
1862 Allotment

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Date: About 1 Oct 2019 to about 31 Dec 2019
Surnames/tags: 1862_Allotment Delaware_Nation Kansas_Delaware
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Map of Indian land taken by cessions [1]

Confirmation of 86/150 total listed on Wikitree = 57% 4 Dec 2019 KF

Preface I have long been curious about my Native roots. Who were all these people called Kansas Delaware? I knew my grandmother had been around them, as was her mother and all her cousins, but who was there then, and why? I reviewed the land allotments and saw so many common last names. I knew the Delaware had traveled many miles on foot and horseback from the east coast, Pennsylvania, Ohio and other areas before ending up in Kansas, but who was in the group, and why did these common names always appear? I thought they must be connected. Maybe not family, but certainly as a community. I thought the best way to do my research was review the 1862 allotment list and layout of the land. I knew my relations ran the ferry boat that moved goods to and from this region. I thought the listing of lots and inclusion of names on those plots might reveal family's and relationships to show how all these people were related. My attempt here in this project is to place the people in their family units, so we could see how interconnected they all were. Did their working relationship's through the decades, evolve into family's uniting?



The goal of this project is to add a tag to destinguish individual profiles within WikiTree. All the original individuals who were listed as DELAWARE INDIANS WHO ELECTED TO DISSOLVE THEIR TRIBAL RELATIONS AND BECOME CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES Under Treaty of July 4, 1866 "Kansas Delaware".


This information was gathered from the writing by Chief Thomas Swiftwater Hahn via the link: http://lenapedelawarehistory.net/mirror/kansasdelaware.htm

The following is a listing of Delaware Indians Who Elected to Dissolve Their Tribal Relations and Become Citizens of the United States in 1866. They remained in Kansas when the main body of the Delaware went to Indian Territory (later Oklahoma) and became known as the "Kansas (Citizen) Delaware". The basic list of the Delaware and their minor children who chose to remain in Kansas is in Record Group 21, Subgroup: Kansas (Topeka), Record of Indian Naturalizations, National Archives (Kansas City, MO), was compiled by the Reverend John G. Pratt. Pratt based his list on the third article of the Treaty of 4 July 1866, between the Delaware and the United States at Sarcoxieville, in which it was stated that, "It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to give each of the Delaware Indians who have received their proportion of land in severalty an opportunity, free from all restraint, to elect whether they will dissolve their relations with the tribe and become citizens of the United States: and the lands of all such Indians as may elect so to become citizens, together with those of their minor children. held for them in severalty, shall be reserved from the sale hereinbefore provided for." (Kappler, Treaties, 937- 942.) The basic listing, which is in the public domain, can be found in Microfilm Roll No. 5. at the University of Kansas and and at the Wyandotte County Historical Museum at Bonner Springs, Kansas. Pratt's listing can also be found in Fay Louise Smith Arellano's Delaware Trails: Some Tribal Records 1842-1907, p. 185 in which it is entitled DELAWARE INDIANS WHO ELECTED TO DISSOLVE THEIR TRIBAL RELATIONS AND BECOME CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES Under Treaty of July 4, 1866. There is a listing of heads of family only in C. A. Weslager, The Delaware Indians: A History, Appendix 10, "List of Delawares on Reservation in Kansas Who Decided to Become American Citizens." Weslager's Listing provides a list of the nineteen heads of families only. See the Bibliography Section on this site for the ordering data and additional details of both of the latter two titles. Several of these persons later went to Indian Territory to live on Cherokee Land with the main body of the Delaware called "Registered Delaware " or the "Eastern Oklahoma Delaware Tribe of Indians" or the "Delaware Tribe of Indians," as they call themselves today. Accordingly, such persons are no longer considered to be members of the Kansas Delaware Tribe of Indians or "Citizen Delaware." Those persons generally can be distinguished by being on the 1898 Dawes Commission Roll and in the 1904 Cherokee Census. Though most of the Delaware who went to Indian Territory were considered to be Cherokee by the Cherokee Nation, they never really lost their Delaware connection. This has only been affirmed in recent court and Bureau of Indian Affairs decisions, but the matter remains in contention. To add to the confusion, the Delaware Tribe of Indians sometimes called the Delaware who elected to stay in Kansas-- but later went to Oklahoma-- "Kansas Delaware," a term sometimes used to denote members of the Kansas Delaware Tribe of Indians." For convenience we have three listings of the Delaware who remained in Kansas. The first is alphabetical. It includes the 1862 Allotment Numbers. The second is organized by 1862 Allotment Numbers. The third is an annotated listing by Allotment Numbers.

Kansas Delaware

Most of the Delaware went to Indian Territory in 1866. Those listed below chose to remain in Kansas by becoming citizens of the United States. Descendants of these individuals are the Kansas Delaware Tribe of Indians. http://kansasdelaware.org/genealog.html

Names are given with the 1862 Allotment numbers.

