
Samuel P. Garrigues to Joseph Watson, December 3, 1827

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Date: 3 Dec 1827 [unknown]
Location: Natchez, Mississippimap
Surname/tag: Watson
This page has been accessed 127 times.

December 3, 1827 letter from Samuel P. Garrigues, in Natchez, Mississippi, to Joseph Watson describing developments in the case of the kidnapped African American children from Philadelphia, including the progression of the trials of the individuals involved.

This letter is the second letter sent on the trip described in

His previous letter is

His next letter is

Joseph Watson Correspondence, Mss. 1872, Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, La.

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Natchez Dec 3rd 1827

Dear Sir,

I arrived here last night at 9 o’clock and have this morning waited on Mr Walker. He informs me that the persons spoken of remain as when he wrote you. He says he has twice wrote you since the last letter spoken of by you. If so they must have miscarried; He had the case of Lydia Smith before the court and had to suffer[?] a non suit for want of evidence. I have seen her but do not know her, neither does she me. She was purchased by a Mr. Walsh for five hundred and fifty dollars and is hired out through the town [and] has the appearance of a lady from her dress as a person far better off than are negros in common. The best evidence that could be had would be [if] one of the boys that was apprentice[d] to Bowns[?] Lawber[?] at the time she lived there which was the first place she lived at after leaving Georgetown. Found that there is no Court however until May that can be heard. Ephraim Lawrence is with a person by the name of Dickinson or Ross. [I] cannot learn which until I go to Monticello, Clem Cox the same. Mr Perryman holds the others as heretofore he holds of them all are held to bail in the term of two thousand dollars for their appearance. They are all determined to have positive evidence from some white person who can identify the judges of the court entirely in their favor. The holders are considered poor men [and] the loss of the boys they suppose would break ??? up. Henry H. McCawley came out with me on the ship

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to [New] Orleans. He well knows Peter Hook and Clem Cox and was willing to come on here if it was necessary. I have given his name to Mr Walker as he is going to reside in [New] Orleans [so] that he may come forward when wanted. I can do nothing now before I go to Monticello. I shall leave here on Friday next — with the brother of Mr Walker who said he will aid me as far as possible. I shall have an interview with the boys perhaps may know some of them. Mr Walker refuses to accept any compensation other than that the expense they have been at in traveling and living no charge for services. It has so happened that all those who I had reference to in this place other than Mr Walker are dead or about dying. I shall if possible get hold of Lawrence by some means and actions at once learning before I leave what will be actually be required and when in the liberation of the others it is all together an uphill business[?] attendance[?] with many discouragements the council who have been concerned have received as many threats for their interference. Mr Griffiths was one but is dead I believe. I have nothing further to communicate at present but that I have enjoyed tolerable health and if it were possible to hear from ??? Please remember me to my friend Mr Lean[?] and say to him it is far worse than ?? a day catching to be in this concern[?].
Your obedient servant
SP Garrigues

To Joseph Watson, Esq


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