Location: Claiborne, Louisiana, United States
Location: Claiborne, Louisiana, United States
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US Black Heritage Project WikiTree [send private message] and Sarah Heiney [send private message]
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- 1850 Slave Schedule Index
See also:
1850 Slave Owners, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana
Full schedule on FamilySearch:
Use: before the "ark:/" portion of the link.
Aanes, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MX6Z |
Adams, Robt C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MFN2 |
Alen, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6C3Z |
Alen, Washington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MD6Z |
Alison, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6NMM |
Alison, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6FT2 |
Alison, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6FPZ |
Allen, William F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6VW2 |
Allen, Young D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6Q2M (first page) |
Allen, Young D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6QPZ (second page) |
Anderson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-67ZM |
Applewhite, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6VT2 |
Arthur, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MGT2 |
Atkins, Wm B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6FN2 |
Aula, John F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M63Z |
Bailey, Molly | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-643Z |
Baker, Sterlin C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-646Z |
Baugh, Eldridge | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6JN2 |
Baykin, Wm B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-68ZM |
Bean, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9QT2 |
Bedford, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-63N2 |
Berry, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-633Z |
Berry, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MV3Z |
Berry, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-68PZ |
Berry, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6GMM |
Black, Theodore M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ZMM |
Blackman, Alfred | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6F6Z |
Blackman, John C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6FZM |
Blackwell, Abel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-97ZM |
Bogkin, William B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-68W2 |
Brantley, Larkin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJW2 |
Brice, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6DZM |
Bridges, Baalam | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MKN2 |
Bridwell, Westley | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MP3Z |
Briton, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6MT2 |
Brown, Ephram | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MGPZ |
Brown, McNorrel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6HZM |
Brown, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6S6Z |
Browning, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DJN2 |
Bruce, Thos W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6SZM |
Buford, Miles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9WZM |
Bullock, William O | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-97MM |
Burnet, Robert H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MNZM |
Burnham, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-662M |
Burns, Andrew S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-64T2 |
Burns, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MDT2 |
Burns, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6CN2 |
Burns, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6DPZ |
Bush, James L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DV2M |
Busley, John F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MDPZ |
Butler, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6XT2 |
Butler, Ransom | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6LPZ |
Butler, Richmon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6LT2 |
Butler, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6H3Z |
Butler, William R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6GW2 |
C?der, Fora | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M6T2 |
Calihan, Michael | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-62W2 |
Cambell, E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M2T2 |
Canfield, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-ML3Z |
Carpenter, Ephregh | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-69N2 |
Carr, Burell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6WW2 |
Carr, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-673Z |
Carr, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-67W2 |
Carson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-636Z |
Cason, Nelie | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M6PZ |
Castlebery, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-64ZM |
Chaff, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-ML6Z |
Christian, Eligh O | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6CMM |
Clark, Aaron | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6S3Z |
Clemons, Andrew A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MK3Z |
Clinton, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6WN2 |
Comin, Shadrac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6KN2 |
Cook, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-696Z |
Cooper, Belinda | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6S2M |
Cooper, George M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6SPZ |
Cooper, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6SN2 |
Cooper, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6KW2 |
Cooper, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MLT2 |
Cooper, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ST2 |
Copes, W C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-62N2 |
Cotter, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6F3Z |
Crawford, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MF6Z |
Crownover, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MVPZ |
Crownover, Benj F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MVT2 |
Crucher, Wm C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-972M |
Cunningham, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-626Z |
Day, S P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M2PZ |
Day, Silvia | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJ3Z |
Demoss, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-63ZM |
Dobins, Eason | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-66T2 |
Dorman, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-66W2 |
Drake, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MKZM |
Drew, Richard M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJN2 |
Durant, Andrew | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-68T2 |
Duty, Saml | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6XN2 |
Dyal, James L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6XPZ |
Dyer, Dickson H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6C2M |
Dyer, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-976Z |
Dyer, William B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-62PZ |
Edens, Banister | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6W6Z |
Evans, David L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MPMM |
Fincher, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ZPZ |
Foster, Abram | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-63W2 |
Foster, E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9QPZ |
Foster, Geo | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6FW2 |
Foster, W W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6VPZ |
Frazier, Beryl | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MPW2 |
Frazier, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MKPZ |
Frost, Hilliard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-63T2 |
