1850 Slave Schedule, Somerset County, Maryland
Somerset, Maryland, United States
black_heritage maryland
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1850 Slave Schedule Index
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1850 Slave Owners: Somerset County, Maryland
Acworth, Train | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2YT2
Acworth, William H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L3MM
Addams, Henny I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3NPZ
Addams, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-38N2
Addams, James F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VY6Z
Addams, Morris | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3JN2
Addams, Sampson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJZM
Addams, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V52M
Addams, Thos S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VRZM
Addams, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VKZM
Addams, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VY3Z
Addams, Wm T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3XMM
Allen, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JGPZ
Anderson, A W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LPT2
Anderson, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-29W2
Anderson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Q2M
Anderson, John D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3GMM
Anderson, John J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W5MM
Anderson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3VPZ
Atkinson, Isaac S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KFZM
Atkinson, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-323Z
Austin, George E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W5N2
Austin, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2YN2
Bacon, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2RN2
Ballard, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3V2M
Ballard, Eubert I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JP3Z
Ballard, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K5ZM
Ballard, George R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K1PZ
Ballard, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K1T2
Ballard, Thomas E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J22M
Ballard, Wm J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-33MM
Banks, Hester | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-29N2
Barbourn, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KTMM
Barkley, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2H6Z
Barkley, Leflet | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJ3Z
Barkley, Mary A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LG6Z
Barnes, Wheatly | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3JW2
Barnes, William J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KXMM
Barney, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K66Z
Bayly, Elias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3HPZ
Bayly, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WTW2
Bayly, Isma D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-21PZ
Bayly, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KR3Z
Bayly, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KPPZ
Beacham, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K26Z
Beachamp, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K8N2
Beachamp, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KD2M
Beachamp, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J56Z
Beachamp, Isaac T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-36PZ
Beachamp, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3LT2
Beachamp, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J5ZM
Beachamp, Thomas H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3XT2
Bedsworth, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Y2M
Bell, Amelia | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V23Z
Bell, Hetty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-283Z
Bell, Hetty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7RMM
Bell, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2CMM
Bell, John I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VPW2
Bell, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7VMM
Bell, Wm B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7VT2
Benjamin Davis ? | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WLPZ
Bennett, Anthony | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2QW2
Bennett, Elisha | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-21ZM
Benson, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3N6Z
Benson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KYW2
Birckhead, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Z3Z
Boggs, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3JZM
Boggs, Samuel ? | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3JMM
Bolton, Daniel I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VVT2
Bonewell, Andrew | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K8T2
Boston, *y | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KCMM
Boston, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3XW2
Boston, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3K6Z
Bounds, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2RPZ
Bounds, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WLW2
Bounds, James R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L9PZ
Bounds, William A D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KRN2
Bowin, *ah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KXT2
Bowling, John N | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3MPZ
Bowling, Levin ? | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZ3Z
Bradley, Jeremiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7Y6Z
Bradley, Perry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7K2M
Bradshaw, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KL2M
Bradshaw, Severn | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KLPZ
Bradshaw, Solomon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QV2M
Brattan, Lemuel R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2RW2
Brattan, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2R3Z
Brattan, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WP3Z
Bratten, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3NMM
Bratten, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2R6Z
Bratten, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KTN2
Bratten, Wm ? | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VYMM
Bratton, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3JT2
Bratton, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3DPZ
Brewington, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2QPZ
Brewington, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ZW2
Brewington, Henry J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2D3Z
Brewington, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2W6Z
Brewington, Scott | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ZZM
Brewington, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7G3Z
Brinkley, Hester | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V2W2
Briscoe, William L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JKW2
Brittingham, William J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-33PZ
Brittingham, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3C3Z
Brown, Hester | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJZM
Brown, Joseph W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Y6Z
Bruff, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QLMM
Burford, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7BZM
Burnell, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VTMM
Bush, Joseph C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-756Z
Byrd, Benjamin H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-75T2
Byrd, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-72PZ
Byrd, Thomas J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7T3Z
Byrd, Wm R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7T6Z
Candry, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4M6Z
Candry, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4MN2
Carmine, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L3ZM
Caroe, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-37N2
Caroe, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KGN2
Carvin, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3FT2
Carwin, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KR6Z
Catlin, Thomas G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LKW2
Catlin, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4MMM
Catlin, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W1PZ
Catting, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3G3Z
Chellon, F I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QNMM
Chetton, Fleete C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QFT2
Chetton, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QNZM
Chrisfield, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3SN2
Claywell, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LSN2
Cluff, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-38ZM
Colbert, Elisebeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JPW2
Colbert, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VVMM
Colbert, Whitty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JKZM
Colborn, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3XZM
Colbourn, Betsey | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V5T2
Colbourn, Isaac C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QV6Z
Colbourn, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V2T2
