Location: Southold, Suffolk, New York Colony
Surnames/tags: southold long_island
Contents |
The original Southold census of 1698 [1] is said to be a list of names in the order presented below. It is largely assumed that individual households can be identified by the surname groupings, but this has not been confirmed.
There are only 791 individuals listed in the first section, despite the claimed total of "800".
Charles Benjamin Moore presents an alphabetical analysis of each name in this list in his Town of Southold, Long Island. Personal index prior to 1698, and index of 1698 [2]
WikiTree usage
- Source Example:
- <span id='1698Census'></span>[[Space:1698_Census_of_Southold%2C_New_York|1698 Index of Southold, Long Island]], transcribed in O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey, ''The documentary history of the state of New-York'', 1850 Vol 1, ; New York (State). Secretary's Office (Albany : Weed, Parsons & Co., public printers, 1850)([https://archive.org/details/documentaryhist01ocal/page/446/mode/2up Archive.org])
- Inline Citation Example:
- <ref>[[#1698Census|1698 Southold Census]] </ref>
The following is a transcription of the original list, as presented in The documentary history of the state of New-York by E.B. O'Callaghan [1]
Isaac Arnold
Sarah Arnold
Rachel Arnold
Sarah Arnold Junjr
Susannah Arnold
Susannah Washbourn
John Washbourn
Thomas Mapes
Mary Mapes
Abigail Mapes
Margarett Edwards
Joshua Hobart
Peter Hobart
John Hobart
Ebenezer Way
Irene Way
Eliezer Way
Jonathan Horton
Bathia Horton
Jonathan Horton Junjr
William Horton
James Horton
Mehitobel Horton
Mary Horton
Abigail Horton
Patience Horton
Stephen Bouyer
Jonas Holdsworth
Joshua Horton
Mary Horton
Ephraim Horton
Mary Horton Junjr
Bathia Horton
Elizabeth Horton
Zerviah Horton
Jasper Griming
Hannah Griffing
Robert Griffing
Susannah Griffing
Edward Griffing
Robert Griffing Junjr
Samuel Griffing
John Griffing
John Youngs
Wm Walter
Theoder Ballens
Mary Griffing
Prudence Smith
John Booth
Hannah Booth
Mehitophel Booth
John Booth Junjr
Obadiali Booth
Daniel Booth
Hannah Booth Junjr
Patience Booth
Thomas Emmons
Mary Emmons
Obadiah Emmons
Elizth. Emmons
Thomas Paine
John Tutthill
Sarah Tutthill
Daniel Tutthill
Nathaniel Tutthill
Ephraim Youngs
Mary Youngs
Ruth Terry
Thomas Youngs
Mary Youngs
Christopher Bradly
John Edwards
William Barnes
Mary Mayhew
Benjamin Lhommedieu
Patience Lhommedieu
Benjamin Lhommedieu Junjr
Hosea Lhommedieu
Eliza Sylvester
William Booth
Hannah Booth
Wm Booth Junjr
Samuel Booth
George Booth
Hannah Booth Junjr
Thomas Terry
Eliza Terry
Thomas Terry Junjr.
Daniel Terry
Joseph Terry
Abigail Terry
Hannah Martin
John Rogers
John Conckline
Sarah Concklin
Sarah Conckline Junr.