  • No. 125 Mary Jane Defries, age 24, with children No. 894, William Defries, age 5 and Elizabeth Defries, age 2
  • No. 71 Eliza Jane Fish, age 28.
  • No. 78 Frances C. Grinter, female, age 27, with children No. 79 Mary L. Grinter, age 10, No. 80, John W. Grinter, age 7, Nannie H Grinter age 5, and Edward E. Grinter age 2.
  • No. 127 Anna Grinter, age 45. [Daughter of Betsy Wi-La-Que-Na-Ho and William Marshall].
  • No. 128 William H. Grinter, age 25, [son of Anna Marshall], No. 129 Martha Grinter, age 9, and Cunningham Grinter, age 2.
  • No. 36 Rosanna Grinter, age 37 [daughter of Betsey Wi-La-Que-Na-Ho and William Marshall] with children No. 37 Juliet Marshall ,age 16, No.38 Henrietta F. Grinter, age 15, No. 39 Marie Jane Grinter, age 13, No. 40 Sarah Frances Grinter, age 11, No. 41 Mary Bell Grinter, age 9, and James W. Grinter, age 7, Elizabeth Grinter ,age 3, and Flora Grinter, age 15 months.
  • No. 111 Sally Honeywell, age 36 with children No. 112 Eli M. Honeywell, age 12, No. 113 Susan T. Honeywell, age 9, No. 114 William Honeywell, age 5, and John Honeywell, age 3. No. 115 [sic] George O. Collins, age 22.
  • No. 115 [sic] Lewis Ketchum, age 52.
  • No. 156 Elizabeth Z. Ketchum, age 31, with children No. 157 Mary L. Ketchum ,age 20, No. 158 Jane Ketchum, age 17, No. 159 Barbara Ketchum ,age 16, No. 160 Simon Ketchum, age 12, No. 161 Silas Ketchum, age 10, No. 162 Lucinda Ketchum, age 8, and No. 163 Solomon Ketchum, age 5.
  • No. 47 John W. Ketchum, age 24.
  • No. 177 Mary E. Ketchum, age 21.
  • No. 205 Sarah Ann Ketchum, age 40.
  • No. 69 Harriet Moses, age 24.
  • No. 139 Mary Staggers, child of ??
  • No. 70 Betsey Marshall, age 66. [Mother of Anna and Rosanna Grinter, widow of William Marshall].
  • No. 72 Sarah Ann Rankin, age 30 with children No. 73 Alice Rankin age 9, No. 1048 Sally Rankin age 5, and Verity P. Hamilton age 2 months.
  • No. 144 Ellen Swisher, age 24 with children No. 145 Mary P. Swisher, age 6, No. 320 James H. Swisher, age 5. John S. Swisher, age 2, and Rosalie Swisher, age 3 months.
  • No. 173 Melinda Wilcoxen, age 36 with children No. 174 Lucinda Wilcoxen, age 14 and Emmet Wilcoxen, age 1.
  • No. 134 Betsey Zigler, age 54 with children No. 135 Henry Zigler, age 17, No. 136 Charles Zigler age, 14, and No. 138 Solomon Everett child of ??, age 19.
  • No. 140 Logan Zigler, age 40.
  • No. 141 Sophia Zigler, age 32, with children John Zigler, age 4 and Emily Zigler, 2.
  • No. 146 George Zigler, age 24 with child Rachel, age 2.
  • No. 77 William Adams, age 34 with children Rachel C. Adams, age 2 and Horace M. Adams age, 11 months.
  • No. 119 Mary Tiblow Stevenson, age 17 with child Rosanna Stevenson, age 1.
  • No. 117 Mary Ann Tiblow, age 35 with children No. 118 Virginia A. Tiblow, age 19, No. 120 Richard W. C. Tiblow, age 12, No. 276 Francis O. Tiblow, female, age 14, Charles Tiblow, and Nancy Jane Tiblow.
  • No. 24 Nannie M. Pratt, age 24 with children No. 25 Lavonia I. Pratt, age 6, Ella May Pratt, age 4, and Ida Florence Pratt, age 2.



The Dawes Act By the 1880s, much of the western "frontier" had been settled, but thousands of people were still interested in migrating west for new opportunities. At the same time, Native American reservations, which dominated Oklahoma and much of the northern Rocky Mountain west, were viewed as corrupt, unsanitary and untenable disasters. Congress devised a solution to both the "Indian problem" and settlers' continued desire for land through the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. The Dawes Act, which fit into the larger government goal of assimilating Native Americans into mainstream society, divided existing reservations into individual allotments of 40 to 160 acres of land. Native American male heads of household were assigned these allotments in trust. If they farmed their land successfully, they would gain complete ownership and U.S. citizenship after 25 years. Land that went unassigned was sold to land-hungry whites. Life Under the Dawes Act The lands allotted to Native American men were typically unsuitable for farming, arid and too small for raising livestock, especially for people unaccustomed to independent agriculture. Thus, Native people struggled to build successful lives on their new allotments. By 1891, the law was amended to allow Native Americans to lease their lands, and by 1907 they could sell them -- which many frustrated or cash-strapped Native Americans did. Moreover, in 1909, the U.S. government passed additional legislation that required government agents to determine Native American "competency" before turning over the 25-year trust -- often, agents simply reclaimed the land. All of these factors coalesced to strip Native people of their lands: While Native American held 155 million acres in 1881, they held just 77 million in 1900, and a mere 48 million by 1934.


