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Journal 9

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Journals Index
J.H. Watmuff Profile
1 1856-05-01 (Bendigo, Dunolly, Sandy Creek (Tarnagulla), Loddon , (Mt. Hope Hoax), Ararat, Chinamans Flat, Moonlight Flat, Mt William (trek with Aboriginal guide), Pleasant Creek (Stawell), Melbourne).
2 Bendigo Melbourne 1862 Otago N.Z. (1859-07-17)
3 Otago (1862-09-11)
4 Otago (1863-07-26) to Melbourne 1865
5 Melbourne 1865-11-12
6 Melbourne 1866-03-04
7 Melbourne 1869-03-28
8 Melbourne 1870-06-12 to April 1876
9 Melbourne 1876-06 to 1880-09-07
10 Dribs & Drabs 1881-02-16 to 1882-06
11 Sydney & Misc. 1884
12 Lusitania Voyage 1887-05-27
13 Lusitania Voyage 1887-05-30
14 Lusitania Voyage 1887-06-26
15 Lusitania Voyage 1887-07-01
16 and 17 England, letters and Journal 1887-07-14
18 Garonne return Voyage 1887-09-27
19 Resignations 1888-05-28 to 1892 Nov.
See Bert Watmuff's letters about the family
20 (Journal 19) Mildura 1893-05-06
21 Genealogies from 1738 to 1889
22 New Zealand Essays
J.H. & Bessie Watmuff's Photos
Olive Watmuff's Photos



Woodlawn Place
Station Place
Nr Sandridge

Mr B ?? ??? P????
Gr Kew - ???? at the
Copy Goods Office In the sheds
In Auburn platform
When in to get it
88 s
7 - 6
2 0 0
??? 10 0
4 2  ?
66 19 11
This book belongs to John Hy Watmuff
Royd Cottage
2 Waterloo St
St Kilda



H. Vickerman Monument Creek School Hesket
W[est] Rochford [Victoria]

Miss S. Watmuff
X(Myrtle Terrace)X
Myrtle Road

J.R. Hamilton
74 William St

Mdm Pignolet
Barkly [Street]
St Kilda



Cash Received from June 1877
June 28 Clark £5-0-0
July 1 Church £7-10-0
July 5 Wages £7-19-0
July 6 Clark £25-0-0
“ 18 Wages £7-19-0

Cup Monarque Falmouth

Marldon I just had to put off a business engagement on Wednesday night in order to be at the practise. *Mind bring up my attendance at the Town Hall on Wednesday night, I had to put off an engagement I had while truly under the impression there would



be no [?]imports to night. I am very sorry. I Trust you will kindly excuse my attendance. X(To night)X I am very sorry X(but I)X that X(it should be so. Yours)X this was to be. Yours truly JHW

2/6 Sweep. Cup office. First Water
2/6 “ Hotham Hand/p Sootsayer
1/- “ “ Cambello



[ This page continues the expenditure side of the ledger:]


June 29 To Mother 2. 0. 0
July 2 Glanfield 2.10. 0
“ 2 Sandons 10. 0
“ 4 Atkinsons 4. 1. 0
“ 6 Lucys Wages 18. 0
“ 6 Bracketts etc 3. 0
“ 5 To Mother 10. 0
“ 5/6 Dinners 2. 0
“ 6 Wood 1. 0. 0
“ 7 Mother 1.10. 0
“ 7 Grocer 5. 0. 0
“ 7 Milkman 5. 0. 0
“ 7 Newspaper 1. 0. 0
“ 7 Nightman 13. 0
“ 7 GBarnes 2. 0. 0
“ 7 Sundercombe 1.11. 9
“ 7 Baker 4.10. 0
“ 7 R White 14. 3



“ 7 Carriage Mother 13. 0
“ 8 Church 1. 0
“ 10 Butcher 5. 0. 0
“ 18 Paperhanger 4.13.10
“ 18 Houshold 5. 8. 8
“ 18 Taxes 2.12. 6

Miss Jukes
Return O God of Hosts
“Samson” Handels

Weslyan Sunday School
Commercial Road, South Yarra
Concert 13 November 1879
Memories of the Past
Maid of Athens
Duet The Sailor Sighs

Novr. 17th. [1879-11-17] Service at Scots Church



December 2nd Tuesday ̶79 [1879]
United Presbyterian Choir
Concert. Town Hall [Melbourne] Now Miss Hoskins

Walker of 263 Bk St W 7 y & Shelving 6ft 11. 8
12 “ – “ - 3ft
1 Table Cloth 10. 0
1 “ Stool 3. 6
1 Cane Chair 16
2 Prs Curtains 1. 8. 0
Socks 5
Flannels 13. 0
Collars 5. 6
Books 15. 0
Water Bottle 3. 6
Assurance 1. 5. 0
Dr Rankin 1. 1. –
Fenwick Rms 1. 8. 0



8. 2. 10
1. 16. 7

Cash £ 9. 19. 5
Cheque 21. 10. 6
*BBK £31. 9.11

*Harry *Soumt

IC 641

K *any *May f

March 11/80
K 9. 0. 0 20 16. 8
S 14. 0 7 10 0
C 1. 1. 0 18. 6. 8
W 2. 0. 0 17. 0 0
B.S. 4. 0. 0 11. 6. 8
16. 15.0
SC 5 0
17. 0.0



3rd Feby 1880 Married to Elizabeth Pitts at the Manse South Yarra by the Revd. Mr. Maxwell present - John M Pitts, Mr Clark & my brother Fred, Mrs Deschamp, & Mrs. Pitts.