Colbourn, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-38W2
Colbourn, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V2PZ
Colbourn, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QVMM
Colbourn, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QVPZ
Colbourn, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QVW2
Collier | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WYZM
Collier, Eleanor | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WLZM
Collier, George E R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-496Z
Collier, Henry W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Z6Z
Collier, John F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L3T2
Collier, Julia Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-39ZM
Collier, Stephen B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ZPZ
Collier, William F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WY6Z
Collins, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2SW2
Conner, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VTW2
Conner, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V22M
Conner, Luther W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJ3Z
Conner, Nathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VR2M
Conner, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VLW2
Conway, James W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LLT2
Cooper, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-29ZM
Corbin, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KCW2
Corbin, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3LMM
Coston, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3LW2
Coston, William N B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K8ZM
Cottingham, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V5W2
Cottman, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KP6Z
Cottman, Joseph S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-29T2
Coulborn, Margarett | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QFPZ
Coulbourn, Mary E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KT2M
Covington, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KPW2
Covington, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7Y3Z
Covington, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K5MM
Covington, Philip | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LF2M
Covington, Washington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7R2M
Covington, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L2W2
Cox, George A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VY2M
Cox, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VGN2
Crawford, Andrew | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W5PZ
Crawford, Horatia | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WT6Z
Crockett, Charles V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LVPZ
Crockett, John S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-25W2
Crockett, Josiah S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KK2M
Crockett, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-37ZM
Crockett, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2PPZ
Crockett, William B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KTZM
Crosdale, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-293Z
Croswell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJMM
Croswell, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-243Z
Croswell, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2SPZ
Croswell, Hance | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QN3Z
Croswell, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QKPZ
Croswell, Kepeah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QNT2
Cullin, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJ3Z
Culver, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WGN2
Curtis, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3VN2
Curtis, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JPPZ
Daniel, John Mc | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7RT2
Daniel, Travers | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KLZM
Danis, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-38PZ
Dashiell, Alfred | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LV2M
Dashiell, Algernon S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-49W2
Dashiell, Asa | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7VZM
Dashiell, Cadmus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LKZM
Dashiell, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2B6Z
Dashiell, Charlotte | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LVZM
Dashiell, Daniel J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LKMM
Dashiell, Edwin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2BZM
Dashiell, Edwin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LMW2
Dashiell, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3SMM
Dashiell, Henry J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2SZM
Dashiell, Hetty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WTMM
Dashiell, James F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2SMM
Dashiell, Lambert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WY3Z
Dashiell, Levin W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L96Z
Dashiell, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-28T2
Dashiell, Matilda | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7YMM
Dashiell, Matthias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W5ZM
Dashiell, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K2MM
Dashiell, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7B6Z
Dashiell, William S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L3W2
Dashill, James A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-36ZM
Dashill, Rob R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2MN2
Dashnell, Matilda | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7TT2
Daugherty, Hetty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJMM
Daugherty, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LVN2
Davis, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WYW2
Davis, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7V2M
Davis, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7JT2
Davis, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L2PZ
Davy, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-W1ZM
Davy, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QPMM
Davy, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QLW2
Dennis, Elizabeth M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3F6Z
Dennis, Granger R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3FZM
Dennis, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3NN2
Dennis, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KY6Z
Dennis, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WYN2
Dennis, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LPMM
Dennis, Scott George R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QF2M
Dennis, Scott George R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QXN2
Denson, Wesley A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2WZM
Dewitt, Whittington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QG2M
Dhlonolo, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2BT2
Dickerson, Abel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJZM
Dickerson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-49MM
Dicks, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-332M
Disharoon, Caleb | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2QZM
Disharoon, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-232M
Disharoon, Matthias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2P6Z
Disharoon, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-23N2
Disharoon, Winder | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ZT2
Disharoon, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2S6Z
Dixon, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KV6Z
Dixson, Ambros | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3VZM
Dixson, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KF2M
Dixson, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QNN2
Dixson, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QN2M
Done, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3HT2
Donoho, Alexander | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LGMM
Donoho, Christopher | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L26Z
Donoho, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L2N2
Dorman, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2S2M
Dorman, Eleanor | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-213Z
Dorman, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7G2M
Dorman, Matthias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LSW2
Dorothy, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3KT2
Dorothy, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3M2M
Dorsey, Henry L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JK2M
Dorsey, Isaac H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3V6Z
Dorsey, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JKPZ
Dorsey, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JKN2
Douglas, Hamiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LN6Z
Douglass, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LKPZ
Douglass, Patty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L2MM
Dove, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-23W2
Drewry, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KVT2
Drury, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-27W2
Dryden | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2WT2
Dryden, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3K3Z