  • This entry and all other entries regarding genealogy and family history do not contain the names or data on any living person without his or her request and or permission.
  • Last Name - 1862 Allotment - WikiTree Link (as of Nov 2019 update)
  • Adams 77. William Adams, Age 34
  • AHaLeMaLeMon 224. A ha le ma le mon, age 28,
    • W/2 SW/4, 19-11-24 , 80 acres
  • AhHaLaNahQueNow 233. Ah ha la nah que now, age 28,
    • E/2 NW/4, 19-11-24 , 80 acres
  • AhQualPeNow 214. Ah qual pe now, age 21,
    • W/2 NW/4, 5-11-24, 54.65 acres and
    • W/2 E/2 NE/4, 1-11-23, 26.78 acres [total 81.43 acres
  • Armstrong 886. Jenny Armstrong,
    • E/2 NW/4, 17-11-24, 80 acres
  • ArSarKeeParKeNo 356. Ar sar kee par ke no, age 19,
    • W/2 SW/4, 16-11-24 , 80 acres
  • Beaver 30. Mun da la qua (Susan Beaver), age 7,
    • NE/4 SW/4, 9-11-24, 40 acres and
    • Lot 5 SE/4, 9-11-24, 48.8 acres [88.08 acres]
  • Beaver 31. Oh how da pee ton (Mary Jane Beaver), age 3,
    • E/2 SE/4, 7-11-24, 80 acres
  • Beaver 32. Louisa Beaver, age 25, E/2 NE/4 18-11-24
  • Beaver 33. Ne con se pa kee now [Virginia Beaver], age 5 months,
    • SE/4 NW/4 , 9-11-24 5 months and
    • Lot 4 NE/4, 9-11-24, 48.42 acres [total 88.42 acres]
  • Block 321. Doctor Block, age 39,
    • W/2 NW/4, 17-11-24 , 80 acres
  • Block 322. Eliza Block, age 32,
    • W/2 SW/4, 17-11-24, 80 acres
  • Brown 223. Jim Brown, age 27,
    • W/2 SW/4, 8-11-24, 80 acres
  • Collins 115. George Collins, Age 22
  • Cook 122. Nancy Cook, age 50,
    • W/2 NE/4, 30-11-24, 80 acres
  • Davis 273. Wa le car pi [Gustavus Davis], age 23,
    • E/2 SW/4, 31-10-24, 80 acres
  • Defries 3. Anna E. Defries [1866], Daughter of Edward Defries and Mary Jane (Grinter) Defries
  • DeFries 894. William DeFries, Age 5 Son of Audley Paul Defries and Mary Jane (Grinter) Defries
  • Delaware 53 . John Delaware (gone south), age 38,
    • E/2 NE/4 , 19-11-24, 80 acres
  • Delaware 54. Jane Delaware [Wil la no oh qua?] (gone south), age 38,
    • W/2 NW/4, 20-11-24, 80 acres
  • Edgar 908. Martha Edgar , age 32,
    • W/2 SW/4 , 20-11-24, 80 acres
  • Edgar 909. Eliza Edgar, age 12,
    • E/ 2 SE/4 , 19-11-24, 80 acres
  • EsPeLunGoNoWha 282. Es pe lun go no wha, age 4,
    • E/2 SE/4, 18-11-24, 80 acres
  • Everett 138. Solomon Everett, Age 19
  • Fish 71. Eliza Jane Fish, age 28, Daughter of Arch Fish and WiLaQueNaHo Betsy (Ketchum) Fish
  • Fish 359. Quaf ti lease Longbone [Nancy Fish), age 32 [dead],
    • W/2 SE/4, 17-11-24, 80 acres
  • George 272. John George, age 1 month,
    • SW/4 NE/4, 31-10-24, 40 acres and
    • NW/4 SE/4 , 31-10-24, 40 acres [total 80 acres]
  • Grinter 8. Nannie H. Grinter [1866],
    • W/2 NE/4, 8-11-24 [previously owned by Hester Ketchum, daughter of James Ketchum] and Francis Catherine Grinter Daughter of John Carter Grinter and Francis Catherine Grinter
    • https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Grinter-286
  • Grinter 9. Edward Grinter [1866], Son of John Carter Grinter and Francis Catherine Grinter
  • Grinter 13. Cunningham Grinter [1866], Son of Moses Read Grinter and Anna Windagamen (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 22. Flora Grinter [1866], Daughter of James Cunningham Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 37. Juliet Grinter , age 11, Daughter of James Cunningham Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 38. Henrietta Grinter, age 10, Daughter of James Cunningham Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 39. Maria Jane Grinter, age 8, Daughter of James Cunningham Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 40. Sarah F. Grinter, age 4, Daughter of James Cunningham Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 41. Mary Belle Grinter, age 4, Daughter of James Cunningham Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 42. James A. Grinter, age 1, Son of Moses Read Grinter and Rosanna (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 78. Frances C. Grinter, age 27, Daughter of Moses Read Grinter and Anna Windagamen (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 79. Mary E., age 10, Daughter of John Carter Grinter and Francis Catherine Grinter
  • Grinter 80. John W. Grinter, age 1, Son of John Carter Grinter and Francis Catherine Grinter
  • Grinter 125. Mary Jane [Grinter] Defries, age 24, Daughter of Moses Read Grinter and Anna Windagamen (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 128. William Henry [H.] Grinter, age 25, Son of Moses Read Grinter and Anna Windagamen (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 129. Martha V. Grinter, age 9, Son of Moses Read Grinter and Anna Windagamen (Marshall) Grinter
  • Grinter 942. Francis H. Grinter, Son of Moses Read Grinter and Anna Windagamen (Marshall) Grinter
  • Haff 279. Abram Haff, age 30,
    • W/2 SW/4, 5-11-24 , 80 acres
