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This profile is part of the Bachman Valley, Maryland One Place Study.
Taxpayers of Carroll County Maryland 1837
From the first tax list of Carroll County transcribed by Professor Tracy, with emendations by George Horvath.
Albaugh | William | Everything Needful | 200 |
Angle | Andrew | Iron Intention | 15 |
Baroman | Daniel | Everything Needful | 30 |
Baughman | Frederick/5 | 326 | |
Baumgartner | Catherine (widow) | 130 | |
Bawman | Jacob | Stansburys Grove | 101 |
Bawman | Peter | near PA line | PPO |
Beck | George | Iron Intention | 140 |
Beck | Jacob | Iron Intention | 130 |
Becker | George | Everything Needful | 114 |
Becker | Michael | Everything Needful | 106 |
Berwager | Frederick | Three Brothers | 50 |
Binder | John (Heirs) | Florida | 185 |
Bixler | Abraham | Wises Mill | 191 |
Bixler | Barbara (widow of John) | PPO | |
Bixler | Frederick | Cally Fancy | 125 |
Bixler | George | part Wises Mill | 141 |
Bixler | Jacob Jr | PPO | |
Bixler | John (heirs) | 125 | |
Bixler | John (of Peter) | Iron Intention | 30 |
Bixler | Magdalena | PPO | |
Bixler | Peter | Big Meadow | 231 |
Bixler | jacob Sr | Wells Care | 220 |
Black | George | part Ohio | 15 |
Boblitz | George | PPO | |
Bollinger | Daniel | Bollingers Contrivance | 320 |
Bollinger | Mathias Jr | PPO | |
Bollinger | Mathias Sr | Bollingers Living | 150 |
Boring | Ezekial Jr | 15 | |
Boring | Ezekial Sr | Stony Ridge | 102 |
Boring | Isaac | Borings Range | 160 |
Born | Jacob (heirs) | 330 | |
Born | Jacob (of John) | Pleasant Garden | 206 |
Born | John (of A. | Wills Care | 269 |
Born | John's (heirs) | heirs | 213 |
Bosley | Joshua Jr | 144 | |
Bosley | Joshua Sr | Everything Needful | 140 |
Bower | Isaac | 136 | |
Bowman | John | PPO | |
Bowser | Charlotte | PPO | |
Bowser | George | 130 | |
Bowser | Joseph heirs | 210 | |
Bowser | Salomon | PPO | |
Brickman | Henry N. | Everything Needful | 20 |
Brilhart | David | Cally Fancy | 125 |
Brinkman | Henry N. | Everything Needful | 27 |
Brown | Jacob (of Jos) | PPO | |
Brown | John (heirs) | Iron Intention | 123 |
Brown | Joshua | Iron Intention | 193 |
Buckingham | Charles | PPO | |
Bumgart | John | Maltingan | 60 |
Caltrider | Daniel | Borings Range | 115 |
Caltrider | George (heirs) | Caltriders Fancy | 110 |
Crawmer | John (of PA) | New Germany | 100 |
Crooker | Joshua & John | Borings Range | 80 |
Crumerine | Phillip | 18 | |
Crumerine | Phillip (of A.) | Ipstone | 300 |
Crumerine | William/2 | Dyes Adventure | 14 |
Crumrine | Linewa | Potters Lot | 50 |
Dayhofe | John | 38 | |
Downey | George/Balt | Christophers Lot | 170 |
Ely | Elias | PPO | |
Everhart | George Jr | Good Luck | 127 |
Everhart | George Sr | Gotham | 315 |
Everhart | John | PPO | |
Everhart | Michael | Iron Intention | 26 |
Fair | George | Hopkins Choice | 250 |
Fair | Henry | Sugar Valley | 50 |
Fair | John Jr | Shaffers Folly | 70 |
Fair | John Sr | Wallaces Res | 160 |
Fair | Peter | PPO | |
Fair | Samuel | PPO | |
Fare | Charles | Three Brothers | 131 |
Fare | Frederick | PPO | |
Finafrock | Peter | Big Owl Hill | 18 |
Fisher | Jacob | PPO | |
Flickinger | Adam | Iron Intention | 240 |
Foltz | John/1 | Gotham | 194 |
Fowble | David | Stony Valley | 64 |
Frankforter | Adam | Steffesburg PP | 14 |
Frankforter | Dave | 2 | |
Frankforter | Jacob (of A.) | PPO | |
Freed | Lawrence (heirs) | Troy | 52 |
Fuhraman | Philip | Troy | 72 |
