horsnett Britten (born 1879)15, 204Sarah Dorothea Phelp (1876-abt.1925)
BrittenSophie Belindadaughter of Alan Edward Marsh Britten and Judie (Ackerman) Brittenvii, 204privacy protected
BrittenSusandaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Elizabeth (Downes) Britten203Susan Britten (1734-)
BrittenPritchardSusannah2nd wife of John Britten (born about 1707), then wife of Edward Smith203Susannah (Pritchard) Britton (abt.1735-)
BrittenTamaradaughter of Alan Edward Marsh Britten and Judie (Ackerman) Britten204privacy protected
BrittenThomasborn 1829, son of John Britten, husband of Mary Charlote (Ginders) Britten15, 201, 204-205Thomas Britten (1829-1883)
BrittenThomasborn about 1767, son of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, husband of Ann (Horsnett) Britten203Thomas Britton (bef.1767-bef.1833)
BrittenThomasborn 1802, son of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten, husband of Susanna ?203Thomas Britten (bef.1802-)
BrittenThomasborn 1867, son of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten204Thomas Britten (1867-1867)
BrittenThomasborn about 1960's, son of John Robert Marsh Britten and Barbara (Walton) Britten204privacy protected
BrittenThomas Gindersson of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten15, 201, 204Thomas Ginders Britten (1870-1913)
BrittenTom Beverleyson of Edward Horsnett Britten (born 1879) and Sarah Dorothea (Phelp) Britten15, 204Tom Beverley Britten (1913-)
BrittenWilliamborn 1761, son of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten203William Britten (1761-)
BrittenWilliamborn 1809, son of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten203William Britten (bef.1809-)
BrittenWilliamborn 1832, son of John Britten (born 1798) and Sarah (Hay) Britten203William Britten (1832-)
BrittenWilliamborn about 1960's, son of John Robert Marsh Britten and Barbara (Walton) Britten204privacy protected
BrosaAntonioSpanish violinist94, 134-136, 138, 142, 147, 150, 155, 158, 163Antonio Brosa (1894-1979)
BrosaDallasMargaret Ethelknown as Peggy, friend of the author, wife of Antonio I. J. Brosa134-135, 139-140, 142, 146-147, 150, 155, 158Margaret Ethel (Dallas) Brosa (1891-1988)
BrothertonRixWinifred Annefriend of Edward Benjamin Britten at preparatory school58Winifred Anne (Rix) Brotherton (1912-1962)
BrownLeslie Wilfrid(Rev) Bishop of Ipswich200Leslie Wilfrid Brown (1912-1999)
Brown(Dr.) doctor attending Edward Benjamin Britten in the United States153
BuchanJohn1st Baron Tweedsmuir, Scottish novelist, Governor General of Canada 1935-1940112John Buchan GCMG GCVO (1875-1940)
BullittWilliam ChristianUnited States Ambassador137William Christian Bullitt (1891-1967)
BurraPeter james Salkeldfriend of Peter Neville Luard Pears99Peter James Salkeld Burra (1909-1937)
Burrows?(Mrs) perhaps a dometic servant of the Britten family180, 184
ButlerRogermentioned in Acknowledgements, gave help and encouragementxi
CassidyMaurice Alan(Sir) doctor colleague of the author's husband, Christopher Richard Beverly Welford101Maurice Alan Cassidy (1880-1949)
ChalenerElizabethwife of Samuel Chalener205Elizabeth Chalener (abt.1725-)
ChalenerSamuelhusband of Elizabeth Chalener205Samuel Chalener (abt.1725-)
ChamberlainArthur NevilleEnglish Prime Minister 1937-1940136, 145Arthur Neville Chamberlain PM PC MP (1869-1940)
ChaplinCharles Spencer(Sir) English actor65Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr. (1889-1977)
ChapmanAudreyformed the Audrey Chapman Orchestra, often conduced by Frank Bridge61
ChristieMildmayGrace Audrey Louisa St JohnEnglish-Canadian soprano, co-founder of Glyndebourne Festival Opera189Grace Audrey Louisa St John (Mildmay) Christie (1900-1953)
ChurchillStellafriend of Elizabeth Mayer147
ChurchillWinston Leonard SpencerEnglish Prime Minister 1940-1945174Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill KG OM CH (1874-1965)
Churchill(Dr.) acquaintance of Edward Benjamin Britten160
ClarYvonneSwiss friend of the author77-78, 80, 82
ClarkCharles(Rev) Rector of St Stephens Walbrook, London in the 1930's64
ColdstreamWilliam MenziesEnglish painter, art teacher87William Menzies Coldstream (1909-1987)
ColemanCharles Joseph Romanieorganist of St John's Church, Lowestoft26Charles Joseph Romanie Coleman (1879-1959)
CollingwoodLawrence ArthurEnglish conductor, composer, record producer185Lawrence Arthur Collingwood (1887-1982)
ColmanCharlesfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten73
Colman(Mr) accompanist63
Colman?(Mrs) friend of Edward Benjamin Britten73
CoolidgeCoolidgeElizabeth Sprague(Mrs) American pianist, commissioned a work from Edward Benjamin Britten in 1941166-167, 171-172Elizabeth Penn (Sprague) Coolidge (1864-1953)
CoplandAaronAmerican composer, friend of Edward Benjamin Britten106, 115-116, 120, 158Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
CrabbeGeorgeEnglish, poet, surgeon, clergyman173George Crabbe (1754-1832)