Dryden, Elizebeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K6T2
Dryden, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KCZM
Dryden, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KN6Z
Dryden, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-32W2
Dryden, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3KN2
Dryden, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VV6Z
Dryden, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K62M
Dryden, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3K2M
Dryden, Leah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KXZM
Dryden, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3VT2
Dryden, Luther | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJW2
Dryden, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V2ZM
Dryden, Thomas A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJ6Z
Drydon, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3L2M
Drydon, John S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-322M
Drydon, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-4MN2
Duer, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3L6Z
Dulany, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7KW2
Dunn, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-49ZM
Elligood, Robt H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7KMM
Ellingsworth, Josiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2P2M
Emanice, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QNW2
English, Alfred | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2TN2
English, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2T6Z
Ennis, Arthur | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-28W2
Ennis, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L5W2
Ennis, Rufus M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7LZM
Evans, Denard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KGZM
Evans, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KGMM
Evans, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JL3Z
Evans, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-W1T2
Evans, Solomon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KLN2
Evans, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7L2M
Evans, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WBMM
Evans, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KL6Z
Ewell, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3DW2
Farrington, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LSMM
Fisher, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KVN2
Fitsgerral | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KF3Z
Flemming, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJ2M
Flemming, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3NW2
Flemming, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KD3Z
Fletcher, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L3N2
Fletcher, Thomas W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WRPZ
Forbush, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LL2M
Forbush, Kitura | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LLPZ
Forbush, Washington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LLN2
Forbush, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LG3Z
Ford, Charles T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JGMM
Ford, Eleanor | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3W2M
Ford, James H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JG6Z
Foster, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZW2
Fountain, Charles G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VVZM
Fountain, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KFMM
Fountain, Whtty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VVN2
Fountaine, John E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-34W2
Fowler, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7PZM
Foxwell, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-24W2
Francis, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KKT2
Freeny, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7GPZ
Freeny, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2CT2
Furnace, Josiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJT2
Furnace, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3X3Z
Gale, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-W13Z
Gardner, Witty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KK3Z
Gibbons, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3FPZ
Giles, Lyphlet | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LS6Z
Giles, Sidney | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LMZM
Giles, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L9ZM
Givans, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-34MM
Givans, Lewis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3KW2
Gordon, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-25PZ
Gordy, Benjamin H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7K3Z
Goslee, Edwin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-27MM
Goslee, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2W3Z
Goslee, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-27ZM
Goslee, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Y3Z
Goslee, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WGW2
Goslee, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K5N2
Goslee, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-33ZM
Graham, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2TMM
Graham, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LGPZ
Gravner, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2T2M
Gravner, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2TPZ
Green, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V26Z
Green, Frederick | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KPT2
Green, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VK3Z
Griffeth, *lathiel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W53Z
Gunby, Elish I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VP2M
Gunby, Milkey | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VPPZ
Gunby, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2QMM
Hall, Elenor | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J5MM
Hall, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J26Z
Hall, Lazarus M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3WT2
Hall, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VKN2
Hall, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J2N2
Hall, Tubman | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JGN2
Hall, William C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J2ZM
Handy, Caroline | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7KN2
Handy, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KYN2
Handy, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VPMM
Handy, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3MZM
Handy, George V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VLPZ
Handy, Handy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VLN2
Handy, Hannah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VL6Z
Handy, Henney | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3DZM
Handy, Henny V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VL2M
Handy, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VG2M
Handy, Jacob | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-392M
Handy, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VYPZ
Handy, Joshua A P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VGPZ
Handy, Samuel K | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KYZM
Handy, Savin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3QMM
Handy, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VLT2
Handy, William I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QV3Z
Handy, William W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-273Z
Hargis, Thomas M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3KPZ
Hargis, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K8W2
Harkum, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-276Z
Harris, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KRPZ
Harris, John E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LMPZ
Harris, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KRZM
Harris, Perry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KRT2
Harris, Solomon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KR2M
Harris, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3H3Z
Harris, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LK3Z
Hasting, Agnes | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7GN2
Hayman, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KBMM
Hayman, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-29PZ
Hayman, Margaret | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KVMM
Hayman, Rebecca | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJT2
Hayman, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-23MM
Haymon, Dorothy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3XPZ
Hayth, Levoi | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q23Z
Hayward, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3MN2
Hearn, Hyram | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L53Z
Hearn, Hyram | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-75PZ
Hearn, Ichabud | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LGN2
Hearn, Juliet | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-253Z
Hearn, Noah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7RW2
Heath, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LKN2
Heath, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LNN2
Hemons, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-492M
Henderson, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3N3Z