Fuhrman | Henry | Troy | 27 |
Fuhrman | John (of H) | 27 | |
Furhman | Samuel | Everything Needful | 7 |
Furhman | Valentine | 6 | |
Gable | John | 3 | |
Gantee | Joseph | PPO | |
Garner | Jarrett | Drye's Adventure | 87 |
Garner | Wesley | PPO | |
Garner | Wesley W | PPO | |
Garrett | Henry | Old Germany | 94 |
Garrett | Henry F. | PPO | |
Garrett | Jacob | PPO | |
Geiger | Jacob Rev | Old Fort | 11 |
Geiman | Christian | Tiperary | 200 |
Geiman | John | PPO | |
Gett | William (of Pa) | PPO | |
Gettier | Michael (of Pa) | PPO | |
Gettier | Peter Jr | PPO | |
Gettier | Peter Sr | Molters Lot | 200 |
Gettier | Peter (of H) | Mill Hope Hover Not | 95 |
Glare | Henry | PPO | |
Gore | Phillip | California | 46 |
Grace | Henry (heirs) | Everything Needful | 33 |
Grace | John | Inghankim | 180 |
Grammer | Henry | Iron Intention | 200 |
Green | Shadrack heirs | 60 | |
Gummel | George | Gummells Desire | 283 |
Gummell | Jacob | Balchiors Prospect | 100 |
Hamburgh | Frederick | PPO | |
Hanes | Francis/3 | Iron Intention | 61 |
Heiser | Frederick | Gotham | 100 |
Heiser | George | Gotham | 65 |
Henry | Peter Sr | Sugar Valley | 62 |
Hinkle | George | PPO | |
Hinkle | Margaret (widow) | 36 | |
Hively | John | Troy | 23 |
Hofeacker | David | PPO | |
Hofeacker | Henry (of John) | PPO | |
Hoffacker | Henry (of B) | 4 | |
Hoffacker | Jacob | Big Owl Hill | 235 |
Hoffacker | John | Borings/Fosters Hunting Ground | 430 |
Hoffman | Peter | 140 | |
Hoffman | William Esq | Ground Oak Race | 55 |
Honestiffle | Ann (widow) | Stoney Valley | 125 |
Hoppe | Frederick | Everything Needful | 3 |
Houck | David | Stormy Point | 177 |
Houck | Elias (heirs) | Troy | 130 |
Houck | Elizabeth (wid Jacob) | PPO | |
Houck | George | PPO | |
Houck | Henry (of Jacob) | PPO | |
Houck | Henry (of Peter) | 160 | |
Houck | Jacob (of Jacob) | PPO | |
Houck | Jacob (of P heirs) | 166 | |
Hurt | Michael | Wild Cat Harbor | 190 |
Keagle | William | PPO | |
Kealer | John M. | PPO | |
Keith | William | PPO | |
Kellead | Thomas | Clarys New Holland | 280 |
Keller | Henry | Pairmans Defence | 88 |
Kerlinger | Conrad | PPO | |
Kerlinger | Conrad heirs | 2 | |
Kerlinger | Jacob Esq | PPO | |
Kerlinger | John heirs | Troy | 260 |
Kerlinger | Mary (widow of J) | Troy | 122 |
Kinsey | John (Balt. county) | 95 | |
Kneller | Godfrey | (German) | PPO |
Knipple | Christopher | 60 | |
Kopp | Joseph | Everything Needful | 60 |
Kopp | Joshua F. | PPO | |
Koutz | Elizabeth (widow) | Koutz Lot | 80 |
Koutz | George | Everybodys Land | 140 |
Koutz | Henry | PPO | |
Koutz | Michael heirs | 60 | |
Koutz | Nancy | PPO | |
Krautz | Henry | PPO | |
Krautz | John | PPO | |
Kridler | John | 15 | |
Kroh | John/1 | PPO | |
Kroh | Martin/1 | Mattingam | 303 |
La Motte | Henry | Kentucky | 120 |
Lammott | Joshua | PPO | |
Lamotte | Jacob | 234 | |
Lease | George | Troy | 51 |
Leathers | David | PPO | |
Leister | Daniel/1 | Spring Garden | 206 |
Leister | Henry (of D.) | PPO | |
Linaweaver | George | California | 30 |
Lindaman | John heirs | 94 | |
Lindaman | John heirs | 148 | |
Lineaweaver | Jacob | California | 20 |
Linewaver/Crumrine | Potters Lot | 50 | |
Lippy | Benjamin | PPO | |
Lippy | David | PPO | |
Lippy | Henry | Old Fort | 21 |
Lippy | Jacob | PPO | |
Lookenbaugh | Peter | Beaver Trap | 21 |
Lookerbaugh | Henry | Stansbury Grove | 116 |
Lookerbaugh | Peter Jr | Eight Sisters | 300 |
Loveall | Greenbury | PPO | |
Loyer | Casper | 50 | |