CrippsRichard StaffordEnglish politician174Richard Stafford Cripps (1889-1952)
CrossJoan AnnieEnglish sopranovii, xi, 185-186, 188Joan Annie Cross (1900-1993)
CrozierEric JohnEnglish producer of the 'Peter Grimes' opera185, 189Eric John Crozier (1914-1994)
CurzonSiegenbergClifford MichaelEnglish pianist180Clifford Michael (Siegenberg) Curzon (1907-1982)
DavisGeorgeeditor of Harper's Bazaar165George Davis (1906-1957)
de la MereWalter JohnEnglish author, poet87Walter John de la Mare (1873-1956)
de MaupassantHenri-René-Albert-GuyFrench author189Henri-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893)
DonnockerRuthmentioned in Acknowledgements, researched the family treexi, 201
DownesWilliamperhaps the husband of Joan Britten, the daughter of John Britten (died 1671)203
DoyleEdwardhusband of Elizabeth Ellen Rosemary (Welford) Doyle204privacy protected
DoyleWelfordElizabeth Ellen Rosemarydaughter of Christopher Richard Beverly Welford and Charlotte Elizabeth (Britten) Welford, wife of Edward Doyle204privacy protected
DoyleElizabeth Melindadaughter of Edward Doyle and Elizabeth Ellen Rosemary (Welford) Doyle204privacy protected
DoyleSusannah Barbaradaughter of Edward Doyle and Elizabeth Ellen Rosemary (Welford) Doyle204privacy protected
du MaurierGerald Hubert Edward Busson(Sir) English actor, manager64Gerald Hubert Edward Busson du Maurier (1873-1934)
DuncanBrionydaughter of Ronald Frederick Henry Duncan and Rose Marie Theresa (Hansom) Duncan188Briony Duncan
DuncanRoger J.son of Ronald Frederick Henry Duncan and Rose Marie Theresa (Hansom) Duncan188Roger J. Duncan
DuncanHansomRose Marie Theresawife of Ronald Frederick Henry Duncan188Rose Marie Theresa (Hansom) Duncan (1916-)
Duncan (DunkelsbuhlerRonald Frederick HenryEnglish poet and writer of German descent107, 188Ronald Frederick Henry (Dunkelsbuhler) Duncan (1914-1982)
DunkerleyPiers Montaguewrote a letter to Edward Benjamin Britten in 1941165Piers Montague Dunkerley (1921-1959)
EardleyJohnhusband of Sarah (Ginders) Eardley205John Eardley (abt.1770-)
EardleyGindersSarahdaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born about 1746) and Sarah (Foster) Ginders, wife of John Eardley205Sarah (Ginders) Eardley (1772-)
EcclesJames RonaldEdward Benjamin Britten's headmaster at Gresham School, Holt, Norfolk55James Ronald Eccles (abt.1874-1956)
EisingerAdefriend of Edward Benjamin Britten79
EisingerKatifriend of Edward Benjamin Britten80
EisingerRosemaryfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten79
ElgarEdward William(Sir) composer, Master of the King's Music16Edward William Elgar OM GCVO (1857-1934)
EvansHarold Muir(Doctor of Medicine) the Brittens' family doctor45, 73-74Harold Muir Evans (1866-1947)
FassMarjorie Hesterfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten, artist29, 60-61Marjorie Hester Fass (1885-1968)
FergusonHowardBritish composer, musicologist49Howard Ferguson (1908-)
FernieGladys Elainedaughter of William George Fernie and Mary Louise (Britten) Fernie204Gladys Elaine Fernie (1917-)
FernieBrittenMary Louisedaughter of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten, wife of William George Fernie16, 204Mary Louise (Britten) Fernie (1872-1958)
FernieWilliam Georgehusband of Mary Louise (Britten) Fernie204William George Fernie (1873-1949)
FerrierKathleen MaryEnglish contralto189Kathleen Mary Ferrier C.B.E. (1912-1953)
ForsterEdward MorganEnglish author173Edward Morgan Forster (1879-1970)
FrancoFrancisco Paulino Hermenegildo TeoduloSpanish politician, dictator107Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teodulo (Franco) Franco Bahamonde (1892-1975)
Gathorne-HardyElizabeth Rosedaughter of Ruth Elizabeth (Thorowgood) Gathorne-Hardy127-128Elizabeth Rose Gathorne-Hardy
Gathorne-HardyThorowgoodRuth Elizabethfriend of the author, wife of Antony Gathrone Gathorne-Hardy127-128Ruth Elizabeth (Thorowgood) Gathorne-Hardy (1909-1973)
GinderMaseryJanewife of Jeremiah Ginder (born about 1715)205Jane (Masery) Ginder (abt.1715-1782)
GinderJeremiahborn about 1715, husband of Jane (Masery) Ginder205Jeremiah Ginder (abt.1715-1779)
GindersEdwardson of Jeremiah Ginder and Jane (Masery) Ginder205Edward Ginder (1744-)
GindersElizabethdaughter of Jeremiah Ginder and Jane (Masery) Ginder205Elizabeth Ginder (1735-)
GindersEdwardsElizabethwife of Richard Myott Ginders205Elizabeth (Edwards) Ginders (abt.1810-1890)
GindersMarshEllenwife of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801)15, 205Ellen (Marsh) Ginders (abt.1802-1870)
GindersEllen Worseydaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Ellen Worsey Ginders (1824-1900)
GindersMyottHannahdaughter of Richard Myott and Elizabeth (Challiner) Myott, 1st wife of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777)205Hannah (Myott) Ginders (1779-1824)
GindersHannahdaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders205Hannah Ginders (1810-1860)
