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1739 Census Rivière Saint-Jean

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap
Surname/tag: Acadia
This page has been accessed 94 times.

English translation of 1739 census of Riviere St. Jean. 1739 Census

Citation: <ref>Original census can be found at [http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_c2572/2?r=0&s=1 Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada] “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 274-276.<blockquote> put verbiage here</blockquote></ref>

Current state of the new Colonie francoise of the River St. jean at a place below the village of Ekoupag

  1. [Godin family] Philippe Bellefoueille Jacques Philippe Godin (abt.1698-1763), his wife Marie Anne Bergeron (1709-1770) and four children
  2. [Godin family] Louis BellefontaineLouis Godin (1693-1749), his wife and two children.
  3. [Godin family] The widow Bellefontaine Andrée Angélique Jeanne (1671-bef.1739), her son Bonaventure Bonaventure Godin (abt.1715-bef.1786), with his wife (likely his first wife name unknown as he is though to have married Marguerite Bergeron in about 1740), and son-in-law Michel Michel Saindon (abt.1715-abt.1780) and his wife Marie Yvette (Gaudin) Godin (abt.1709-1795) and two children
  4. Pierre Laforest Pierre Part (abt.1709-bef.1766) his wife Angélique Gaudin (abt.1717-bef.1766) and two children
  5. René Valcour Rene Godin (1710-1771) his wife Francoise Dugas (abt.1713-abt.1743) and three children
  6. [ Godin family] Charles Boisjolie Charles Godin (abt.1708-aft.1763) his wife Marie Melanson (1708-aft.1763) and three children
  7. Jean LaForest Jean (Parr) Part (abt.1712-bef.1758) (brother of Pierre) his wife and one child Note: did they have two children by 1739?
  8. Francois Roy François Jean Roy (abt.1692-abt.1749) his wife Marie Josephe Bergeron (abt.1698-aft.1763) and eight children and his son Francois François Roy (1718-bef.1763) and his fiancé Margueritte Bertellemy Marguerite Bergeron (abt.1723-1786) (but did not marry her - she married his brother Bonaventure instead).
  9. St. Aubin Barthelemy Bergeron (bef.1696-bef.1766) his wife Marguerite Dugas (abt.1703-abt.1765)and nine children (the name St. Aubin is associated with Serreau in the Standard Family names Barthelemy's mother was Genevieve Serreau, daughter of Sieur Jean St. Aubin.
  10. Augustin St. Aubin Augustin Bergeron (abt.1702-1765) his wife Marie Dugas (abt.1711-bef.1777) and two infants with a relative
  11. [Godin family] Jean Dugas Jean Dugas (1712-1765) his wife Marie Charlotte Gaudin (1713-1765) and three children (her mother Angelique, brother Bonaventure and sister Yvette are listed in family #3)
  12. [Godin family] Beausejour Joseph Godin (abt.1695-1776) his wife Marie Anne Bergeron (1706-1779) five children and one domestique
  13. Michel St. Aubin Michel Bergeron (abt.1700-bef.1764), his mother Geneviève Serreau (1667-aft.1739), his wife Marie Dugas (1703-bef.1748) eight children and one servant

Four places down the road

  1. [Godin family] Jean Lincour Jean Baptiste (Gaudin) Godin (abt.1706-bef.1763) sa femme four infants and one servant
  2. Pierre Henry Pierre Henry (abt.1700-abt.1770) his wife Marguerite Brasseur (1710-1789) and three children

Twenty places further down

  1. Le Sr. Bélisle Alexandre (Leborgne) Le Borgne (1679-aft.1744) (most likely choice)with his two married daughters, two sons in law, one child , his other three daughters and two or three servants

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