Location: Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Surname/tag: Acadia
English translation of 1739 census of Riviere St. Jean. 1739 Census
Citation: <ref>Original census can be found at [http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_c2572/2?r=0&s=1 Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada] “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 274-276.<blockquote> put verbiage here</blockquote></ref>
Current state of the new Colonie francoise of the River St. jean at a place below the village of Ekoupag
- [Godin family] Philippe Bellefoueille Jacques Philippe Godin (abt.1698-1763), his wife Marie Anne Bergeron (1709-1770) and four children
- [Godin family] Louis BellefontaineLouis Godin (1693-1749), his wife and two children.
- [Godin family] The widow Bellefontaine Andrée Angélique Jeanne (1671-bef.1739), her son Bonaventure Bonaventure Godin (abt.1715-bef.1786), with his wife (likely his first wife name unknown as he is though to have married Marguerite Bergeron in about 1740), and son-in-law Michel Michel Saindon (abt.1715-abt.1780) and his wife Marie Yvette (Gaudin) Godin (abt.1709-1795) and two children
- Pierre Laforest Pierre Part (abt.1709-bef.1766) his wife Angélique Gaudin (abt.1717-bef.1766) and two children
- René Valcour Rene Godin (1710-1771) his wife Francoise Dugas (abt.1713-abt.1743) and three children
- [ Godin family] Charles Boisjolie Charles Godin (abt.1708-aft.1763) his wife Marie Melanson (1708-aft.1763) and three children
- Jean LaForest Jean (Parr) Part (abt.1712-bef.1758) (brother of Pierre) his wife and one child Note: did they have two children by 1739?
- Francois Roy François Jean Roy (abt.1692-abt.1749) his wife Marie Josephe Bergeron (abt.1698-aft.1763) and eight children and his son Francois François Roy (1718-bef.1763) and his fiancé Margueritte Bertellemy Marguerite Bergeron (abt.1723-1786) (but did not marry her - she married his brother Bonaventure instead).
- St. Aubin Barthelemy Bergeron (bef.1696-bef.1766) his wife Marguerite Dugas (abt.1703-abt.1765)and nine children (the name St. Aubin is associated with Serreau in the Standard Family names Barthelemy's mother was Genevieve Serreau, daughter of Sieur Jean St. Aubin.
- Augustin St. Aubin Augustin Bergeron (abt.1702-1765) his wife Marie Dugas (abt.1711-bef.1777) and two infants with a relative
- [Godin family] Jean Dugas Jean Dugas (1712-1765) his wife Marie Charlotte Gaudin (1713-1765) and three children (her mother Angelique, brother Bonaventure and sister Yvette are listed in family #3)
- [Godin family] Beausejour Joseph Godin (abt.1695-1776) his wife Marie Anne Bergeron (1706-1779) five children and one domestique
- Michel St. Aubin Michel Bergeron (abt.1700-bef.1764), his mother Geneviève Serreau (1667-aft.1739), his wife Marie Dugas (1703-bef.1748) eight children and one servant
Four places down the road
- [Godin family] Jean Lincour Jean Baptiste (Gaudin) Godin (abt.1706-bef.1763) sa femme four infants and one servant
- Pierre Henry Pierre Henry (abt.1700-abt.1770) his wife Marguerite Brasseur (1710-1789) and three children
Twenty places further down
- Le Sr. Bélisle Alexandre (Leborgne) Le Borgne (1679-aft.1744) (most likely choice)with his two married daughters, two sons in law, one child , his other three daughters and two or three servants
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