[Bessie Pitts and JHW sang for St Patrick’s night concert, Wednesday, 17th March]

Saturday 17 April [1880-04-17]

Afternoon Bessie went to stay at Boorondara with Mrs Deschamp

Sunday 18 April [1880-04-18-Sunday] Bessie returned from Mrs Deschamps. Bessie stoppd.



Monday 19 April 1880 Went Hugenots [Huguenots: “Gli Ugonotti”] Boema, Farley, Paladini & Coys last night very fair performance – Boema magnificent.

20th [1880-04-20-Tuesday]

Picture hanging. Miss Campbell spent the evening with us.

21st [1880-04-21-Wednesday] Witnessed “8 hours demonstration” very wet. Went to see the pictures at the Gallery, one by Claude Lorrain “an Italian seaport Scene” lent by Mr W Aitkin, very fine, but must admit I dont care so much for it as I do for many of the modern



painter’s works. In the evening, Bess & I spent with the Johnsons in Barkly Street.

22nd [1880-04-22-Thursday] Evening at home. Mr Pitts spent with us. Mother walked to end of Alma Road. Sold piano £23 - To Mr Tully.

23rd. [1880-04-23-Friday] Very wet. Rehearsals at Scots Church in evening.

24 [1880-04-24-Saturday] Afternoon. Bessie & I went to Hawthorn, called at Bartholds. From there went to Bessie Bonds for tea, spent evening there.

25 [1880-04-25-Sunday] Very wet. Church morning & evening. Afternoon Bessie & Charles & self went to Beach.



26th [1880-04-26-Monday] Getting house papered & cracks filled up in walls passage ceiling replastered etc. 27th [1880-04-27-Tuesday] House in a muddle. Got front room finished & papered, carpeted & furniture in. Mr Duke called with letter of introduction from Hamilton.

28th [1880-04-28-Wednesday] Remained at home evening setting up things. Smiths

29 [1880-04-29-Thursday] Mrs. Smith & Miss *Sms [Smiths?] vening. Saw them home

30th [1880-04-30-Friday] Rehearsal at St Church

1st May [1880-05-01-Saturday]

Home to dinner. A Mr Dukes



friend of Hamiltons dinner, going to England Pr.Sorata. Evening at home Wet. 2 May [1880-05-02-Sunday] Very Wet. Church morning & evening. Afternoon went to Pitts, got caught in a shower returned home.

3 May [1880-05-03-Monday] Fine. Went to Opera House to hear Elsa May (Mrs Colclough) in Grand Duchess. No good. Bessie disappointed. Pd & find an income anything to £250 for year - £250 pr year.

4 May [1880-05-04-Tuesday] Mr & Mrs Barthold & Mr & Mrs Marsden & Mr Pitts spent the evening with us. John Tom [down] from the Country.

5 May [1880-05-05-Wednesday] Plasterer finishing this week. Joe gone to Miss Bonds Birthday party.



Evening went to hear “De[r] Freischutz with Elsa May &[Madame] Rose Hersee. Bessie & I came home with the former (who is an old acquaintance of mine) & Mr & Mrs Plumpton.

6 May 1880 Joe’s birthday, 8 to day. Came home from Hawthorn this morning, from her cousin Minnies party. Clark called in the evening – stayd at home.

7 May [1880] Rehearsal for Concert.

8 May [1880] Bessie & George tea. In the evening I went to Maritana with Ellen Gordon as the Gitana. No good.



9 May/80 Sunday. Very wet. Church morning & eve. Called at Pittsfor Bessie got wet through coming home.

10 May [1880-05-10-Monday] Weather unsettled – at home.

11 May As yesterday

12 May Went to Lilly of Killarny. One of the poorest representations I ever heard. Templeton as Danny Mann was “execrable”.

19 May Went to hear Balfes Rose of Castile capital performance – Rose Hersee.

22 [1880-05-22-Saturday] Bessie & G Bond spent the afternoon. In the evening we went



to hear Barber of Seville with Rose Hersée. Cellaj as Baritone Figaro. Coy, Farley & Barili in one of the best performances I have witnessed in Melbourne.

Monday 24 May [1880] Holiday. Wrote a long letter to father in reply to his by last mail in reference to the disposal of £1590 he received at uncle Joes death. Suggested his investing it Etc.

25 May Bessie & I went to hear Revd. C. Strong deliver his lecture on the German pastor & patriot Sheilmacher. Very dry & monotonous.

26 May Spent evening at Mrs Coster, she is a splendid pianist Bessie & I sang.



Thursday 27 May Bessie Bond to dinner. Posted letter to father. Ditto Fred in reference to the investment of money by father & suggesting to let us have some to clear off our mortgages Etc. Miss Lees, Mr Pitts & Clarks spent evening with us.

28 May Rehearsal in the evening at Scots Church as usual. Came home with Mdm. Tasca. Met Elsa May (Mrs Fairclough).

29 May Stayd at home afternoon. Evening, Bessie & I went to Signora Boema Concert. Piano attendance - fine Concert.

30 May Church as usual morning & evening. Afternoon, Bess & I took a walk, got [*?caught in the?] rain.



31 May 1880 Very busy at the office. Kefford & I spent the morning in arranging our Books at the Vict Rlys Spencer St. with Mr Kent. In the evening I went to the opera to hear again the “Barber of Seville” delightful performance so perfect in all the parts.

1st June Busy. In the evening I accompanied Bess to her brothers, where she intends staying for a day or so to assist, as Mrs Pitts servant is away - spent the evening very pleasently – 11 when I got home

2 June In the evening I went to Pitts for Bess, from there went to the Opera house to hear



Carmen by Bizet very much pleased with the performance, but have heard it much better done. Rose Hersee, Farley, Beaumont as principals. 12pm when we got home.

3 June At home in the evening.

4th Rehearsal at church.