Lynn | Elisabeth (wid of M) | Ulricks Delight | 160 |
Lynn | Samuel F. | PPO | |
Malter | George | Three Brothers | 200 |
Malter | Jacob heirs | Malters Chore | 43 |
Markle | Adam | PPO | |
Marsh | Eleanor B. (widow) | 50 | |
Marshal | James | PPO | |
Marshall | Thomas heirs | 10 | |
Massamore | George | California | 3 |
Massamore | Jordon | Venus Harbor | 160 |
Mathias | David | Gotham | 20 |
Mathias | George Jr | 42 | |
Mathias | George Sr/1 | Gotham | 269 |
Mathias | Jacob blacksmith | Iron Intention | 30 |
Mathias | Mary widow | Gotham | 66 |
Mathias | Mary (widow of Joseph) | 300 | |
Mathias | Perry | PPO | |
Matter | George & Geiger | 2 lotts | 0 |
Matter | Michael | Matters Chance | 50 |
Maxfield | Levi | Everything Needful | 9 |
Meancey | John | Ipestone | 235 |
Meanche | Valentine | 3 | |
Miller | Charles | Stoney Point | 2 |
Miller | Henry of M | Borings Range | 276 |
Miller | Jacob of M. | 150 | |
Miller | John heirs | 12 | |
Miller | Michael | PPO | |
Miller | Samuel | Spring Run | 90 |
Minter | Henry of M | Shimps lot | 16 |
Minter | Mattie | Brick Barn | 65 |
Morris | John & wife | 10 | |
Murray | John heirs | Christophers Luck | 33 |
Myerly | Solomon | Old Fort | 13 |
Myers | Lewis | PPO | |
Myers | Samuel W. | Gotham | 187 |
Nace | George near Pa | Troy | 150 |
Nace | John of Pa. | Troy | 111 |
Nelson | Thomas of Balt city | Stansburys Grove | 260 |
Olinger | Peter | PPO | |
Ophold/Snerring of Pa | Troy | 20 | |
Orndorff | John | near Westminster | 180 |
Panabecker | Peter | Winchesters Lot | 140 |
Park | Joseph M. | PPO | |
Petrie | Henry | Spring Run | 48 |
Pheiffer | Andrew | Old Fort | 8 |
Pheiffer | Nicholas | PPO | |
Plowman | James Heirs | 160 | |
Ports | John | 170 | |
Reed | Jacob | Iron Intention | 133 |
Reed | John | Everthing Needful | 50 |
Reese | John | 30 | |
Rhinehart | Barbara (wid at Gate) | PPO | |
Richards | John heirs | 300 | |
Richards | Richard | PPO | |
Rider | John Heirs | Iron Intention | 285 |
Riegle | Lewis | Pt Old Fort | 68 |
Rife | Abraham | Winchesters Lot | 245 |
Rinehart | Barbara widow | at Gate | |
Rinehart | Daniel | Troyo | 31 |
Rinehart | Magdalene | 110 | |
Riseley | John (German) | Iron Intention | 43 |
Ritter | Frederick | 66 | |
Ritter | Michael | PPO | |
Rorebaugh | Lawrence | Belfast | 255 |
Royer | Christian | Ambitious | 225 |
Royer | Peter | 200 | |
Rugal | Adam | Koutz Fort | 100 |
Rupp | George | Three Brothers | 11 |
Rupp | Mary widow of Pa | PPO | |
Saltsgiver | Henry | Joshua's Fancy | 40 |
Sater | John | PPO | |
Sater | Thomas/3 | Stansbury Hills | 365 |
Sawble | Catharine wife of M. | 30 | |
Sawble | Eliz (wid of Peter) | PPO | |
Sawble | Michael | 180 | |
Sawble | Peter heirs | 95 | |
Seller | Catharine | PPO | |
Seller | Jacob Jr | PPO | |
Seller | John Jr | Transylvania | 265 |
Seller | John Sr | PPO | |
Sellers | George | Everything Needful | 150 |
Sellers | Jacob | 103 | |
Sellers | Peter | Everything Needful | 129 |
Sentz | Catharine (w of Peter) | PPO | |
Sentz | George | PPO | |
Sentz | Peter | Iron Intention | 66 |
Sentz | Peter heirs | 200 | |
Severn | Jacob | PPO | |
Shaeffer | Jacob | Wallet Res | 48 |
Shaffer | John allied to Warehime daughter | 50 | |
Shaffer | John (Pipe Creek)/3 | North Canton | 200 |
Shaffer | John of John | PPO | |
Shaffer | Michael of J | Iron Intention | 171 |
Shaffer | Samuel | Iron Intentions | 22 |
Sharer | Jacob | PPO | |
Sharrer | Daniel Sr | 12 | |
Sharver | Daniel Jr | PPO | |