Frost, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-63PZ |
Fulerton, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-64N2 |
Fuller, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9W3Z |
Fuller, Seaborn J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6K3Z |
Gamble, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6Z6Z |
Gearire, Caroline S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ZN2 |
Gee, Sack P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-66MM |
Gee, Sack P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6DT2 |
Geerin, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJMM |
Geerin, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MN3Z |
Geerin, Robert H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MNW2 |
Gillcoat, Willis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MVZM |
Gilmer, Stephen H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6Q6Z |
Glass, Thos A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-97T2 |
Goaley, Frances | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6CPZ |
Goodson, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6LZM |
Green, Allen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6KMM |
Green, Rhodum | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6WMM |
Greer, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6QN2 |
Grees, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6NN2 |
Grider, Hirum | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6L6Z |
Hadley, William P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MVMM |
Hamilton, Bedford J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6MZM |
Hamilton, E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9QN2 |
Hamilton, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9Q2M |
Hardee, Wm L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MX2M |
Hardy, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MXPZ |
Hargis, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DVMM |
Haris, P P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9W2M |
Harman, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6DW2 |
Harper, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6MPZ |
Harris, Allen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-623Z |
Harris, Eli | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6JMM |
Harris, P P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9WN2 |
Haunter, Mena | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6CT2 |
Hay, Thos A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6J2M |
Henderson, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MGZM |
Henderson, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-67MM |
Henry, Henry S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6X6Z |
Hightower, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6QZM |
Hobbs, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-64MM |
Hooper, Elias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MK2M |
Howardton, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MKT2 |
Jemigan, Franklin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-683Z |
Jerrigan, Franklin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-68MM |
Johnson, Moses | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MFT2 |
Johnson, Theodoric | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJ2M |
Jones, Elkin T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJT2 |
Jones, Joslin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6HMM |
Jones, Russel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MF2M |
Jones, Williamson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MD2M |
Jones, Wm A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-622M |
Kenedy, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6QMM |
Kenedy, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6Q3Z |
Kennon, Richard M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MXN2 |
Kidd, John L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-672M |
Kimbell, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6Z2M |
King, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ZZM |
Kitrell, H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MV2M |
Kitrell, H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MLPZ |
Knot, John A P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6V6Z |
Lackey, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MV6Z |
Landers, Beny F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M2ZM |
Latheman, Saul | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MGN2 |
Leatherman, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MLN2 |
Leatherman, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MG6Z |
Lesuerir, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MG3Z |
Lewis, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-642M |
Liles, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6VMM |
Long, Jessee | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6QW2 |
Long, Joseph D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MDZM |
Long, Young | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6HPZ |
Madden, Moses | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6DN2 |
Madin, Harrison L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6XW2 |
Madin, Henry L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6XZM |
Madin, Rubin D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6XMM |
Malone, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DVZM |
Manzingo, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MN2M |
Manzingo, Jarel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MNN2 |
Marsh, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6JT2 |
Martin, Geo W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9W6Z |
Martin, Toliver | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6HW2 |
Mask, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6X3Z |
Massy, P P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6VN2 |
Massy, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DJ6Z |
Maxey, Henry T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-97PZ |
Mayfield, Andrew J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-943Z |
Mayfield, Andrew J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-67N2 |
McAdams, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6SW2 |
McCarty, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6WPZ |
McCarty, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M6MM |
McCaslan, Isaac S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6M2M |
McCaslin, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9WW2 |
McClindon, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-693Z |
McClindon, Mary M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-69W2 |
McClindon, Samuel W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-69MM |
McCloore, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6N2M |
McDaniel, Alex | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-692M |
McDonald, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-69PZ |
McDonold, James W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MLZM |
McFarland, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MK6Z |
McKee, W M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-686Z |
McLelland, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DV6Z |
McLeroy, Green | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6X2M |
McMell, Margaret | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ZW2 |
McMoy, Stephen B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6L3Z |
McRee, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6L2M |
Miller, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MXZM |
Miller, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MDN2 |
Minn, Harriet | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M2N2 |
Moesley, Clemons | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MGW2 |
Montgomery, A V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MXT2 |
Monzingo, Jarel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MN6Z |
Moor, William T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DJPZ |
Moore, Samuel J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DJT2 |
Moreland, William C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6JW2 |