5th Spent afternoon at home. Miss Rose called [and] stayd [for] tea, saw her partly home, afterwards called at Jones for ticket for Leidertafel Concert.

6 Church morning & evening. Rehearsal after Evening service



at 9.30. Mdm. Tasca called & had supper with us. Bessie & I saw her home afterwards – Plumpton unamiable – got a bad cold Etcc. Took a long walk in the afternoon. Fanny, our servant away for a holiday – to return on Monday.

Monday 7th June In the evening, Bessie & I went to town. She to the Liedertafel Concert & self to see the “Surprise Party”. I felt disgusted at being seen at the entertainment I witnessed. The concert at the Town Hall was grand. The members of the M[elbourne] L[eidertafel] sang Wagners “Twelve Apostles” the remainder of the performance was



filled up with the singing of Carlotti Patti, Cellaj & the playing of Munck to whom presentations were made in the form of wreaths & Golden Lyres. 12pm when we arrived home.

8th June Bessie Bond came down to dinner. Kefford came home with me & had tea & spent the evening with us.

9th June/80 Bessie & Joe went to hear the “Barber of Seville” I went in for them & saw the last two acts.

10 June At home. Clark & Miss McLean spent the evening with us.



[1880-06-11] Friday 11th June Fred saw John Tom in the hospital yesterday he is very ill but wishes to come out & sponge upon us – can’t see it. Rehearsals as usual at Scots Ch in the evening. Mdm.Deschamp & Monsiuer Picard to tea & spent the evening with my wife.

Saturday 12 June Very unwell at the afternoon. After tea, Bess & I went to see Mrs. Rose, from there we went to Pitts – spent the evening with them. 11.30pm got home.

13 June Church as usual morn & evening. At the conclusion saw



Mr Stringer, an old acquaintance who has just arrived from Sydney.

14 June Monday Evening, Bess & I went to the Melb Leidertafel Concert at the Athenaeum. Miss Christian, Monsieur Munck, [Ciampi-]Cellaj, Staker & Moroney with Ortoria form a fine cantarta. The L[eidertafel] sang several part songs very well, & also did the scene of the end of the 2nd Act of Wm Tell “The Gathering[Meeting] of the Cantons” a splendid work.

15 June Tuesday Evening sang at the P[hil]harmonic Town Hall. pd - very poor affair. Bessie went to hear Guernetts [Guenett] lecture on Schumann at Glens Rooms.



16 June After tea, Bess & I went to visit the Turners @ Toorak spent a pleasent evening there but it was somewhat marred by the walk home from the Windsor Station through the wind & rain. 17 June Mr & Mrs. Pitts & Mr Barthold spent the evening at our place singing etc.

Friday evening rehearsal Mrs Palmer & Miss Jukes too ill to attend.

19th June Bess & I in the afternoon went to see Mrs. & Miss Rose After tea, Bess & I went to



Hear Mr. Henri Ketten the most celebrated pianist of the day. The house was densely crowded by a most enthusiastic audience for two hours he kept 2000 people enthralled with his wonderful playing he astonishes & delights the most fastidious & critical & even attracts those who care very little for music.

20 June [Sunday, 2nd June 1880] Church morn & evening. Mrs P[almer] & Miss J[ukes] absent. Mdm. Tasca called about 9 styd till 10. Saw her home & had a yarn with Plumpton.



21 June Bessie spent the afternoon & evening at Mr Bartholds. I went for her after tea. 11.30 when we got home had a little singing.

22 June Staid at home

23 June After tea I went [sent] a message to the Linckers for Bessie home by 8.15. Clark called & spent the evening with us playing cards etc.

24 June 1880 Bessie Bond came in the morning & remained for dinner - at home in the evening.



Friday 25 June [1880] J. Service (Premier [Victoria]) “Reform Bill” thrown out on its second reading by 2 votes. Great pity for I see nothing but trouble over political matters in the future & goodness knows we have had enough lately. I think if a dissolution is granted & Service goes to the country he will come back stronger than ever. Rehearsal as usual.

26 June Dissolution granted. Spent the evening at Mr Caves.

27 June [Sunday, 27th June 1880] Church morning & eve. Afternoon, Bess & I took [a] walk along the Esplanade addition being made to pier.



28 June [1880] Kelly gang killed & captured. Great excitement! Stayd at home in evening. Mr. Stringer called & stayd a couple of hours or so.

29 June Mail arrived. Rcd short note from father, quite well, is going to London where he has investments, congratulations on my marriage etc. Dan Kelly - brought to town wounded Spent the evening at Pitts

30 June Clark spent the evening with us. Thurs 1 July 1880 Weather unsettled – thought it would clear off, left town by special



train to Sunbury at the invitation of the Hon. W. J. Parke to a coursing party. Got there by 10.30 & commenced everything very enjoyable till 12 o/c when the rain came down in torrents, we took shelter under some trees for about an hour, seeing no chance of its ceasing, we adjourned to the Marquee, where we found a splendid lunch provided to which we did more than justice at its conclusion we made for the Railway Stn arrived in town about 6 pm. & so ended what would have been a glorious days outing but for the rain.



In the evening, Mrs. Cave came in for a short time.

2nd July Rehearsal as usual, felt rather “seedy” from the effects of yesterday. Mr. & Mrs. Drake called & stayd [for] tea.

3rd July After dinner went into town for a short time to order wood. In the evening Bess & I pd. a visit to Mrs. Smiths, (Punt Road). Miss Lees lives with her & we had a little singing & some card playing. 11.30 when we arrived home.

4 July Sunday - morn & eve at Church sang solo in the morning.



Afternoon, Bess & I took a beautiful walk as far as Caulfield, fine day, had rehearsal after service.