Henderson, Rouse | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3KMM
Henes, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3D2M
Henry, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7PT2
Hickman, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QRMM
Hickman, George L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KF6Z
Hickman, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VG6Z
Hindman, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2HMM
Hitch, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7PPZ
Hitch, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W5W2
Hitch, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7TZM
Hitch, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2HN2
Hoffington, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2R2M
Hoffington, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LVT2
Holbrook, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3HN2
Holland, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VTN2
Holland, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3SPZ
Holland, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QKT2
Holland, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QK6Z
Holland, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QKZM
Holland, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QKW2
Holland, William I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QK3Z
Holt, Greensbury | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2BW2
Hooper, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7R6Z
Hopkins, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L2T2
Hopkins, Samuel G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3QT2
Horsey, Albert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QR6Z
Horsey, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LM6Z
Horsey, Edward C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L93Z
Horsey, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VGW2
Horsey, John C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJZM
Horsey, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LM2M
Horsey, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L9MM
Horsman, Perry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LFPZ
Hossey, Edward R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VGT2
Hossey, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VP3Z
Hovington, Jonathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2S3Z
Howard, Hester | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-36T2
Howard, Nany | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VTT2
Hudson, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QNPZ
Hudson, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VYN2
Hughs, Caleb | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WBZM
Hughs, Levi T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WYT2
Hughs, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WYMM
Hull, Beacham G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LSPZ
Humphreys, Cathell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7LW2
Humphreys, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7L3Z
Humphreys, Humphrey | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-72W2
Humphriss, Charles W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WPPZ
Humphriss, Josephus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WPZM
Humphriss, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WPN2
Humphriss, Margaret | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WP6Z
Humphriss, Margaret W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WGMM
Huston, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L56Z
Hyland, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3QZM
Insley, Valentine | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJPZ
Irving, Peggy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7KZM
Jackson, Hugh | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7G6Z
Jackson, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7GZM
Jackson, Noah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-49N2
Jackson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4SW2
James, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K53Z
Jinkins, Betsey | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3WMM
Jinkins, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-236Z
Jinkins, Richard E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2QT2
Johnson, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VT6Z
Johnson, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VNT2
Johnson, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QLZM
Johnson, Josiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2PN2
Johnson, Margaret | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3M3Z
Johnson, Purnell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7B2M
Johnson, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7P2M
Johnston, Wm J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V5PZ
Johnston, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-393Z
Jones Sr, Wm B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3Q6Z
Jones, Alfred | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-39PZ
Jones, Ann W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K1N2
Jones, Benjamin I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LV6Z
Jones, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KRMM
Jones, H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2HZM
Jones, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KX6Z
Jones, Isaac D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3C2M
Jones, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WRMM
Jones, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3H2M
Jones, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LK6Z
Jones, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ZW2
Jones, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ZZM
Jones, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WY2M
Jones, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-24MM
Jones, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3CW2
Jones, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3MT2
Jones, Robert H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JG2M
Jones, Robt V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-24N2
Jones, Saml B D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WTZM
Jones, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-383Z
Jones, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WT3Z
Jones, Samuel W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KVW2
Jones, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3CPZ
Jones, Thomas H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2CW2
Jones, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2MPZ
Jones, William B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-39N2
Jones, Wm C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K12M
Jones, Wm C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K1W2
Jones, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-24ZM
Kellum, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7PN2
Kelly, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L92M
Kelly, James F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3WPZ
Kelly, Noah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ZPZ
Kelly, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-38MM
Kemp, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3MW2
Kennerly, Columbus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WR6Z
Kennerly, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LQ3Z
Kennerly, Irving | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W5T2
Kennerly, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KVPZ
Kennerly, Julia A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LSZM
Kennerly, Wm Alex | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W52M
Ker, Samuel J S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L36Z
Kerr, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-396Z
Killey, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KN2M
King, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KBT2
King, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-39MM
King, Joseph J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KX3Z
King, Robert J H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KXW2
Kirwin, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-346Z
Lamden, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J2T2
Landen, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JLZM
Langford, Amelia | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJMM
Langford, Augusta | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-32N2
Langford, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KDT2
Langford, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VPZM
Langford, Elson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VKPZ
Langford, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VPT2
Langford, Isaac ? | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VRPZ
Langford, John L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KYT2
Langford, Johnan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3D6Z
Langford, Joseph B I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VKT2
Langford, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KNT2
Langford, Lasarus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-382M
Langford, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KY2M
Langford, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VTPZ
Langford, Nathan J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VR6Z
Langford, Wm D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VT3Z
Langford, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2C3Z