Morgan, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6K2M |
Morrow, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MKW2 |
Morrow, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MNMM |
Murrel, Drurey | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MNPZ |
Murrell, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MX3Z |
Murrell, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MXW2 |
Natin, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M2W2 |
Nelms, Johnathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9WMM |
Nely, Dinsmore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6NZM |
Neyland, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6MW2 |
Nolen, Aaron K | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6SMM |
Nolen, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-67PZ |
Nolen, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-94ZM |
Nugent, Catharine | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MG2M |
O'Bannion, Bryan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6MN2 |
O'Neal, Gilbert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MVW2 |
Orr, Anderson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DV3Z |
Panton, Jessee M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6CW2 |
Pate, Payton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MPZM |
Pate, Tandy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-64PZ |
Paxton, Jessee M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6CZM |
Payne, Philip | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-66PZ |
Peets, Georg W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MVN2 |
Penington, Ephraim | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6N3Z |
Pennall, Caroline W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M2MM |
Perkins, Benj F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-632M |
Pernell, H H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJPZ |
Pinkard, John M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-69T2 |
Pratt, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MKMM |
Pratt, Luther E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJ6Z |
Prestage, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6KZM |
Qualls, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M22M |
Raglin, Z | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-62ZM |
Randt, Richmond | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MFZM |
Rathbone, Philo Melia | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M26Z |
Remer, Geo B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MFPZ |
Reynolds, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6D6Z |
Roach, Robert W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6LMM |
Robinson, Jessee B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MFMM |
Russell, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6Z3Z |
Russell, Robert C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6WT2 |
Samford, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6W3Z |
Sandiford, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-63MM |
Scott, Izabella | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MFW2 |
Scott, W B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MF3Z |
Scott, W B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-ML2M |
Shaw, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6N6Z |
Sheard, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-66ZM |
Shields, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MLMM |
Sikes, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M6N2 |
Sikes, Benjamin H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M66Z |
Sikes, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M6W2 |
Sikes, Jackson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M6ZM |
Sikes, Jessie | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MXMM |
Sims, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6C6Z |
Skinner, Alexander | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6M6Z |
Smith, Arthur | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DVPZ |
Smith, Charles N | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6HN2 |
Smith, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MNT2 |
Smith, Nathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-62T2 |
Smith, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DJ2M |
Smith, Wm B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6DMM |
Solomon, William N | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-62MM |
Spinger, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6ZT2 |
Stephenson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-66N2 |
Stevenson, James P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6H2M |
Strahan, James A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6KT2 |
T'ua, John L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-94W2 |
Taaylon, Franklin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6NW2 |
Talbert, James T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6V2M |
Tate, Renaldo | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6F2M |
Taylor, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-67T2 |
Taylor, Hugh | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6LN2 |
Taylor, Johnathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6QT2 |
Taylor, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-666Z |
Thomas, Sampson O | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6J6Z |
Thomason, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6J3Z |
Thompson, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DVT2 |
Thompson, Charles J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DVW2 |
Thompson, Virgil V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6M3Z |
Thonow, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9WPZ |
Thornton, Wiley | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-DVN2 |
Tilory, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6KPZ |
Tippet, John L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6JZM |
Tramel, James N | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6FMM |
Traylor, Green L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-676Z |
Traylor, Green S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-94MM |
Tunon, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-9WT2 |
Turner, Cornelius | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MJZM |
Turner, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6K6Z |
Wafer, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-973Z |
Wafer, Maberry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6D3Z |
Wafer, Tatum | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-97W2 |
Wafer, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-69ZM |
Warren, Bulin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6HT2 |
Webb, Elias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-663Z |
Well, Mary S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-682M |
Wells, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-68N2 |
Whitehead, Henry M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6VZM |
Whittenberg, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MGMM |
Wilborn, Elias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6D2M |
Williams, Evan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6WZM |
Williams, James E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M23Z |
Williamson, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6JPZ |
Willis, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-97N2 |
Willis, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6NPZ |
Willis, Thos N | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6NT2 |
Wilson, H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-MLW2 |
Wise, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6H6Z |
Wise, John G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6V3Z |
Wood, George B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6G3Z |
Wood, Martin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-64W2 |
Wood, Thompson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6W2M |
Woods, Wm B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7P-M62M |
Wroten, William C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7G-6LW2 |
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