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1671 Will of Sarah Caley of Brenchley in Kent

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Surnames/tags: Cayley Caley
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Will of Sarah Cayley of Brenchley, Kent, d. 1674

The National Archives, ref. PROB 11/347/107, [https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D654996 Discivery Centre catalogue entry: transcription by Michael Cayley, released by him into the public domain

Proved 1 February 1674/5

In the name of God Amen the nineteenth day of December in the yeare of our Lord God 1671 and the three and twenieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c I Sara Caley of Brenchley in the County of Kent widdow being sick of body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding Thanks be to God for the same doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I recommend my soule unto Almighty my Creator trusting only by the meritts of Jesus Christ to obtaine everlasting salvation and my Bodye I commit to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executrixes hereafter named And as for my worldly Estate I thus dispose of it Imprimis I will and bequeath unto my two daughters Judith Caley and Mary Caley whome I doe constitute ordaine and make my Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament All my Rents and arreares of Rents due from any person or persons whatsoever with all my household stuff Goods and Chattells whatsoever Item I will and bequeath unto my sonn William Caley and unto my sonn Josiah Caley and unto Judith Caley my daughter and unto Katherin Ellis wife of Valentine Ellis my daughter and unto Mary Caley my daughter all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances standing lying and being in the Towne and Parish of Lambeth in the County of Surrey equally to be [?] and devided amongst them all And if any of them shall depart this life leaving children behind them lawfully begotten then my will and meaning is that the children of such parents shall have their fathers' or mothers' part and share as fully as they themselves where lyving But my will and meaning is that if any of the above mentioned Lands Tenements and hereditaments be copyhold land That then my sonn Josiah Caley shall have only the said copyhold land and no part of share in the other freehold land Item I give and bequeath unto William Caley my sonn one silver Beaker to be delivered to him by my Executrixes Item I will and bequeath unto my sonn Josiah Caley the summe of fyve shillings of current money of England Likewise I bequeath unto my daughter Ellis abovesaid fyve shillings Item I will and bequeath unto Walter Woodgate my sonne in law one shilling of money Likewise I bequeath unto Edward Gibbon and unto Thomas Gibbon and unto Sarah Gibbon my three Grandchildren fyve pound a peece Likewise I will and bequeath unto Walter Woodgate and William Woodgate my two Grandchildren fyve pound apeece in like manner as abovesaid Likewise I will and bequeath unto Valentine Ellis and Ann Ellis my two grandchildren fyve shillings apeece Likewise I will and bequeath unto William Caley and unto Sarah Caley my two Grandchildren fyve shillings apeece I will and bequeath unto Judith Caley and unto Katherin Ellis as abovesaid and unto Mary Caley one [?] cupp the foote and topp whereof is tipped with silver and now in the custody of my sonn Josiah Caley Provided that they lend him the said cupp when he hath occasion to use the same All which Legacyes my will and mind is shall be paid at the end and expiration of one yeare after my decease if my Executrixes shall enioy their shares in my Lands and Tenements above specifyed And this I doe assigne seale publish and declare to be my last Will and Testament. Sarah Caley her mark

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