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16 For 16

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: wikitree_events challenges
This page has been accessed 2,523 times.

To help celebrate WikiTree's 16th Anniversary in 2024, we are having a year-long event: 16 for 16!


What is 16 For 16?

Below is a list of "missions" participants can choose to complete. The goal is to complete 16 of the missions over the course of the year. This is the 2nd year WikiTree is running this challenge; see last year's 15 for 15 challenge for more info!

Participants who reach the objective will receive a "16 For 16" sticker they can add to their profile to show off their accomplishment. Bonus: There are also milestone stickers for "32 For 6" and "64 For 16" for participants wanting to go beyond 16.

Participating in this challenge helps you get to know more of the features and functions of the WikiTree site and have fun while doing it!

How to Participate

To accept this mission of missions, first go to this G2G post and reply with answer. Something as simple as "I'm going to participate!" works fine.

Then, choose missions from the list below that you want to complete and work on them throughout the year. When you complete a mission, reply to your G2G answer with a comment stating which one you've finished. We will then update the Challenge Tracker to show your progress!

When you've completed 16 missions, post an answer in this G2G post to get the sticker for your profile. If you go on to complete 32 or 64 missions, you can answer in the same post to get those stickers as well.

Darren Kellett created this free-space page with a tracker you can copy and paste elsewhere to document your progress throughout the year. As you make progress and post in G2G, this group 16 for 16 tracker will be updated to show your progress.

About You

  • Add a new or additional photo of yourself to your profile.
  • Add a biography to your profile.
  • Take a DNA test (if you haven’t yet) and add your results to your profile.
  • Increase your CC7 number by 160 (link helpful tips on how to do this)
  • Earn 6 Club 100 badges (make 100 contributions in a month)
  • Earn 12 Club 100 badges (make 100 contributions in a month)
  • Earn 6 Club 1000 badges (make 1000 contributions in a month)
  • Earn 12 Club 1000 badges (make 1000 contributions in a month)
  • Create a free-space profile about something that interests you.


  • Upload 16 photos of a person or a headstone to the relevant profile(s)
  • Upload 32 photos of a person or a headstone to the relevant profile(s)
  • Upload 48 photos of a person or a headstone to the relevant profile(s)
  • Upload 64 photos of a person or a headstone to the relevant profile(s)
  • Add 16 profiles to a cemetery category
  • Add 32 profiles to a cemetery category
  • Add 48 profiles to a cemetery category
  • Add 64 profiles to a cemetery category
  • Connect 8 profiles from a cemetery category
  • Connect 16 profiles from a cemetery category
  • Connect 24 profiles from a cemetery category
  • Connect 32 profiles from a cemetery category
  • Use David Randall's Checklist to improve 16 profiles to completeness
  • Use David Randall's Checklist to improve 32 profiles to completeness
  • Use David Randall's Checklist to improve 48 profiles to completeness
  • Use David Randall's Checklist to improve 64 profiles to completeness
  • Connect 8 unconnected profiles in your Watchlist (or click View All to find 8 if you don't have any in your Watchlist)
  • Connect 16 unconnected profiles in your Watchlist (or click View All to find 16 if you don't have any in your Watchlist)
  • Connect 24 unconnected profiles in your Watchlist (or click View All to find 24 if you don't have any in your Watchlist)
  • Connect 32 unconnected profiles in your Watchlist (or click View All to find 32 if you don't have any in your Watchlist)
  • Improve 16 profiles of individuals who died young (See how to find profiles and what all can still be added to the profile even though their lives were short here)
  • Improve 32 profiles of individuals who died young
  • Improve 48 profiles of individuals who died young
  • Improve 64 profiles of individuals who died young
  • Solve 16 Unknowns in your Watchlist (or find orphaned ones here if you have none of your own)
  • Solve 32 Unknowns in your Watchlist or Orphaned profiles
  • Solve 48 Unknowns in your Watchlist or Orphaned profiles
  • Solve 64 Unknowns in your Watchlist or Orphaned profiles
  • Create a source in FamilySearch for 16 WikiTree profiles (using the FamilySearch Match tool)
  • Create a source in FamilySearch for 32 WikiTree profiles
  • Create a source in FamilySearch for 48 WikiTree profiles
  • Create a source in FamilySearch for 64 WikiTree profiles





  • Help another WikiTreer to break down a brick wall.
  • Add a book to the Source Library (here's how)
  • Award 1 Wonderful WikiTreer in G2G each month for 12 months
  • Give 16 thank-yous each month for 12 months
  • Participate in 16 Weekend Chats on G2G
  • Participate in 32 Weekend Chats on G2G
  • Answer 8 questions from the Genealogy Help category in G2G
  • Answer 16 questions from the Genealogy Help category in G2G
  • Answer 32 questions from the Genealogy Help category in G2G
  • Award 8 Generous Genealogist badges
  • Award 8 Family or Community Star badges
  • Invite 8 people to join WikiTree

