Location: [unknown]
15th Ohio Infantry Company D Roster - Recruited in Wyandot County
Source: 1. Official roster of the soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865, Vol. 2. Akron and Cincinnati: 1886. Public Domain and available at the following two locations: https://archive.org/details/officialrosters02commgoog/page/n535/mode/2up https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/31412/
2. The Fifteenth Ohio volunteers and its campaigns, war of 1861-5 by Alexis Cope Available at https://archive.org/details/15thohiovol00coperich
Name | Rank | Age | Enlistment Date | Connected? |
Isaac M Kirby | Captain | 24 | 09/12/1861 | |
David J Culbertson | Captain | 48 | 09/12/1861 | |
Samuel S Pettit | Captain | 28 | 09/11/1861 | |
David A Geiger | Captain | 23 | 09/12/1861 | |
Joseph A McKee | 1st Lieutenant | 25 | 09/06/1861 |
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