  • Honeywell 111. Sally Honeywell, Age 36, Daughter of [father?] and EcheLangoNaOckwe Ketchum
  • Honeywell 112. Elizabeth Honeywell, Age 12, Daughter of William Honeywell and Sarah (Owl) Honeywell
  • Honeywell 113. Susan Honeywell, Age 9, Daughter of William Honeywell and Sarah (Owl) Honeywell
  • Honeywell 114. William Honeywell, Age 5, Son of William Honeywell and Sarah (Owl) Honeywell
  • Jacobs 220. Martha Jacobs, age 6,
    • E/2 NW/4, 8-11-24, 80 acres
  • Journeycake 6. Angline Jonneycake, age 10,
  • Journeycake 12. Robert Jordan Johnnecake, age 20,
  • Journeycake 13. Rachel Johnnecake, age 16, Daughter of Charles Journeycake and Jane (Socia) Journeycake
  • Journeycake 24. Nannie Journeycake, Age 24, Daughter of Charles Journeycake and Jane (Socia) Journeycake
  • Ketchum 47. John Ketchum, Age 24, Son of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 70. WiLaQueNaHo "Betsy" Marshall, age 65, Daughter of [father?] and EcheLangoNaOckwe Ketchum
  • Ketchum 149. Elizabeth Ketchum, age 16, Daughter of Jacob Ketchum and Nancy A (John) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 155. Lewis Ketchum, age 50, Son of KaKeeWha Ketchum and Lucy (Unknown) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 157. Mary Ketchum, Age 20, Daughter of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 158. Jane Ketchum, Age 17, Daughter of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 159. Barbara Ketchum, Age 16, Daughter of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 160. Simon Ketchum, Age 12, Son of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 161. Silas Ketchum, Age 10 , Son of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 162. Lucinda Ketchum, Age 8, Daughter of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 163. Solomon Ketchum, age 2, Son of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth (Zeigler) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 167. Sarah E. Ketchum [Daughter of Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape and William Riley Ketchum)
  • Ketchum 168. Nancy Ketchum, age 13, daughter of Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape Daughter of William Riley Ketchum and Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape
  • Ketchum 169. Joel Ketchum, age 10, Son of William Riley Ketchum and Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape
  • Ketchum 170. Caroline Ketchum, age 8, Daughter of William Riley Ketchum and Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape
  • Ketchum 171. Absolom Ketchum, age 6, Son of William Riley Ketchum and Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape
  • Ketchum 172. Henry Clay Ketchum, age 3, Son of William Riley Ketchum and Aup-hee-le-qua (Unknown) Lenape
  • Ketchum 173. Melinda Wilcoxen, age 34, Daughter of [father?] and EcheLangoNaOckwe Ketchum
  • Ketchum 175. James Ketchum [Reverend], age 44, son of TweHulLahLah Ketchum and Sara H (Unknown) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 177. Mary Ketchum, age 7, Daughter of James Ketchum and Loa-tao-o-qua (Unknown) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 178. Hester Ketchum [after 1866, Nannie H. Grinter], age 13,
  • Ketchum 181. Amanda Ketchum, age 3, Daughter of James Ketchum and Loa-tao-o-qua (Unknown) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 182. Charles Ketchum, age 17, Son of Charles Ketchum Sr. and Ahpamundaqua (Journeycake) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 188. George Ketchum, age 75, son of Son of TweHulLahLah Ketchum and [mother?]
  • Ketchum 189. Mary Ketchum, age 48, Daughter of [father?] and Lucy (Unknown) Ketchum
  • Ketchum 205. Sarah Ketchum, Age 40
  • KeWeeShe 278. Ke wee she,
    • W/2 SW/4, 7-11-24, 80 acres
  • KuchQueCumUn 283. Kuch que cum un, age 2,
    • W/2 SE/4, 18-11-24, 80 acres, 80 acres
  • Lo a tow oh qua 176. Lo a tow oh qua [Mrs. James Ketchum], age 39, Daughter of [father?] and [mother?]
  • Longbone 94. Longbone, age 58,
    • W/2 SW/4, 9-11-24, 80 acres
  • Longbone 95. Mary Longbone, age 48,
    • W/2 NW/4, 16-11-24, 80 acres
  • Longbone 355. Par tet Longbone, age 17,
    • E/2 SW/4, 16-11-24, 80 acres
  • Longbone 360. Pa mo hah Longbone, age 4,
    • E/2 SW/4, 17-11-24 , 80 acres
  • Lucas 929. Rebecca Lucas, age 60,
    • W/2 NE/4, 17-11-24 , 80 acres
  • ManKaNoWha 281. Man ka no wha, age 6,
    • W/2 NE/4, 18-11-24, 80 acres
  • Marshall 36. Rosanna Marshall, Age 37, Daughter of William Henry Marshall and WiLaQueNaHo Betsy (Ketchum) Fish
  • Marshall 43. Annie Marshall [dead] age 8, Daughter of John M Marshall and Lucinda Llewellyn
  • Marshall 127. Annie [Marshall] Grinter, age 45, Daughter of William Henry Marshall and WiLaQueNaHo Betsy (Ketchum) Fish
  • Marshall 131. Rosanna Marshall [John’s daughter], age 10, Daughter of John M Marshall and Lucinda Llewellyn
