Location: Southland, New Zealand

This List has been complied from: The Original list of passengers established from those booked with Union Company, a list of passengers reported to have joined the Tararua at Port Chalmers without booking at the office, Subsequent published lists of crew & passengers, Notes from New Paper reports, Burial Records and Linked Personal Trees & files from Ancestry.com.
Contents |
- Adams, W - 1881/3568
- Aitken, Miss Jennie - 1881/3575 Aitken Jo NR
- Stewardess:
- (body found) formerly onboard the Ringarooma
- Armstead, Alfred - 1881/3566 Armstead Alfred NR
- Armstead, S - 1881/3569
- Barrett, James (Burnett) - survived
- Able Seaman
- Brien, William - 1881/3573
- Campbell, Colin - 1881/3578 Campbell C NR
- a boy age 14 of Port Chalmers "Tommy" the boy (brass cleaner) (actually 16y)
- Cartledge, J S - 1881/3574 Cartledge Thomas NR
- Bedroom Steward
- Collins, James (W. Collins) - 1881/3559
- Fore-cabin steward:
- de Silva, Charles - 1881/3537
- Messroom steward:
- (a Malay)
- Denz, Franz / Frank - Survived
- Able Seaman
- German
- Davidson, William - 1881/3560 and/or 1881/4242
- Second-cabin steward:
- (body found)
- Dixon / Dickson, Thomas - Survived
- Able Seaman
- Tasmainian
- Ellen, Charles (Allan) - 1881/3571
- Chief Steward:
- formerly in the Wakatipu in a similar capacity
- Garrard, Francis George - 1881/4143
- Master:
- body found with watch, locket containing portrait of mother of his intended wife
- Engaged to a Miss Buckhurst, of Emerald Hill, Melbourne.
- DOB 2 Mar 1852
- Father Joseph
- Haynes, Thomas - 1881/3558
- Horan, George (J) - 1881/2718
- sailor
- 19yrs old
- Johnston, Edward - Survived
- Able Seaman
- Jones, William Bayly - 1881/2714
- Purser:
- (body found)
- m 1864/3937 / Elizabeth Melesina Tipping & William Bayley Jones
- Kaimera, Louie ( Karmena, Louis)
- Second Cook
- Name and if he was actualy on the boat not confirmed
- Lindsay, Robert - Survived
- First Officer
- Chief Mate
- Livingston, Alexander - 1881/5589
- Second Engineer:
- (body brought to Dunedin where his parents live)
- Maloney, Edward - Survived
- Second Officer:
- "I hold a second mate's certificate from the Victorian Board (No. 143) Under employment of the Union Steamship Company for three years and five months."
- Second Officer:
- Maher, James - Survived
- Engineers Storekeeper / Fireman
- Mackaliney
- Michalaieff, Antonio ( Anthony Cauliff) - Survived (Miscalef, michalieff, michaeleff, micauliffe)
- Chief Cook:
- Morrison, John - 1881/271
- Carpenter:
- Munro, Alexander - 1881/2715
- Chief Engineer:
- (body found) (had a little stepson with him, aged seven)
- Nicholson, Torgnal (Tor Quel) (Nicolson) - Survived
- Able Seaman
- Danish
- Polson, Hugh - 1881/3577 Polson H NR
- Able Seaman
- Quinlan, James - 1881/3567
- Fireman
- Rohl, Frank - Survived
- Fireman
- German
- Smith, William - 1881/3557
- Pantry man:
- Stewart, Charles - Survived
- Able Seaman
- Sutherland, Andrew (Alexander Sutherland) - 1881/2716
- Third Engineer:
- Leaves a wife and even children who are residing at Port Chalmers.
- Warren, James - 1881/3572
- Second steward:
- (has a twin brother on board the Hawea, and this poor young man's distress of mind can easily be imagined
- Weston, John - Survived
- Able Seaman
- Swedish
- Anderson, Peter - 1881/3063
- Mr P.
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Anderson - 1881/4816
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Andrew, H.N.G. - 1881/4814
- Mr H.N.G. (H N J )
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Armitage, John - 1881/5532
- Rev. J.