GindersJanedaughter of Jeremiah Ginder and Jane (Masery) Ginder205Jane Ginder (1742-)
GindersJeremiahborn 1746, possibly the son of Jeremiah Ginder and Jane (Masery) Ginder205Jeremiah Ginders (abt.1746-1794)
GindersJeremiahborn 1777, husband of (1) Hannah (Myott) Ginders, (2) Margaret (Wilson ) Ginders205Jeremiah Ginders (1777-1845)
GindersJeremiahborn 1801, son of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders, husband of Ellen (Marsh) Ginders15, 205Jeremiah Ginders (1801-1843)
GindersJeremiahborn 1829, son of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Jeremiah Ginders (1829-1856)
GindersJohnson of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders205John Ginders (1802-1840)
GindersJohn Marshson of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205John Marsh Ginders (1837-)
GindersJoshuason of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Joshua Ginders (1842-)
GindersWilsonMargaret2nd wife of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777)205Margaret (Wilson) Ginders (abt.1809-1894)
GindersPrattMargaret Lythallwife of Samuel Ginders205Margaret Lythall (Pratt) Ginders (abt.1810-abt.1888)
GindersMarydaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders205Mary Ginders (1811-1811)
GindersRichard Marshson of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Richard Marsh Ginders (1836-1918)
GindersRichard Myottson of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders, husband of Elizabeth (Edwards) Ginders205Richard Myott Ginders (1808-1882)
GindersSamuelson of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders, husband of Margaret Lythall (Pratt) Ginders205Samuel Ginders (1812-1897)
GindersFosterSarahwife of Jeremiah Ginders (born about 1746)205Sarah (Foster) Ginders (abt.1750-)
GindersThomasborn 1805, son of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders205Thomas Ginders MRCS (1805-1844)
GindersThomasborn 1834, son of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Thomas Ginders (1834-1864)
GoodJohnhusband of Mary (Britten) Good203John Good (abt.1800-)
GoodBrittenMarydaughter of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten, wife of John Good203Mary (Britten) Good (bef.1796-abt.1843)
GoodmanBenjamin DavidAmerican clarinetist, bandleader172Benjamin David Goodman (1909-1986)
GooldHuttRose Annmilliner in the 1871 household of Thomas Britten201Rose Ann (Hutt) Goold (1845-)
GreenJohn KennethEnlish set designer for the 'Peter Grimes' opera185John Kenneth Green (1905-1986)
GriersonJohnScottish documentary maker, asked Edward Benjamin Britten to write music for his films87John Grierson CBE (1898-1972)
GriffithsBrittenSusannahborn 1811, daughter of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten203Susannah (Britten) Griffiths (bef.1813-)
GuthrieWilliam TyroneEnglish theatrical director185-187William Tyrone Guthrie (1900-1971)
GydeAlfred Arnold ErnestEnglish publisher, husband of Sophie Adele (Wyss) Gyde91-93Alfred Arnold Ernest Gyde (1894-1959)
GydeWyssSophie AdeleSwiss soprano, wife of Alfred Arnold Ernest Gyde91-93, 100, 120, 150, 152Sophie Adele (Wyss) Gyde (1897-1983)
HambourgReuben MarkRussian British concert pianist27Reuben Mark Hambourg (1879-1960)
HardingGatleyDorothy WaltonAmerican actress, known as Ann Harding88Dorothy Walton (Gatley) Harding (1902-1981)
HarmerAldwyth Julia Mabelladaughter of Frederick William Harmer and Ellen Elizabeth (Britten) Harmer204Aldwyth Julia M Harmer (1910-1992)
HarmerBrittenEllen Elizabethdaughter of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten, wife of Frederick William Harmer16, 104, 201, 204Ellen Elizabeth (Britten) Harmer (1871-1945)
HarmerFreda Mary Brittendaughter of Frederick William Harmer and Ellen Elizabeth (Britten) Harmer204Freda Mary B Harmer (1908-)
HarmerFrederick Williamhusband of Ellen Elizabeth (Britten) Harmer204Frederick William Harmer (1865-1949)
Hart?perhaps a domestcic servant of the Britten family184
Harwood?(Mrs) dentist to the Britten family in London140
HaswellPeterfather of Rhoda (Haswell) Niblow202Peter Haswell (1791-1857)
HawkesRalphEnglish music publisher90-91, 93, 120, 126, 129, 134-135, 138, 141, 150, 155, 163, 185Ralph Hawkes (1898-1950)
HayesEdith Ellen(Miss) Robert Victor Britten's secretary for 18 years, daughter of Ellen Ann (Heather) Hayesxiii, 37Edith Ellen Hayes (1869-1957)
HayesHeatherEllen Annmother of Edith Ellen Hayes and Dora Madeline (Hayes) Hebron37Ellen Ann (Heather) Hayes (abt.1850-1936)
HebronHayesDora Madelinedaughter of Ellen Ann (Heather) Hayes37Dora Madeline (Hayes) Hebron (1891-1971)
HintonArabella Lucy(Miss) head of a dame school in Maidenhead, Berkshire16-17, 19-21Arabella Lucy Hinton (1854-1939)
HockeyEdgar Jamesson of William Henry Hockey and Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey18-19, 202Edgar James Hockey (1874-1964)
