Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: black_heritage arkansas
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: black_heritage arkansas
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US Black Heritage Project Home Page
1850 Slave Schedule Index
1850 Slave Owners: Chicot County, Arkansas
Full schedule on Family Search:
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Adair, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QSN2 |
Alsbrook, R G | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DV2M |
Anderson, John P | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJ6Z |
Baker, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DK6Z |
Beckley, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJT2 |
Birch, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D2PZ |
Blackburn, Moorhead | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3YZM |
Booth, Philip | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-P83Z |
Bowles, Matthew | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-35PZ |
Boyd, John L | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DVZM |
Bozeman, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DN3Z |
Bradford, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3RW2 |
Brawner, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-31MM |
Brown, Louis | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DFT2 |
Bunch, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D2N2 |
Byers & Chapman | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QMMM |
Byers & Chapman | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QMW2 |
Byers & Chapman | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-31PZ |
Byers Chapman | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-31T2 |
Byers Chapman | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QM3Z |
Byers, Thomas N | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D2ZM |
Campbell, Charles W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QST2 |
Campbell, Cornelius | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DFPZ |
Campbell, Richard M | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DG6Z |
Carroll, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-35MM |
Caruthers, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3PN2 |
Carvico, Richard P | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3PZM |
Chapman, Byers | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QMZM |
Chilton, William O | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D23Z |
Collins, Henry H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DLT2 |
Collins, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3T2M |
Cowden, Jno I | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-35T2 |
Craig, John A | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DL3Z |
Craig, Joshua M | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DG3Z |
Craig, Silas | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DLW2 |
Curby, Mary Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3PPZ |
Dailey, Edmund | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3P3Z |
Davies, Anthony H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QMT2 |
Davis, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR78-6NW2 |
Davis, Felix G | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DN6Z |
Davis, Huldah | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJ2M |
Dickinson, Park M | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3RN2 |
Doran, Michiel | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DK2M |
Drennen, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-312M |
Eisley, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DKW2 |
Faulkner, Lanford C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DGPZ |
Ferguson, William T | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QS3Z |
Flournoy, Victor M | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3RPZ |
Gaines, Benjamin P | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DGN2 |
Gaines, Benjamin P | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QSW2 |
Gaines, William H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DPMM |
Graham, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3PT2 |
Hampton, Daniel W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DK3Z |
Hardy, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D2MM |
Harly, Nathan R | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DNMM |
Harwood, Thomas H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3YMM |
Hill, Caleb L | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DVPZ |
Hill, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QS6Z |
Hilliard & Polk | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3T3Z |
Hilliard and Polk | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3TMM |
Holson, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DKZM |
Holson, Ranlah | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3BPZ |
Horner, T C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DVW2 |
Hynor, Jacob | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-356Z |
Johnson, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3Y3Z |
Johnson, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3RZM |
Johnson, Joel | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3Y2M |
Johnson, Lycurgus L | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3TT2 |
Johnson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QSPZ |
Jones, Jessee | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-35W2 |
Lamb, Nirsom | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DVN2 |
Laughlin, JOhn | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3P2M |
Lewis, Gilly M | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QS2M |
Llewellyn, John R | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DLN2 |
Lucus, James I | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3BN2 |
Mapengill, David J | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DNW2 |
Mauldin, Alexr | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-313Z |
Mauldin, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3BW2 |
Mays, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3PW2 |
McDermott, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q3W2 |
McDermott, Charles C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q33Z |
McDermott, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q3MM |
McElroy, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DNT2 |
Meany, Edward A | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D2W2 |
Merriweather, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3P6Z |
Merriweather, Robt D | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3GN2 |
Merriweather, Thos D | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3GT2 |
Metton, Sarah D | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DKMM |
Miles, James B | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DGZM |
Moore, Allen | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q9T2 |
Moore, Mary A | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D26Z |
Moore, R C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3G6Z |
Morehead & Blackburn | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3YW2 |
Morris, Frank | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3R6Z |
Neale, Wm I | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3BZM |
Nichols, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DLPZ |
Obannion, H B | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QSMM |
Offutt, Joel J | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DG2M |
Owens, Joseph C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-35ZM |
Parker, Granville | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3BT2 |
Patterson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJPZ |
Patton, Roger | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3B6Z |
Payne, Romulus | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3TN2 |
Peake, James L | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-352M |
Peake, James S | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-35N2 |
Perkerson, Ezekiel | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D22M |
Pettit, Wm McD | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-31ZM |
Pettit, Wm McD | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-31W2 |
Phillips, Warren J | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DN2M |
Polk, Hilliard | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3RT2 |
Proctor, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DKT2 |
Pugh, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q96Z |
Quine, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DV3Z |
Rainey, Greenbury | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q9PZ |
Ralph, Hiram H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3G2M |
Ralph, James H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DV6Z |
Raynor, Kenneth | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3R2M |
Read, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q9MM |
Register, Aaron | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QSZM |
Ringo & Prapnall | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3TW2 |
River, Thomas H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DKN2 |
Robinson, A W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJMM |
Robinson, Aw | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DNZM |
Robinson, John M | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJZM |
Rose, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QMN2 |
Ross, Nathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3TPZ |
Rotan, Susannah | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QMPZ |
Rotans, Larannah | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QM2M |
Row, Robt B | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3GPZ |
Rowlett, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DKPZ |
Rupell, Wm C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJN2 |
Sanford, James G | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DNPZ |
Saunders, Claiborn W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DGMM |
Sawyer, Tully | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DNN2 |
Sepions, Richard R | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-316Z |
Sessions, Daniel H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3TZM |
Shaw, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3RMM |
Singleton, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJW2 |
Sipions, Richard R | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-31N2 |
Spears, Ford | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3Y6Z |
Spears, Ford T | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3YN2 |
Spion, Daniel H | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3T6Z |
Staunton, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DVMM |
Stuart, Charles C | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q92M |
Summer, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-QM6Z |
Sutton | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q9ZM |
Sutton | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-P9PZ |
Sutton, Hynor J | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q93Z |
Sutton, Hynor Y | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q9W2 |
Terry, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3PMM |
Thredgill, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3B2M |
Todd, Craig | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DL6Z |
Todd, Craig V | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DLZM |
Velemont, Catharine D | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-D2T2 |
Vilemont, Catharine D | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DLMM |
Walker | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3BMM |
Walker, Barnett V | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3YT2 |
Walker, Barnett V | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3B3Z |
Walker, Barnett V | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3YPZ |
Walker, Saml D | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DGW2 |
Walworth, Horace F | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DGT2 |
Walworth, John P | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-6XN2 |
Ward, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-353Z |
Ward, Rupell | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DJ3Z |
Wells, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3GZM |
Wolworth, John P | ark:/61903/1:1:HRWB-DL2M |
Woolfolk, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-3R3Z |
Worthington, Elisha | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-Q9N2 |
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