Langsdale, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2BMM
Larmore, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4M3Z
Larmore, James A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WPMM
Larmore, John D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-49PZ
Larmore, Prisilla | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LFT2
Larmore, Reuben | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W13Z
Laws, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2H2M
Lawson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QPZM
Lawson, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJMM
Lawson, Laurenso D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q5T2
Layfield, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-233Z
Layfield, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KN3Z
Layfield, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-282M
Leatherbury, ?evin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WBW2
Lemon, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-28N2
Leonard, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7LT2
Leonard, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7LPZ
Livingston, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7VPZ
Lloyd, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KKPZ
Long, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ST2
Long, Joseah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3LPZ
Long, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3S3Z
Long, Mosiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QXT2
Long, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K6W2
Long, William H C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3FMM
Longford, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KNMM
Lowe, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-752M
Lowe, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LMT2
Loyd, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2YPZ
Lynch, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7R3Z
Maddox, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VKMM
Maddox, Henny S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JK6Z
Maddox, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JKT2
Maddox, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QFMM
Maddux, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VRW2
Maddux, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-32T2
Maddux, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2DMM
Maddux, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KXN2
Maddux, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KNZM
Maddux, Martin L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-286Z
Maddux, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3L3Z
Magee, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K6ZM
Malone, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2WW2
Marshall, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3NT2
Marshall, Isaac S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-363Z
Marshall, Robert H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VTZM
Martin, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3H6Z
Martin, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJT2
Matherin, Henry W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3D3Z
Mathernis, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-386Z
Matthews, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-343Z
McCrady, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VGMM
McCrady, Riley | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-38T2
McCrady, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QRW2
McCrady, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VG3Z
McDolald, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JLW2
McDonald, Marshall | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KNW2
McIntyre, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3HW2
Melborn, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KC3Z
Melbourn, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-36W2
Melvin, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KCT2
Menindy, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KDZM
Meyick, Eleanor | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WRN2
Meyick, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3WW2
Meyick, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4MT2
Meyick, Nelson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LMN2
Milbaunn, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3X6Z
Milbaunn, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3X2M
Milbounn, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3F3Z
Milbourn, Charles D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3N2M
Milbourn, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KCPZ
Milbourn, Sidawick | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3DT2
Miles, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J2MM
Miles, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VGZM
Miles, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VLZM
Miles, Joshua A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QL3Z
Miles, Mathias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJ3Z
Miles, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J23Z
Miles, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K8PZ
Miles, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJ2M
Miles, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QKMM
Miles, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QVZM
Miles, Wm F W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KNN2
Millan, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KDN2
Miller, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KD6Z
Miller, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KYMM
Miller, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KFT2
Miller, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJW2
Mills, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WPT2
Mills, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2CZM
Mills, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7PMM
Mills, Samuel M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7P3Z
Mills, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZ2M
Mills, Stephen R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V5MM
Mills, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZPZ
Mister, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KLMM
Mitchell, Alexander H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LST2
Mitchell, Francis | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LPPZ
Mitchell, Francis A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QX2M
Mitchell, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LLZM
Mitchell, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-21W2
Mitchell, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7KT2
Mitchell, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WR3Z
Moore, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LQMM
Moore, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VPN2
Moore, James F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W1MM
Moore, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VR3Z
Moore, John E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Q6Z
Moore, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VRN2
Moore, Thomas B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LP6Z
Moore, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KC6Z
Morris, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJPZ
Morris, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-27T2
Morris, Warren J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-27N2
Muer, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JGZM
Muer, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-376Z
Mure, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J2W2
Murphy, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7RZM
Myrick, Levin W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LL3Z
Myrick, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LLMM
Nayler, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7LN2
Nelson, Cyrus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L9W2
Nelson, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QGPZ
Nelson, Leroy O | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LQW2
Nelson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QR3Z
Newman, Purnell D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-24PZ
Newman, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-242M
Newman, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-24T2
Newman, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2WN2
Nichols, Margaret | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K16Z
Nicholson, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KV2M
Nilson, William F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-25T2
Noble, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3QPZ
North, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-49T2
Nutter, Ephraim | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3S2M
Overly, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-39T2
Owens, *ter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WR2M
Paine, John A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VRT2
Parker, Leah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7TMM
Parkes, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K2N2
Parkes, Elias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JLT2
Parkes, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JG3Z
Parkes, Isaac H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JPT2
Parkes, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JLPZ
Parkes, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JLMM
Parkes, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-34N2