HockeyEffie Mauddaughter of William Henry Hockey and Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey202Effie Maud Hockey (1876-1944)
HockeyElsie Marydaughter of Henry William Hockey and Jane (Holbrook) Hockey43, 75, 202Elsie May Hockey (1902-1984)
HockeyFannymother of William Henry Hockey17, 202Fanny Hockey (1818-)
HockeyFrederick Hintonson of William Henry Hockey and Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey18, 20, 202Frederick Hinton Hockey (1880-1915)
HockeyGeorge Williamson of Henry William Hockey and Jane (Holbrook) Hockey202George William Hockey (1905-)
HockeyHenry William(Professor), son of William Henry Hockey and Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey17-18, 21, 29, 43, 202Henry William Hockey (1871-1948)
HockeyHolbrookJanewife of Henry William Hockey18, 43, 202Jane (Holbrook) Hockey (1869-1942)
HockeyNiblowRhoda Elizabethdaughter of William Niblow (junior), wife of William Henry Hockeyvii, 17, 20, 202Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey (1845-1910)
HockeySarah Fannydaughter of William Henry Hockey and Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey18, 27202Sarah Fanny Hockey (1875-1939)
HockeyWilliam Henryson of Fanny Hockey16-17, 19-21, 202William Henry Hockey (1842-1906)
HoeckJangave a concert in Birmingham, Staffordshire of Edward Benjamin Britten's music92
HolyoakeJosephhusband of Shuckey (Britten) Holyoake203Joseph Holyoake (abt.1780-)
HolyoakeBrittenShuckeydaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, wife of Joseph Holyoake203Shuckey (Britten) Holyoake (bef.1771-)
HorsnettEdwardhusband of Mary ? (died 1808), father of Ann (Horsnett) Britten203Edward Horsnett (abt.1740-)
Hroyan(Miss) schoolteacher in Berkshire19
HudsonBerismentioned in Acknowledgements, assisted with typingxiBeris Hudson
HurstHelen Irene SelbyShared a flat with Edith Barbara Britten103, 115, 120, 151, 161, 166, 170, 173Helen Irene Selby Hurst (1887-1981)
HutchinsonRonald McDonaldknown as Harry Tate, English comedian27Ronald McDonald Hutchinson (1872-1940)
IrelandJohn NicholsonEnglish composer, Edward Benjamin Britten's composition teacher59John Nicholson Ireland (1879-1962)
IsherwoodChristopher William Anglo-American novelist, playwright, screenwriter, diarist87, 89, 91, 100, 109Christopher William (Bradshaw-Isherwood) Isherwood (1904-1986)
JacksonJames1st husband of Mabella Worsey205James Jackson (abt.1769-)
JagoAlfordGwendolinemusician acquaintance of Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten63Gwendoline (Alford) Jago (1895-1965)
JenksHenrydraper's assistant in the 1871 household of Thomas Britten201Henry Jenks (1851-)
JohnAugustus EdwinEnglish artist, husband of Ida Margaret Nettleship94-95Augustus Edwin John (1878-1961)
JohnHenryson of Augustus Henry John and Ida Margaret (Nettleship) John94-97privacy protected
JohnNettleshipIda Margaretwife of Augustus Edwin John, sister of Ethel and Ursula Nettleship94, 97Ida Margaret (Nettleship) John (1877-1907)
JonesBrittenAnndaughter of John Britten (born 1798) and Sarah (Hay) Britten, wife of John Jones203Ann (Britten) Jones (1835-1872)
JonesEdwardhusband of Elizabeth (Britten) Jones203Edward Jones (abt.1796-1842)
JonesBrittenElizabethborn 1804, daughter of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten, wife of Edward Jones203Elizabeth (Britten) Jones (bef.1805-)
JonesJohnhusband of Ann (Britten) Jones203John Jones (abt.1840-)
KellerHans HeinrichAustrian musician, writer, editor187Hans Heinrich Keller (1919-1985)
KempJohnhusband of Mary (Britten) Kemp203John Kemp (abt.1780-)
KempBrittenMarydaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, wife of John Kemp203Mary (Britten) Kemp (bef.1769-)
KennedyJoseph PatrickUnited States Ambassador to the United Kingdom 1938-1940137Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr. (1888-1969)
KeysJuliafounder member of the Music Club of Aldeburgh193
KingsleyCharles(Professor) novelist, historian, priest39Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)
Köller(Madam) Christian Science friend of Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten83
KorchinskaMariaRussian harpist178Maria (Korchinska) Benkendorff (abt.1895-1979)
KoussevitzskyУшковаNatalie (Наталия Константиновна)wife of Sergei Koussevitzsky174Наталия Константиновна (Ушкова) Koussevitzky (1881-1942)
KoussevitzskySergeiRussian conductor, composer, double-bassistix, 158, 171, 174Сергей Александрович (Кусевицкий) Koussevitzky (1874-1951)
LambHenry TaylorAustralian painter, friend of John Louis Behrend99Henry Taylor Lamb (1883-1960)
LaneEdwardperhaps the husband of Jane Britten, the daughter of John Britten (died 1671)203
LangeHansjürghusband of Sarah Charlotte (Welford) Jange204privacy protected
LangeLars Thomasson of Hansjürg Lange and Sarah Charlotte (Welford) Lange204privacy protected
LangeMark Edwardson of Hansjürg Lange and Sarah Charlotte (Welford) Lange204privacy protected
