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Location: Caddo, Louisiana, United States
Surname/tag: Slavery
Location: Caddo, Louisiana, United States
Surname/tag: Slavery
Profile managers:
US Black Heritage Project WikiTree [send private message] and Michelle Detwiler [send private message]
This page has been accessed 162 times.
US Black Heritage Project Home Page
US Black Heritage Project Louisiana Team
See Also: 1850 Slave Schedule Caddo Parish, Louisiana for possible duplicate names.
1860 Slave Owners Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Full schedule on Family Search
Use: https://www.familysearch.org/ before the "ark:/" portion of the link.
Name | Links |
Adams, Dr | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-K5MM |
Adams, Dr | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-K5ZM |
Adams, Dr | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KPT2 |
Adams, Dr | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-K5W2 |
Adams, Dr | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-K53Z |
Adams, G H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KPPZ |
Adams, O R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-97MM |
Agilario, James B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4XW2 |
Akin, Dorcas | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-42ZM |
Akin, John W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-426Z |
Alexander, A A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-423Z |
Alexander, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4G3Z |
Allen, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YGN2 |
Allen, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TD3Z |
Allen, T J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LP3Z |
Allen, Wm W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-31W2 |
Alston, M & J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJN2 |
Amsley, James F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4KT2 |
Anderson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-943Z |
Andrews, Gray | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-31ZM |
Arnett, L D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NK6Z |
Ashland, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-42W2 |
Ashmore, J K | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-15W2 |
Attaway, E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T6N2 |
Attaway, Elisha | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5KZM |
Baer, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NKN2 |
Baer, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NKZM |
Baget, D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VKN2 |
Baldwin, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJW2 |
Ball, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1PZM |
Ballard, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-52PZ |
Barlow, M S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VGMM |
Battle | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LLN2 |
Battle, A D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LLPZ |
Battle, H D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LL2M |
Beard, J H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L5W2 |
Beard, Jane | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4JT2 |
Beard, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4VMM |
Bell, J C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJZM |
Bennett, U Terry | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4KN2 |
Biall, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4L6Z |
Blackmill, W W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1P2M |
Blinch, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4NMM |
Blutter, Wm M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LVMM |
Boarman, L D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GNN2 |
Boarman, N | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LNZM |
Bogeman, E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QMN2 |
Boleman, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-42PZ |
Boney, R C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-97W2 |
Boney, R M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KPW2 |
Bonner, W Y | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LNMM |
Brack, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-97N2 |
Bridges, B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-552M |
Brikham, Ben | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-556Z |
Brikham, D P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-55N2 |
Brikham, F M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5PMM |
Brikham, J R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-55ZM |
Brisen, H M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4NN2 |
Britten, Peter P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-45MM |
Brown, J C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5G2M |
Brown, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4FN2 |
Brown, W D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T82M |
Brown, W L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-55MM |
Browning, W D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V2N2 |
Buckner, R T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJT2 |
Burch, Jasper | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5P3Z |
Burningham, B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-42T2 |
Caldwell, S D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VLZM |
Cales, E J S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-94N2 |
Camie, W H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-553Z |
Canse, John M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V53Z |
Cary, Bob | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QSMM |
Cash, E B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4F2M |
Cash, G B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4FPZ |
Cates, Walter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4V2M |
Cause, John M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QS3Z |
Cherry, M L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-313Z |
Childers, Geo H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L53Z |
Childers, Hired Men | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L5MM |
Chiles, A E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V2ZM |
Christain, M J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9H6Z |
Christian, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9HZM |
Cittiffe, J S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-15MM |
Clarke, A F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QM2M |
Cole, W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5GPZ |
Connelly, Jas | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V22M |
Cook, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-97PZ |
Coonder, George | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4X6Z |
Crain, A H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJN2 |
Creary, Hannah M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YG3Z |
Critliffe, R A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LF2M |
Crocker, J P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T66Z |
Croom, S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9HN2 |
Cross, K A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N2N2 |
Crowder, Elijah H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-97ZM |
Currie, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-45MM |
Currie, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T8MM |
Daniel, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4F6Z |
Daniel, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TDN2 |
Darler, C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9DN2 |
