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1851 Census of Great Bricett, Suffolk

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Great Bricett, Suffolk, Englandmap
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This profile is part of the Great Bricett, Suffolk One Place Study.


1851 Census of Great Bricett

Great Bricett c1902

Description of Enumeration District

County and Parliamentary Division of: Suffolk Parliamentary division of East Suffolk
Superintendent Registrar's District: District of Bosmere & Claydon
Registrar's District: Needham Market
No. of Enumeration District: 14 & 15

"Great Bricett & Willisham Parishes

The whole of the two Parishes of Great Bricett and Willisham (Including Bricett Hall, "Brick Kiln farm", Village of Bricett, Willishams Hall, Crow Hall, Balls Ash, and the Village of Willisham." [1]

(This page does not include the data for Willisham.)

Enumerator's Summary

In the parish of Great Bricett on 30 March 1851, there were 57 inhabited houses. Of the 236 people living there, 124 were male and 112 were female.

The summary estimates that 7 people (3 male, 4 female) were absent from the district that night, however 'the district' also included the parish of Willisham. [2]

This page links to profiles of all people recorded on the 1851 census of Great Bricett.

Colour code:

  • notes about relationships to other households
  • other notes

Page 1 - Houses 1-4

House 1 on Schedule
Farm House
Henry Hatcher Moore (abt.1780-abt.1854) retired farmer (son Henry in House 3)
Mary Moore (abt.1812-abt.1865)
Margaret Moore (1816-abt.1884)
Sarah Abbott (abt.1835-) general servant

House 2
William Hagger (abt.1785-abt.1859) rake maker
Hannah (Ramsey) Haggar (abt.1784-1859)
Harriett Hagger (abt.1806-)
Robert Hagger (abt.1820-) rake maker journeyman
William Hagger (abt.1827-) ag lab
Henry Hagger (1839-)

House 3
Farm House
Henry Edward Moore (1814-1892) farmer (parents in House 1)
Sophia (Hayward) Moore (abt.1806-abt.1883)
Sophia Moore (1847-)
Georgiana Morphew (bef.1836-) house servant

House 4
Bricett Hall
George Mumford (abt.1802-abt.1881) farmer
Lois (Cross) Mumford (abt.1804-1881)
William Cross Mumford (abt.1835-1899)
Henry Mumford (abt.1835-) farmer's son
Ellen Lois Mumford (abt.1837-)
Edwin Alfred Mumford (abt.1842-abt.1925)

Page 2 - Houses 4-7

House 4 on Schedule (cont.)
Herbert Charles Mumford (1844-1904)
Anne Elizabeth (Mumford) Bell (abt.1847-1927)
Katharine Susan (Mumford) Chinneck (abt.1850-1912)
Ann (Bawtree) Green (bef.1828-) private teacher
Sarah Pike (abt.1825-) dairy servant
Sarah Baxter (bef.1832-) nursery maid
Emily Laflin (abt.1832-) house servant
Thomas Harvey (abt.1838-) cow boy
Sarah (Baker) Richer (abt.1801-) charwoman

House 5
William Grimwood (1779-) ag lab
Hannah (Downing) Grimwood (bef.1782-)
(granddaughter Eliza in House 17; husband of deceased daughter in House 18; son Charles in House 13; son Benjamin in House 39; nephew George in House 49)

House 6
Edward London (abt.1802-1856) ag lab
Caroline (Pearsons) London (abt.1791-1854)
John Clifford London (abt.1824-) ag lab
Mary Anne (London) Storey (abt.1848-)

House 7
Joseph Harvey (abt.1802-) ag lab
Mary Ann (Gerard) Harvey (abt.1808-)
Susan Harvey (1841-)
Mary Ann Harvey (1843-)
Joseph Harvey (abt.1850-)

Page 3 - Houses 8-13

House 8
John Sayer (abt.1795-) ag lab
Mary (Podd) Sayer (bef.1785-)
Elijah Sayer (1828-) ag lab

House 9
Farm House
Robert Harvey (abt.1826-) farmer

House 10
Abraham Ramsey (bef.1822-) ag lab
Martha (Gorum) Ramsey (bef.1818-)
Sarah Shepherd Gorum (1841-)
Louisa (Ramsey) Branch (1846-)
James Sheppard Ramsey (1848-)
Phoebe Ramsay (1850-)

House 11
William Sparrow (abt.1803-) ag lab
Jemima (Pung) Sparrow (abt.1817-)
William Sparrow (bef.1836-)
John Sparrow (abt.1848-)

House 12
Samuel Ramsey (bef.1799-) ag lab
Phoebe (Crooks) Ramsey (abt.1799-)