John Conckline Junjr
Henry Conckline
Rachel Concklin
Thomas Concklin
Mary Concklin
Joseph Concklin
Abigail Concklin
Joseph Concklin
Junjr John Concklin
Phillip Gooding
Sarah Gooding
Amos Gooding
Phillip Gooding Junjr
ffreeloue Gooding
Christopher Youngs
Mercy Youngs
Abraham Youngs
Nathaniel Youngs
John Youngs
Charity Nashbourne
Thomas Terrell
John Terrell
Richard Terrell
Abigail Terrell
Nicholas Terrell
Catharine Terrell
Peter Hallock
Eliza Hallock
Bathia Hallock
Abigail Hallock
Peter Hallock Junjr
William Hallock
Noah Hallock
Richard Benjamen
Eliza Benjamen
Anna Benjamen
John Benjamen
Richard Benjamen Junjr
Jonathan Benjamen
David Benjamen
Joshua Benjamen
Joseph Benjamen
Daniel Terry
Sarah Terry
Daniel Terry Junjr
Samuel Terry
Eliza Terry
James Terry
Isaac Ouenton
John Ouenton
Thomas Ouenton
Thomas Goldsmith
Bathia Goldsmith
Joshua Goldsmith
Richard Terry
Prudence Terry
Abigail Coleman
Caleb Horton
John Reeue
hannah Reeue
Walter Reeue
John Reeue Junjr
Elisha Reeue
Abigail Reeue
Bathia Reeue
Margarett Giles
Peter Dickerson
Naomy Dickerson
Philemon Dickerson
John Dickerson
Mary Dickerson Junjr
Naomy Dickerson
Thomas Dickerson
Mary Dickerson
Mary Monjoy
Jonathan Reeue
Martha Reeue
Margarett Reeue
Mary Reeue
Martha Reeue Junjr
Matthew Reeue
Jonathan Mapes
Hester Mapes
Benjamen Youngs
Mary Youngs
Grover Youngs
John Bailey
Lott Johnson
Gideon Youngs
Sarah Youngs
Joseph Youngs
Jonathan Youngs
David Youngs
Gidion Youngs
Sarah Youngs
Hannah Youngs
Margarett Youngs
Mary Youngs
Hannah Wiggin widow
James Wiggin
Annis Wiggin
Eliza Wiggin
Patience Ryder
Thomas Hallock
Hope Hallock
Thomas Hallock
Kingsland Hallock
Ichabod Hallock
Zerobabel Hallock
Anna Hallock
Patience Hallock
Richard Hallock
Richard Howell
David Howell
Jonathan Howell
Richard Howell Junjr
Isaac Howell
Jacob Howell
Eliza Howell
Dorathy Howell
Mary Youngs Junjr widdow
Christopher Youngs Junjr
Anna Youngs
Phebe Youngs
Eliza Youngs
John Gattin
Sarah Gattin
Anna Gattin
Jonathan Brown
Eliza Brown
Jonathan Brown Junjr
Eliza Brown junjr
Hannah Brown
Rachel Brown
Mary Giles
Edwaid Gattin
Mary Youngs widdow
Daniel Youngs
William Youngs
Joshua Youngs
Samuel Turner
Mary Wiggans
Nathan Langdon
Hannah Langdon
Eliza Langdon
Nathan Langdon Junjr
James Langdon
Samuel Youngs
Joseph Sweazy
Mary Sweazy
Johannah Sweazy
Joseph Sweazy Junjr
Mary Swazy
Sarah Swazy
Samuel Swazy
Richard Swazy
Stephen Swazy
Bathia Swazy
Thomas Moor junjr
Jean Moor
Mary Moor
Rachel Moor
Isaac Osmond
Chaterine Osmond
Martha Osmond
Prudence Osmond
Isaac Osmond
William Downs
Abigail Downs
Abijah Downs Junjr
Samuel King Junjr
Hannah King
Samuel King
Zacharias King
John Swazy
Mary Swazy
Jno. Swazy Junjr
Susana. Swazy
Mary Swazy Junjr
Joshua & Phebe Swazy
Jacob Conckline
Mary Conckline
Jacob Conckline Junjr
Samuel Conckline
