
1850 United States Federal Census, Franklin Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, Sheet 526

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Franklin Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
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1850 United States Federal Census

Franklin Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, United States
13 August 1850
Sheet 526.[1]

"Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in Franklin Township in the County of Greene state
of Pennsylvania enumerated by me, on the 13th day of August. Thos C Hawkins Ass't Marshal."

Column Headings
1 - Dwelling-house numbered in the order of visitation.
2 - Families numbered in the order of visitation.
3 - The Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1850, was in this family.
4 - Age.
5 - Sex.
6 - Color. {White. black, or mulatto.}
7 - Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each Male Person over 15 years of age.
8 - Value of Real Estate owned.
9 - Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country
10 - Married within the year.
11 - Attended School within the year.
12 - Persons over 20 y'rs of age who cannot read & write.
13 - Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Romane Williamson 10 F M Pa
2 Frances Williamson 8 F M Pa
3 Samuel Williamson 5 M M Pa
4 Ephram Williamson 3 M B Pa
5 Catherine Williamson 4 F B Pa
6 Robert Williamson 1 M B Pa
7 254 255 Jesse Hook 49 M Farmer 21,400 Pa
8 Lucy Hook 46 F Pa
9 James Hook 19 M Physcian Pa
10 Catherine Hook 16 F Pa /
11 John Hook 14 M Pa /
12 Thomas Hook 12 M Pa /
13 Enos Hook 10 M Pa /
14 Frances Hook 8 F Pa /
15 Benj F Hook 6 M Pa
16 Hiram Hook 32 M Labourer Pa
17 Henry J, Hook 3 M Pa
18 Simon Phillips 30 M Labourer Pa
19 Thomas Humes 30 M Labourer Pa
20 Julian Clifford 20 F M Va
21 255 256 Ruben Tuexberry 42 M Stiller Massa
22 Mary Tuexberry 39 F Pa
23 Robert Tuexberry 18 M Labourer Pa /
24 Rebecca J Tuexberry 14 F Pa /
25 John Tuexberry 12 M Pa /
26 William Tuexberry 10 M Pa /
27 Jesse Tuexberry 8 M Pa /
28 256 257 Ann Rush 46 F Pa
29 Barney Rush 14 M Pa
30 Stephen Rush 12 M Pa
31 Catherine Rush 7 F Pa
32 258 Hiziah Rush 31 F Pa
33 Sarah Ann Rush 6 F Pa
34 Barnet Rush 5/12 M Pa
35 Christena Thomas 30 F Pa
36 257 259 Alfred Wells 28 M B Labourer Va
37 Ann Wells 26 F B Md
38 Hester Wells 7 F B Pa
39 Hannah Wells 4 F B Pa
40 Workman Wells 2 M B Pa
41 Fealdon Wells 4/12 M B Pa
42 James Boles 19 M B Labourer Pa
18 M 7 M Col
10? F 7? F

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1) Create a page for census sheet. Complete
2) Link to parent "Free Space Page". Complete
3) Upload census image. Complete
4) Transcribe the census image. Complete
5) Proof for accuracy.
6) Create/Link profiles for each person whose last name at birth can be determined.
7) Add this page as a source on each profile linked to this page. The source can be copied and pasted from the source on this page.


  1. 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania [online database], Internet Archive, (https://archive.org/details/populationschedu0783unix/page/n192/mode/1up); Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Reel 0783, United States Bureau of the Census; United States National Archives and Records Service: Franklin Township, Greene County, Image 526.
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