
1804 Deed: Nathaniel Hays to William Daniels

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Date: 23 Apr 1804 [unknown]
Location: Sussex County, Delaware, United Statesmap
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  1. Date: 23 Apr 1804
    1. Event: Warranty Deed Indenture
    2. Nathaniel Hays to William Daniels
    3. Location: Nanticoke Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware
      1. Tract: Turkey Swamp
  1. Parties named
    1. Nathaniel Hays (seller and former owner)
    2. Rachel Hays wife of Nathaniel Hays (seller)
    3. Boaz Manlove (seller)
    4. William Daniels (buyer and former owner)
    5. Magdalen Manlove (former owner)
    6. Nathaniel Hays (former owner)
    7. Elias Veach (former owner)
    8. John Polk (former owner)
    9. Emanuel Manlove (adjoining land)
    10. Parris Griffeth (witness)
    11. Zadoc Richards (witness)
    12. And. Barratt (judge)
Notes: No purchase sum stated. No acreage stated. Toward the end of the Indenture, Boaz Manlove is added as a seller, or perhaps he was left out of the beginning? At the end of the land description, it says: to the beginning White Oak, At the beginning, it says: Beginning at a corner cut off Red Oak .

Warranty Deed Indenture

This Indenture made the twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four between Nathaniel Hays of the County of Sussex and State of Delaware and Rachel his wife of the one part and William Daniels of the County and State aforesaid of the other part

Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of - - - lawful money to me in hand paid by the said William Daniels, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself, fully satisfied, contented and paid, have granted, bargained, sold, alienated, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto William Daniels, his heirs and assigns, forever, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Sussex County and in Nanticoke Hundred, known by the name of the Turkey Swamp,

taken up by a certain Magdalen Manlove and by her sold to
Nathaniel Hays and from him sold to
Elias Veach and by him sold to
John Polk and from him sold to
William Daniels

Together with the buildings, fencing, orchards and out orchards, timbers, woods and under woods, waters, and water courses. Together with all the hereditaments that in any wise appertaining unto the said lands and premises, meted and bounded as follows;

Beginning at a corner cut off Red Oak standing in the Northwest line of Emanuel Manlove's old tract and running from thence, South forty five and a half degrees West eighty perches to a Spanish Oak, thence, South forty four and a half degrees West eighty perches to a Red Oak then North forty seven and three quarters Degrees West seventy and a half perches to a White Oak then South sixteen and half degrees West sixty two and half perches to a Post then South twenty three degrees West one hundred and eighteen perches to a White Oak then North forty six degrees East one hundred and thirty six perches to a large White Oak then North, seventy one degrees East sixty eight perches to a Red Oak then South seventy four degrees East forty nine perches to a Red Oak then North thirty five Degrees East ninety nine perches to a Red Oak then North thirty six degrees East thirty six perches to Red Oak then North twenty five degrees West seventy two perches to a Spanish Oak then South fifty four degrees West thirty and a half perches to a White Oak then North eighty nine degrees West thirty two perches to a White Oak then North eighty two and a half degrees West thirty five perches to a White Oak then with a right line to the beginning White Oak, containing and laid out for - - - - acres of land according to the certificate of survey be the same more or less, together with all the above premises hereditaments and appurtenances unto the said William Daniels, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever

and the said Nathaniel Hays and wife Rachel doth hereby covenant with myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, or either of them to and with the said William Daniels and his heirs and assigns to warrant and forever, to defend the above described lands and premises from me, my heirs, executors, administrators, and all person or persons claiming or to claim from, by, or under me, my heirs, executors, administrators or either of them and also from Boaz Manlove his heirs, and all persons claiming or to claim from, by, under him, unto the said William Daniels, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns,

In testimony whereof the said Nathaniel Hays and wife Rachel hath hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year above written

Nathaniel Hays (seal)
Rachel Hays (seal)

Signed, sealed and delivered, in presents of

Parris Griffeth
Zadoc Richards
Sussex County, State of Delaware (seal)
Be it remembered that on the twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, came before me, And. Barratt, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the State of Delaware aforesaid, the within named Nathaniel Hays and Rachel Hays his wife did acknowledge the within written Indenture to be their act and deed and desired that the same may be recorded as such. Rachel Hays wife of the said Nathaniel Hays being of full age and by me examined separate and apart from her said husband and the contents of the within written indenture made known to her, acknowledged that she, signed, sealed and delivered the same of her own free will and without any threats/ force or compulsion of the said Nathaniel Hays, her husband or other person, whatsoever
In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand the day and year above written
And. Barratt

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