John Conckline
Gideon Conckline
Mary Conckline Junjr
Joseph Conckline
Joseph Conckline Junjr
Mary Baily
Theophilus Corwin
John Harwood
William Brown
Catharine Brown
Wm Brown junjr
John Brown
Walter Brown
Silvanus Brown
David Brown
Mary Brown
Sarah Martin
John Corwin
Matthias Corwin
Samuel Corwin
Anna Corwin
Abigail Corwin
John Corwin Junjr
Sarah Corwin
Sarah Corwin Junjr
Eliza Corwin
Hester Corwin
Jacob Ozmond
Sarah Ozmond
Mary Ozmond
Sarah Ozmond Junjr
Eliza Ozmond
Hester Ozmond
Pinnina Ozmond
Hannah Ozmond
Martha Ozmond widdw
Sarah Ozmond
Dinah Blyth
Jno. Howel
Thomas Clark
Mary Clark
Thomas Clark Junjr
Elizabeth Clark
Mary Ozmond widdow
Deborah Ozmond
Phebe Ozmond
Johannah Ozmond
Mercy Ozmond
Samuel Ozmond
William King
Abigail King
Wm King Junjr
Hannah King
David King
Sarah Youngs
Daniel King
Robert Labe
Caleb Curtjes
Eliza Curtjes
Joshua Curtjes
Mary Curtjes
Samuel Curtjes
Sarah Curtjes
Hannah Curtjes
Richard Curtjes
Stephen Baily
Mary Baily
Hannah Baily
Israel Baily
Temprance Baily
Jonathan Baily
Christian Baily
David Gardiner
Martha Gardiner
Mary Gardiner
Mehitober Corwin
Samuell King
Abigail King
Theophilus Case
hannah Case
William Case
Icabod Case
John Case
Eliza Robertson
Jasper Griffing Junjr
Ruth Grimng
Jasper Grimng
Ruth Grimng
Abraham Corey
Margarett Corey
Mary Corey
Abraham Corey Junjr
Jno Corey
Dorathy Corey
Patience Mayhew
Isaac Corey
Sarah Corey
Isaac Corey Junjr
David Corey
Jonathan Corey
Sarah Corey Junjr
Phebe Corey
Deborah Corey
Peter Aldridge
Annis Reeue widdow
Walter Brown
Joseph Brown
Daniel Brown
Gersham Aldridge
James Pattay
Experience Pattay
James Pattay Junjr
Mary Pattay nymon Pattay
Experience Pattay
Thomas Ryder
Joseph Ryder
Providence Ryder
Jeremiah Ryder
Hester Ryder
Mehitobel Ryder
John Budd
Hester Budd
John Budd Junjr
Joseph Budd
Susannah Budd
Mary Budd
Martha Moor widdow
John Trusteen
Jonathan Moor
William Moor
Mary Trusteen
John Pain Junjr
Sarah Pain
Nathaniel Pain
John Pain
Samuel Crook
Joseph Crook
Sussannah Crook
John ffrancklin
Philla: ffrancklin
Jno ffrancklin Junjr
Mary ffrancklin
Samuel ffrancklin
Martha ffrancklin
ffrancis Noise
Perrsha Noice
Catharine Noise
Eliza Lewis
Mary Reeue widdow
Wm Reeue
Abigail Reeue
Margarett Reeue
Sarah Reeue
Thomas Reeue
Henry Tuthill
Batthia Tuthill
Henry Tuthill Junjr
Jonathan Tuthill
Nathaniel Tuthill
Barnabas Tuthill
Abigail Martin
Hester Hoarnan widdow
Hester Hoaman Junjr
Jolm Joanes
Thomas Hunter
Eliza Hunter
Eliza hunter Junjr
Zervia Hunter
Hannah Hunter
Sarah Horton Widdw
Peanellope Horton
John Pattay
Mary Pattay
Edward Pattay
David Pattay
Mary Pattay
Joshua Wells
Hannah Wells
William Wells
Jno. Wells
Joshua Wells
Deliuerance Wells
Abigail Wells
Ann Wells
Mary Martin
John Owen
Thomas Booth
Mary Booth
John Booth
Thomas Booth Junjr
James Booth