Dashiell, Wm H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1PW2 |
Davis | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1LN2 |
Davis, H A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LK2M |
Davis, N | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LKPZ |
Day, G P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1PT2 |
Delvach | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LLMM |
Delvach | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L2T2 |
Delvach | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L2PZ |
Delvach, W W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LL3Z |
Denson, W B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GV3Z |
Dickham, Jan E C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-94ZM |
Docking, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LG3Z |
Doty, W E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-94T2 |
Douglass, J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8N6Z |
Dufreum, P L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QM6Z |
Dunn, Cal W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N23Z |
Dupree, M J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q9PZ |
Eateman, B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9QN2 |
Eddings, R V B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V2W2 |
Edmunds, Saul | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-31MM |
Elden, D J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L5ZM |
Ellevft, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q9MM |
Elstiner, John C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-4PT2 |
Emill, Jonah | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KGT2 |
Epps, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-453Z |
Estes, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LV2M |
Farmer, H F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QSZM |
Finley, J M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T8N2 |
Flannery, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8FPZ |
Flannery, Silus | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8F2M |
Flonrnoy, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5LMM |
Ford, C V | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L2MM |
Ford, J M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4VPZ |
Ford, L D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-3B2M |
Foster, James M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-976Z |
Foster, Jasper | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5KPZ |
Foster, M E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4PW2 |
Foster, Margaret A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-52ZM |
Foster, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9QPZ |
Frank, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1L6Z |
Fuledon, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-3B6Z |
Fulerlove, J T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4K3Z |
Fulsom, J M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NKMM |
Furman, Saml G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-Y56Z |
Gale, R D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YG6Z |
Garlick, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-94W2 |
Gary, I D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9D2M |
George, B W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5GZM |
George, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4K6Z |
George, W B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5GW2 |
Gibson, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1GZM |
Gibson, Gile | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1GW2 |
Gilbert, Joseph | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4VZM |
Gilham, John A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q9T2 |
Gillis, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T6W2 |
Gilman, Nick | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4N3Z |
Gilmer, John T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-3BZM |
Gilmer, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GNW2 |
Gilmom, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LP2M |
Goreal, Saml | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9DMM |
Gray, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4JMM |
Griffin | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LG6Z |
Griffin, J J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LGN2 |
Griggs, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-316Z |
Griswold, C R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N26Z |
Guler, W N | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T8T2 |
Haffner | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YP6Z |
Hagens, E M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8NW2 |
Hailer, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5KW2 |
Hale, Josiah | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VLW2 |
Hale, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V2PZ |
Hale, Wash | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VK6Z |
Hame, F D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5L3Z |
Hardy, Nathan | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4LMM |
Hare, C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5PT2 |
Harker, W D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4G2M |
Harper, R G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1GPZ |
Harper, W W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5VPZ |
Harrell, Jas | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VLMM |
Harris, O | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-3BPZ |
Harrison, C R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4PPZ |
Harrison, J C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9Q2M |
Harrison, J R R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VL3Z |
Hart, E C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GN2M |
Harwell, Jas | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V2T2 |
Havis, L G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LVW2 |
Head, W N | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4G6Z |
Heap, Nathan | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V5W2 |
Hearne, E T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TD2M |
Hearne, H M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T62M |
Heath, Jno S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N2PZ |
Henderson, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QMMM |
Hendricks, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4KZM |
Hendricks, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q33Z |
Hendriks, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q3W2 |
Herndon, J F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VG3Z |
Herring, C W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJMM |
Hetcher, E C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LNW2 |
Hiarne, F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5LZM |
Hill, Berry | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KGPZ |
Hill, S P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8FT2 |
Hime, D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-152M |
Hodge, B L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-42MM |
Hodge, B L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GVMM |
Hodges, R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4FW2 |
Holcombo, J D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5VT2 |
Hollingsworth, Sam | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-526Z |
Hollingworth, Amanda | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-973Z |
Holmes, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1LZM |