Parkes, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3Z6Z
Parkes, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-342M
Parkes, Rubin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JL6Z
Parkinson, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3WZM
Parks, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2CPZ
Parsons, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7V6Z
Parsons, Jehn | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7TPZ
Parsons, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KDMM
Parsons, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7T2M
Parsons, Milly | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7LMM
Parsons, Rufus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-33T2
Parsons, Sydney | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7KPZ
Parsons, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7V3Z
Patterson, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3Q2M
Patterson, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WGZM
Payton, Elosebeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-32PZ
Persey, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KYPZ
Peter Fr?ny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-75N2
Phillips, Asa | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LGW2
Phillips, Asa | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LP3Z
Phillips, Asa S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WL2M
Phillips, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WGT2
Phillips, Joseph A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-256Z
Phillips, Joshua W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-25ZM
Phillips, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2YMM
Phillips, Uriah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LGT2
Phillips, Whitty | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-21T2
Phillips, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LM3Z
Phoebus, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-373Z
Phoebus, James A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K13Z
Phoebus, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KP3Z
Phoebuz, Thornton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3QN2
Pintoe, John V | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-336Z
Polk, Joseph G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3C6Z
Polk, Littleton R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2HT2
Polk, Whitington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZN2
Polk, Wm T G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-39W2
Pollitt, Drucilla | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KV3Z
Pollitt, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJN2
Pollitt, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-33N2
Pollitt, John E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-23T2
Pollitt, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJ2M
Pollitt, Sevin P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WRW2
Poole, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LQZM
Porter, George J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-33W2
Porter, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2QN2
Porter, Precella | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3GW2
Porter, Theodore | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WRZM
Porter, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KFW2
Potter, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-292M
Powell, Isaac F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KDW2
Powell, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KDPZ
Powell, Lazarus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WTT2
Powell, Paragon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L9N2
Powell, Whittington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KNPZ
Price, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WRT2
Price, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WTN2
Price, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2MZM
Price, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2SN2
Price, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KG2M
Price, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WTPZ
Price, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KLW2
Price, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ZT2
Pritchett, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-37W2
Purnell, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2W2M
Qudlar, Calib | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QF3Z
Rayfield, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QRZM
Reggin, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QG3Z
Reggin, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QGW2
Reggin, Henny I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KCN2
Revel, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JL2M
Revell, Eliza | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KK6Z
Rhodes, Bencham | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WG6Z
Riall, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-493Z
Riall, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJW2
Rider, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LPZM
Rider, Charles E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L32M
Rider, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-28MM
Rider, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-72ZM
Rider, Noah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2HW2
Rider, Thomas J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WL6Z
Rider, William H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KY3Z
Rider, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-723Z
Riggen, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2HPZ
Riggen, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K52M
Riggen, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KP2M
Riggen, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2MMM
Riggin, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VYZM
Riggin, Sam | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3DN2
Ritcher, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-333Z
Roach, Elosa | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QK2M
Roberts, Benjamin W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WP2M
Roberts, John R | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KT3Z
Roberts, Joshua W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LP2M
Roberts, Matthias | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KKN2
Roberts, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-34ZM
Roberts, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7P6Z
Roberts, William U | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4S3Z
Robertson, Alexander | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QFW2
Robertson, Alfred | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QFZM
Robertson, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WBN2
Robertson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7BW2
Robertson, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KJ6Z
Robertson, Robert D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2BN2
Robertson, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJ6Z
Robertson, Samuel A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WBPZ
Robertson, Samuel W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2TW2
Robertson, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LNZM
Robertson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L23Z
Robertson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LK2M
Robertson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QF6Z
Robinson, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QXPZ
Rofs, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KPMM
Rofs, Stanton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3J2M
Rowe, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K22M
Rowe, Gabriel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K2T2
Ruark, Majo? T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ZMM
Ruark, T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L5ZM
Ruark, William T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2C2M
Ruark, Wm M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-28ZM
Russell, Eliza | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-252M
Russell, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2BPZ
Russell, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WG2M
Sangford, Smith | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJN2
Sangsdale, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LMMM
Sangsdale, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2B3Z
Sayfield, Solomon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K5PZ
Scott, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VT2M
Scott, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3DMM
Scott, John D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3W6Z
Scott, William I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K82M
Seebreese, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2B2M
Shockley, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2PT2
Shockly, Hezekiah G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7RPZ
Shores, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KGPZ
Simpkins, Jesse | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-34PZ
Simpkins, Jesse | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3CMM
Simpkins, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-34T2
Slemmons, Robert W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KTW2
Slemons, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7BPZ
Slemons, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7BT2
