
12 Months of Photos 2024 Homes

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This free-space page is for members participating in the 12 Months of Photos 2024.

The theme of February 2024 is Homes

You can add your photo to this free-space page by going to your image's page, scrolling down to where it says Add Person or Free-Space Profile and entering Space: Edit_Profile_of_12_Month_of_Photos_2024_Homes then click save changes to image details.

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Comments: 5

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Do I start by adding a picture of the home to the profile of the person who lived there, and then add the extra info?

I'm not sure what is meant by going to my 'image page'.


posted by Brenda Milledge
Hello Brenda,

Your image page would be where you have your photo stored here on WikiTree. Have you read this page, it tells you how to upload your photo How to add a photo for the 52 Photos Challenge


posted by Dallace Moore
Hello again Dallas. Thank you for responding to my email. I’ll try not to bother you again, but I need to learn to do this correctly. There are so many great old photos to add.

When you look at this page, do you see two thumbnails of my house on the left, at the top?? I do. Thanks again, M.

posted by M Hotte
Hi M

You are not bothering me at all. Yes, I see the thumbnail at the top, it's a lovely house. I don't know if you saw this page, it is one of the links that we post with the 12 months of photos. This might help you. 12 Months of Photos

posted by Dallace Moore
Thank you, I do love my house. But, I was not trying to make it the thumbnail on this page! Lol. I had read everything I could find about adding photos before I tried, so I’m not sure how that happened. ✌🏻
posted by M Hotte