House 13
Charles Grimwood (abt.1817-) ag lab (parents in House 5; brother Benjamin in House 39; cousin George in House 49)
Mary (Prentice) Grimwood (abt.1817-)
Charles Grimwood (abt.1838-) ag lab
Diana Grimwood (abt.1840-)

Page 4 - Houses 13-17

House 13 on Schedule (cont.)
Eliza Grimwood (abt.1843-)
Charlotte Grimwood (1845-)
Henry Grimwood (1849-)

House 14
Samuel Fayers (bef.1818-) ag lab
Charlotte (Elmer) Fayers (abt.1814-abt.1862)
Samuel Fayers (bef.1779-) ag lab (father of head Samuel)
William Fayers (1845-)

House 15
William Eastaugh (abt.1785-1855) mole catcher
Elizabeth (Wilden) Eastaugh (abt.1792-abt.1860)
Thomas Grimsey (Easty) Eastaugh (bef.1820-bef.1879) carpenter man
Mary Ann (Squirrell) Eastaugh (bef.1828-)
Samuel Eastwick (bef.1826-) bricklayer's man

House 16
Edward Fayers (bef.1822-) ag lab (parents in House 17)
Rebecca (Whiting) Fayers (abt.1825-)
Susan Fayers (abt.1846-)
Abraham Fayers (abt.1847-)
Walter Fayers (1850-)

House 17
Edward Fayers (abt.1798-) ag lab (son in House 16)
Sarah (Unknown) Fayers (abt.1768-) (mother of head Edward)
John (Faires) Fayers (bef.1833-) ag lab

Page 5 - Houses 17-23

House 17 on Schedule (cont.)
Eliza Charlotte (Pung) Capon (1837-abt.1912)
(maternal grandparents in House 5; father in House 18; aunt Mary in House 39)

House 18
James Pung (bef.1814-) ag lab (parents of deceased wife in House 5; daughter Eliza in House 17; mother Amy in house 19; sister Mary in House 39)
Rebecca (Faieres) Pung (abt.1827-)

House 19
Amey (Thorp) Pung (bef.1786-) house keeper pauper (son James in house 18; daughter Mary in House 39; sister Dinah in House 32; brother Henry in House 27)
Mary Ann (Beaumont) Pung (bef.1824-1868) husband in gaol
Mary Ann Hovell Pung (abt.1850-abt.1852)

House 20
Grace (Procter) Elmer (bef.1780-1867) (house used for dissenting worship)

House 21
James Harvey (1805-) ag lab
Susan (Harvey) Howard (bef.1790-) housekeeper (sister of head James)

House 22
John Thorpe (abt.1783-abt.1858) ag lab
Sarah (Underwood) Thorpe (bef.1782-abt.1872)
(daughter Philadelphia in House 23; daughter Eliza in House 24)

House 23
John Caley (abt.1811-1881) ag lab
Philadelphia (Thorpe) Caley (abt.1813-abt.1881) (parents in House 22)
Eliza (Kealey) Thorpe (abt.1834-) (future husband John Thorpe in House 45 - lodging at Potash Farm)
John Caley (bef.1837-abt.1901)
Henry Caley (1838-)
Frederick Caley (1841-)
Walter Caley (1845-)
Daniel Caley (abt.1850-) (parish clerk c1886)

Page 6 - Houses 24-28

House 24
John Harvey (abt.1820-) ag lab
Eliza (Thorpe) Harvey (bef.1824-) (parents in House 22)

House 25
Robert Holder (bef.1823-) ag lab (parents in House 41)
Susanna (Whiting) Holder (bef.1827-abt.1912)
John Holder (1848-)
Mary Holder (1850-)
George Holder (bef.1830-) ag lab (brother of head Robert)

House 26
Thomas (Sayer) Sayers (bef.1825-abt.1897) ag lab
Elizabeth (Welham) Sayers (abt.1826-)
Harriett Sayer (1850-)
Arthur Sayer (1850-)

House 27
Henry Thorpe (bef.1793-) ag lab (sister Amey in House 19; sister Dinah in House 32)
Elizabeth (Bowell) Thorpe (abt.1794-)
Sarah Nunn (abt.1842-) (niece of Elizabeth)

House 28
Village Shop
John Scopes (abt.1791-) grocer
Mary Ann (Lambert) Scopes (abt.1792-abt.1859)
George Scopes (bef.1827-) pig jobber
Mary Ann (Scopes) Last (abt.1830-1861)
James Scopes (abt.1837-) (visitor)