Giles Booth
Mary Booth Junjr
Abraham Ozmond
Rebecca Ozmond
Joseph Ozmond
John Ozmond
Damarass Terrell
John Allowbin
hannah Allowbin Junjr
Mary Allowbin
Tabitha Allowbin
John Goldsmith
Eliza Goldsmith
John Goldsmith Junjr
Thomas Goldsmith
Richard Goldsmith
Nathaniel Goldsmith
Mary Goldsmith
Henry Wells
Mary Wells
Martha Carr
Samuel Glouer
Saiah Glouer
Samuel Glouer junjr
Martha Glouer
hanna. Glouer
Hester Glouer
William Glouer
Charles Glouer
Martha Glouer
Euan Davis
Mary Davis
Mordecai hoaman
William Coleman
Mary Coleman
Sarah Coleman
William Coleman Junjr
Mary Coleman Junjr
Sarah Coleman Junjr
Charles Booth
Abigail Booth
Mary Horton widdow
Jean Mappon
Charles Booth Junjr
Abigail Booth Junjr
David Booth
Jacob Aldridge
Caleb Horton
Jonathan Horton
David Horton
Barnabas Horton
Phebe Horton
Samuel Windes
Mary Windes
Wm Coe
Charley Edwards
Lott Johnson
Joseph Pattay
Mary Pattay
Daniel Pattay
James Reeue
Deborah Reeue
Mary Reeue
Isaac Reeue
Thomas Reeue
Mary Reeue
Richard Brown
Dorithy Brown
Richard Brown Junjr
Samuel Brown
Dorathy Brown
Abigail Brown
Mehitobel Brown
Henry Brown
Samuel Hutcheson
Elizabeth Hutcheson
Samuel Hutcheson Junjr
Gersham Terry
Deborah Terry
Gersham Terry Junjr
Deborah Terry Junjr
Abigail Terry
Richard Terry
Barsheba Terry
Mehitobel Terry
Eliza Cleaues
Jerediah Cleaues
John Cleaues
Eliza Cleaues Junjr
Mary Cleaues
Hannah Cleaues
John Cleaues Junjr
Abigail Cleaues
Thomas Tusten
Priscilla Tusten, Widdow
Eliza Tusten
Mereiam Tusten
Grace Tusten
Carterett Gillam
Mary Gillam
Anna Gilliam
Arnold Gillam
James Gillam
John Wiggam
James Pershall
Margaret Pershall
Mary Pershall
Israel Pershall
David Pershall
Benjamen Pershall
Margarett Pershall Junjr
Thomas Terrell Junjr
Sarah Terrell
Thomas Terrell
Sarah Terrell Junjr
Joshua Horton Junjr
Eliza Horton
Eliza Horton Junjr
Patience Horton
Deborah Horton
Martha Horton
Henry Case
Tabitha Case
Henry Case Junjr
Samuel Case
Benjamin Case
Tabitha Case Junjr
Mary Case
John Bond
Sarah Rodman
John Barnes
Joseph Reeue
Abigal Reeue
Joseph Reeue Junjr
Benjamen Reeue
David Reeue
Ezikias Reeue
Solomon Reeue
Abigail Reeue
Mary Reeue
Margarett Hallock widdow
Dorathy Ozmon
Barnabas Windes
Mary Windes
Barnabas Windes Junjr
Samuel Windes
Bathia Windes
Peanellope Windes
Sussanna Willman
Bathia Horton
Susanna Windes
Martha Hutcheson widdow
Thomas Hutcheson
Mathias Hutcheson
Martha Hutcheson Junjr
Hanna. Case
John Terry
Hannah Terry
John Terry Junjr
Nathaniel Moor
Jacob Cory
Ann Cory
Jacob Corey Junjr
Ann Corey Junjr
Abigail Cory
Jehoada Corey
John Corey
Bernjamn Corey
Christopher Merrick
Hannah Merrick
Jeremiah Veale
Anne Veale
Thomas Veale
Jeremiah Veale Junjr
Mary Veale
Mary Moor
Joshua Sylvester
Joseph Moor
Martha Moor
Joseph Moor Junjr
Sarah Solmon widdow
William Solmon
Sarah Solmon Junjr