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Ashworth, J - 1881/5548
- Mr J
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- (body identified by his son who resides near Leithfield. 15 sovereigns found on body)
- ~DOB 1818 - Castleton, Lancashire, England
- Father - Abraham Ashworth
- Wife - Elizabeth Tweedale m. 11 November 1844 - Rochdale
- Bailey, Thomas - 1881/4256
- Mr W Thomas
- Dunedin to Bluff - saloon
- Bainbridge, J - 1881/3056 Bainbridge J NR or 1881/4797 Bainbridge John 22Y
- Mr J
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Barry, John - 1881/4815
- Mr John
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Bassett, W - 1881/5541
- Mr W.
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Bell, William - 1881/5576
- Mr William
- Auckland to Melbourne - saloon
- (brother to Mr Bell, an architect of Auckland)
- Boyle - 1881/5547
- Mr
- Lyttelton to the Bluff - steerage
- Mr
- Brenan, Martin - 1881/4792
- from Wangaloa
- Brennan 1881/5556 Brennan NR And Three Children NR
- Mrs M. J.
- From Tauranga for Hobart - saloon:
- Actualy Didnt sail but deaths registered in Error
- We learn from Mr. Cleary, of the Railway Department, that Mrs. Brennan and three children, whose names were amongst the passengers we published by the Tarurua for Hobart, are not amongst those lost, they having luckily remained in Dunedin to wait for the next boat. - Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVIX, Issue 3723, 3 May 1881
- Brennan
- Child
- Actualy Didnt sail but deaths registered in Error
- Brennan
- Child
- Actualy Didnt sail but deaths registered in Error
- Brennan
- Child
- Actualy Didnt sail but deaths registered in Error
- Brown, Robert - 1881/5565
- Mr Robert
- (body found)
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Bryant - 1881/4800
- Mr
- Dunedin to Hobart - steerage:
- Bryant nee????
- Mrs
- Dunedin to Hobart - steerage
- Burgett, Clancey - 1881/5558
- Mr C
- Wellington to Melbourne - saloon
- Campbell, Donald - 1881/5535
- Dr Colin
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Campbell, Maria Esther nee Fraser - 1881/5536
- Mrs
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Campbell, John Fraser - 1881/3402
- Child
- Campbell, Jane Barthwick
- Child
- Campbell, Donald - 1881/3403
- Child
- Campbell, Esther
- Child
- Carlberg, Carl - 1881/4799
- Mr Carl
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Swedish
- Chapman, John ??
- from Oamaru
- Chatterton, John - Survived
- Mr
- Auckland to Melbourne - steerage
- Connal, Ebenezer (Connell) - 1881/5575
- Mr E
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Wife - Connal, Sarah - nee Drewbury
- Cook, "Harry" Henry Agrippa - 1881/3551
- Mr Harry A
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Cook - 1881/3546
- Crawford, Robert M - 1881/5534
- Mr R.G.
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- (body found)
- Daly, J. - 1881/5557
- Mr J
- Napier to Melbourne - steerage
- Davis, Thomas (Dairs, Davies) - survived
- Mr T
- Wellington to Melbourne - steerage
- Davis, Daniel - 1881/5531
- Mr Daniel
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Dean, Robert - 1881/4808
- Deely, Henry - Survived
- Denz, ? - 1881/5578
- Mrs
- Auckland to Melbourne - steerage
- Denz, ?
- Infant / Girl
- Dobson, John - 1881/4238 or 1881/4813
- Mr J.
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Abt 34
- Dobson, William - 1881/4809
- Mr William
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Dowdall, M (Daudell, Dondall) - 1881/3549 Dondall M NR
- Mr M
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Downes, William Michael -
- Wellington to Melbourne - saloon
- Married 8 or 9 mths -
- M 16 Aug 1880 - https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/TS18800817.2.6
- Downes, Margaret (nee Gallagher) - 1881/5560
- Mrs E.W.M.
- Wellington to Melbourne - saloon
- Dunn
- Mrs
- Did Not Sail
- Dunn
- Child
- Did Not Sail
- Dunn
- Child
- Did Not Sail
- Dunn
- Child
- Did Not Sail
- Dunn
- Child
- Did Not Sail
- Ellis, Alexander - 1881/3553
- from Wangaloa
- English, Dennis Peter - 1881/5751
- from Oamaru
- (two brothers)
- shearer
- Australian
- At The Bluff, New Zealand, in the wreck of the SS Tararua, Patrick William English, aged 29, and Dennis Peter English, aged 25, the beloved brothers of Mrs. James Lyons, of Mount Gambier. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article77153862
- 1856 Victoria Australia to John English & Mary Toohey
- English, Patrick 'William'
- from Oamaru
- shearer
- Australian
- Eva, John Oliver - 1881/4802
- Mr J.O.