  • Marshall 132. John Marshall [son of John], age 9, Son of John M Marshall and Lucinda Llewellyn
  • Marshall 333. William H Marshall, age 10, Son of John M Marshall and Lucinda Llewellyn
  • Marshall 344. Polly Marshall , age 3, Daughter of John M Marshall and Lucinda Llewellyn
  • Marshall 928. Lucinda Marshall, age 35, Daughter of [father?] and WiLaQueNaHo Betsy (Ketchum) Fish [Lucinda Llewellen??]
  • NeLaTaQueNow 234. Ne la ta que now, age 35,
    • E/2 SW/4, 19-11-24 , 80 acres
  • OhWelLunNooxQua 398. Oh well lun noox qua, age 80,
    • W/2 SW/4, 31-10-24, 80 acres
  • PoMeNow 297. Po me now. age 60,
    • W/2 SE/4, 6-11-24,80 acres
  • Pratt 25. Lovonia Pratt, Age 4
  • PuatePaCooWha 393. Puate pa coo wha, age 30 E/2
    • SW/4, 18-11-24, 80 acres
  • Qua lup pa pa na qua 29. Qua lup pa pa na qua, age 60,
    • E/2 NW/4, 16-11-24, 80 acres
  • QuaTaCheHease 361 Qua ta che hease, age 48,
    • E/2 NW/4 , 7-11-24 , 80 acres
  • Raccoon 211. Big Raccoon (dead), age 48, Son of [father?] and [mother?]
  • Raccoon 212. Sally Raccoon , age 40,
  • Rankin 72. Sarah Ann Rankin, age 30, Daughter of Arch Fish and WiLaQueNaHo Betsy (Ketchum) Fish
  • Rankin 73. Alice Rankin, age 6, Daughter of Samuel W Rankin and Sarah Ann (Fish) Rankin
  • Rankin 1048. Sally Rankin, Age 5 Daughter of Samuel W Rankin and Sarah Ann (Fish) Rankin
  • Rodgers 44. Mary Gillis Rodgers, age 36,
    • E/2 NW/4, 6-11-24, 54.32 acres and
    • W/2 W/2 NE/4, 6-11-24, 27.31 acres [total 81.63 acres]
  • Rodgers 45. Sophronia Rodgers, age 10,
    • W/2 NW/4, 6-11-24, 54.32 acres and
    • E/2 E/2 NE/4, 26.78 acres [total 81.10 acres]
  • Shawnee 887. John Shawnee, [41-46 apparently Shawnee?]
    • E/2 (half off) NE/, 20-11-24, 80 acres
  • Shawnee 888. Betsy Shawnee,
    • W/2 NE/4, 20-11-24, 80 acres
  • Shawnee 889. Susan Shawnee,
    • E/2 NW/4 , 20-11-24, 80 acres
  • Shawnee 891. Big Shawnee,
    • W/2 ,NW/4 , 21-11-24, 80 acres
  • Shawnee 892. Jane Shawnee,
    • NE/4 NW/4, 21-11-24, 40 acres and
    • Lot 3 NE/4, 21-11-24, 49 acres [total 89 acres]
  • Smith 10. Sally O. Smith, age 10,
    • Lot 5 NE/4 4-11-24, 49.02 acres and
    • SE/4 NW/4 , 4-11-24, 40 acres [total 89.2 acres]
  • Snake 324. Leonard Snake, age 64,
    • E/2 NE/4, 7-11-24, 80 acres
  • Snake 326. Sampson Snake, age 10,
    • E/2 SW/4 , 7-11-24, 80 acres
  • Staggers 139. Mary Staggers, Age 14
  • Swisher 145. Mary Swisher, Age 6, Daughter of Samuel Swisher and Ellen Zeigler
  • Swisher 320. James Swisher, Age 5, Son of Samuel Swisher and Ellen Zeigler
  • Tiblow 116. Henry Tiblow, age 40,
  • Tiblow 117. Mary A. [Marshall] Tiblow, age 35, Daughter of William Henry Marshall and WiLaQueNaHo Betsy (Ketchum) Fish
  • Tiblow 118. Virginia Tiblow, age 13,
  • Tiblow 119. Mary C. Tiblow, age 11, Daughter of Henry Tiblow and Mary Ann Marshall
  • Tiblow 120. Francis O Tiblow, Age 12, Daughter of Henry Tiblow and Mary Ann Marshall
  • Tiblow 121. Nathan Tiblow (deceased), age 8 months, Son of Henry Tiblow and Mary Ann Marshall
  • Tiblow 276. Francis O Tiblow, age 8, Daughter of Henry Tiblow and Mary Ann Marshall [Dup??] Elisa???
  • ToHaLeNoOhQua 225. To ha le no oh qua, age 10,
    • W/2 NW/4, 19-11-24, 80 acres
  • TonQuaChuch 859. Ton qua chuch, age 26, age 26,
    • W/2 SW/4, 18-11-24
  • TucKeeLunGoNarQua 280. Tuc kee lun go nar qua, age 28,
    • W/2 SE/4, 7-11-24 , 80 acres
  • TweShoQuoHe 219. Twe sho quo he [Que she qua he], age 45,
    • W/2 NW/4, 8-11-24, 80 acres
  • WaLunDaKohOhQua 296. Wa lun da koh oh qua, age 54,
    • W/2 NE/4, 7-11-24 , 80 acres
  • Washington 264. John Washington, age 7,
    • W/2 NW/4, 18-11-24 ,80 acres
  • Washington 362. Robert Washington,
    • E/2 NW/4 18-11-24, 80 acres
  • White 890. John White,
    • E/2 NW/4, 30-11-24, 80 acres
  • Wilcoxen 55. Emmet Wilcoxen [1866], Son of Oscar Wilcoxen and AquamDeGeOckwe Ketchum
  • Wilcoxen 174. Lucinda Wilcoxen, age 11, Son of Oscar Wilcoxen and AquamDeGeOckwe Ketchum
  • Wildcat 35. Nancy Wildcat Lot, age 16,
    • Lot 6 SE/4 , 9-11-2, 47.70 acres and
    • SE/4 SW/4, 9-11-24, 24.40 acres [total 72.1 acres]
  • Zeigler 69. Harriet Zeigler, Age 24, Daughter of Philip Zeigler and Elizabeth Betsy Taylor
  • Zeigler 134. Betsey Zeigler, Age 54
  • Zeigler 141. Sophia Zeigler, Age 32
  • Zeigler 144. Ellen Zeigler, Age ?, Daughter of Philip Zeigler and Elizabeth Betsy Taylor
  • Zeigler 146. George Zeigler, Age 24, Son of Philip Zeigler and Elizabeth Betsy Taylor
  • Zeigler 156. Elizabeth Z. Ketchum, age 31,
    • E/2 SE/4, 32-10-24, 80 acres
  • Zeigler 135. Henry Zeigler, Age 17, Son of Philip Zeigler and Elizabeth Betsy Taylor
  • Zeigler 136. Charles Zeigler, Age 14, Son of Philip Zeigler and Elizabeth Betsy Taylor
  • Zeigler 140. Logan Zeigler, Age 40, Son of Philip Zeigler and Elizabeth Betsy Taylor