Mary Solmon
Amy Solmon
Elizabeth Youngs widdow
John Youngs
Benjamen Youngs Junr
Eliza Youngs Junjr
Christian Youngs
Jno. Coleman
Mary Harwood
William Allobon
Andrew Miller
Margarett Miller
David Miller
Eliza Miller
Margarett Miller Junjr
Hannah Miller
Gersham Tincker
Samuel Youngs
Mary Youngs
Margarett Youngs
Nathan Yonngs
Zerobabel Youngs
Bathia Corwin
Joseph Youngs
Eliza Youngs
Mary Youngs
Thomas Youngs
Abigail Pain widdow
Abigail Pain Junjr
Mary Pain
Sarah Pain
John Daines
Sarah Moor, widdow
Abigail Moor
Patience Moor
Deborah Moor
Thomas Moor
John Moor
Nathaniel Moor
Martha Moor
Eliza Moor
Symon Grouer
Eliza Grouer
Martha Veale
Benjamin Barns
Barnabas Horton
Samuel Bodman
Benjamen Moor
Abigail Moor
John Hutson
Mary Hutson
John Pain
Jemima Pain
Mary Pain
Martha Pain
Jemima Pain
Eliza Pain
John Pain Junjr
John Corwin
Benjamen Bedwell
Thomas Longworth
Deborah Longworth
Joshiah Youngs
Mary Youngs
Mary Youngs Junjr
Daniel Corwin
William Hallocke
Mary Hallock
William Hallock Junjr
Ruth Howell
Prudence Hallock
Zebulon Hallock
Mary Hallock Junjr
Mary Corwin
Jabez Mapes
Eliza Mapes
Sarah Mapes
Eliza Mapes Junjr
Hannah Mapes
Ealse Mapes
John Carter
Ann Carter
Gesia Carter
Hester Carter
Eliza Rackett
John Rackett
Ann Carter Junjr
Mary Carter
Joseph Mapes
Ruth Mapes
Joseph Mapes Junjr
William Mapes
Hannah Mapes
David Youngs
Mary Youngs
John Loring
Richard Loring
Samuel Loring
John Loring Junjr
Wm Loring
Thomas Loring
John Veale
Grace Veale
John Veale Junjr
Daniel Veale
Samuel Veale
Obadiah Veale
Mary Veale
Abigail Veale
Irene Veale
Tabitha Veale
Joyce Veale
Mercy Pattay widdow
Ralph Pattay
Lucas Pattay
Moses Pattay
Margery Pattay
Ann Pattay
Symon Rumsey
Mary Rumsey
Mary Rumsey Junjr
Peter Symons
John Tutthill Junjr
Mehitobell Tutthill
Waite Benjamen widdow
William Benjamen
Waite Benjamen Junjr
Anna Benjamen
The Names of the Slaves, Men Weomen and Children.
Jenny a Girl
In all 41
Indians ffreemen, Servants, men wemen and Children in number - - - 40
Whose Names Cannot be known because not Contant To any Name &c
One hundred thirty and two ffamelyes ; Consisting of Christians, old and young ; - 800
Indians, old & young ; - - - - - - - - - - 040
Slaves, old & young,--- - - - - - - - - - - 41
In all - - - - - - - - - - 881
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1698 Index of Southold, Long Island, transcribed in O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey, The documentary history of the state of New-York, 1850 Vol 1, ; New York (State). Secretary's Office; Pages 447-456. (Archive.org)
- ↑ Town of Southold, Long Island. Personal index prior to 1698, and index of 1698 by Moore, Charles Benjamin (1808-1893); Publ. .J. Medole, New York, 1868. (Archive.org)
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