Location: Hocking County, Ohio, United States
Surname/tag: Donaldson
Location: Hocking County, Ohio, United States
Surname/tag: Donaldson
This page has been accessed 104 times.
Named in Estate
- Henderson Donelson, deceased
- Sarah Donaldson, daughter of deceased
- Almirah Donaldson, daughter of deceased
- Hannah Donaldson, daughter of deceased
- Caroline Starr, daughter of deceased
- Eleanor Glaze, daughter of deceased
- Henryetta Donaldson, daughter of deceased
- Syntha A Guess, daughter of deceased
- Gilbert A Donaldson, executor and son of deceased
- Mary Ellen Donaldson, granddaughter of deceased
- Elizabeth Donaldson, granddaughter of deceased
Contents |
- Date: 27 Mar 1872
- In the name of the Benevolent Father of all, I, Henderson Donelson do publish this my last will and testament
- Item 1st: It is my will and desire first of all that all of my just debts with my funeral expenses be paid out of my personal assets.
- Item 2nd: I will and bequeath to my daughter Sarah the sum of one thousand dollars.
- Item 3rd: I will and bequeath to my daughter Almirah the sum of one thousand dollars.
- Item 4th: I will and bequeath to my daughter Hannah the sum of one thousand dollars.
- Item 5th: I will and bequeath to my daughter Caroline Starr the sum of seven hundred dollars, two hundred being already paid.
- Item 6th: I will and bequeath to my daughter Eleanor Glaze the sum of seven hundred dollars, two hundred being already paid.
- Item 7th: I will and bequeath to my daughter Henryetta the sum of seven hundred dollars, three hundred being already paid.
- Item 8th: I will and bequeath to my daughter Syntha A Guess the sum of six hundred dollars, two hundred and sixty dollars being already paid.
- Item 9th: I will and bequeath to my two granddaughters Mary Ellen and Elizabeth Donelson the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars each.
- Item 10th: It my will that after my decease, that all of the foregoing sums be paid out of my real and personal estate and what ever should remain over and above paying all of said sums that the balance be equally divided among my lawful heirs.
- Item 11th: I do hereby nominate and appoint Gilbert A Donelson executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby authorizing and empowering him to compromise adjust release and discharge in such manner as he may deem proper the debts and claims due me.
- Item 12th: It my will that after my decease all my real and personal property be praised and sold according to law.
- Item 13th: I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made
- In testimony hereof I here onto set my hand and seal this 27th day of March in the year AD 1872.
- Henderson Donelson (seal)
- Signed and acknowledged by said Henderson Donelson as his last will and testament in our presence and signed by us in his presence
- Jess Robey
- Amos H Adcock
- Date: 06 Mar 1873
- I Henderson Donelson do publish this codicil to my last will and testament this 6th day of March AD 1873.
- Item 1st: I will to each of my daughters namely Sarah Almyra and Hannah one cow each
- Item 2nd: I will to each of my daughters Sarah Almyra and Hannah each of them one good bed and bedding and also to Sarah Almyra and Hannah each of them one fancy quilt and one blanket each.
- Item 3rd: I wish that all the ballance of my beds and bed clothes be equally divided among my lawful heirs residing in Hocking County Ohio. I wish in lieu therof that Amos Donelson and Caroline Starr have each ten dollars in money out of estate.
- In testimony thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in the day and year above mentioned.
- Henderson Donelson (seal)
- Signed and acknowledged by Henderson Donelson in our presence and signed by us in his presence.
- Jesse Robey
- Thomas Y Cook, Sen
Application for Administration
- Date: 31 Mar 1873
- Case 966. Hocking County Probate, Ohio
- Executor: Gilbert A Donelson
Notice of Appraisment
- Date: 31 Mar 1873
- Estate of Henderson Donaldson, deceased
- An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate and Property of Henderson Donaldson late of Hocking County, deceased, will be taken at his late residence in Green Township, on the Eighth day of April 1873 and continue from day to day thereafter, if necessary, until completed.
- Dated this 31st day of March 1873
- GA Donaldson, executor
- The State of Ohio, Hocking County } ss
- Gilbert A Donaldson Executor of the Estate of Henderson Donaldson, deceased, makes oath that copies of the above notice were posted up in two of the most public places in Green Township, in which the deceased last dwelt, on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1873, and that Cynthia Ann Guess, Elleanor Glaze, Henrietta Donaldson, Sarah Donaldson, Almira Donaldson and Hannah Donaldson, who all reside in Hocking County were duly notified of the time and place of making such inventory and Appraisment, not less than five days previous thereto.
- GA Donelson, Exr
- Subscribed and Sworn to this 9th day of April 1873
- WL Acker, Probate Judge
- Order to Appraise
- The State of Ohio, Hocking County} ss
- To Henry Taylor, Zachariah Linton and Alexander Guess, greeting:
- You having been appointed by the Probate Court of said County to take an Inventory and Appraisal of the personal goods and chattels of the Estate of Henderson Donalson late of the Township of Green in said County, deceased;
- These are, therefore, to Authorize and Require you well and truly to appraise all the goods and chattels of the deceased, which shall be presented to you by the Executor, and a true and accurate Inventory thereof, and perform all other duties required by law of you in the premises, as appraisers, etc, and make and sign, that the same may be returned to this office within three months from the date hereof.
- Witness: WL Acker, Judge of the Probate Court at Logan, this 31st day of March, A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Three
- WL Acker, Probate Judge
- The State of Ohio, Hocking County} ss
- We, the Undersigned, do make solemn oath that we will truly, honestly and impartially appraise the Estate and Property that may be exhibited to us, belonging to the Estate of Henderson Donelson, deceased, and perform the other duties required by law of us in the premises as appraisers, etc, according to the best of our knowledge and ability.
- Zachariah Linton
- Alex Guess
- R.H. Taylor
- Sworn to and Subscribed before me, this 8th day of April A.D. 1873
- Jesse Robey (seal)
- We, the Undersigned, appraisers of the Estate and Property of Henderson Donaldson, deceased, after having been duly sworn, have made an Inventory and Appraisment thereof, as hereinafter set forth.
Debtor Description Principal Interest Due Value Peoples Bank Certificate Dep 800.00 11.33 811. 33 822.66 Peoples Bank Certificate Dep 100.00 52 100.52 100.52 A. Brown & Co Land Note 600.00 61.30 661.30 661.30 Homers James Bairds Land Note 110.00 31 110.31 110.31 Gilbert A Donelson Land Note 200.00 7.55 207.55 207.55 Money On Hand Estate 100.00 100.00 Geo S Johns Judgement 559.17 39.14 598.31 598.31
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