Honmoy, Alanzo | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9W3Z |
Honmoy, Alonzo | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9WMM |
Honmoy, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-972M |
Hood, R H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T83Z |
Hood, R W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T8W2 |
Hop, J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5LW2 |
Hoss, George | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9DW2 |
Hoss, Jacob | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5LPZ |
Hotchkiss | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-Y5W2 |
Hotchkiss | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-Y53Z |
Hotchkiss | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-Y5ZM |
Hotchkiss | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-Y5MM |
Howard, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VPW2 |
Howell, H G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9WT2 |
Howell, J ? | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VPMM |
Hudgins, H C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9WZM |
Hughes, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KP2M |
Hull, A M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VP3Z |
Humble, Juper | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q96Z |
Hunsaker, H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NL3Z |
Hunter, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1P6Z |
Hursey, F B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LVPZ |
Hutchison, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4V6Z |
Iler, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N2W2 |
Iles, Howell | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5G6Z |
Iles, Nancy | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TDW2 |
Injou, U Y | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJPZ |
Inlerlove, J G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4VT2 |
Ish | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9WPZ |
Ish | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9WN2 |
Ish | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9W2M |
Ish | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9W6Z |
Jackson, M G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T6ZM |
Jacobs, Ben | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GV2M |
Jacobs, Edward | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GVPZ |
Jalbat, James L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-K5N2 |
Jall, J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q93Z |
Jeter, J H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T8PZ |
Johnson, B M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJ3Z |
Johnson, Joh | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QSPZ |
Johnson, Mike | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4KMM |
Johnson, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QST2 |
Johnston, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KPN2 |
Johnston, Pete | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VLN2 |
Johnston, Peter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VL2M |
Jones, A E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-97T2 |
Jones, J C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-94PZ |
Jones, M S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TXMM |
Jones, Roland | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NKT2 |
Jones, S B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJ2M |
Jones, V | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8NMM |
Jones, W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4J2M |
Jordan, J L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TD6Z |
Kern, I J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-942M |
Kline, J J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N2MM |
Kneeland, Henry | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1GMM |
Kniroon, John Ray | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4XPZ |
Lacey, O E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VGT2 |
Lacey, W A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-15N2 |
Lacey, William A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KP6Z |
Lafoy, H E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5P2M |
Landand, T J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1GT2 |
Landum, W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YPZM |
Lanna, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1GN2 |
Lano, B F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4FZM |
Lauve, Ulger | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N2ZM |
Lawrence, R J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LV6Z |
Levy, H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L2ZM |
Lewis | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LGT2 |
Lewis | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LG2M |
Lewis | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LGPZ |
Lewis, J C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LPMM |
Lewis, W S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9DPZ |
Licht, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJZM |
Lindsay, W H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9D3Z |
Logan, B F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YP3Z |
Lonney, Rj | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LPT2 |
Looney, R J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-153Z |
Lowe, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TDZM |
Lowe, Robert | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VL6Z |
Lyan, Panderm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9QT2 |
Mahle, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QSN2 |
Markham, H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LNN2 |
Markham, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1PN2 |
Marks, L D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N22M |
Marron, W M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4P2M |
Martin, A E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4LT2 |
Matthews, E M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8N3Z |
May, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4K2M |
May, P C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QSW2 |
McAin, Jas B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5KN2 |
McAin, Jno | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5K2M |
McCain, Jas B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5K6Z |
McCarty | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1LT2 |
McClelland, J W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5G3Z |
McCutchem, P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4F3Z |
McCutchen, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-3BT2 |
McFarland, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4GN2 |
McKay, Isaac | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KG2M |
McMillon, Archy | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-453Z |
McRady, Jas A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9H3Z |
McRender, A Scott | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-46N2 |
McWilliams, J G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LPPZ |
Meade, R A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4PT2 |
Meisner, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YG2M |
Mellan, Wm M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QMPZ |
Merito, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NKW2 |
Meyer, U D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VKPZ |
Milam, M B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-55W2 |
Milerlove, Thomas T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-45W2 |
