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1860 Slave Schedule, Effingham County Georgia

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Black_Heritage Georgia
This page has been accessed 127 times.

US Black Heritage Project Home Page
1860 Slave Schedule Index

See also: 1850 Slave Schedule, Effingham County, Georgia for possible duplicate names.

1860 Slave Owners Effingham County, Georgia

Full schedule on Family Search: https://www.familysearch.org/search/image/index?owc=DM9N-BZ9%3A1610432301%2C1610473501%3Fcc%3D3161105

Use: https://www.familysearch.org/ before the "ark:/" portion of the link.

(Regular 1860 census for cross-referencing: Effingham County)

Archer, Jas ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SHPZ
Archer, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SH6Z
Austin, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YWZM
Barnwell, E W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y86Z
Beasly, T H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y8T2
Bebee, H M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M23Z
Bergstiner, Jer ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YC2M
Bergstiner, Jon ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MKN2
Berry, J B ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y7PZ
Berry, J F ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MKW2
Best, Geo ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SCMM
Biddenback, I ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YC6Z
Biddenback, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YCZM
Bird, E and I ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YCW2
Bird, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M8W2
Bird, Jas ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YCT2
Bird, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YCPZ
Bird, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M26Z
Blitch, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y3T2
Blitch, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RCW2
Breedlove, B F ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5S6Z
Brewer, G W ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SHN2
Brewer, G W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1Z6Z
Canuit, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R8ZM
Conaway, W R ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-39MM
Conner, E T ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1CT2
Cook, W J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y42M
Corbet, E C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RH2M
Crawford, E ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MD3Z
Cristy, R J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1ZT2
Dasher, B ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y8PZ
Dasher, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJN2
Dasher, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZMM
Dasher, J M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RCT2
Dasher, Jon ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RHT2
Dasher, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-18N2
Dasher, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RCZM
Davis, B I ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJ6Z
Davis, B J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJZM
Davis, Geo ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y46Z
Dawson, R S ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y3N2
Downs, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3MPZ
Edward, O E ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y3PZ
Edwards, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SZMM
Edwards, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y8W2
Edwards, I C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YCN2
Edwards, J C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZZM
Edwards, J W ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M86Z
Edwards, Jas ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SCT2
Edwards, O ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M8MM
Edwards, S A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M8PZ
Elkins, C C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RC6Z
Elkins, L L ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RCN2
Elkins, L T ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-QTN2
Elkins, M P ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-NZMM
Everett, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1C6Z
Fetzer, J G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YW3Z
Fetzer, R J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MDW2
Flake, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQ2M
Foy, C F ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1CPZ
Foy, G W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1ZMM
Foy, Geo ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1ZW2
Foy, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R8N2
Futrell, R ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-QTZM
Gaylor, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y4PZ
Gaylord, J A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YW6Z
Giger, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5SW2
Gnali, M A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3MW2
Gnann, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZ2M
Gnann, C L ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MVPZ
Gnann, E ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZN2
Gnann, F ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-53MM
Gnann, F ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R8MM
Gnann, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MVT2
Gnann, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZ6Z
Gnarni, G M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1C3Z
Googe, J A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZW2
Googe, W H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-QTW2
Green, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SH2M
Griffin, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y73Z
Grovenstine, B ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MKZM
Grovenstine, G W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZMM
Grovenstine, L ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RCPZ
Grovenstine, L ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZN2
Grovenstine, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZ3Z
Grover, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MK3Z
Guyton, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M2W2
Haltawanger, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YC3Z
Haltawanger, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YHW2
Haygood, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZ6Z
Heidt, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZ3Z
Heidt, J J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZT2
Heidt, J W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y8N2
Helmly, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZ2M
Hines, T R ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3MT2
Hurst, E ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YDMM
Hurst, F M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1Z3Z
Jenkins, W J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y82M
Jones, B ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5ST2
Keiffer, A N ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZZM
Keiffer, J B ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y72M
Keller, S F ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MDMM
Keller, T M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MVW2
Lee, J D ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-18ZM
Leod, Mc ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y43Z
Leod, Mc ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y4W2
Leod, Mc ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y4MM
Leod, Mc ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YWT2
Leod, Mc ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y4ZM
Lillibridge, O M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RHN2
Longstreet, A P ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SCN2
Love, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M8T2
Love, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M83Z
Malery, A H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YSN2
Mallett, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R83Z
Mallett, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YSZM
Mallett, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R8W2