LangeNina Ellendaughter of Hansjürg Lange and Sarah Charlotte (Welford) Lange204privacy protected
LangeWelfordSarah Charlottedaughter of Christopher Richard Beverly Welford and Charlotte Elizabeth (Britten) Welford, wife of Hansjürg Lange204privacy protected
LangeSven Wolfgangson of Hansjürg Lange and Sarah Charlotte (Welford) Lange204privacy protected
LascellesHenry George Charles6th Earl of Harewood, husband of Princess Mary43Henry George Charles Lascelles (1882-1947)
LaulieAustin(Miss) friend of Edward Benjamin Britten127
LauricellaLuigi Alfeoknown as Remo, British composer, violinist, friend of Edward Benjamin Britten60, 62Luigi Alfeo Lauricella (1912-2003)
LeeRowland VanceAmerican film director, actor88Rowland Vance Lee (1891-1975)
LiddyTaylerEleanor Janeknown as Nellie Wallace, Scottish music hall entertainer27Eleanor Jane (Tayler) Liddy (1870-1948)
LongfellowHenry WadsworthAmerican poet, educatorivHenry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
LutyensAgnes ElisabethEnglish composer87Agnes Elizabeth Lutyens (1906-)
MacNeiceFrederick LouisIrish poet, playwright87, 91Frederick Louis (McNeice) MacNeice CBE (1907-1963)
MaconchyElizabeth Violet(Dame) Irish-English composer87Elizabeth Violet Maconchy (1907-1994)
MadocksMarthanurse in the 1871 household of Thomas Britten201Martha Madocks (1832-)
MahlerGustavAustro-Bohemian composer123Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
MannPaul ThomasGerman author, father of Erika Julia Hedwig (Mann) Auden98, 197Paul Thomas Mann (1875-1955)
MarshWorsey (Jackson)Mabellawife of (1) James Jackson, (2) Richard Marsh205Mabella (Worsey) Marsh (1770-1858)
MarshRichard2nd husband of Mabella (Worsey) Jackson205Richard Marsh (abt.1758-1811)
MasonBrittenAnnedaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, wife of John Mason203Anne (Britten) Mason (bef.1764-)
MasonJohnhusband of Anne (Britten) Mason203John Mason (abt.1761-)
MastersonThomas FreeRobert Victor Britten's tailor52Thomas Free Masterson (1858-1938)
MathewsRalphEileen Elizabethwife of Thomas Joseph Mathews172Eileen Elizabeth (Ralph) Mathews (1911-abt.1995)
MathewsThomas JosephEnglish violinist, husband of Eileen Elizabeth (Ralph) Mathews172Thomas Joseph Mathews (1907-)
MayerElizabethBeatadaughter of Dr. William and Mrs Elizabeth Mayer120, 132-133, 144, 153, 156Beata Elizabeth (Mayer) Sauerländer (1912-2000)
MayerChristopherson of William and Elizabeth Mayer150, 153Christopher Mayer
MayerWolffElizabeth(Mrs) friend of Peter Neville Luard Pears118, 120, 122-124, 126, 129, 132-133, 139-140, 142-143, 147-148, 150, 154-155, 159, 172, 177Elizabeth (Wolff) Mayer (1884-1970)
MayerMichaelson of William and Elizabeth Mayer150, 153Michael Mayer (1917-2007)
MayerUlricadaughter of Dr. William and Mrs Elizabeth Mayer153Ulrica Mayer (1919-)
MayerWilliam(Dr.) friend of Peter Neville Luard Pears118, 120, 122-123, 125-126, 128, 131, 133, 136, 139-140, 147-148, 150, 154-155, 159William Mayer (1887-1956)
McPheeColin CarhartAmerican composer, lived in Brooklyn, New York with Edward Benjamin Britten and Wystan Hugh Auden165Colin Carhart McPhee (1900-1964)
MeadeKathleenlodger of the author in Finchley, Middlesex in 193698, 101
MerrickBrittenFrancesdaughter of Thomas Britten (born about 1767) and Ann (Horsnett) Britten203Frances (Britten) Merrick (bef.1811-1867)
MitchellDonald CharlesEnglish writer, editor187Donald Charles Peter Mitchell
MoberlyAlan Vivian(Dr.) neighbour of the author in Middlesex in 1937101Alan Vivian Moberly (1889-1965)
MollerVulliamyHope Musuer known as Poppy, cared for Basque children during the Spanish Civil War107Hope Museur (Vulliamy) Moller (1906-1992)
MozartJohannes Chrystostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus AmadeusAustrian composer47, 79-80, 82Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (1756-1791)
MyottChallinerElizabethdaughter of Samuel Chalener and Elizabeth Chalener, wife of Richard Myott205Elizabeth (Challiner) Myott (1749-1832)
MyottRichardhusband of Elizabeth (Challiner) Myott205Richard Myott (abt.1743-1817)
NeelLouis BoydEnglish conductor93Louis Boyd Neel (1905-)
NettleshipEthel Marysister of Ida and Ursula Nettleship, rented a bungalow to the Britten family in Cornwall in the 1930's94-95, 97Ethel Mary Nettleship (1878-)
NettleshipUrsula Marysister of Ida and Ethel Nettleship94, 97-98Ursula Mary Nettleship (abt.1886-1968)
NiblowHaswellRhodawife of William Niblow (born 1816)202Rhoda (Haswell) Niblow (abt.1827-1905)
NiblowWilliamborn 1816, son of William Niblow (born about 1797)202William Niblow (1816-1900)
NiblowWilliamborn about 1797, perhaps the husband of unknown Ann202William Niblow (abt.1797-1824)
NicholsonGindersJulia Mabelladaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders102, 205Julia Mabella (Ginders) Nicholson (abt.1827-1911)
Nicholson(Mr) property agent of Edward Benjamin Britten127, 129, 136, 139, 141, 146-147, 149, 152