Mill, Ameline | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LN3Z |
Miller | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L2N2 |
Miller, E M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T86Z |
Miller, W B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L22M |
Minter, O A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4J3Z |
Moon, T J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L23Z |
Moore, B L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LK6Z |
Moore, Percilia | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4XZM |
Mooring, D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TDPZ |
Mooring, J C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TXW2 |
Mooring, Jeff | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TDMM |
Mooring, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9HW2 |
Mooring, Tim | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5GMM |
Mooring, U C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T6MM |
Morgan, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L56Z |
Mullhall | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9HT2 |
Mullhall | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9HPZ |
Mullhall | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9CMM |
Mullins, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LKT2 |
Mumerlin, B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-98N2 |
Mumerlin, W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9DT2 |
Murry, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YGW2 |
Muthaupt, F H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1L2M |
Nagle, Charles | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-3BN2 |
Nelson, M L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L26Z |
Newberry, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T63Z |
Nicholson, Angus | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GVW2 |
Nicholson, Roderick | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4FMM |
Niles, Caroline | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LNT2 |
Nisbet, Robbert | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4NW2 |
Noel, R I | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TX3Z |
Norton, A G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QMW2 |
Nutt, L M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJ6Z |
Ogilvie, M J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-456Z |
Onarles, Margaret | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QMT2 |
Owens, Shad | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4KPZ |
Page, Jas | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9DZM |
Page, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4P6Z |
Palmer, T P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YGMM |
Parnell, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TZZM |
Parsons, S U | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-15T2 |
Parsons, S U | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QMZM |
Patterson | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1LW2 |
Patterson | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1L3Z |
Peace, B A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-52W2 |
Peace, Bailey | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QS6Z |
Peace, Top | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-523Z |
Pearce, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LN2M |
Pegram, W A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4GT2 |
Penick, Thomas M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YGZM |
Pennall, Caroline | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1PPZ |
Perkins, Dan | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V2MM |
Pettijohn, Jane J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4PMM |
Pickens, Grant | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4X2M |
Pickens, Israel | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4XT2 |
Pickens, S J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1G3Z |
Pitts, S ? | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-98T2 |
Pollard, Willis | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KP3Z |
Pondence, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q9W2 |
Pople, ? N | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJ3Z |
Posey, J M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V26Z |
Powell, D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LKMM |
Powell, Eliza | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4NT2 |
Pugh, L F | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KPZM |
Rackham, J D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9D6Z |
Ragley, Robt Z | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q9ZM |
Ragsdale, P O | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJ2M |
Randle, H H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T6PZ |
Randle, Jno L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T6T2 |
Rayburn, J J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GJPZ |
Read, H A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LKN2 |
Reid, D R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VLPZ |
Reisson, Charlotte | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-462M |
Rendall, J S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LN6Z |
Rhodes, E H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TZ6Z |
Rich, E A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1G2M |
Richardson, D T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-982M |
Ridley, R R | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TZPZ |
Riley, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TDT2 |
Rives, J J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VG2M |
Rives, W G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VGN2 |
Robberson, E W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4N2M |
Robberson, Mip M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YGT2 |
Robbertson, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-422M |
Roberson, C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4GPZ |
Roberson, Walter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4P3Z |
Robson, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LVN2 |
Rose, U | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LVZM |
Roysdon, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NK2M |
Rudd, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4LPZ |
Russell, Mary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5GN2 |
Rutherford, A J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4KW2 |
Rye, B L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4X3Z |
Scoggin, L G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5K3Z |
Scott, Andy | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-46PZ |
Scott, J B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4PZM |
Scott, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-46T2 |
Sharp | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YPN2 |
Sharp | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YP2M |
Sharp | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YPT2 |
Sharp | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YPPZ |
Shaw, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4GZM |
Shenicks, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VKT2 |
Simis, G W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LLW2 |
Simpson, Jas A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-522M |
Simpson, W P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-52N2 |