Page 7 - Houses 29-33

House 29
John Harrison (abt.1788-) pensioner
Mary (Unknown) Harrison (abt.1807-)
Anne Sturgeon (bef.1840-) (niece)
Sarah Last (abt.1845-) (visitor)

House 30
John Reynolds (abt.1789-abt.1873) wheelwright
Harriet (Tampin) Reynolds (1800-1879)
Mary Anne (Tampin) Minns (bef.1830-abt.1862)

House 31
Ord Proctor (abt.1816-) blacksmith
Ann (Bull) Proctor (bef.1818-)
Susannah Proctor (1843-)
Julia Ann Proctor (abt.1846-)
Jane Proctor (1848-)
Elizabeth Proctor (1850-)
Samuel Jacobs (1789-) blacksmith journeyman

House 32
James Prentice (abt.1782-) ag lab
Dinah (Thorpe) Prentice (bef.1793-) (sister Amey in House 19; brother John in House 22; brother Henry in House 27)
Caroline (Prentice) Minns (abt.1831-)
James Minns (abt.1831-) ag lab (sister Frances in House 33)

House 33
William Henry Page (1792-) groom
Elizabeth (Prentice) Page (abt.1793-)

Page 8 - Houses 33-38

House 33 on Schedule (cont.)
James Page (bef.1832-) blacksmith
Henry Page (bef.1829-) blacksmith
Frances (Minns) Page (abt.1829-1909) (brother James in House 32)
Mary Ann Page (abt.1850-)

House 34
"Part of this Cottage used as a Day School."
James (Blomfield) Bloomfield (abt.1790-1868) ag lab
Mary (Crooks) Bloomfield (bef.1796-abt.1878)

House 35
Robert Prentice (abt.1780-) ag lab
John Sturgeon (abt.1844-) (mother Mary Ann in House 36; father Frederick in House 37)

House 36
Mary Ann (Brundish) Sturgeon (abt.1805-) housekeeper (husband Frederick 'lodging' next door in House 37; son John 'visiting' next door in House 35)
William Sturgeon (abt.1829-) ag lab

House 37
Mill House
Sophy (Blundell) Clark (abt.1812-) miller's wife
Ophir Clark (1836-) miller's son
Sarah Sophia Clark (1840-)
Abner John Clark (abt.1842-)
Mary Ann Clark (1845-)
Anna Lavina Clark (1847-)
Frederick Sturgeon (abt.1805-abt.1893) ag lab (wife Mary Ann next door in House 36; son John in House 35)

House 38
James Pryke (1805-) ag lab
Elizabeth (Clarke) Pryke (abt.1805-)

Page 9 - Houses 38-42

House 38 on Schedule (cont.)
John Pryke (bef.1837-) ag lab
Henry Pryke (1838-1921) ag lab
James Prike (1840-) ag lab
Thomas Prike (abt.1843-)
George Pryke (abt.1847-)
Alfred Pryke (1848-)

House 39
Benjamin Grimwood (abt.1806-) ag lab (parents in House 5; brother George in House 49; cousin Charles in House 13)
Mary (Pung) Grimwood (bef.1811-1852) (mother in House 19; brother in House 18)

House 40
John Thorpe (abt.1812-) general shopkeeper
Hannah (King) Thorpe (1812-)

House 41
John Holder (bef.1799-1866) ag lab (son Robert in House 25)
Mary (Prentice) Holder (1800-)
Mary Holder (bef.1833-)
William Holder (bef.1834-) ag lab
David Holder (bef.1837-) ag lab
Frederick Holder (abt.1840-)
Edward Holder (abt.1843-)

House 42
John Sayer (bef.1778-) cordwainer
Charlotte (Stutters) Sayer (bef.1780-)

Page 10 - Houses 43-47

House 43
Henry Cutting (abt.1796-) ag lab
Hannah (Mayhew) Cutting (1793-1859) (parents in House 51)
James Cutting (bef.1830-) ag lab

House 44
James Stephenson (abt.1825-) ag lab
Anna Maria (Cuthbert) Stephenson (abt.1831-)
Mary Ann Stephenson (abt.1850-)

House 45
Potash Farm
Mary (Dykes) Laflin (1799-) housekeeper
Susan Dykes (abt.1805-)
Charles Mumford (bef.1815-) farmer's son
John Thorpe (abt.1832-) ag lab (future wife Eliza in House 23)

House 46
Sarah Last (abt.1805-) huckster
Robert Last (abt.1830-) ag lab
Isaac Last (bef.1832-) ag lab
George Last (1841-)