  • Alphabetical Listing of Delaware Who Remained in Kansas in 1866

The numbers are 1862 Allotment Numbers.

  • ADAMS, William-- No. 77 age 34, with children Rachel C. Adams age 2 and Horace M. Adams age 11 months.
  • COLLINS, George--No.115 age 22.
  • DEFRIES, Mary Jane--No. 125 age 2 with children William Defries No. 894 age 5 and Elizabeth Defries 2.
  • FISH, Eliza Jane--No. 71 age 28.
  • GRINTER, Anna--No. 127 age 45.
  • GRINTER, Frances C.--No. 78 age 27 with children Mary L. Grinter No. 79 age 10, John W. Grinter No. 80 age 7, Nannie H. Grinter age 5, and Edward E. Grinter age 2
  • GRINTER, Rosanna--No. 36, age 37 with children Juliet Grinter No. 37 age 16, Henrietta F. Grinter No. 38 age 15, Marie Jane Grinter No. 39 age 13, Sarah Frances Grinter No. 40 age 11, Mary Bell Grinter No. 41 age 9, and James W. Grinter age 7, Elizabeth Grinter age 3, and Flora Grinter 15 months.
  • GRINTER, William H.--No. 128 age 25 with children No. 79 Martha Grinter age 9 and Cunningham Grinter age 2.
  • HONEYWELL, Sally--No. 111 age 36 with children Eli M. Honeywell No. 112 age 12, Susan T. Honeywell No. 112 age 9, William Honeywell No. 114 age 5, and John Honeywell age 3.
  • KETCHUM, Elizabeth Z.--(Spouse of No. 155 Lewis Ketchum). No. 156 age 31.
  • KETCHUM, John W.-- No. 47 age 24.
  • KETCHUM, Lewis--No. 155 age 52 with children Mary L. Ketchum No. 157 age 20, Jane Ketchum No. 158 age 17, Barbara Ketchum No. 159 age 16, Simon Ketchum No. 160 age 12, Silas Ketchum No. 161 age 10, Lucinda Ketchum No. 162 age 8, and Solomon Ketchum No. 163 age 5.
  • KETCHUM, Mary E.--No. 177 age 21.
  • KETCHUM, Sarah Ann--No. 205 age 40.
  • MARSHALL, Betsey--No. 70 age 66.
  • MOSES, Harriet--No. 69 age 24 with child Mary Staggers No. 139 age 14.
  • PRATT, Nannie M.--No. 24 age 24 with children Lavonia I. Pratt No. 25 age 4, Ella May Pratt age 6, and Ida Flora Pratt age 2.
  • RANKIN, Sarah Ann--No. 72 age 30 with children Alice Rankin No.73 age 9, Sally Rankin age 5, and daughter Verity P. Hamilton age 2 months.
  • STEVENSON, Mary Tiblow--No. 119 age 17 with child Rosanna Stevenson age 1.
  • SWISHER, Ellen--No. 144 age 24 with children Mary P. Swisher No. 145 age 6, James H. Swisher No. 320 age 5, John S. Swisher age 2, and Rosalie Swisher age 3 months.
  • TIBLOW, Mary Ann--No. 117 age 35 with children Virginia A. Tiblow No. 118 age 12, Richard W. C. *Tiblow No. 120 age 12, female Francis O. Tiblow No. 276 age 14, Charles Tiblow, and Nancy Jane Tiblow.
  • WILCOXEN, Melinda-- No. 173 age 36 with children Lucinda Wilcoxen No. 174 age 14 and Emmet Wilcoxen age 1.
  • ZIGLER, Betsey--No. 134 age 54 with children Henry Zigler No. 135 age 17, Charles Zigler No. 136 age 14, and Solomon Everett age 19.
  • ZIGLER, George --No. 146 age 24 with child Rachel Zigler age 2 months.
  • ZIGLER, Logan--No. 140.
  • ZIGLER, Sophia--No. 141 with children John Zigler age 4 and Emily Zigler age 2.

Listing of Delaware Who Remained in Kansas by 1862 Allotment Numbers

  • No. 24--Nannie Pratt
  • No. 25--Lavonia T. Pratt
  • No. 36--Rosanna Grinter
  • No. 37--Juliet Grinter
  • No. 38--Marie Jane Grinter
  • No. 39--Mary Jane Grinter
  • No. 40--Mary Bell Grinter
  • No. 41--James W. G.
  • No. 47--John W. Ketchum
  • No. 69--Harriet Moses
  • No. 70--Betsey Marshall
  • No. 71--Elza Jane Fish
  • No. 72--Sarah Ann Rankin
  • No. 73--Alice Rankin
  • No. 77--Williams Adams
  • No. 78--France C. Grinter
  • No. 79--John W. Grinter
  • No. 80--Nannie H. Grinter
  • No. 111--Sally Honeywell
  • No. 112--Eli M. Honeywell
  • No. 113--Susan T. Honeywell
  • No. 114--William Honeywell
  • No. 115--George O. Collins
  • No. 117--Mary Ann Tiblow
  • No. 118--Virginia A. Tiblow
  • No. 119--Mary Tiblow Stevenson
  • No. 120--Francis O. Tiblow
  • No. 125--Mary Jane Defries
  • No. 127--Anna Grinter
  • No. 128--William H. Grinter
  • No. 129--Cunningham Grinter
  • No. 134--Betsey Zigler
  • No. 135--Henry Zigler
  • No. 136--Charles Zigler
  • No. 138--Solomon Everett
  • No. 139--Mary Staggers
  • No. 141--Sophia Zigler
  • No. 144--Ellen Swisher
  • No. 145--Mary Swisher
  • No. 146--George Zigler
  • No. 155--Lewis Ketchum
  • No. 156--Elizabeth Z. Ketchum
  • No. 157--Mary L. Ketchum
  • No 158--Jame Ketchum
  • No. 159--Barbara Ketchum
  • No. 160--Simon Ketchum
  • No. 161--Silas Ketchum
  • No. 162--Lucinda Ketchum
  • No. 163--Solomon Ketchum
  • No. 173--Malinda Wilcoxen
  • No. 174--Lucinda Wilcoxen
  • No. 177--Mary E. Ketchum
  • No. 205--Sarah Ketchum
  • No. 276--Francis O. Tiblow
  • No. 320--James H. Swisher
  • No. 894--Elizabeth Defries
  • No. 1048--Sally Rankin

Annotated List of Delaware Remaining in Kansas in 1866 by Allotment Number

This entry and all other entries regarding genealogy and family history do not contain the names or data on any living person without his or her request and or permission. The numbers appearing with the names are the 1862 Allotment Numbers. The Dawes Number is the 1898 Dawes Commission Roll Number. The 1904 Census is the 1904 Cherokee Census. The first line of each entry is in the public domain. Those with the Dawes Number and/or the 1904 Cherokee Census generally indicate those persons who chose to go to Indian Territory later.

