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Please note that during the time of the revolution, a large part of what is now the state of Maine was part of the Province of Massachusetts Bay,
which is why the regiment names in the table below contain "Massachusetts Militia".
If you are trying to determine the best unit category to use for a "Maine" soldier, in particular the 1776 Sticker,
please see Massachusetts Militia Colonels or Massachusetts Line Colonels.
Comander Last Name, Fistname for sort purposese
| Regiment
| Note
Noyes, Peter Col.Peter Noyes | Cumberland 111st Regiment, Cumberland County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 12 - 02Dec. 2, 1777 Nov. 29, 1780
Waite, JohnCol. John Waite | Cumberland 121st Regiment, Cumberland County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 02 - 05May 2, 1776 Apr. 17, 1776
Jordan, Nathaniel Col. Nathaniel Jordan | Cumberland 11st Regiment, Cumberland County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1779 - 09 - 25Sep. 25, 1779 Oct. 23, 1779
Mitchell, JonathanCol. Jonathan Mitchell | Cumberland 22nd Regiment, Cumberland County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 02 - 05Feb. 5, 1776 ?
Fogg, Reuben Col. Reuben Fogg | Cumberland 33rd Regiment, Cumberland County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 02 - 05Feb. 5, 1776 Jul. 5, 1779
Pike, Timothy Col. Timothy Pike | Cumberland 44th Regiment, Cumberland County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 02 - 07Feb. 7. 1776 Mar. 6, 1780
McCobb, Samuel Col. Samuel McCobb | Lincoln 11st Regiment, Lincoln County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 01 - 30Jan. 30, 1776 Dec. 1, 1781
North, Joseph Col. Joseph North | Lincoln 22nd Regiment, Lincoln County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 01 - 30Jan. 1, 1776 Mar. 6, 1780
Jones, William Col. William Jones | Lincoln 33rd Regiment, Lincoln County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 01 - 30Jan. 3, 1776 Jul. 5, 1779
Wheaton, Mason Col. Mason Wheaton | Lincoln 44th Regiment, Lincoln County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1779 - 07 - 05Jul. 5, 1779 ?
Buck Jonathan Col. Jonathan Buck | Lincoln 55th Regiment, Lincoln County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1775 - 02 - 08Feb. 8, 1775 Sep. 3, 1783
Foster, Benjamin Col. Benjamin Foster | Lincoln 66th Lincoln County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 01 - 30Jan. 30, 1776 Sep. 3, 1783
Grow, Edward Col. Edward Grow | York 11 1st York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1778 - 06 - 10Jun. 10, 1778 Jul. 5, 1779
Cutts, EdwardCol. Edward Cutts | York 12 1st York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1775 - 08 - 30Aug. 30, 1775 Jan. 1, 1776
Saye, EbenezerCol. Ebenezer Sayer | York 13 1st York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1778 - 4 - 20Apr. 20 1778
Frost, JohnCol. John Frost | York 212nd York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 02 - 02Feb. 2, 1776 Aug. 10, 1777
Moulton, JothamCol. Jotham Moulton | York 222nd York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1775 - 08 - 30Aug. 30, 1775 Jan. 1, 1776
Goodwin, IchabodCol. Ichabod Goodwin | York 232nd York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1778 - 06 - 10Jun. 10, 1778 Jul. 5, 1779
Prime, Joseph Col. Joseph Prime | York 242nd York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1780 - 03 - 25Mar. 25, 1780 Dec. 10, 1780
Jordan, TristramCol. Tristram Jordan | York 313rd York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1775 - 08 - 30Aug. 30, 1775 Nov. 23, 1776
Storer, Joseph Col. Joseph Storer | York 323rd York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1776 - 09 - 05Sep. 5, 1776 Oct. 23, 1777
Cutts, Thomas Col. Thomas Cutts | York 333rd Regiment, York County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1778 - 06 - 10Jun. 10, 1778 Jul. 5, 1779
Allen, John Col. John Allan | Défense of Machias, Col. Allan [Col. Allen] to command {Lincoln County} troops to be stationed at Machias, Lincoln County Militia, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | 1777 - 09 - 16Sep. 16, 1777 May 1, 1781
Brewer, JosiahCol. Josiah Brewer | Col. Josiah Brewer's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution | ? May 3, 1776
Frye, Joseph Col. Joseph Frye | Major General MA militia, Colonel 21st of June 1775; list of seacoast officers stationed at Falmouth, Casco Bay commissioned Jan. 1, 1776. Brigadier General army of MA Bay/Continental army February 16, 1776 | 1776 - 01 - 01Jan. 1, 1776 before Mar. 29, 1776
Phinney EdmundCol. Edmund Phinney | Col. Edmund Phinney's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution |
Scammon JamesCol. James Scammon | Col. James Scammon's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution |
Wadsworth Peleg General Peleg Wadsworth | In June,1779, Gen. Peleg Wadsworth Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution was Second in command of the Penobscot expedition/Bagaduce expedition, commissioned Brigadier General, 7 July 1779.
