Location: Mississippi
Surnames/tags: Mathis Mathews Matthews
Location: Mississippi

Surnames/tags: Mathis Mathews Matthews
This page has been accessed 173 times.
Year born is year of census minus age so can be one year high even if age is accurate.
- name, age, born when where, notes
1860 Census, Smith MS[1]
- James Mathews, 55, 1805 SC
- Mary Mathews, 55, 1805 VA
- Thomas Mathews, 8, 1852 MS
1850 Census, Covington MS[2]
- James D Mathis, 57, 1793 SC
- Mary Mathis, 47, 1803 VA
- Randolph Mathis, 20, 1830 MS, (if census after birthday, born 1830)
- Richard H Mathis, 27, 1823 MS, (separate household from above in image only)
- Nancy Mathis, 27, 1823 TN, (children listed underneath in image only)
1840 Census, Smith MS[3]
- James Mathis
- Males qty, age span, birth year span, notes
- 1, 5-9, 1831-1835, (Randolph Mathis, age 9, if census before birthday, born 1830)
- 1, 10-14, 1826-1830, unknown male
- 1, 15-19, 1821-1825, (Richard Mathis, born 1823)
- 1, 40-49, 1791-1800. (James Mathis, age 47, born 1793)
- Females, qty, age span, birth year span, notes
- 2, 5-9, 1831-1835, two unknown females
- 1, 30-39, 1801-1810, (Mary, wife, age 37, born 1803)
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