ObeyAndréFrench playwright188
OldhamArthur WilliamEnglish composer187Arthur William Oldham
OlszewskaMariaGerman contralto83Maria Olszewska (1892-1969)
OrmandyEugeneHungarian-born American conductor, violinist174Jenő (Blau) Ormandy (1899-)
PainterBrittenJulia Anniedaughter of Thomas Britten (born 1829) and Mary Charlotte (Ginders) Britten, wife of Sheldon Painter16, 146, 149, 201, 204Julia Annie (Britten) Painter (1868-1946)
PainterSheldon(Rev) husband of Julia Annie (Britten) Painter16, 204Sheldon Painter (1865-1936)
PearsArthur Grantfather of Peter Neville Luard Pears157, 159, 178Arthur Grant Pears (1863-1948)
PearsLuardJessie Elizabethde Vismemother of Peter Neville Luard Pears157, 165, 178Jessie Elizabeth De Visme (Luard) Pears (abt.1869-abt.1947)
PearsPeter Neville Luard(Sir) English tenorvii, xi, 18, 84, 93, 99, 103, 106, 109, 111, 113-116, 118, 120, 122-123, 129, 131, 133, 138, 140-142, 144, 147, 150, 152-160, 164-166, 169, 171-174, 177-180, 183, 185, 188-189, 191-193, 197-198Peter Neville Luard Pears (1910-1986)
PenravenAllan Frederickdental surgeon in Ipswich, Suffolk19Allan Frederick Penraven (1859-1922)
PikeGindersElizabethdaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders205Elizabeth (Ginders) Pike (1832-)
PiperMyfanwy MaryBritish art critic, opera librettist197Mary Myfanwy Piper (1911-1997)
PlattSamueldraper's assistant in the 1871 household of Thomas Britten201Samuel Platt (abt.1848-)
PlomerWilliam Charles FranklynSouth African-British novelist198William Charles Franklyn Plomer (1903-1973)
PonderJohnfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten75
PrattWalkerAlice Mariasister of Ann Elizabeth (Walker) Scarce, wife of Samuel Pratt, cook to the Britten family31-33, 37-38, 46, 58, 71Alice Maria (Walker) Pratt (1883-1967)
PrattSamuelhusband of Alice Maria (Walker) Pratt32Samuel Pratt (1874-1957)
PritchardB.founder member of the Music Club of Aldeburgh193
ProctorElizabethgeneral servant in the 1871 household of Thomas Britten201Elizabeth Proctor (1847-)
PudneyJohn Sleighmentioned in Acknowledgements, English journalist, lent some programme notesxi, 89John Sleigh Pudney (abt.1909-1977)
PurcellHenryEnglish composer187, 199Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
RansomeArthur MitchellEnglish author88Arthur Michell Ransome CBE (1884-1967)
RathbonePhilip St JohnSouth African-born English actor88Philip St. John Rathbone (1892-1967)
ReizensteinFranz TheodorGerman-born British composer93Franz Theodor Reizenstein (1911-1968)
RiceGwenllian Frances Elizabethfriend of the author, sister of Neville Edward Cecil Rice94Gwenllian Frances Elizabeth Rice (1912-)
RiceNeville Edward Cecilfriend of the author, brother of Gwenllian Frances Elizabeth Rice94Neville Edward Cecil Rice (1917-)
RichardsBernardmentioned in Acknowledgements, Royal College of Music colleaguexi, 58, 60, 62-63
RimbaudJean Nicolas ArthurFrench poet92Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891)
RobertGracefriend of Edward Benjamin Britten85
RobertsWilliamalso known as Ernest Newman, English music critic93William Roberts (1868-1959)
RobertsonBartlettEthel AgnesEnglish pianist, wife of John Rae Robertson164-165, 168Ethel Agnes (Bartlett) Robertson (1896-1978)
RobertsonJohn RaeScottish pianist, husband of Ethel Agnes (Bartlett) Robertson164-165, 168, 171John Rae Robertson (1893-1956)
RoomWarrenFrancesmother of Alice Julia (Room) Ward19Francis (Warren) Room (abt.1835-abt.1915)
RooseveltFranklin DelanoPresident of the United States 1933-1945137, 147, 164, 166Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)
RowEdith LornaEnglish cellist, sister of Ida Constance Row193Edith Lorna Row (1885-1978)
RowIda ConstanceEnglish violinist, sister of Edith Lorna Row193-196Ida Constance Row (1886-1981)
RubbraCharles EdmundBritish composer87Charles Edmund Rubbra (1901-1986)
Russell?husband of Frances (Russell) Britten203
RussellBertrand Arthur WilliamWelsh philosoher137Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970)
RussellBrittenFrancesdaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, wife of ? Russell203Frances Britten (bef.1772-)
Sackville-WestEdwardEnglish music critic, novelist178-179Edward Sackville-West (1901-1965)
SamuelHarold SolomonEnglish pianist49, 53, 57, 59Harold Solomon Samuel (1879-1937)
ScarceWalkerAnn Elizabethnanny to the Britten children, wife of Charles William Scarcexiii, 29-32, 34-35, 37-39, 44-45Ann Elizabeth (Walker) Scarce (abt.1882-abt.1974)
ScarceCharles Williamhusband of Ann Elizabeth (Walker) Scarce32Charles William Scarce (1877-1964)
ScherchenGustelGerman émigré125, 146, 150
ScherchenWulffGerman émigré146, 150, 156
SchnabelArtur (Aaron)Austrian-American pianist, composer, husband of Therese (Behr) Schnabel138Aaron Schnabel (1882-1951)
SchotterbeckLyelSwiss friend of the Britten Family77-78Lyel Schotterbeck (1899-)