In March 1780, Brigadier General Wadsworth was given command of all the troops raised under the resolve of March 25, 1780, for the defense of the Province of Maine/Department of Maine, commissioned March 1780.
Fales NathanielCaptain Nathaniel Fales | Capt. Nathaniel Fales' Company, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution Category Capt. Nathaniel Fales' Company, Massachusetts Militia, American Revolution Space Page | marched to Majorbagaduce as part of the Penobscot Expedition.
The Battle of Machias, fought in June 1775, was one of the first naval engagements of the Revolutionary War. The townspeople, along with the help of the Machias Seal Island Indians, captured a British armed schooner named Margaretta.
Battle of Machias at WikipediA
In June 1779, Americans organized an expedition to oust the British from Castine, Maine, which served as a supply base and naval station. Historically termed the Bagaduce expedition, it was contemporarily referred to as "The Expedition to the Penobscot." The waterway known today as Bagaduce River was previously called Matchebiguatus, an Indian name signifying a place without a safe harbor. During the Revolution, it adopted the name Maja-Bagaduce, later shortened to Bagaduce, inspiring the expedition's title.
The campaign resulted in a substantial defeat for American forces, primarily composed of troops from Massachusetts. This joint land and naval operation allowed the British to establish Fort George in Castine, Maine, a stronghold retained until the war's conclusion.
Also See Penobscot Expedition category
Privateering was a significant aspect of naval warfare during the American Revolution, and New England, including what is now Maine, played a notable role in privateering activities. Privateers were privately owned ships authorized by the government to engage in naval warfare, particularly against enemy merchant vessels. Here are some key points about privateering in New England, including Maine, during the American Revolution:
In summary, privateering was a crucial element of New England's maritime activities during the American Revolution, including in the region that is now Maine. It provided a means for local communities to actively participate in the war effort and contributed to the broader struggle for American independence.
A the time of the Revolution, Massachusetts had three Counties in the District of Maine; York, Cumberland and Lincoln. Lincoln county compried a vast area from New Meadows River to Passamaquaddy Bay. In 1790 Hancock and Washington Counties were formed. Kennebec in 1799, Oxford in 1805, Somerset 1809, Penobscot 1816, Franklin and Piscataquis in 1838, Aroostook in 1839, Androscoggin and Sagadahoc in 1854 and finaly Knox county in 1860.
There were no Hancock County Militia units associated with the Revolutionary War.
These soldiers served in one of the the Massachusetts County regiments listed in the
Regiments active in Maine section,
or perhaps one of the other Massachusetts Militia units, or in a Continental Line unit.
See the categories listed in the individual profiles to see which.
Darrly does a huge amount of work on Wikitree [Downeast Maine for example], but still takes time to help others with their work. He spent a lot of time helping this old dog to try to learn new tricks [entering information on wiki space pages].