5 July Fine day. At home in the evening. Miss Hoskins called pd her Joes School fees.

6 July Joe went to her aunt Bessies this morning for a few days. In the evening, Bess & I went to her brother’s (calling on the way at Mrs. Adams, Octavia St,) spent an hour or two very pleasently.

7 July Took a short walk after tea home early. *also mother wrote home to father.



8 July At home

9 July Rehearsal as usual, left early & went to Mr Bartholds factory where he was giving a party to his hands. Bess & I left there about 11.30.

10 July Doing odd jobs about the yard in the afternoon. In the evening Bess & I went to Mdm. Simonsens concert at the Melbourne Town Hall, being the occasion of the Debut of two of her daughters, Leonora & Martina. The former has a nice mezzo-soprano voice &



the latter has a magnificent, light, flexible, sopham with an exceptionally high range She is as finished & sings as artistically as any vocalist we have in the colony & when she has gained more intelligence & has a little more expression ought to rank with the best of the day.

11th July [Sunday, 11th July 1880] Church morn & took a walk with Bess in afternoon.

12 July After tea I went to a political meeting of Carter & Harris’s,



nominees for the approaching Elections. I never was at such a disorderly meeting not a word was heard the Berryites [suppoters of Berry]were not numerous but they were strong in lung power. I got kicked & bustled about for simply requesting one to “shut up”. I do not doubt that the sitting members will be reelected viz Carte & Harris for St Kilda & Prahran. I only wish the conservatives in other constituencies will get as good a chance.

13 July At home in the evening



14 July An eventfull day, the Conservatives beaten hollow. I made sure [James] Service would have come back with a good majority but now he is in the minority. The Berryites through the Catholic vote are once more in power by a majority of 51 to 35, one comfort is that the majority has in it a large number who can never work together. Service does not intend to resign but will test the house on the 22 inst. – great excitement.



15 July General depression in commercial circles owing to the results of the Elections. It means poor trade & general stagnation, however one must hope for the best The Opera opened for a short season to night “Le Africaine" being the initial performance. Boema, Verdi, Paladini & the Coys principals. Very good, but will improve on a few more representations. Very long. 12pm at home.

16 July Very unwell severe cold



racked with pains,did not go to rehearsal. Bess went to see Mr Edison & apologised for my absence.

17 July Still unwell, feel very weak. Miss Campbell spent evening with us. 18 July At church morn & eve. Feeling very unwell.

19 July At home Monday evening. Mdm. Deschamp totea.

20 July Bess & I sang at Brunswick for [Phil]harmonic Society. Paid.

21 July Cold very bad – stayd at home in the evening.

22 July Reharsal [sic] to night instead



of tomorrow, as we are practising for a concert to be given in the church & wish to get our reader[’s] assistance Parliament met to day, when it was supposed. Service & Co would have resigned however they linger on till the 27th inst to the disgust of the opposition who are impatient for the sweets of office. Bess went to hear “Le Africaine” I waited in town until the performance was over. 12pm when we got home.

23 July Went to hear “Rigoletto”. A capital performance, Verdi as the Buffoon very good.

24 July At home in the afternoon In



the evening Bess & I spent at her brothers.

25 July [Sunday, 25th July 1880] Church morn & eve. Fearful tragedy happened at the opera last night A Mr & Mrs Grear who had only landed from the Garonne a week ago were at the performance of “The Heugenots” when a Mr Soudray (one of the French Commissioners - who was a fellow passenger of the Grecars & who was supposed to have had an improper connexion with Mrs Grear) left his seat to speak to her when the husband drew


41 1551

a revolver from his pocket & first shot Soudray & then his wife after which he shot him[-] self. They were conveyed to the hospital where Greer & his wife are not expected to live. Soudry is likely to recover.

26 July Went to the Opera house to hear “Don Giovanni” but owing to Boema being unwell, “Rigoletto” instead fine performance, Verdi very good.

27 July Mr & Mrs. Pitts spent evening with us.



28 July I went to hear “Don Giovanni”. Magnificent performance. Mr Verdi as the Don. Boema Coy & Hersee, very good Farley as Leporello, Beaumont as Don Ottavio, Riccardi as the Commandant, one of the grandest representations ever given in the colonies.

29 July Rehearsal at the church & poor attendance

30th. July Rehearsal & service. Poor attendance - Juniper & Miss Jukes absent.



31st. July Bessie & Geo Bond came in the afternoon, & staid tea. Left about 9pm.

1 August Church morn & eve. In the afternoon, after dining at my sisters, I went to Mrs. Junipers funeral, buried in the Melb Cmty.

2 August Had tea & spent the evening at our neighbours Mrs. Cave.

3 August The Miss Johnstones spent the evening with us.

4 August Rehearsal at Scots Church.



5th. August M Caron (the composer of the opening cantata for the new Exhibition which opens on the 1st Octr.) advertised for a chorus, being personally acquainted with him, I promised to assist & to night was the 1st rehearsal for it, which I attended, found over 800 singers at the Athenaeum tried over the first chorus or two, very good, home by 10pm. Bessie had been to her brothers – called for her on my way home.

[1880-08-06] 6 August Fred went to the hospital & found that Uncle



John Tom had been dead & buried six weeks ago. Poor fellow, he was neither good to himself & only a disgrace to those belonging to him.

John Thomas Watmuff Death, Schedule B.
John Thomas Watmuff Death

I went with Plumpton to St Patricks Choir & had a sing in Webers Mass.