SchumannElisabethGerman soprano, friend of the Britten family78Elisabeth Schumann (1888-1952)
SewellLawrence Alleinedentist partner of Robert Victor Britten76Lawrence Alleine Sewell (1906-1990)
SewellThomas Jackson ElliottEdward Benjamin Britten's schoolmaster48Thomas Jackson Elliott Sewell (1888-1972)
SheppardHugh Richard Lawrie(Rev) founded the Pease Pledge Union in 1934107Hugh Richard Lawrie Sheppard (1880-1937)
SherringKatedressmaker in the 1871 household of Thomas Britten201Kate Sherring (1847-)
SlaterCaroldaughter of Charles Montague Slater and Enid Thelma (Mace) Slater180, 182privacy protected
SlaterCharles MontagueEnglish poet, novelist, playwright, husband of Enid179, 182, 185Charles Montague Slater (1902-1956)
SlaterMaceEnid Thelmaacquaintance of Edward Benjamin Britten in the United States, wife of Charles Montague Slater152, 176, 179-180, 182-183Enid Thelma (Mace) Slater (1903-1988)
SlocombeMarie Tapscottmentioned in Acknowledgements, assisted with typingxiMarie Tapscott Slocombe MBE (1912-1995)
SmithEdward2nd husband of Susannah (Pritchard) Britten203
SpencerStanleyEnglish painter, friend of John Louis Behrend99-100Stanley Spencer (1891-1960)
SpenderStephen Harold(Sir) English poet91Stephen Harold Spender (1909-1995)
StaggArthurhusband of Mary Elizabeth (Hockey) Stagg202Arthur Stagg (1879-1948)
StaggEffie Joandaughter of Arthur Stagg and Mary Elzabeth (Hockey) Stagg202Effie Joan Stagg (1911-2003)
StaggElizabeth Margaretdaughter of Arthur Stagg and Mary Elzabeth (Hockey) Stagg202Elizabeth Margaret Stagg (1909-)
StaggHockeyMary Elizabethdaughter of William Henry Hockey and Rhoda Elizabeth (Niblow) Hockey, wife of Arthur Stagg202Mary Elizabeth (Hockey) Stagg (1878-1922)
StaggMary Ursuladaughter of Arthur Stagg and Mary Elzabeth (Hockey) Stagg202Mary Ursula Stagg (1908-1954)
SteinErwinAustrian musician, writer178Erwin Stein (1885-1958)
SteinMariondaughter of Erwin Stein178Maria Donata Nanetta Paulina Gustava Erwina Wilhelmine (Stein) Thorpe (1926-2014)
SteinBachmannSophiewife of Erwin Stein178
StevensJohn FrederickEnglish chemist, bought a chemist's shop in Aldeburgh in 1950, founder member of the Music Club of Aldeburgh, husband of Lucy Thelma (Clark) Stevens192-193, 199John Frederick Stevens (1913-1972)
StevensClarkLucy Thelmawife of John Frederick Stevens192Lucy Thelma (Clark) Stevens (1915-abt.2002)
StraussJohann BaptistAustrian composer81-82Johann Baptist Strauss II (1825-1899)
StravinskyIgor FyodorovitchRussian composer, conductor55Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)
StrodeRosamundmusical assistant of Edward Benjamin Britten199Rosamund Strode
SweetingElizabethmentioned in Acknowledgements, edited the bookxi
SwinglerRandall CarlineEnglish author, wrote the words to the song 'Absolute Democracy'107Randall Carline Swingler (1909-1967)
SymondsBrittenBetseydaughter of John Britten (born about 1707), and Susannah (Pritchard) Britten, wife of William Symonds203Betsey (Britten) Symonds (bef.1775-)
SymondsWilliamhusband of Betsey (Britten) Symonds203William Symonds (abt.1785-)
TaitIan Greville(Dr.) attended Edward Benjamin Britten in the 1970's199Ian Greville Tait (1926-2013)
TchaikovskyПётр Ильи́чRussian composer85Пётр Ильи́ч Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
ThomsonRitanurse of Edward Benjamin Britten in 197433, 199
TippettMichael Kemp(Sir) English composer178Michael Kemp Tippett (1905-1998)
TitleySquiresMildred S.(Dr.) wife of William Titley, housed Edward Benjamin Britten in the New York in 1939-1940122-123, 139, 154Mildred S. (Squires) Titley (1898-)
TitleyRacheldaughter of William and Mildred S.Titley155Rachel Titley
TitleyWilliam B.(Dr.) husband of Mildred S. Titley, housed Edward Benjamin Britten in the New York in 1939-1940122-123, 139, 154William B. Titley (1904-)
TrubshawGindersEllendaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1777) and Hannah (Myott) Ginders, wife of Thomas Trubshaw205Ellen (Ginders) Trubshaw (1804-1890)
TrubshawThomashusband of Ellen (Ginders) Trubshaw205Thomas Trubshaw (1802-1842)
TyrrellKatienurse of the Nettleship children97Katie Tyrrell (1863-1952)
van BeethovenLudwigGerman composer47, 132Ludwig van Beethoven (bef.1770-1827)
van der PostGiffardIngaret Stella(Lady) English actress, wife of Laurens Jan van der Post198Ingaret Stella (Giffard) van der Post (abt.1902-)
van der PostLaurens Jan(Sir) South African writer198Laurens Jan van der Post (1906-1996)
VennMonicafriend of Edward Benjamin Britten, violinist197
von MünzbergPaul Felix WeingartnerAustrian conductor, composer, pianist77-78, 8Paul Feliz Weingartner von Münzberg (1863-1942)
VulliamyLionel HastingsEnglish solicitor, coroner, father of Hope Vulliamy107Lionel Hastings Vulliamy (1875-1956)
WagnerWilhelm RichardGerman composer47, 65`Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
WalkerHuntLucywife of Robert Walker, mother of Ann and Alice the staff of the Britten family31-32, 45Lucy (Hunt) Walker (abt.1852-1934)
