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1686 Census of Southold, New York

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Southold, Suffolk, New York Colonymap
Surnames/tags: southold long_island
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This page has been accessed 486 times.



This 1686 census of Southold, Long Island in the Colony of New York was published in The New York genealogical and biographical record in 1899. That publication presented it as a transcript from the ' "New York Colonial Manuscript" (Vol. 33. p.94) in the State Library at Albany'.[1]

WikiTree Usage

  • Source Example:
<span id='1686Census'></span>[[Space:1686_Census_of_Southold%2C_New_York|1686 Census of Southold, New York]], published in ''The New York genealogical and biographical record'', Vol 30; (New York, The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, April 1899), pages 120-122.[[https://archive.org/details/newyorkgenealog30gree/page/n267/mode/2up Archive.org]]

  • Inline Citation Example:
<ref>[[#1686Census|1686 Southold Census]] </ref>


A List of ye Inhabitance and house holder wt ye nomber of their persons in each familey in Sohold 1686.

Corenoll John Youngs 3 3 0 0
Cap. Isaac ArnoId 1 4 3 3
Mr. Joshua Hobartt4 4 0 1
Liut. Richard Brown 4 4 0 0
Jonathen Brown 3 3 0 0
Richard Brown Junr 3 2 0 0
John Tuthill 4 5 0 0
John Tuthill Junr 3 2 0 0
Samuell Kinge 4 3 0 0
Abraham Whitter 4 4 0 0
Thomas Terry 5 5 0 0
Willm Hopkins.1 1 0 0
Gidieon Youngs5 3 0 0
Timothy Martain1 4 0 0
Edward Peatty2 3 0 0
John Cartter2 2 0 0
John Loring4 1 0 0
John Paine Senr 5 3 0 0
Willm Brown2 1 0 0
John Wiggins3 4 0 0
Calob Curtis 4 4 0 0
Cornelious Paine4 3 0 0
Christopher Young Jnr 4 2 0 0
Thomas Moor Senr 4 3 0 0
Thomas Youngs3 1 0 0
David Gardner2 2 0 1
Mary Youngs widow3 2 0 0
Jonathen Moor 4 2 0 0
Thomas Moor Junr5 2 0 0
Mr John Conkling3 3 3 2
Jacob Conkling 5 2 0 0
Thomas Ridder5 4 0 0
John Hopson2 3 I 0
John frankling 2 2 0 0
Petter Simons1 1 0 0
John Aliebe2 10 0
John Budd3 4 2 1
John Veall 3 2 0 0
John Pain Junr 3 2 0 1
Henry Case 3 3 0 0
Jasper Griffing5 5 0 0
James Peatty 1 1 0 0
Thomas Longworthy 1 2 0 0
Lott Johnson 1 0 0 0
John Peatty 3 1 0 0
Simon Grover 2 4 0 0
Mr. Thos: Moore 3 10 0
Joseph Youngs 4 3 0 0
Small Youngs 4 3 0 0
Petter Paine 2 3 0 0
Christp p: Youngs 4 2 0 0
Stephen Bayley 2 2 0 0
John Youngs 3 2 1 0
Small Glover 3 7 0 0
Benj: Youngs 4 3 0 0
John Salmon 3 1 0 0
John Booth 3 2 0 0
Sary Youngs wido 0 5 0 0
John Curwin 4 1 0 0
Cornett Horton 6 4 1 0
Richard Benj: 5 4 0 0
Benj: Moor 5 3 0 1
Jerimiah Veall 4 0 0
John Haliock 3 4 0 0
Abraham Corey 4 3 0 0
Margritt Haliock 3 4 0 0
John Cleavs 1 2 0 0
Capt. Tucker 1 2 1 0
Joshua Horton 3 4 0 0
Isaac Overton 4 2 0 0
Barnebus Winds 2 4 0 0
Jacob Corey 2 5 0 0
Martha Hucheson 3 2 0 0
Thomas Maps 2 1 0 0
Ann Reeve 1 2 0 0
John Reevs 3 3 0 0
Daniell Terry 1 3 0 0
Tho. Dickerson2 4 0 0
Petter Dickerson 3 1 0 0
Joseph Reeve 4 1 0 0
Abigal Terry 1 2 0 0
Nath: Terry 4 1 0 0
Willm Wells 3 2 0 0
Samll Winds 2 3 0 0
Simeon Benj: 3 4 0 0
Joshua Wells 1 0 0 0
Gersham Terry 2 2 0 0
John Goldsmith 3 1 0 0
Thomas Booth 4 2 0 0
Benj: Horton 2 3 0 0
Caleb Horton 4 6 0 0
Willm Colman 3 3 0 0
Thomas Clarke 1 2 0 0
Willm Mapes 1 1 0 0
Theophilous Case 1 1 0 0
Theop: Curwin 4 3 0 0
James Reeve 5 4 0 0
Jabish Maps 1 2 0 0
Thomas Terill 5 2 0 0
Willm Reeve 2 4 0 0
Thomas Mapes Junr 1 1 0 0
Thomas Tusteen 2 3 0 0
Petter Aldriedg 4 2 0 0
Thomas Ozman 1 4 0 0
John Ozman 1 4 0 0
Petter Haliock 1 1 0 0
Richard Howell 6 3 0 0
James Pershall 6 2 3 2
John Edwards 3 4 0 0
Simon Rumsy 1 3 0 0
John Swazey 3 4 0 0
John Swazey Junr 2 1 0 0
Joseph Swazey 1 4 0 0
marriages within seven years .....044
bearthes .....151
Deathes .....072

ye:1d pag or culom is males white
ye:2d pag or culom femels
ye:3d:is male slaves
ye:4 is femell slavs

Pr order of ye Prudenliall men and Town Commissioners
Stephen Bayley Town Clerk.


  1. The New York genealogical and biographical record, Vol 30; (The New York, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, April 1899), pages 120-122. [Archive.org]
  • Moore, Charles Benjamin (1808-1893), Town of Southold, Long Island. Personal index prior to 1698, and index of 1698; Publ. J. Medole, New York, 1868. (Archive.org); Entries from the 1686 Census are included throughout.

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