Social Media

  • Share 16 of the of the Week images on your social media to get your friends and family talking
  • Share 32 of the Question of the Week images on your social media
  • Share the shareable family tree image for 16 of your ancestors on your social media
  • Share the shareable family tree image for 32 of your ancestors on your social media
  • Share the shareable family tree image for 64 of your ancestors on your social media
  • Watch and leave a comment on 16 of the Saturday Roundup videos on YouTube
  • Watch and leave a comment on 32 of the Saturday Roundup videos on YouTube
  • Watch and leave a comment on 4 videos or social media posts from WikiTree at RootsTech 2024
  • Watch and leave a comment on 8 of the videos from WikiTree Day 2024
  • Watch and leave a comment on 8 of the videos from WikiTree Symposium 2024
  • Comment on 8 WikiTree Social Media posts (Excluding the Question of the Week or Saturday Roundup) - Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Mastadon, Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube)
  • Comment on 16 WikiTree Social Media posts (Excluding the Question of the Week or Saturday Roundup)
  • Comment on 32 WikiTree Social Media posts (Excluding the Question of the Week or Saturday Roundup)

Event Award Stickers

Here are what the award stickers look like:

... ... ... achieved the 16 For 16 award for completing 16 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
... ... ... achieved the 32 For 16 award for completing 32 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
... ... ... achieved the 48 For 16 award for completing 48 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
... ... ... achieved the 64 For 16 award for completing 64 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.
... ... ... achieved the 80 For 16 award for completing 80 missions in our 2024 16 For 16 Challenge.


  • 16 For 16:
  1. Ben Couch III
  2. Darren Kellett
  3. Vicki (Blanco) Blanco Borchers
  4. Alice (Stephens) Thomsen Staff Sgt.
  5. Amanda Myers
  6. Judith Fry
  7. Liza (Macklem) Gervais
  8. Megan Ryno
  9. Sheila Tidwell
  10. Eric Perkins
  11. Jody Rodgers
  12. Erin (Soltysiak) Robertson
  13. Monica (Rienerth) Palmer
  14. Stephanie Hill
  15. Gwyneth (Hughes) Taylor
  16. Sue Wyatt
  17. Karyn Homburg
  18. Pat Brunson
  19. Jelena Eckstädt
  20. Katie (Wells) Barker
  21. K. (Early) Price
  22. Kathy Evans
  23. P Whittington
  24. Ambar Díaz
  25. Nelda (Gilchrist) Spires
  26. Anon (Cormack) Sharkey
  27. Susan Hautala
  28. Audrey (Hoppes) Martin
  29. Michele Bazley
  30. Saphyre (Rogers) Rogers-Berry
  31. Chris Wine
  32. Benette (Heymans) Grobler
  33. Culley (Schweger) Schweger Bell
  34. Mack Morrison Jr., Ph.D.
  35. Candra (French) Holmes
  36. Riley Nielsen
  37. Alexis (Lovelace) Nelson
  38. M Gillies
  39. John DeHart
  40. Beverly (Wilson) Diaz
  41. Karen Haney
  42. Mel (Dunstan) Hayward
  43. Ellen Smith
  44. Veronica (Coat) Williams
  45. Donna (Warren) Henley
  46. L Greer
  • 32 For 16:
  1. Ben Couch III
  2. Darren Kellett
  3. Judith Fry
  4. Amanda Myers
  5. Eric Perkins
  6. Sheila Tidwell
  7. Stephanie Hill
  8. Vicki (Blanco) Blanco Borchers
  9. Gwyneth (Hughes) Taylor
  10. Monica (Rienerth) Palmer
  11. Erin (Soltysiak) Robertson
  12. Alice (Stephens) Thomsen Staff Sgt.
  13. Sue Wyatt
  14. Audrey (Hoppes) Martin
  15. Jody Rodgers
  16. Anon (Cormack) Sharkey
  17. Katie (Wells) Barker
  18. Kathy (Stuewe) Zipperer
  • 48 For 16:
  1. Darren Kellett
  2. Ben Couch III
  3. Amanda Myers
  4. Judith Fry
  5. Vicki (Blanco) Blanco Borchers
  6. Jody Rodgers
  7. Monica (Rienerth) Palmer
  8. Sheila Tidwell
  9. Anon (Cormack) Sharkey
  10. Sue Wyatt
  11. Alice (Stephens) Thomsen Staff Sgt.
  • 64 For 16:
  1. Darren Kellett
  2. Ben Couch III
  3. Amanda Myers
  4. Jody Rodgers
  5. Judith Fry
  6. Vicki (Blanco) Blanco Borchers
  7. Anon (Cormack) Sharkey
  8. Sheila Tidwell
  • 80 for 16
  1. Judith Fry
  2. Darren Kellett
  3. Amanda Myers

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Darren Kellett and Taneya Koonce. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 3

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Under the 16 for 16, there are two main Cemetery projects;

I need to make sure I understand them clearly.

1. Profiles from a Cemetery Category

So I go to say Weston Cemetery in Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon and I find headstones, and take photos of the headstone (especially if it is not already on Find-A-Grave at that Cemetery) and I find their is presently no profile on WikiTree, so I can make one. It would be considered a profile from a Cemetery Category?

2. Profiles to a Cemetery Category.

I have a profile of say my father and I add a flower to his Find-A-grave and I note 3935 I have then added a Profile to a Cemetery Category?

Is this correct?

I am a little confused in how to count what I have done so if I have for example sourced 64 profiles of those who died young does this count as 1 mission or 4 when I am tallying up my work?
posted by Anon (Cormack) Sharkey
Thanks for your question - it counts as 4 missions! Each set of 16 is a mission. Hope that helps!
posted by Taneya Koonce