Location: Ried, Wallis, Switzerland

Surname/tag: Switzerland
Transcription of the 1837 census of Ried-Mörel, Switzerland, digital images online
Columns were Geschlechtsnahme (family name), ?ausnahme (forename), Geschlecht (gender, with columns for male or female), Stand oder Profession (position or profession), Gemeinde zu welcher die Individuen gehören (municipality to which the individuals belong), Bemerkungen (remarks).
The first pages is labeled 1ste Klasse, Enthaltened die Bürger oder Gemeinder des Orts, die andere Kantons Bürger und Landsangehörigen, welche in der Gemeinde wohnen (1st class, containing the citizens or parishioners of the place, the other canton's citizens and nationals, who live in the municipality). The 1st class encompasses the first six pages of the census. Nothing is written in the column for remarks, and the only entry under municipality is the first, which says "Gemeind Ried".
Below is given the family name, then forename, then in parentheses the sex (Male or Female). This transcriber offers no guarantee that the handwriting has been correctly interpreted.
There is no marking on the census about when one household ends and the next begins. Names in bold represent this transcribers judgment as to the start of a new household (or a single adult, if there are consecutive boldface entries) based on genealogical research. This is work-in-progress, so some houshold groupings are yet to be identified.
Page 1:
- Albrecht Alexander (M)
- Albrecht Inrig (M)
- Albrecht Mariosefa (F)
- Albrecht Katrina (F)
- Elsig Aderia? (M)
- Elsig Ignazia (M)
- Elsig Aderia (M)
- Elsig Simon (M)
- Elsig Katrina (F)
- Elsig [Madlenij?] (F)
- Egel Peteriosepf (M)
- Egel Marta (F)
- Egel Josepf (M)
- Egel Lorentz (M)
- Egel Frantz (M)
- Egel Marta (F)
- Egel Magij (F)
- Egel Katrin (F)
- Egel Ferdinand (M)
- Egel Annamargij (F)
- Egel Katrina (F)
- Egel [Telesij?] (M)
- Egel Johannes (M)
- Egel Katrina (F)
- Egel Mariosefa (F)
- Egel Katrina (F)
- Egel Hansiosepf (M)
- Egel Kresensia (F)
- Erben Leryij [Hylarius?] (M)
- Erben Annamargij (F)
- Erben [Kresilsa?] (F)
- Erben Annimargij (F)
- Egel Josepf (M)
- Holzer Kristo (M)
- Holzer Kresensia (F)
- Holzer Hansiosepf (M)
- Holzer Samuel (M)
- Holzer Clemens (M)
- Holzer Karlinij (F)
- Holzer Tresia (F)
- Holzer Kresenzia (F)
Page 2:
- Itig Felix (M)
- Itig Salemon (M)
- Itig Karina (F)
- Itig Clemens (M)
- Itig Katrina (F)
- Itig Saleme (F)
- Itig Annumaryij (F)
- Itig Luvisa (F)
- Itig Vester (M)
- Itig Katrina (F)
- Itig Clemens (M)
- Itig Kresensia (F)
- Itig Hansiosepf (M)
- Itig Teresia (F)
- Itig Hansiosepf (M)
- Itig Annumaryij (F)
- Itig Katrina (F)
- Kumer Valetin (M)
- Kumer Annumaryij (F)
- Kumer Hansiosepf (M)
- Kumer Luvisa (F)
- Kumer Katrin (F)
- Kumer Annij (F)
- Kumer Felix (M)
- Kumer Wendelinus (M)
- Kumer Clemens (M)
- Kumer Severinus (M)
- Kumer Zander (M)
- Kumer Marta (F)
- Kumer Teresia (F)
- Kumer Katrin (F)
- Kumer Madlena (F)
- Kumer Annumaryij (F)
- Kumer [Senza?] (F)
- Kumer Vester (F)
- Kumer Hansiosepf (M)
- Kumer Annumaryij (F)
- Kumer Hansiosepf (M)
- Kumer Aberham (M)
- Kumer Xander (M)
- Kumer Dominij (M)
- Kumer Clemens (M)
- Kumer Annumaryij (F)
- Kumer Katrin (F)
- Kumer Barba (F)
- Minnig Clemens (M)
- Minnig Agata (F)
- Minnig Clemens (M)
- Minnig Annumaryij (F)
Page 3:
- Minnig Josepf (M)
- Minnig Teresa (F)
- Minnig Hansiosepf (M)
- Minnig [Xander?] (M)
- Minnig Karlo (M)
- Minnig [Kresilsa?] (F)
- Minnig Teresa (F)
- Minnig Annumaria (F)
- Minnig Peter (M)
- Minnig Wendelinus (M)
- Nellen Hansiosepf (M)
- Nellen [Natzij?] (F)
- Nellen Simon (M)
- Nellen Vester (M)
- Nellen [Xander?] (M)
- Nellen [Kresilsa?] (F)
- Nellen Augen (M)
- Nellen Josannij (F)
- Nellen Hansiosepf (M)
- Nellen Lion (M)
- Nellen Annumaryij (F)
- Nellen Lebold (M)
- Nellen Katrin (F)
- [Riter?] Hansiosepf (M)
- Schwerij Felix (M)
- Schwerij Aderia (M)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Andres (M)
- Schwerij Paulij (M)
- Schwerij Tresa (F)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij [Glausen?] (F)
- Schwerij Peteriosepf (M)
- Schwerij [Mariosefa?] (F)
- Schwerij Hinderikus (M)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Tresa (F)
- Schwerij Krestina (F)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (M)