House 47
Abraham Coates (1815-) ag lab
Theodosia (Barrel) Coates (bef.1804-)
Sarah Coates (abt.1840-)
Mary Anne (Coates) Barton (abt.1840-)
James Coates (1842-)
Edward Coates (1844-)

Page 11 - Houses 47-51

House 47 on Schedule (cont.)
Robert Barrell (bef.1807-) ag lab brother of Theodosia

House 48
James Francis (bef.1797-) ag lab
Hannah (Crooks) Frances (1801-)
John Francis (bef.1822-) ag lab
Thomas Francis (bef.1837-) ag lab
Mary Frances (abt.1841-)
Sarah Frances (1843-)
Frederick Frances (abt.1847-)

House 49
George Grimwood (abt.1809-1862) uncle William in House 5; cousin Charles in House 13; cousin Benjamin in House 39 ag lab
Harriet (Hill) Grimwood (abt.1812-)
Samuel Grimwood (abt.1835-) ag lab
Sargeant Grimwood (abt.1839-) ag lab
Mary Ann (Grimwood) Pung (abt.1841-abt.1872)(future second wife of Henry Pung (in prison at this time for his role in the Barham Riots)
George Grimwood (abt.1849-)

House 50 Cottage
Abel Fayers (bef.1826-) ag lab {{blue|(father in House 17)
Susannah (Prentice) Fayers (bef.1828-) (parents in House 32; sister Mary in House 13)
John Fayers (abt.1846-)
Mary Ann Fayers (1848-)

House 51
Jacob Laflin (abt.1804-) ag lab
Hannah (Whitebread) Laflin (abt.1811-1885)

Page 12 - Houses 51-57

House 51 on Schedule (cont.)
Robert Laflin (abt.1843-) (nephew of Jacob)

House 52
Robert Gilbert (abt.1788-) ag lab
Elizabeth (Laflin) Gilbert (abt.1787-)
William Gilbert (bef.1823-) ag lab

House 53
John Martal (bef.1815-) ag lab
Robert (Martal) Martel (bef.1821-) ag lab (brother of John)
Mary Gurling (Gage) Martel (abt.1824-abt.1904) (wife of Robert)

House 54
John Bull (abt.1817-) ag lab
Mary (Green) Bull (bef.1815-)
Anna (Bull) Minns (1848-abt.1927) (sister-in-law to Mary Ann, James and Frances in houses 30, 32 & 33)
Susannah Bull (1850-)

House 55
Shadrach Bramford (abt.1793-) ag lab
Sarah (Knock) Bramford (abt.1797-)
Sarah Ann Bramford (1829-)
Shadrach Bramford (1830-) ag lab

House 56
William Stockings (abt.1800-) ag lab
Frances (Buss) Stockings (abt.1795-)
Henry Stockings (bef.1835-) ag lab

House 57
John Bull (abt.1807-) ag lab
Harriett Bull (abt.1831-) (daughter of John)

End of the Parish of Gt. Bricett


Rank, Profession, or Occupation of the 236 people recorded at Great Bricett in the 1851 census:

ag labs - 66 (~29%)
farmers - 3
farmer son's - 2
retired farmers - 1
blacksmiths - 4
housekeepers - 4
servants - general 1, house 2, dairy 1
rake makers - 2
miller's wife 1
miller's son 1 (miller away)

grocer - 1 (village shop)
general shopkeeper - 1
cordwainer - 1
wheelwright - 1
pig jobber - 1
huckster - 1
pensioner - 1
groom - 1
carpenter - 1
bricklayer - 1
mole catcher - 1
private teacher - 1
nursery maid - 1
cow boy - 1
charwoman - 1

Youngest worker - James Prike aged 11 - ag lab; Oldest worker - John Sayer (bef.1778-) aged 75 - cordwainer

Oldest person in village: Sarah (Unknown) Fayers aged 83 (living with ag lab son)

Born in Great Bricett: 119
Born in Suffolk: 231
Born outside Suffolk: 5

Current Unlinked Profiles:
Sarah Abbott (abt.1835-)
Robert Harvey (abt.1826-) 1826
John Harrison (abt.1788-)
Thomas Harvey (abt.1838-)
James Scopes (abt.1837-)
Sarah Last (abt.1845-)

Progress Stats
Within the 1851 Census of Great Bricett Category:
(as of 1 Feb 2024 - date of data 28 Jan 2024)
Number of Profiles in Category: 235 (of 236 on census)
Number of Unconnected Profiles: 26
Number of Unconnected Trees: 7
Number of Unlinked Profiles: 5

Great Bricett and vicinity c1902


  1. Description of Enumeration District
  2. Enumerator's Summary



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