7 August At home all the the afternoon. In the evening, Bess & I went for a short strol on the Jetty.

8 August Sunday. Church morn & eve. Afternoon took a strool by self.

9 July [9th August 1880] Carons rehearsal.



Got a note by the English Mail from father. Judging from its tenor he is investing his money, lending it where I fancy the security is not too good. I hope ere now he has got my letter, & will act upon the suggestion I made in reference to the investment of his money in the colonies & where it will be commutable in case of his death.

10 July August At home – Clark called.



11 August Rehearsal at church for our concert which takes place on the 25 inst. Poor attendance.

12 Augt. Carons Rehearsal. Bessie at her brothers to tea Called for her on my way home.

13 Agt. Went with Clark to the Opera House to hear “Pinafore” crowded house cant say I was charmed with the performance – good satire, but the artists engaged were too good for the performance remind[ing] me of thoroughbreds being harnessed in a cab.



14 Agt Bessie went to Mrs. Deschamps in the afternoon to remain till tomorrow. I went to Carons for a short time. In the evening I went to town met my old friend Pauline, home by 9pm.

15 August Sunday at church morn & eve, after the evening service Mr Palmer & Miss Lees & self went to St Patricks to hear selections from the Stabat Mater. On returning to the Station I met my wife, & in company with Miss Mertz, & Elsa May (Mrs Fairclough), came home together.



16 August Went after tea to Mrs. Smiths for a plant. Went into town afterward to meet Bess who had been to Jollimont [sic] missed her on coming home & met Mdm. Tasca & saw her home.

17 August Went to the Philharmonic Concert with Bess to hear Plumptons Cantata “Spring” & Schumanns “Pilgrimage of the Rose” the former is very pretty, original & descriptive. The other is too high class dull & difficult ever to be a favourite or popular



work. Principals - Miss Christian Miss Holland Mrs. Howitz, Messrs Lamble Lake & G.F. Smith & Staker.

18 August Rehearsal at Church. Berry & the rest of his ministry, all got returned.

19 August Carons rehearsal for the “Exhibition Cantata”.

20 August Mdm. Deschamp & Mrs Piccard to tea – cards etc.

21 August Bess & I spent the evening at Mr. Edisons Et Melb. 11.30pm before we got home.



Sunday 22 August Church morn & eve. Afternoon Bess & went to Miss Rose’s. Bess stayd [to] tea. I called for her on leaving Church.

Monday 23 August Carons Rehearsal

24 August Sang two Irish songs at a Lecture given by the Revd Mr. Danne, on Ireland in the Independent Church, Alma Road [St Kilda].

25 August Concert at the Scots Church “Hear My Prayer” Mendelssohn, “God thou art great” Spo[h]r



with other items. I sang in a Quartette, Duet & also sang “In Splendor Bright” introducing “The Heavens are Telling” [Haydn]. everything passed off first rate over at 10pm

26 August Carons Rehearsal, “Temperance Hall”. Great crowd.

27 Went to Pitts – out - called at Mrs Smiths.

28 At home - afternoon, Miss Rose to tea, saw her part of the way home, after which spent the evening at Caves.

29 [1880-08-29-Sunday]

Church as usual



30 Mr & Mrs. Pitts spent the evening with me. Bessie went to the Leidertafel Concert. I called for her: home 11.30.

31st. Carons Rehearsal

1 September At home, Clark called the children ill, fancy they are sickening for the measles.

2 Caron rehearsals. Bessie went to hear “Pinafore”.

3 Rehearsal at Scots Church

4th Spent Afternoon laying Tiles in front garden. Children both in bed with measles, stayd at home in the evening.



5 September/80 Church morning & evening as usual. Two wrecks reported - the “Sorata” S.S. off Cape Jervis & the American ship “Eric the Red” off Cape Otway. Higinbotham of the Rly died.

6 Sept At home

7 I sang at WmsTown [Williamstown] for the Cricket Club to oblige some members of it [with] who[m] I am acquainted.

8 Rehearsal at the Scots Church for the United Presbyterian Choirs Concert.

9th Carons rehearsal. Bess went to hear it [at?] Principals *Sonata



10th Sept Went to Scots Church - Rehearsal. Wet night. No members present except principals. *Sang over some concerted music: “Ti Prego” & Quartets from “Elijah”, etc, etc.

11th September Afternoon went to the New Exhibition Building to rehearsal for Carons Cantata 1st. time in the building principals & orchestra present. Went off very well, beautiful work Solo for each of the principals besides some concerted music In the evening I went to Mdm. Tasca Concert at the Town Hall – great success.



12 [Sunday, 12th September 1880]

Dreadfully wet – raining incessantly from yesterday morning the Yarra is rising & if it continues raining until tomorrow, we shall have a most fearful flood which will do an enormous deal of injury to property. I went to church morn & eve very poor choir & few worshipping.

13 September/80 At home - flood fearful - dreadful distruction [sic] of property from Ramsden Mills to Albert Park Lagoon & to Sandridge one large sea of water scores of houses & factories inundated - all



traffic with the excep of the railway stopped & the latter very dangerous the water rising over the lines in some places to such an extent as to nearly put out the fires in the engines. Mr [William] Elsdon appointed to the late Mr. Higinbothams position as permanent head of the Victorian Railway.

14 Sept At home. Mdm. Deschamp to tea. Wrote to my father in the evening.

15 At home.



16 Caron Cantata at the Town Hall.

17 Scots Church Rehearsal.

18 Caron Cantata at the Exhibition [Building]. Went very well, but I think a better sopham principal could have been got than Mdm. Simonsen. The other principals are Mrs Cutter, Beaumont & Verdi. Stayd at home in the evening. Fanny got the measles.



19 September 1880 Church morn & eve. Mdm. Tasca called in the afternoon. Children & Fanny quite recovered from the measles.