Mallett, L ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YWW2
Marlow, R A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3M3Z
Marlow, T ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y8ZM
Mayer, J A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M8ZM
Metzger, D A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y7W2
Metzger, G L ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YCMM
Metzger, J T ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y3MM
Metzger, Jon ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YSPZ
Metzger, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y76Z
Metzger, W W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YST2
Miller, C H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJT2
Miller, S E ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MVMM
Mingledoff, E A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SCPZ
Mingledorff, G D ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-53W2
Mingledorff, J C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQT2
Mingledorff, J G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-53ZM
Mingledorff, N ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SC3Z
Moore, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQN2
Morel, B J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZW2
Morel, J G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YS2M
Morgan, A E ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y36Z
Morgan, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y3W2
Morgan, C L ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-18MM
Morgan, J L ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y7MM
Morgan, J M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5SPZ
Morgan, L J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1ZZM
Morgan, S A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y7T2
Morgan, Sarah ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y32M
Morgan, W G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y3ZM
Morton, D E ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQZM
Mottwilder, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YHPZ
Mottwilder, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YHN2
Mottwilder, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YH2M
Neal, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZPZ
Nease, E L ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3M2M
Nease, F ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y83Z
Nease, Geo ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJW2
Nease, J J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MNT2
Nease, J R ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MNPZ
Neidlinger, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MK6Z
Neidlinger, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJ3Z
Nelson, J W ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-QT2M
Newton, B ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-186Z
Nothwilder, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YH6Z
Ornum, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YH3Z
Pace, G ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MV6Z
Pemell, W F ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3M6Z
Porter, A G ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y33Z
Porter, B C ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SCW2
Porter, E B ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SHT2
Porter, T K ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SC6Z
Porter, W A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1ZN2
Porter, W A ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SCZM
Rahn, J A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZW2
Rahn, J R ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SZZM
Rahn, N ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M2ZM
Rahn, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZPZ
Rahn, W O ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YS6Z
Rawls, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M2MM
Reisser, C F ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y7N2
Reisser, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y7ZM
Remshart, D ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YW2M
Robbins, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1CZM
Ruth, B H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZZM
Ruth, E I ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-18W2
Ruth, R H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-183Z
Seckinger, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZ3Z
Seckinger, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YWN2
Shearons, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MVZM
Shearons, Jon ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MKPZ
Shearons, N ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MK2M
Shearous, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZPZ
Shuman, D ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZT2
Shuman, Jon ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M82M
Shuman, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-M8N2
Shuptrine, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RCMM
Smith, D ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1CN2
Snooks, R ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1Z2M
Solomons, E W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZ6Z
Spear, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YD3Z
Spear, W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1CW2
Stanton, P H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YWMM
Stotesbury, P ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-3MZM
Strobhan, H I ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YHZM
Strobhert, J E ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MV2M
Sweat, F R ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJMM
Tebeau, F T ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZMM
Thiot, C H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y4N2
Thiot, C H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YHMM
Toole, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MKT2
Trowel, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1ZPZ
Tullis, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SZ6Z
Tullis, H ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SZW2
Tullis, P A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQ6Z
Ulmer, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y4T2
Ulmer, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YZN2
Waldhour, C W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RC2M
White, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MV3Z
Whitny, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQPZ
Wilkins, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R86Z
Williams, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQW2
Williams, J B ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1C2M
Williams, Jas ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQMM
Williams, R ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YQ3Z
Wilson, A ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-R82M
Wilson, E W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RC3Z
Wilson, H J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-182M
Wilson, J E ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MVN2
Wilson, Jas ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-QT6Z
Wilson, Jas J ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MZ2M
Wilson, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MKMM
Wilson, S ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SZ3Z
Wilson, W H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5S2M
Wilson, W H ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RZT2
Wilson, W W ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5SN2
Wisenbaker, C ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YHT2
Wright, G R ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-5SZM
Wyly, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-1CMM
Zeigler, D ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SZN2
Zettler, M ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-RHPZ
Zettler, N ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-533Z
Ziegler, J ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-Y8MM
Zipperer, E ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJPZ
Zipperer, Geo ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-SC2M
Zipperer, I ark:/61903/1:1:WKVH-MJ2M
Zittrour, D ark:/61903/1:1:WKV4-YWPZ

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