Shauck | Henry | PPO | |
Shauck | John | Bite the Biter | 400 |
Shaver | Joseph | Walkers Paradise | 110 |
Shelty | John | Dyes Adventure | 8 |
Sherman | George | Borings Range | 75 |
Sherman | Jacob | Bellfast | 210 |
Shinneck | Jacob | 38 | |
Short | Henry (German) | PPO | |
Shorver | Adam heirs | 20 | |
Shower | Adam | Good Luck | 229 |
Shower | George | Stephens Hope | 216 |
Shower | Jacob | Good Luck | 243 |
Shriver | Jacob | Everything Needful | 60 |
Shultz | Catharine | PPO | |
Shuman | Henry | 5 | |
Slagle | George of Pa | 21 | |
Slagle | William | Brickmen | 200 |
Smeach | John | New Germany | 186 |
Smith | Frederick | 24 | |
Smith | George | PPO | |
Smith | Henry | PPO | |
Smyth | William T. | PPO | |
Sneck | John | Cuckolds Point | 44 |
Sneck | John of Jacob | 15 | |
Snerringra | Ophoof Pa | Troy | 20 |
Snider | Christian | Iron Intention | 200 |
Snider | George | 117 | |
Snider | Henry | 49 | |
Snider | Jacob | PPO | |
Stansbury | Henry | PPO | |
Stansbury | John | 180 | |
Stansbury | Joshua | Christopher Luck | 40 |
Stansbury | Richard | Stoney Hell | 250 |
Steagmers | George | New Germany | 151 |
Steagner | Jacob | New Germany | 100 |
Steffee | Henry | 13 | |
Steffer | John Jr | PPO | |
Steffer | John Sr | 50 | |
Stewer | Mary widow | 1 | |
Stiffler | Michael | 15 | |
Strewick | John Jr | Stumps Lot | 156 |
Strewick | John Sr | Everybodys Land | 81 |
Sullivan | Michael | Pleasant Valley | 75 |
Sullivan | Ninrod | PPO | |
Swartsbaugh | John | Three Brothers | 280 |
Swartsbaugh | Violet | 73 | |
Syford | Harriett | PPO | |
Taste | Henry | PPO | |
Tipton | Amon | Plowmans Defense | 100 |
Tracy | Ephraim | PPO | |
Trump | George | PPO | |
Utz | Daniel | Inheritance | 32 |
Utz | George | Inheritance | 128 |
Utz | Peter | Inheritance | 250 |
Walker | Daniel | Wildcat Harbor | 98 |
Walker | George | PPO | |
Walker | George Heirs | Hobsons Choice | 100 |
Walter | John | Spring Run | 100 |
Wareham | Henry | 226 | |
Wareheim | George | Borings Range | 600 |
Weaver | Catharine wid John/2 | PPO | |
Weaver | George of H | Gotham | 215 |
Weaver | John of H | Troy | 160 |
Weaver | John of John /3 | PPO | |
Weaver | Johns Heirs | 354 | |
Weibling | Charles | PPO | |
Welsh | Prudence | Society Hill | 106 |
Wentz | Adam of Pa | 35 | |
Wentz | George blacksmith | PPO | |
Wentz | John | Mill Hover | 123 |
Wentz | Valentine of Pa | Wentz Enlargement | 111 |
Werner | George | Koutz Lot | 200 |
Werner | Jacob of M | 126 | |
Werner | John | Middle of the World | 219 |
Werner | Melchior | 125 | |
Werner | Samuel Heirs | 180 | |
Werthington | John & S. | Dyes Adventure | 60 |
Whiteleather | David | Town Property | |
Wigan | Henry | Dickeys Plague | 100 |
Wigan | Jacob | Gotham | 195 |
Williams | Henry | Wildcat Harbor | 50 |
Wilson | Henry | New Holland | 10 |
Winck | Jacob | Borings Range | 120 |
Witter | Samuel | Iron Intentions | 42 |
Wolfgang | Jacob | Mattygase | 220 |
Yingling | Christian | Iron Intentions | 100 |
Yingling | David | Town Property | |
Yingling | George | Pleasant Garden | 40 |
Yingling | John | Michaels Lot | 37 |
Yoost | Jacob | Ohio | 47 |
Yoost | John | Troy | 61 |
Yoost | Philip | Gotham | 50 |
Zebb | Jacob | Town Property | |
Zeff | George | Ohio | 120 |
Zimmerman | Christiana widow | PPO | |
Zimmerman | Christians Heirs | 165 | |
Zimmerman | Fredrick | 86 | |
Zimmerman | Henry | Beaver Trap | 360 |
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