
1823 Deed. Solomon Deputy to Clement Hudson

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Date: 21 Mar 1823 [unknown]
Location: Cedar Creek Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: deputy hudson
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  1. Date: 21 Mar 1823
    1. Deed: Solomon Deputy to Clement Hudson [1]
    2. Location: Cedar Creek Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware
      1. Tract: 454 acres


This indenture made this twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three. Between Solomon Deputy of Cedar Creek Hundred in the County of Sussex and State of Delaware, yeoman, of the one part, and Clement Hudson of the same hundred, county and state aforesaid, yeoman and Miller, of the other part;
Witnesseth, that the said Solomon Deputy, for and in consideration of the sum of four thousand and seven hundred dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, that being the amount of the valuation and appraisement set upon the property hereby conveyed by Samuel Ratcliff, James Johnson and Joseph Hudson, arbitrators mutually chosen by the said Solomon Deputy and Clement Hudson to arbitrate, award, order, judge, and determine of and concerning the valuation, price and appraisement of said property, and likewise in obedience to the directions contained in the awards made out by the said Arbitrators, hath granted, bargained and sold, alienated, remised, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed and by these presence doth grant, bargain, and sell, alienate, remise, release, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto him the said Clement Hudson and to his heirs and assigns forever all that plantation tract or parcel of situate in Cedar Creek Hundred aforesaid on the South West branch of Cedar Creek and ajoining to lands formerly of Andrew Best, lands of Joseph Hudson and others, together likewise with the grist mill situate theron, being the same property which was purchased by the aforesaid Solomon Deputy of a certain Doctor Benjamin Hudson by a deed of bargain and sale bearing date the twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, in which said deed, Margaret Hudson wife of the said Doctor Benjamin Hudson, also became a party, the metes and bounds of said tract or parcel of land being as follows:
Viz. Beginning in the head of Cully Branch at the stump of a red oak being a corner of land formerly of Joseph Truett deceased, and for land of Joseph Hudson and thence with the last mentioned land the these following lines to wit, South forty four degrees and fifty two minutes West eighty eight perches to a marked Sassafras sapling, thence South forty four degrees East fifty seven perches and a half to a hickory sapling where formerly stood a white oak, thence South forty four degrees and three fourths of a degree West one hundred and four perches to a stake at the North West corner of seven acres of land devised by Benjamin Hudson the elder to his eldest son William, thence by and with a dividing line separating this land from said seven acres, South forty five degrees and three fourths of a degree East three hundred and thirty perches to the sum of the aforesaid South West Branch of Cedar Creek and thence running down the same side therewith, about one hundred and seventy perches more or less up to the South West corner of a piece of ground purchased by a certian Francis Roberts of a Mr. Richards for the use of the aforesaid water grist mill, thence round the same, North seventy four degrees and forty five minutes East thirteen perches, thence North fifteen degrees and forty five minutes East thirty two perches, thence South sixty seven and a half degrees West six perches to a marked poplar, below the mill dam, and by the side of the aforesaid branch, and thence binding with said branch and down the same about fifty perches more or less to the mouth of Cully Branch aforesaid, and thence binding with and running up the same about seventy five perches more or less to the place of beginning. Four hundred and fifty four acres more or less being contained in the said metes and bounds including the aforesaid water Grist mill and is the same property which was devised by the aforesaid Benjamin Hudson, the elder, to his son the before mentioned Doctor Benjamin Hudson, together with all and singular the said Mill and Mill house, dwelling house, and other improvements, tenements, privelages, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining with all the right, title and estate, reversions, remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, to have and to hold, to him the said Clement Hudson and to his heirs and assigns to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him the said Clement Hudson and of his heirs and assigns forever. And the said, Solomom Deputy for himself his heirs, executors, administrators, and every of them, doth hereby covenant, promise, grant, consent and agree to and with the said Clement Hudson, and his heirs and assigns forever, against the future claim of him the said Solomon Deputy and of his heirs and against the claim or claims of all persons whatever now claiming or hereafter to claim the same by from or under him or them or either of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend, by these presents, In Witness whereof he the said Solomon Deputy, hath hereto set his hand and seal, the day and year first herein before written.
Solomon Deputy (seal)
Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Shaver, State of Delaware
Be it remembered that on this twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three personally appeared before us, the Subscribers, two of the Justices of the Peace, in and for the County of Sussex.
Solomon Deputy, the grantor named in the foregoing Indenture, he the said Solomon Deputy acknowledged the same to be his act and deed respectfully and desired it might be recorded as such.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year aforesaid.
John Shaver
Lowder Layton
This Deed was lodged in the Recorders' Office in and for the County of Sussex, on the thirty first day of July eighteen hundred and thirty.
G.A. Ewing, Recorder Sx Cyc


  1. Delaware, Land Records, Sussex County



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