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Øregaard Farm, Nors Parish, Hillerslev, Thisted, Denmark

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Øregaard Farm, Nors Parish, Hillerslev, Thisted, Denmarkmap
Surname/tag: Ørgaard
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The Øregaard Farm is located on the north shore of Nors Sø (Lake Nors), Hillerslev, Thisted, Denmark, not far from Nors and very close to Hinding.

Thanks to the generous help of Ole Selmer, a historical map from 1813[1] that shows the exact location of this farm was found. The GPS coordinates are 57.039010, 8.611747 for the current house that is located on the farm.

Øregaard Farm, Nors (1813)

The family surname, Ørgaard (and its spelling variations), originating in or near Nors, are believed to be tied to this location. The spelling variations include Ørgaard, Øhrgaard, Ørregaard, Øregaard, Øergaard and Øregaardt as well as replacement of the 'aa' with 'å'. Other spelling variations such as Østergaard and Øvregaard have been attributed to transcription errors.

As of January 1, 2021, Denmark has 147 Ørgaard, 50 Ørregård, and 41 Øhrgaard surnames. It was also found that Ørgaard, Ørregaard, and Øregaard were on the Danish list of reserved names issued in 1987.

A reference to previous names for the Øregård farm near Nors was found below;
Names in the Middle Ages and 1600s:
Nors (1343 Nors); Hinding (*1468 Hinning, 1600 Hinnding); Øster Skårup (1580 Skaarup, 1638 Skorup); Søgård (* 1400 Siøegaardt, 1482 Søgard); Døvhule (1586 Døfhal); Vorringgård (1599 Vorninggaaard); Øregård (1477 Yrigardh, 1600 Ørgrdt); Vestergård ( 1600 Westergrdt).[2]

It is difficult to find any other information online about the Nors Øregaard Farm because Google searches are overshadowed by the Øregaard Country House & Museum[3] in Hellerup (near Copenhagen - GPS coordinates: 55.738812, 12.572940) and Oregaard Manor & Farm[4] that is located near Ore, Skovby, Odense (now Nordfyn - GPS Coordinates: 55.507676, 10.025592).

Some references were found that describe "Danish Farms in Text and Pictures" which include Vol.1, Vol.3, and Vol.4. A reference to the Nors Øregaard Farm was not found, but with one or more missing volumes, there is still a chance that it was one of the farms covered. [5] [6] [7]

Profiles Linked to this Page

Jens Jepsen Ørgaard


  1. Denmark Historical Maps Online (Danish)
  2. Nors church/Nors kirke, Hillerslev herred, Thisted amt.
  3. Øregaard Museum - WikiPedia
  4. Oregaard Manor & Farm - VisitNordfyn.com
  5. J. Jespersen, 1923: Danske Gaarde i Tekst og Billeder, 1. Bind, De Forenede Bogtrykkerier, Århus Biblio - PDF Digitized by Slægtsforskernes bibliotek
    (Library of the Danish Genealogical Society, The History of the Danes Online - Danish Farms in Text and Pictures - 1st volume)
  6. J. Jespersen, 1926: Danske Gaarde i Tekst og Billeder, 3. Bind, De Forenede Bogtrykkerier, Århus Biblio - PDF Digitized by Slægtsforskernes bibliotek
    (Library of the Danish Genealogical Society, The History of the Danes Online - Danish Farms in Text and Pictures - 3rd volume)
  7. J. Jespersen, 1927: Danske Gaarde i Tekst og Billeder, 4. Bind, De Forenede Bogtrykkerier, Århus Biblio - PDF Digitized by Slægtsforskernes bibliotek
    (Library of the Danish Genealogical Society, The History of the Danes Online - Danish Farms in Text and Pictures - 4th volume)

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