Smith, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-36MM
Smith, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3J6Z
Smith, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KKW2
Smith, Joseph F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KTT2
Smith, Jr, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3QW2
Smith, Levin C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L22M
Smith, Moses C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KTPZ
Smith, Richardson | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LL6Z
Smith, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3Q3Z
Smith, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WG3Z
Smullen, Henry J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-29MM
Song, Sydney C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3M6Z
Sonni, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K8MM
Sowe, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HRW1-4M3Z
Sowe, Ralph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-21MM
Spencer, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZMM
Spencer, Matthew | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-246Z
Stanford, H W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7L6Z
Staton, George W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2DW2
Stephenson, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QVT2
Stephenson, James W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3LN2
Stephenson, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-32ZM
Stephenson, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q2W2
Stephenson, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZZM
Sterling, Caroline | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QG6Z
Sterling, Clemment | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VNPZ
Sterling, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q52M
Sterling, Ephriam | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QPT2
Sterling, Handy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q5N2
Sterling, Henney | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QGT2
Sterling, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q56Z
Sterling, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QP6Z
Sterling, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QGMM
Sterling, Jesse | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QP2M
Sterling, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q5ZM
Sterling, Josiah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QRN2
Sterling, Nathaniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QPPZ
Sterling, Noah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q5MM
Sterling, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q5PZ
Sterling, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJW2
Sterling, Travers | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q5W2
Sterling, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q53Z
Stevens, Henretta | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZ6Z
Stevens, Henretta | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-326Z
Stevens, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-23PZ
Stevens, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-32MM
Stewart, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KKZM
Stewart, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KKMM
Stewart, Nelly | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KVZM
Stone, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KPN2
Stone, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K5W2
Sturgis, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3KZM
Sturgis, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K83Z
Sturgis, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KZT2
Sturling, Jason | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QLN2
Sudlan, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J53Z
Sudlar, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KFN2
Sudlar, Tubmon W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VVPZ
Summers, Abraham | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QP3Z
Summers, Ephriam | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QPW2
Summers, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QGZM
Summers, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QLT2
Summers, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-27PZ
Summers, Samuel S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QJPZ
Summers, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3J3Z
Summers, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3V3Z
Tall, William I | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J2PZ
Tarns, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QLPZ
Taylor, Avery | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KFPZ
Taylor, Eben | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-21N2
Taylor, Francis A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WT2M
Taylor, Ichabud | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7TN2
Taylor, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7BMM
Taylor, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7TW2
Taylor, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7BN2
Taylor, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L3PZ
Taylor, Levi | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7YPZ
Taylor, Robert W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WLN2
Taylor, Sally | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7YT2
Taylor, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KPZM
Taylor, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LS3Z
Taylor, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7Y2M
Thoebus, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-37MM
Thomas, Elisha | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KL3Z
Thomas, Seaborn | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K2ZM
Thomas, Seborm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K2W2
Tilghman, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W56Z
Tilgman, Oliver P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-72T2
Tillman, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-362M
Tillman, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3F2M
Tillman, Joseph B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3LZM
Toadvine, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Q3Z
Toadvine, Matthias O | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7RN2
Toadvine, Purnell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-726Z
Todd, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7VW2
Todd, Michael | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LKT2
Todd, Nathan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3CT2
Todd, Robert S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-722M
Toudrine, Purnell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2WMM
Trader, Joshua S H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-753Z
Trader, Levin W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K5T2
Trader, Purnell | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-75ZM
Travers, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W16Z
Trembles, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3HMM
Truitt, Benjamin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LS2M
Tull, Agnus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K6MM
Tull, F A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJN2
Tull, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VLMM
Tull, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JLN2
Tull, John A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3NZM
Tull, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3VMM
Tull, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VKW2
Tull, Joshua W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJ6Z
Tull, Solomon | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VVW2
Tull, Wm I H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VV3Z
Tull, Wm T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QN6Z
Turner, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4SMM
Turner, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LV3Z
Turner, Naaman | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L5MM
Turner, Paaman P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WPW2
Turpin, John U | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VV2M
Turpin, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-72MM
Tuspin, Martha | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3VW2
Twigg, Thomas M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L33Z
Twilly, George M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LQ6Z
Twilly, Joshua | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2Z2M
Tyler, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KG3Z
Tyler, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KLT2
Tylor, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3XN2
Tylor, Severn | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q2MM
Tylor, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3Z2M
Valaningham, Joseph S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KT6Z
Vance, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-28PZ
Venables, George B | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WLT2
Venables, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2YW2
Wailes, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-75MM
Wainright, ?iddy | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJ2M
Wainright, Edward J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3SZM
Wainright, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4M2M
Wainright, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4MW2
Wainright, Hamilton B G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WB2M
