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1776 Managed Profile Requests

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: 1776
This page has been accessed 185 times.

1776 Project | Managed Profiles | Criteria Request Form

Request Project Management for a Profile

Do you know of a profile that would benefit from project management or project management/project protection?

The scope of the 1776 Project is persons involved in the American Revolutionary War from 16 December 1773 (Boston Tea Party) to 21 June 1789 (ratification of Constitution of the United States—referred to as participants by this team.

Is the profile for someone within the scope of the project that also meets at least one of these criteria?

  1. "controversial profiles of historically-significant people and widely-shared ancestors"
  2. profiles of notable people
  3. profiles that represent extensive work that should be preserved

If so, or even if you are unsure, please fill out this request form.

Not sure what all this means? Read more at Managed Profiles.

The team is generally able to get back to you within 5 days.

Thank you!

Last reviewed 19 Jan 2024 by the Managed Profiles Team.



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Categories: 1776 Project