Sims, Jas D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TZT2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-986Z |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9Z2M |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9ZZM |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9ZMM |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9ZT2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9ZN2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-98ZM |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9CT2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9CPZ |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-98MM |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-983Z |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9CW2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9CZM |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9ZPZ |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9Z6Z |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9ZW2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9Z3Z |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9CN2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9C3Z |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-98W2 |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9C2M |
Slaughter | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9C6Z |
Smith | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LKZM |
Smith | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LKW2 |
Smith | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LK3Z |
Smith, Ann | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4JPZ |
Smith, Hinton | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NLMM |
Smith, Jake | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QM3Z |
Smith, W L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VLT2 |
Sojourner, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-TZ2M |
Soren, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LGZM |
Spearman, Frank | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VK2M |
Sporn, Gile | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1G6Z |
Sprewell, George | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4N6Z |
Stephens, E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-T8ZM |
Stephens, H P | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5LN2 |
Sterrett, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-L2W2 |
Stewart, S R C | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9H2M |
Stovall, Ben | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4L2M |
Sullivan, Cal | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-8NZM |
Tabor, Susan | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LFT2 |
Tally | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VPPZ |
Tally | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VPT2 |
Tally | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VP2M |
Tally | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VPN2 |
Tally | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V5MM |
Tally, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GVT2 |
Talmadge, Joel | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GNT2 |
Templeman, S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4NZM |
Thatcher, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJW2 |
Thomas, B G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-946Z |
Thompson, D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-V23Z |
Thompson, J O | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-94MM |
Thorne, Hutchin | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4V3Z |
(Trabeau) ?rabeian, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4LN2 |
Tucker, A W | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-45ZM |
Turner, William M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-KPMM |
Tyson, N | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-96MM |
Umberger, L | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LGW2 |
Vackers, R H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-VGPZ |
Valley, Thomas M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q3MM |
Van Bibber, Saml | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1LPZ |
Wa?t | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4L3Z |
Wa?t | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4LW2 |
Wade, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-45W2 |
Wael, Harry | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5PN2 |
Wael, Hary | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5P6Z |
Wahain, Stephen | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-QS2M |
Waldman, Julia | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LFPZ |
Walker, Anderson | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4XMM |
Wall, J G | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-52T2 |
Wallins, J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1PMM |
Wallins, Jno | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1P3Z |
Walpole, John | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GVZM |
Wamsley, William E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4NPZ |
Ward, E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LV3Z |
Warnock, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5KT2 |
Wasson, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5PPZ |
Watson, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4PN2 |
Welder, Clara | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-15PZ |
Wells, O J | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NK3Z |
Wheaton, Jno | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJMM |
White, Caroline | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LVT2 |
White, E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GNPZ |
White, Reuben | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YPMM |
Whitworth, M | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4GMM |
Wicks, H S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9WW2 |
Wilder, Clara | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-1RMM |
Wiley, Jas T | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-K56Z |
Williams | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4JZM |
Williams | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4JN2 |
Williams | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4J6Z |
Williams, Daniel | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-Q3ZM |
Williams, E D | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-31N2 |
Williams, Eugene | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-466Z |
Williams, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-312M |
Williams, Thompson | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-31T2 |
Williams, W H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-NKPZ |
Williams, Wm | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4JW2 |
Williamson, Jo | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YPW2 |
Willis, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GN6Z |
Willis, John B | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4VN2 |
Willis, Lacurgus | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-GNZM |
Wilson, A | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-98PZ |
Wilson, John U | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LJT2 |
Wiso, J S | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-9HMM |
Woell, Gabriel | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-N2T2 |
Wom's, Thos H | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-LPN2 |
Wright, Newton E | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-YGPZ |
Wyche, William | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-31PZ |
Yealock, Jessee | ark:/61903/1:1:WK2W-4GW2 |
Youngblood, Sarah | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-45ZM |
Zegram, James | ark:/61903/1:1:WK27-5KMM |
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