20 Sept. At home in the evening, been very low-spirited the last few days owing to the rumours of reductions & discharges to be made in the Rly. Dept. The present ministry are producing quite a scare by their wholesale system of retrenchment in the Civil Service. Mr Patterson has, so far spared the Dpt



of Railways, but in all the other Depts. scores have been discharged.

21st Sept I went to a rehearsal for a concert to be given next at St Andrews Church Carlton at its conclusion a great storm came on & I got nearly wet through before I got home.

22 Sept Spent the evening at home singing, reading & playing Euchre.



23 Sept Thursday evening rRehearsal of Caron Cantata - Athenaeum.

24 Rehearsal at Church

25 Afternoon Bessie & I went to the Exhibition [Building] to CaronRehearsal Went very well. At its close we took a strool around the place found everything very unfinished & considering the Exhibition opens on the 1st. Imafraid there will be a fiasco. On leaving the building we called atBaumans, had



tea at Clements, [Cafe] & afterwards having tickets given us by David Lee, we went to the Town Hall to hear Luptons Elocutionary Entertainment. Poorly attended.

26 Church morn & eve. Took a strool in the afternoon.

27th Carons rehearsal at the Town Hall.

28th Sang at the Prahran Town Hall for Mr Maxwell. Left by 9pm & went to Pitts where Bessie had been spending the evening.



29th Final Rehearsal of Carons Cantata held at the New Exhibition Building. Went very well, think it will be a great Success , home by 10.30 train.

30 Rehearsal at the church.

1 Oct. A Red Letter day in the annals of Victoria. The International Exhibition was opened with great eclat. Bess & I left home early in the morning,on going through the town we found it thronged with people to view the procession which took place



consisting of the various trades unions with the Volunteers & Naval brigades augmented by the sailors from the various war vessels that are in port both foreign & British. Bess spent the day at Mrs Baumans from whose balcony in Nicholson St. she could see the procession & also the grounds surrounding the Exhibition. I being a member of the chorus, to sing in ‘Carons’ Cantata went to the [Exhibition] building & witnessed all the opening ceremony etc. The Cantata went off splendidly, Caron



being the Lion of the day, the premiers & their suites of the various Australian Colonies were present & many distinguished visitors. At the conclusion of the performance, I took a lstrool about the place found many of the courts very unfinished,in fact it will take another month or so before all the exhibits will be opened up & displayd but taken altogether the effort is very fine & reflects great credit upon those whose duty it was



I question the proprietry of a young colony like this involving itself in such an exhibition. I cannot but look upon it as a huge dissipation - similar to a poor man trying to emulate in display a rich one. In the Evening, Bess & I went to the St Kilda pier & had a look at the Men–of-war illuminated.

Saturday 2 Octr Went to the Opera House to hear the “[The Royal] Middy”, a comic opera in which appears a Mr. [Charles] Turner



a new tenor, who has a very fine voice & knows how to use it, his wife who sings under the name of Annis Montague, is also a good singer & will evidently become favourites here the pier itself is not good enough for them.

Sunday 3rd Oct Church as usual.

4th. Rehearsal at Carlton

5th Sang at the St Andrews Church. Everything went off very well.

6th & 7th At home

8th My dear old friend



J[im] Hamilton came from Sydney – quite well just as usual. He took Bessie to the opera while I went to my usual rehearsal at the church. At its conclusion I went to meet them, when we adjourned to Hosies Academy [of Music] Cafe and had some supper. Caught the last train home.

9th Jim came to dinner & afterwards, he & I went to pay a cousin of his (Mr. Robinson) a visit found them just arranging with a cab-man to take



out house hunting. We joined them & drove all round the neighbourhood with them. After tea I went to the Exhibition to a Rehearsal for a concert to be given there next Thursday. Home by 10.30.

Sunday 10th Octr Church as usual. After the evening service, I met Jim & Bob Williamson. Jim is staying with Bob at Ascot Vale. Had a long chat together concerning our prospects under the new



regime of things with the present Govt things very unsettled. I am sadly afraid a lot of our fellows will suffer, myself in the number.

11 Octr. At home – the Johnstones

12 Octr At home

13 Octr Went to Rehearsal at Exhibition

14 Octr Conversazione by invitation at the Exhibition 15000 people present who had to stand for 4 hours – most uncomfortable affair. The Choirs sang two choruses. Boema, Christian & Lamble



& Charbonnet – principals, a good band etc 12 when we got home. Bessie very tired.

15th Octr.. Rehearsal at Church

16 Octr Stayd at home afternoon. In the evening in company with some members of choir I went to Junipers house at Hawthorne to practise the “Kinder Symphony” - nearly 12 pm when I got home.

17 Octr Church as usual. I took a strool in the evening after church with Bessie - on the pier.



18 Octr After tea Bess & I went to Pitts stayd a couple of hours. Hamilton still in town see him pretty often.

19 Octr Went to the Revd. Mr. Strongs house & had a practise of the “Kinder Symphony”. Home by 10.30pm.

20 Octr Rehearsal at the Exhibition for Carons Cantata which is to be reproduced on the 23rd. Met P Scott.

21 Octr Rehearsal at Strongs at 7 & at 8 ditto in the church for the Conversazione which takes place tomorrow evening.



At 9.30 I went up to St Patricks & sang in the Hallelujah Chorus to finish up a concert from the choir, at which all the notables in the musical line were assisting.

Friday 22 Octr Conversazione at at Town Hall, in connexion with the Scots Church. Like most affairs of that sort, rather tame. The Kinder Symphony & some part singing constituted the musical portion. The rest was made up with speeches. 23 Octr.