- Schwerij Teresa (F)
- Schwerij Hansiosepf (M)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Clemens (M)
- Schwerij Hansiosepf (M)
- Schwerij Beniamij (M)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Rosina (F)
- Schwerij Filimena (F)
- Schwerij Friderich (M)
- Schwerij Josannij (F)
- Schwerij Franz (M)
- Schwerij Filimena (F)
- Schwerij Finzend (M)
- Schwerij Marta (F)
- Schwerij Augustin (M)
Page 4:
- Schwerij Franz (M)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Franz (M)
- Schwerij [Xiander?] (M)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Tresa (F)
- Schwerij Rosa (F)
- Schwerij Aderia (M)
- Schwerij Regina (F)
- Schwerij Aderia (M)
- Schwerij Valetin (M)
- Schwerij Senza (F)
- Schwerij Mariosa (F)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Regina (F)
- Schwerij Aderia (M)
- Schwerij Tresa (F)
- Schwerij Zofiia (F)
- Schwerij Filemena (F)
- Schwerij Felix (M)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Xander (M)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Katrin (F)
- Schwerij Filemena (F)
- Schwerij Clemens (M)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Adres (M)
- Schwerij Senza (F)
- Schwerij Isack (M)
- Schwerij Franziska (F)
- Schwerij Anton (M)
- Schwerij Haniosepf (M)
- Schwerij Xander (M)
- Schwerij Senza (F)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Tede (M)
- Schwerij Annumaryij (F)
- Schwerij Barba (F)
- Schwerij Felix (M)
- Schwerij Xander (M)
- Schwerij Josepf (M)
- Schwerij Luvisa (F)
- Schwerij Inrig (M)
- Schwerij Marta (F)
- Schwerij Franz (M)
- Schwerij Felix (M)
- Schwerij Clemens (M)
- Schwerij Vester (M)
- Schwerij Xander (M)
- Schwerij Josepf (M)
- Schwerij Tresa (F)
- Schwerij Marta (F)
Page 5:
- Venetz Clemens (M)
- Venetz Katrin (F)
- Venetz Clemens (M)
- Venetz Felix (M)
- Venetz Annumaryij (F)
- Venetz Mariana (F)
- Venetz Franz (M)
- Venetz Josepf (M)
- Wenger Annumaria (F)
- Wenger Friderich (M)
- Wenger Xander (M)
- Wenger Hindrikus (M)
- Wenger Auxilius (M)
- Wenger Katrin (F)
- Wenger Teresa (M)
- Bechdold Katrin (F)
- Nellen Johan (M)
Aligned with the last name in the columns for Profession and Municipality is written "im Dinst" and "in Sitten," respectively. The former may be an old spelling of "im Dienst", meaning he was in service.
Page 6: Written in a different hand. It begins with six lines that are crossed out. It appears they are duplicated in the following six lines and that the census taker had accidentally written forenames in the column for surnames, then crossed it out and started over.
- Ymhof? Wendelin (M)
- " [Frwia?] (F)
- " Yosepf (M)
- " Tomas (M)
- " [Adina?] (M)
- " Wendelin (M)
- " Katrin (F)
- Folken Anna Marya (F)
- " Iosep? (M)
- " Le??as (M)
- " Alexander (M)
- " [Katharina?] (F)
- Monyeo? Cugen? (M)
- Muslig? Yosepf (M)
- Muslig Katrina (F)
- Nellen Katrin (F)
- Nellen Senza (F)
- Ritz Anton (M)
- Ritz Anna Marya (F)
Page 7: At the top, this page is labeled 5te Klasse. Enthaltened die Ungehörigen der Gemeinde, welch von dem Lande abwesend sind (5th class. Containing those who are not members of the municipality or who are absent from the state.)
- Berchtold Alexander (M)
- Clemens Ittig (listed in the "remarks" column)
Alexander seems to be noted as profession "Soldast", i.e., soldier, and location "yn Rom," i.e., in Rome. (Perhaps he was serving in the Swiss unit that guards the Pope?) Clemens is noted as "gemeind Ried." This transcriber cannot read what is in written under "profession" for Clemens.
Page 8: At the top, this page is labeled 6te Klasse. ??stehend aus dem Fremden, wessen Standes und Profession sie sehen, und sich wirklich in der Gemeinde aushalten. (6th class. [Listing?] the foreignors, whose states and profession are listed, and who really reside in the municipality).
- [Grillya?] [__nest?] from L'Abbaie Abondance in Savoyen, profession "Dienstmag?" (Dienst means service)
Page 9: At the top, this page is labeled 4te Klasse. Enthaltened die Ungehorigen von anderen Oertern des Kantons, welche in der Gemeinde nicht festschaft find. (4th class. Containing the non-residents from other parts of the canton, who are not part of the municipality.)
- Sieuzna Rosa
- Masseny? Matthias
- Sieusna Maria Josepha
- ??
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