Wainright, Jesse | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WB6Z
Walker, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2TZM
Walker, Mark | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2TT2
Walker, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2MW2
Wallace, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3WN2
Waller, Alexander | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-296Z
Waller, Ballard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3Z3Z
Waller, Ebenezer M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-25MM
Waller, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2M3Z
Waller, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7GT2
Waller, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ST2
Waller, Washington | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2M6Z
Waller, William S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LG2M
Walter, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LNW2
Walter, George A C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LN3Z
Walter, George D | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LNMM
Walter, James H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJN2
Walter, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LNPZ
Walter, Levin A H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LVW2
Walter, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LNT2
Walter, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LN2M
Ward, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q2PZ
Ward, George F | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VYW2
Ward, Henny | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q2T2
Ward, Levoi | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q22M
Ward, Noah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q2N2
Ward, Stephin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3FW2
Ward, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q26Z
Warde, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-Q2ZM
Warde, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QKN2
Warde, Thos | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QVN2
Wardroff, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QL6Z
Warnick, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K63Z
Waters, Edward M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JP2M
Waters, Elizabeth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3SW2
Waters, Irwin L | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3CZM
Waters, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JGT2
Waters, Richard | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JPMM
Waters, Robert C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KXPZ
Waters, Robert C J | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KX2M
Waters, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3CN2
Waters, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-J5W2
Waters, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JPN2
Waters, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JPZM
Waters, Wm C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K1ZM
Watezs, Thomas | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JP6Z
Weatherly, Ann M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K56Z
Weatherly, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2RT2
Weatherly, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7PW2
Weatherly, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7B3Z
Weatherly, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WGPZ
Webster, Alexander | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K23Z
Webster, David | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KGT2
Webster, Hamilton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ZN2
Webster, Michael | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K2PZ
White, * C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-37PZ
White, Asa | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4MPZ
White, Cylus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2MT2
White, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K6N2
White, George H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LJT2
White, Hamilton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-372M
White, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LLW2
White, Henry A | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K1MM
White, Henry P | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3W3Z
White, Henry W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LGZM
White, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LPW2
White, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7K6Z
White, James H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3FN2
White, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-72N2
White, Lerin C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2M2M
White, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7VN2
White, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2H3Z
White, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WB3Z
White, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WBT2
White, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-272M
White, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2WPZ
White, Tubman | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-JGW2
White, Wm S | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3ZMM
Whitney, Hariet | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3HZM
Whittington, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V2MM
Whittington, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VL3Z
Whittington, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VP6Z
Whittington, John H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-366Z
Whittington, Littleton | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V5N2
Whittington, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V5ZM
Whittington, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VK6Z
Whittington, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V56Z
Whittington, William C | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V53Z
Wilkins, Seth | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3JPZ
Williams, Cyrus | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-36N2
Williams, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-37T2
Williams, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VRMM
Williams, Polly | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W12M
Williams, Samuel | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2CN2
Williams, Scott William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QFN2
Williams, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7GMM
Williams, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W1W2
Williams, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-23ZM
Willing, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W1N2
Willing, Matthew | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W1ZM
Willing, Ware | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LVMM
Willing, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L2ZM
Willing, Zach?us | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-W1T2
Willis, Hiram | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VJPZ
Wilson, Denarob | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QGN2
Wilson, Elijah | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-VK2M
Wilson, George | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-4MZM
Wilson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-75W2
Wilson, James W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-L9T2
Wilson, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QL2M
Wilson, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-QPN2
Wilson, Levin M | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-212M
Wilson, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2C6Z
Wilson, Milly | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-25N2
Wilson, Rider W | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2YZM
Wilson, Thomas G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-V2N2
Wilson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-K86Z
Wingate, George E | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-WYPZ
Winsor, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KGW2
Winsor, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2RZM
Winsor, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KG6Z
Winsor, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2T3Z
Wood, William T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7GW2
Woolford, George L H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-LPN2
Woolford, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KB2M
Woolford, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KB3Z
Woolford, John | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KB6Z
Woolford, Levin G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KBN2
Woolford, Levin G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KBPZ
Woolford, Levin G | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KBZM
Woolford, William | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KBW2
Wrencher, George T | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-KRW2
Wrencher, Thomas H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-3S6Z
Wright, Baucham | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7YZM
Wright, Clement | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7YW2
Wright, Isaac K | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2RMM
Wright, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-216Z
Wright, Levin | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7Y-7YN2
Wroten, Thomas H | ark:/61903/1:1:HR7T-2ZN2
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