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Surnames/tags: Nutting Wood
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This is a retyped copy of a typed document written by my great-grandmother, Clara Wood Glover, which was handed down to me, Ward Hindman (Hindman-473); and is in my possession. I have tried to render it as close to the original as possible. All errors are exactly as they are in the original.


By her daughter, Clara Wood Glover

Martha Egerton Nutting was born in Hudson Ohio, on the 23rd day of April, 1833. Her father, a native of Massachusetts ,altho an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church, chose teaching as his vocation, and was called to be the second professor in the newly established college located in Hudson. This was called Western Reserve College.
When Martha was seven years old the family moved to Michigan, because of small and uncertain salary. A few years later, her father established at Lodi Plains a co-educational Academy which was destined to become a well known center of learning for the youth of central Michigan, for a long term of years. His daughter inherited from her pious and cultured father a love of languages and literature, and a rare talent for writing, but above all else he bestowed upon her an almost Puritanical conscience, which held her closely to the strict line of duty, coupled with a religious zeal and an abiding faith in God.
She finished her musical and artistic education at the Female Seminary in Jacksonville Illinois, she was an apt pupil, developing much talent along these lines which was a source of satisfaction to her and her friends all during her life. She taught music in her father's school for a period.
Daniel Leonard Wood, a rosy- cheeked ambitious farmer's lad, attending the Academy, won her heart and they were married October 24, 1854. when the groom entered the mercantile business in Ann Arbor, shortly before graduating from the University of Michigan. Leonard Wood led the choir of the Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, and Martha played the organ, there by earning her first money, which she invested in a beautiful silver cake basket, now in possession of her daughter. Two daughters and 4 sons were born to the young couple but one son died in infancy. Business was in a precarious condition, due to the Civil War, and hearing of an opening in Indianapolis Indiana, Leonard Wood moved his family to that city, where he took a position in an insurance business which he held for many years.
Their musical tastes and ability led them into the ministry of song in the young Second Presbyterian Church. Leonard Wood led the volunteer choir for seventeen years, without remuneration, and Martha sang soprano with occasional interims when two more sons were born. During those years Robert Newland presided at the organ, who by his inspired playing helped the choir to do fine work. Leonard Wood also directed the singing in Sunday School for many years. At that time the sessions were held at 2.30. in the afternoon.There was no time for Sunday excursions. The Wood family believed thoroly in church attendance, and all attended the evening service regularly, as well as the Thursday night prayer- meeting, unless prevented by necessity.
Martha Wood was always active in Sunday School. Her early training gave her an excellent equipment for a teacher, both spiritually as well as intellectually. She continued active study of the Bible until late in life. I remember being in her early class of young girls, with Helen Mayo, Edna Wildman, Carrie Gregory, Eddie Desouchet Nellie Comingore, Lizzie Hubbard and others. Her last class was composed of boys, whom she taught up to early manhood. Mr Arthur Moore was in that class.
Mother's interest in the Missionary cause was also a natural inheritance from her parents. In those early years of the Missionary Boards of the Presbyterian Church, the personal responsibility for converting the heathen lay heavily upon the consciences of the members, and the obligation was taken very seriously. The greater the privations and difficulties, the more gladly the candidates offerred them selves.
Mother would willingly have gone as a foreign missionary when a young woman but her life seemed planned for her and interests developed which kept her at home. She was an ardent worker, altho a modest, one in the women's missionary society from the time of its organization and had become President Emeritus when ill- health kept her from active participation. Her death at the age of eighty eight was the culmination of a beautiful well-rounded life, devoted to her beloved church, her family, and her clubs. Her children have risen up to call her blessed, and give thanks for the rich heritage she has left them.

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