After Business I met



Hamilton & we had dinner together in town after which we met Bessie, & Jim [ Hamilton] & her having tickets for the Exhibition, went there. I followed afterwards & took part in the Cantata which was produced for the second time, by new principals, who with the exception of the sophram “Boema” were not so good as the originals. On leaving the Ex we went to Clements & had tea, from there home.

24 Octr. Hospital Sunday. The collection at the Scots Church I believe will head the list it amounted to over £155.



25 Octr At home. Took a short Walk with Bessie called at Smith’s, Punt Road, out.

26 Octr At home. Mr & Mrs. Pitts spent the evening with us.

27 Octr Hamilton to dinner. In the evening in company with several members of our choir, I went to the “Temperance Hall” & helpd Mr. Strong to entertain a lot of poor people he had induced to meet together. Mr. Strong & his wife are going to devote



every Wednesday night to this purpose, his principal object [is] to get the poorer class of children from the City state schools together & give them instruction in things more spiritual than they receive at the above.

28 [October 1880] Hamilton went to Tasmania to see his father. In the evening we went out for a strool.

29th Sang at Kew being the occasion of the opening of the Kew Recreation Hall Miss Mertz, Miss F. Mitchell,



Maroney & myself were the vocalists. 12 pm when I got home.

30th Octr On leaving business at 1pm I went to Sandridge to see J.J. Clark off by the Lyeemoon S.S. to Sydney where he has gone to make arrangements for entering into partnership with a firm of architects.

31st. Sunday at church as usual.

1st. Novr I went to hear the Elijah,. Mrs. Howitz, Miss Christian, Mr Lamble



& Mr Turner, the latter is a new tenor to Melb.[ourne] who sang very well.

2 Novr. [1880] Cup Day. Bess & I spent it at the Exhibition home by 5.15. Miss Lees & Mr & Mrs. Lees with Mrs. Smith, spent the evening with us.

3 Novr. At the Temperance Hall with Mr. & Mrs. Strong singing.

4 Novr. Rehearsal at the Exhibition for a choral symphony by Caron. Home at 10.30.1030.



5 Novr.[1880] Rehearsal at the Church for Sunday & also for the United P[resbyterian] Choirs Concert, which takes place on the 15 inst.

6th Novr. After business I went to the Exhibition & assisted at the production of Carons Cantata & his Choral Symphony – great success. [Signora] Venosta was the alto & my old friend Brown the Bass, the other parts as before. Bess & I in compay with Mrs Azzopardi took a strool about the place & viewed the exhibits till 6pm. 7 when we got home



very tired. Miss Campbell called & spent the evening. Got a letter from Clark he has not yet settled with the firm he went to join he is well in health & writes in good spirits & that is something for him

7th Novr. Church morning & eve.

8 Octr [Monday 8th November 1880] Spent evening at Mrs Oakleys, Octavia St

9 Octr [Tuesday 9th November 1880]Prince of Wales Birthday general holiday. To my surprise Clark called



in the morning having arrived the night before from Sydney. I spent the day at the Exhibition. On arriving home found Mrs. Deschamp & Mdm. Azzopardi (her mother) & M Picard who staid [for] tea & spent the evening with us.

10th Octr [Wednesday 10th November 1880] Spent the evening at Pitts.

11 Octr. [Thursday 11th November 1880] Spent the evening at Marsdens.

12 Octr. [Friday 12th November 1880] Rehearsal in the Town Hall for the United P[resbyterian] Choirs Concert which takes place on the 15th. 11pm when I got Bessie to dinner.



13 Octr.[Saturday 13th November 1880] At home in the afternoon. In the evening, Bess & I took a long walk on the beach home by 10pm

14 Church as usual - Pitts to dinner.

15th Concert at the Town Hall. Everything very satisfactory with the exception of the attendance which might have been larger.

16 At home

17 Spent the evening at



Mrs Palmers (Miss Rosina Carandini). Went through a little operette called the ‘Rose of Salency’,she has a class & purposes doing the work in public where she wishes me to do the tenor part.

18 [Thursday 18th November 1880]Bess & I went for a strol on the pier. 19th Rehearsal at Church as usual.

20 At home afternoon & evening.

21 Church as usual morn & Eevening, afternoon walk.



22 Spent the evening at Mrs. Mrs. Strongs singing.

23 Constitution Day partial holiday at work till 3.30 when in company with Bess I went to my sisters, Mrs. Bond at Hawthorn had tea there & spent a pleasent evening afterwards.

24th. In company with Miss Jukes & Miss Lees Mr Juniper I went to the Temperance Hall to assist the Revd C. Strong & Mrs. S[trong] in their usual entertainment there to the waifs & strays. I felt I



I was assisting in a good work, but under any other circumstances I would be very sorry to sing to such audiences as congregate there. It is very praiseworthy for Mr & Mrs. S[trong] to take such an interest in such a cause.

25 At home

26th. Church rehearsal as usual Met Bessie who had been at Deschamps Hawthorn.

27th. At home afternoon & evening.

28 Church as usual very



disigrable day hot & Dusty McNeil to dinner & tea

29th. Spent the da evening at Pitts.

30th. Mail arrived letter from father, he is going to send me out £240 & Fred £160 - next month. In the evening I went to the ‘[Theatre] Royal’ & saw Miss Pomeroy as “Imogen” in Cymberline [Cymbeline]. She is uneven somewhat but take her altogether she is an accomplished & clever actress.



1 Decr. /80 Spent the evening at Mrs. Palmers, singing afterwards, met Bessie at the train.

2 Decr. Very hot. Bess & I took a strool in the evening on the Esplanade & pier.

3 Decr. Church as usual, at rehearsal on arriving home found Bess very unwell. Mdm. Tasca had spent the evening with her, & she saw her part of the way home.