  • No. 125 Mary Jane Defries age 24 with children William Defries No. 894 age 5 and Elizabeth Defries age 2.

[Mary Jane Defries is the daughter of Anna (Marshall) Grinter No. 127 in this listing and Moses Read Grinter.] See Mary Jane Defries in the Defries Family under Family History. Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn *No. 71 Eliza Jane Fish, age 28. [Eliza Jane Fish is the daughter of Betsy Wilaquenaho (whom see below under No. 70) and possibly ________ Fish. Researchers: swiftwater@lenapedelawarehistory.net and Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 78 Frances C. Grinter, female, age 27, with children No. 79 Mary L. Grinter, age 10; No. 80 John W. Grinter, age 7; Nannie H. Grinter, age 5; and Edward E. Grinter, age 2.

[Frances Grinter is the daughter of Anna Grinter No. 127.] See Frances Grinter in the Marshall Family under Family History. Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn

  • No. 127 Anna Grinter, age 45.

[Anna nee Marshall Grinter is the daughter of Betsy Wilaquenaho (whom see below under No. 70) and William H. Marshall.] See Anna Mars hall in the Marshall Family under Family History. Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn

  • No. 128 William H. Grinter, age 25; No. 129 Martha Grinter, age 9; and, Cunningham Grinter, age 2.

[William Henry Harrison Grinter was the son of Anna (Marshall) Grinter No. 127) and Moses Read Grinter. He was born 1 Nov. 1841 in Wyandotte Co., KS and died in a hunting accident in Missouri.] See the Grinter Family under Family History. Martin Weeks

  • No. 36 Rosanna Grinter, age 37, with children No. 37 Juliet Marshall, age 16; No. 38 Henrietta F. Grinter, age 15; No. 39 Marie Jane Grinter, age 13; No. 40 Sarah Frances Grinter age 11; No. 41 Mary Bell Grinter, age 9; James W. Grinter, age 7; Elizabeth Grinter, age 3; and, Flora Grinter, age 15 months.

[Rosanna Grinter is the daughter of No. 70 Betsy Wilaquenaho and William H. Marshall.] See the Grinter Family under Family History. . Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn and Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 111 Sally Honeywell, age 36 with children No. 112 Eli M. Honeywell, age 12; No. 113 Susan T. Honeywell, age 9; No. 114 William Honeywell, age 5; and John Honeywell, age 3. See The Honeywell Family in Family History
  • No. 115 George O. Collins, age 22.
  • No. 155 Lewis Ketchum, age 52. See Biographies of Selected Lenape-Delaware.

[He later went to Oklahoma and became a member of the Delaware Tribe of Indians.] Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn

  • No. 156 Elizabeth Z. Ketchum, age 31, with children No. 157 Mary L. Ketchum, age 20; No. 158 Jane Ketchum, age 17; No. 159 Barbara Ketchum, age 16; No. 160 Simon Ketchum, age 12, No. 161 Silas Ketchum, age 10, No. 162 Lucinda Ketchum, age 8, and No. 163 Solomon Ketchum, age 5.

[Elizabeth (nee Ziegler) Ketchum was the first wife of Lewis W. Ketchum No. 115. ] See Taylor, Elizabeth in Biographies of Selected Lenape-Delaware. Researchers: Swiftwater Hahn and Vickie Wilkins]

  • No. 47 John W. Ketchum, age 24.

[John W. Ketchum is the son of Lemuel Ketchum.] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 177 Mary E. Ketchum, age 21.

[Mary E. Ketchum is the daughter of James Ketchum.] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins ]

  • No. 205 Sarah Ann Ketchum, age 40.

[Sarah Ann Ketchum is the daughter of David B. Ketchum.] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 69 Harriet Moses, age 24.

[Harriet Moses is the wife of Samuel Moses.] See Taylor, Betsy in Biographies of Selected Lenape-Delaware ] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 139 Mary Staggers, age 14.

[Mary Staggers may not be the daughter of Betsy Zigler No. 104 as we previously thought. We are working on this. Who were her parents, then?] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins and Swiftwater Hahn

  • No. 70 Betsy Marshall, age 66.

Also known as Wilaquenaho. Mother of No. 127 Anna Grinter and No. 36 Rosanna Grinter. See Biographies of Selected Lenape-Delaware. Researchers Swiftwater Hahn and Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 72 Sarah Ann Rankin, age 30, with children No. 173 Alice Rankin, age 9; No. 1048 Sally Rankin, age 5; and Verity P. Hamilton, age 2 months. See Biographies of Selected Lenape-Delaware,
  • No. 144 [Mary] Ellen Swisher, age 24 with children No. 145 Mary P. Swisher, age 6; No. 320 James H. Swisher, age 5; John S. Swisher, age 2; and Rosalie Swisher, age 3 months.
  • No. 173 Melinda Wilcoxen, age 36 with children No. 174 Lucinda Wilcoxen, age 14; and No. 174 Emmet Wilcoxen, age 1. Melinda was the wife of Rezin Wilcoxen. See Melinda Wilcoxen in Biographies of Selected Lenape-Delaware.
  • No. 134 Betsey Zigler, age 54 with children No. 135 Henry Zigler, age 17 and No. 136 Charles Zigler, age 14.

See Taylor, Elizabeth (Betsy) in Biographies of Lenape-Delaware. Researcher Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 138 Solomon Everett, age 19.

[Solomon Everett may not be the son of Logan Zigler No. 140 as we previously thought.] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins and Swiftwater Hahn

  • No. 140 Logan Zigler, age 40, [and spouse, next as No. 141 Sophia Zigler].