WalkerRobertfather of Annie and Alice Walker, staff of the Britten family31Robert Walker (abt.1852-1927)
WaltonSusanretired matron, looked after Edward Benjamin Btitten in 1973-4199
WaltonWilliam Turner(Sir) English composer87William Turner Walton (1902-abt.1983)
WardRoomAlice Juliaschoolfriend of Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten in 1883, daughter of Frances (Warren) Room19Alice Julia (Room) Ward (1874-1913)
WardMissthe author's music teacher43
WebbGindersAnnedaughter of Jeremiah Ginders (born 1801) and Ellen (Marsh) Ginders, wife of Henry Charles Webb205Anne (Ginders) Webb (1830-abt.1901)
WebbHenry Charleshusband of Anne (Ginders) Webb205Henry Charles Webb (abt.1830-1902)
WelfordAndrew Thomasson of Thomas Sebastian Welford and Gillian (Harris) Welford204privacy protected
WelfordArthurthe author's father-in-law, father of Christopher Richard Beverly Welford103, 105-106, 118, 125, 151, 161, 167, 169, 176Arthur Welford (1885-1995)
WelfordBrittenCharlotte Elizabeththe author, daughter of Robert Victor Britten and Edith Rhoda (Hockey) Britten, wife of Christopher Richard Beverly WelfordthroughoutCharlotte Elizabeth (Britten) Welford (1909-1989)
WelfordChristopher Richard Beverlyhusband of Charlotte Elizabeth (Britten) Welford the authorbook cover, vii, 56-57, 10191, 1-102, 106-107, 110, 112, 114, 116-120, 123, 125, 127, 129, 132-135, 139, 141, 146-148, 152-153, 157, 160-162, 165, 167, 169-170, 172-174, 176, 178-179, 181, 189, 198, 204Christopher Richard Beverly Welford (1911-1973)
WelfordChristopher Robertson of Thomas Sebastian Welford and Gillian (Harris) Welford204privacy protected
WelfordBeverlyDorothythe author's mother-in-law, wife of Arthur Welford103, 106, 119, 121-122, 125, 132, 151, 161, 167, 169, 176, 190Dorothy (Beverly) Welford (1886-)
WelfordElizabeth Rosemary Ellendaughter of the author187privacy protected
WelfordHarrisGillianwife of Thomas Sebastian Welford204privacy protected
WelfordMatthew Patrickson of Thomas Sebastian Welford and Gillian (Harris) Welford204privacy protected
WelfordPeterwrote a letter to Edward Benjamin Britten in 1941165
WelfordSallydaughter of the author178-180, 182privacy protected
WelfordThomas Sebastianson of Christopher Richard Beverly Welford and Charlotte Elizabeth (Britten) Welford, husband of Gillian (Harris) Welfordvii, 52, 57, 110, 112-113, 116-119, 121, 123-125, 127, 129, 132-135, 139, 141-143, 146-148, 151, 155, 157, 160-161, 164-165, 167, 170, 172, 176, 179-180, 182, 184, 204privacy protected
Wesby?acquaintance of Edward Benjamin Britten184
WesleyJohn(Rev) speaks of the 'Lowestoft Faithful' in his journal22John Wesley (1703-1791)
WilliamsGracefriend of the author83
WilliamsRalph VaughnEnglish composer87Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
WilliamsonMalcolm Benjamin Graham ChristopherAustralian composer, friend of Edward Benjamin Britten200Malcolm Benjamin Graham Christopher Williamson CBE (1931-2003)
WilsonSteurtcousin of Peter Neville Luard Pears159
WindsorJohn Charles Francis (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) of the United Kingdom (1905-1919)Prince John39[[Sachsen-Coburg_und_Gotha-9|John Charles Francis (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) of the United Kingdom (1905-1919) (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) of the United Kingdom (1905-1919)]]
WindsorEdward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick DavidPrince of Wales39Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) Windsor (1894-1972)
WindsorSaxe-Coburg-GothaGeorge Frederick Ernest AlbertKing George V112George Frederick Ernest Albert (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) Windsor KG (1865-1936)
WindsorVictoria Alexandra Alice MaryPrincess Mary, wife of the 6th Earl of Harewood43Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary (Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) Windsor (1897-1965)
WindsorWürttembergVictoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine AgnesQueen Mary112, 189Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes (Württemberg) Windsor (1867-1953)
WittgensteinPaul Carl HermannAustrian pianist, commissioned Edward Benjamin Britten to write a concerto for the left hand in 1940150, 153Paul Carl Hermann Wittgenstein (1887-1961)
Wolff?(Mrs) mother of Lilian Wolff68
Wolff(Mr) father of Lilian Wolff67, 72
WottonHenry(Sir) England author, Member of Parliament75Henry Wotton MP (1568-1639)
WrightBasilfriend of Edward Benjamin Britten, English film director89, 107Basil Wright (1907-1987)
Wrist(Miss) a contemporary tenant, in the author's building64
YeatmanRobert JulianEngliah humourist, co-writer of '1066 and all that', fellow passenger of Edward Benjamin Britten en route to the United States in 1939110Robert Julian Yeatman (1897-1968)

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