Location: Horsham, Sussex, England
Surname/tag: Lintott
Will of Richard Lintott
(1659 - 1716)
This is the last Will and Testament of Richard Lintott the elder of Horsham in the County of Sussex, Butcher.
Imprimis I make void all former Wills by me heretofore made.
First I give and bequeath unto Richard Lintott my Son the sum of Ten shillings and no more, to be paid within three months next after my decease by my executor hereafter named.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary, who is wife to William Greenfield of Horsham aforesaid, to her and her heirs and assignes, all my Household goods, goods and chattells whatsoever which I shall die possessed of after the sum of Ten shillings is paid to the said Richard Lintott my Son as aforesaid.
Item I nominate, constitute, ordain and appoint my Son in Law William Greenfield aforesaid sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I, the said Richard Lintott the Testator, have to this my last will and testament, contained in One Sheet of Paper, sett my hand and Seal this second day of June and in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixteen.
Richard Lintott
Signed, Sealed, Published and declared to be the last will and Testament of the said Richard Lintott the Testator in the presence of
- John Foreman,
- Wm: Baker.
Probatum fuit hu[ius]mo[d]i test[ament]um cora[m] m[a]gi[str]o Joh[ann]e Keynell Cl[er]ico Surro[ga]to etc Nono die Januar[ii] Anno D[omi]ni 1717 Juramento Will[ielm]i Greenfield Gener[is] d[i]c[t]i def[un]c[t]i ac Ex[ecut]oris etc Cui etc de bene etc Jurat[o] Salvo etc (Vigore Com[missio]nis)
[This will was proved before Master John Keynell, clerk, surrogate etc, on the ninth day of January in the year of our Lord 1717, (9th January 1717/18) By the oath of William Greenfield, son-in-law of the said deceased, and executor etc, To whom etc, he being sworn well etc, saving etc (by force of a commission [instruction to local vicar to administer oath].)
1. The fact that Richard was a butcher would tend to lend weight to the probability of him being the ancestor (Great Grandfather) of John LINTOTT (1746 - 1824)
2. He leaves his son only ten shillings and the rest of his estate is left to his daughter Mary and he makes his son-in-law Executor of the Estate. His other daughter Jane had died as a child of seven in 1685.
3. One wonders why his son got so little, perhaps because the butchery business had already been passed to him ?
4 According to the burial register his son Richard died in 1759 “a poor man”, what had happened to the butchery business ? and was that why this Richard’s son Henry left Horsham and moved to Petworth perhaps to start afresh ?
5. The Will was written on 2nd June 1716 and William died two weeks later on the 16th June, yet the Will wasn’t proved until January 1717/18, 19 months later. Was Richard junior trying to contest it ?
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