[Logan Zigler was born in St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO or Stone County, MO, 3 April 1825. He settled In Wyandotte Co., and was the oldest in 1879 he was the oldest inhabitant of Leavenworth Co., KS. (Gleed, Charles S., ed., Kansas Memorial, A Report of the Old Settlers' Meeting Held at Bismark Grove, Kansas, September 15th and 16th, 1879. Kansas City, 1879, p. 255. Logan was buried in the Delaware Cemetery near Eudora, Kansas.] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 141 Sophia Zigler, age 32, with children John Zigler, age 4 and Emily Zigler, age 2.
  • No. 146 George Zigler, age 24 with child Rachel Zigler, age 2 months.

[George Zigler is the son of Betsy Zigler No. 134.] Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

  • No. 77 William Adams, age 34 with children Rachel C. Adams, age 2 and Horace M. Adams, age 11 months.
  • No. 119 Mary Tiblow Stevenson, age 17 with child Rosanna Stevenson, age 1.
  • No. 117 Mary Ann Tiblow, age 35, with children No. 118 Virginia A. Tiblow, age 19; No. 120 Richard W. C. Tiblow, age 12;
  • No. 276 Francis O. Tiblow, age 14, Charles Tiblow, and Nancy Jane Tiblow. See Marshall, Mary Ann in the Marshall Family under Family History.
  • No. 24 Nannie M. Pratt, age 24 with children No. 25 Lavonia May Pratt, age 6; Ella May Pratt, age 4; and Ida Florence Pratt, age 2.

[Nannie M. Pratt, Lavonia May Pratt, and Ella May Pratt later became members of the Delaware Tribe of Indians. Nannie May nee Journeycake Pratt was born 28 August 1843 and died 11 Oct. 1843, the daughter of Rev. Charles Journeycake and Jane Socia. Her spouse, Lucius Bolles Pratt was born 17 July 1841 at the Shawnee Baptist Mission in present Johnson Co., KS, the son of John Gill Pratt and Olivia Evans. Nannie Journeycake and Lucius Pratt were married 2 March 1860 at the Delaware Baptist Mission. He died 7 Sept. 1865. [Barry, The Beginning of the West, p. 433. Nannie was also married to Jacob H. Bartles, by whom she had children born in Oklahoma (Harry Roark, Charles Journeycake., pp. 98-99).] Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn

Family Lines


Kansas Delaware Homepage

WikiTree Project link Trail of Tears



The Final Rolls, Cherokees by Blood, Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory, Delaware Cherokees March. 1907 on the authority of an act approved by Congress on 21 June 21, 1906



Right now this project just has one member, me. I am Kirt Fetterling.

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  • Sorting through a copy of this list and sorting via last name, First, Allotment number. We need to know how this person attaches to our tree.
  • Creation of non existent profiles adding this to the top of the profile before BIOGRAPHY.
  • Researching of individuals to attach them to our ONE TREE in WikiTree.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Native Americans Project WikiTree and Kirt Fetterling. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 6

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Kirt, very nice work! I can tell this is a passion project for you. Well done!
posted by Ronald Prentice
Following your progress. This is a great project but I find the length of this particular page and the duplicate sections cumbersome and am not sure how to USE it.

I can't help but wonder if -- for the lists -- a single spreadsheet would be easier to use, allowing sorting by either allotment or surname or ... but that would suggest a google doc/spreadsheet. Not sure how you feel about that.

I find I also want to see a section entitled Suggested Family Units. (If this was a spreadsheet that could be a column that when sorted would display the individuals in groups.)

You also say you want involvement by others. No one (but me?) knows you're doing this amazing work. You might want to post to g2g, perhaps: Seeking descendants and researchers of Kansas Delaware [Indians?].

This is an amazing project. Just challenging in terms of how best to organize its display...

How else can I help you?

posted by Jillaine Smith
Thank you Jillaine, I have been busy trying to recruit one of my cousins who went with the tribe to Oklahoma. This is a large project and I want to make sure I do this justice. I agree that the profile page needs to be reduced and duplicate records removed. At this point I am keeping the duplication so that others know this is not my work but the work of may people over quite a few years. The records are important for discovery. Once I'm certain that the family units are correct, I will reduce the duplication, and yes perhaps put in a spreadsheet to better fit within the profile page. Thank you so much for following this project. I will also consider a G2G posting once I'm certain the project is ready for more input. It's important to keep the initial project small and directed to who, where, when, and yes WHY! Vickie Peach has promised me some of her and Chief Tomas Swiftwater 's documentation, and once I have it documented and redundancy's reduced, I will certainly post to G2G. Thank you again; Kirt Fetterling
posted by Kirt Fetterling
Kirt, because of the privacy settings, I can't edit this page. Are you okay opening it up? If not, add to top of profile, in double square brackets, "Category:Delaware_Nation" without the quotation marks. On the Privacy tab, change Native Americans Project to be profile manager, and that will achieve co-management. You can then delete both of these comments.
posted by Jillaine Smith
Kirt, this looks like a great page, and it would be good to get it more visibility. A couple of things:

1. Could you please add [email address removed] to the Trusted List so project volunteers can follow along? (We're also happy to co-manage, but that's up to you.)

2. Consider adding categories like Delaware_Nation so that folks interested in the Delaware people might find this.

Nice work!

posted by Jillaine Smith
Update 11/14/19

I am sorting through all the allotment ID's listed on the Thomas Swiftwater Hahn link. I'm 80% done researching the conflicting numbers where individuals numbers were a few digits off. The errors are mostly within the same family. I will put up my revised list above the original data it was comprised from. The revised listing to be available prior to Thanksgiving 2019.

The next phase is to see if I can get help from our current tribal rolls administrator, and have them assist in filling parents for unknown persons in preparation of adding them ALL to WikiTree.

I'll see also if I can improve this page, and insert a few maps of the area and allotment.

If you read this, drop me a line..

posted by Kirt Fetterling