4 Decr./80 Wife very ill all last night. At daylight this morning I went for Doctor Dempster who sent me off for a nurse - as she was near her confinement which took place at ¼ to 10am. I had to go to business but on arriving home at 12.30, I was presented with a son, both going well. I was very tired after dinner & fell asleep till dark. Took a short walk after tea.



5 Decr. Church morn & evening. Went home to my sister Bessies, Hawthorn for dinner. George has been very ill with dysentry. I called at Junipers from there went to see Mdm Deschamps, at Camberwell had tea there & from there came into church. Found Bess all right.

6th. Decr. Spent evening at home. Pitts called & stayd for a short time, & also Clark. The latter is leaving Melb for good



to enter partnership with a Mr Blackman & also a son of Sir Hy [Henry] Parkes (premier of N.S.Wales) in Sydney.

7th In the evening I went to town for a short time to the office.

8th On arriving at my office this morning, I found a letter on my desk from the Commissioner ofRlys. Mr J.B.Patterson informing me that my services would be dispensed with on the 28th Feby next, & that I should have compensation to the extent of one month’s salary for every



year I had been in the service. I am very much cut up about it, for when a man arrives at the age I am, it is very hard to commence afresh. My wife is in bed & is not so well as I would like her to be, the baby appears to be thriving. Mother went for a fortnight to stay at Bessies - until my wife is up & about. Clark sailed for Sydney to day on the S.S. ‘Learei’ [sic]. I sincerely hope he will do well in his new undertaking. He has had his troubles lately. In the evening I went to



Mrs. Palmers house & had a sing. Met the youngest Miss Caridini, a pretty frailful girl, about 18.

9th Decr. At Home

10 Rehearsal as usual. Poor attendance.

11 Afternoon I went to see the S.S. Sorata she is in the [Alfred] Graving Dock at Wms Town. I went under her & saw the hole & bulge in her bottom where she lay on the rocks in BackStairs Passage, it is a wonder



they got her off & floated her to Melbourne – for her repairs. Stayd home in the evening. Bess & baby doing well.

12 Church as usual. C. Strong morn & eve. Afternoon had swarms of visitors.

13 Went to the office & afterwards took a strool about town.

14 Spent evening at home the Miss Johnsons called.

15 Went to Mrs. Palmers



Rehearsal for ‘Rose of Salency’.

16 At home

17th Rehearsal at church as usual.

18th Recd letter from Clark arrived in Sydney all right set into work earnestly I replied to it. In the Evening I went into town for a strool, have not yet seen Mr. Elsdon, this I have tried often enough he is so busy & his time so occupied. I saw his secretary Mr. Bradby who advises me



to accept my compensation & try & get another billet in the service at less salary if possible, which I will undoubtedly do.

19th [Sunday 19th December 1880] Church as usual.

20 Saw Mr. Eldson this morning. I had a long interview with him, but could not extract a promise from him to give me further employment – that is he would not commit himself, but promised to keep me in remembrance confound him! I



only wish he could feel as I do for a day. Im sure it would create more interest & sympathy in his breast, than what he appears to possess, however I must hope for the best. In the evening I went to Mrs. Palmers final rehearsal. Concert to take place on the 23 inst at Prahran Town Hall.

21st At home - Mr & Mrs Pitts.

22 At home. Mrs. Deschamp & her mother spent the evening with us. Saw Bob Williamson he is working hard for me at Sp St[1]



23rd Mrs Palmers concert at the Prahran Town Hall great success, everything went off satisfactorily. Wrote to Hamilton.

24th At home

25th [Saturday 25th December 1880]

Xmas day. Went to St Patricks & assisted in the production of Mozarts 12th mass. In the evening I went to hear the Messiah. Capital performance with the exception of Miss Annis Montague, who did not seem equal to the sopham part. Turner as tenor



was very good but took great liberties with the text which I did not consider an improvement. Angus & Miss Christian did the other part very satisfactorily. Mr. & Mrs Pitts spent the afternoon with us.

26th Dreadfully hot in the morning: 102º in the shade. Church morn & evening. Owing to the holidays we had a very poor choir & the singing was not to the mark.



27th Boxing Day. I went with a party to Sale, 127 miles from Melb. long journey there & back in one day saw a great deal of the country 2½ hours at Sale, 11pm when I got home.

28 Returned to business. Home in the evening.

29 Ditto at home. Miss Campbell spent the evening.

30 Rehearsal at Church.

31 At home



1st Jany/81 In town in the morning for a short time. After[noon]? Bess & I took a strool on the Esplanade. In the Evening I went to assist in Carons “Victoria” Cantata at the Town [Hall] – a very successful performance.

2 Jany/81 Church morn & eve. Afternoon H Vickerman called & stayd [for] tea, he is down from Mt Macedon for a day or two. He looks well, has 5 children. Lizzie is still on Sandhurst.



9th January Week spent much as usual. Mail arrived brought £C from father £160 for Fred & £240 for self to enable us to clear the liabilities of our houses. The money could not have come at a more acceptable time. I have not yet got my deeds, but shall in a few days. Church as usual morn & eve.

10th Jany



Blank torn page



[last page notes]

1880 Concert Engagements Tuesday 24 August Revd. Danne Wednesday 25 -“- Scots Church Tuesday 7 Sept. W[illia]ms Town -”- 5 Octr. St Andrews

Miss Jukes Come lassies & lads

Mr Juniper A Warrior Bold

Mr. W Angels listen Duett Larboard Watch



(rotated) [part of a torn off page covering part of page 09-101]

(P H Moss - *Cassidy origin….[torn off] a/c

3# If by chance a tear drop fall



MUSPRAT’S Imperial Patent Metallic Paper Memorandum Book. [Etc]





  1. Spencer Street

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