- Dunedin to Melbourne - saloon
- M. 1871/6066 Louisa Eliza Fish John Oliver Eva
- Flaherty, John - 1881/3538
- from Timaru
- Flowers, Edward - 1881/3540
- from Timaru
- Garton, George - No Death Registration -
- (Body Found)
- Gibb, Henry - 1881/3548
- Gillingham, Steven England - 1881/5540
- Mr
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- DOB 22 Nov 1843
- Also on Gravestone
- Francis Robert Gillingham 7/7/1849 - 28/2/1852
- Arthur Gillingham 1/9/1860 - 7/5/1864
- Alfred Gillingham 27/11/1862 -1/8/1865
- Also on Gravestone
- Glenson, Peter Christian (Glenman) - No Death Registration
- from Lawrence
- Gordon, John - 1881/5538
- Mr John
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- (A railway guard who was going home on a six months' leave of absence.)
- Gough, Charles - 1881/5539
- Mr Charles
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Aged 38 from England
- Brother James
- Left Wife and family behind
- Gough, Neil - 1881/5542
- Mr Neil
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Green, William - 1881/5530
- Mr William
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Grey, George - 1881/4794
- Mr George
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- About 35 years of age from Tyvie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
- Hanson, Benjamin - 1881/5551
- Mr B
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Swedish
- 31 years of age
- Hardie - 1881/4811
- (brother of Mr J Hardie, clothier) from Dunedin
- Hill, William - Survived
- Mr
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Hill, Elizabeth nee???? - 1881/5549
- Mrs
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Hill, Elizabeth - 1881/5549
- infant
- 7.5 mnths
- Holt, Charles - 1881/5544
- Mr Charles
- Wellington to Melbourne - steerage
- abt 26
- Inglis - 1881/3545
- Jones, Elizabeth Melesina (nee Tipping) - 1881/5533
- Mrs W.B
- Wife of the pursur
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- m 1864/3937 / Elizabeth Melesina Tipping & William Bayley Jones
- Jones, Thomas - 1881/5553
- Mr T
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Oxford, England
- Joyce, John - 1881/5562
- From Oamaru
- Kelly, Mary - 1881/5577
- Miss Mary
- Auckland to Hobart - steerage
- Lawrence, George L - Survived
- Mr
- Lyttelton to the Bluff - steerage
- Mackay, Donald - 1881/4810
- from Mosgiel
- Macfarlane, A - 1881/3541
- from Timaru
- McLaren - 1881/3543
- Marsh, Russell - 1881/5561 Marsh R B S NR or 1881/3044 Marsh Robert Shaw Bushal NR
- McKenzie, Alexander (Mackenzie) - 1881/3544 McKenzie NR NR
- shearer
- Martin, George - 1881/4807
- Mr George
- age 55 - Tayport, Fitheshire
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Brother of Andrew & James Martin
- Mitchell, E - 1881/5574
- Mr
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Munro - 1881/4805
- Stepson of Alexander Munro (Chief Engineer)
- Nicholson, Peter - 1881/4803
- from Mosgiel
- O'Sullivan, T - 1881/5543
- Mr T
- Wellington to Melbourne - steerage
- Paisley, Alexander - 1881/3552
- About 23
- Paul, Jane
- (alive) - Didnt leave on ship
- Penman
- Mr
- Wellington to Bluff - steerage
- Rae, Alexander - 1881/4248 and/or 1881/4793
- Mr A.
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- age about 30
- Ramsay, William Ogilvy - 1881/4804
- Mr W.O.
- Dunedin to Melbourne - saloon
- Son of Rev. D. Ogilvy Ramsay
- Richardson, John Bell - 1881/5573
- Rev. J.B.
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Robins, George - Survived
- Mr George
- (saved)
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Rogers
- Mr L
- Sydney to Bluff - saloon
- Missed the sailing and was not on the vessel
- Rosenfeldt - 1881/3555
- Mrs H
- Rosenfeldt
- Child
- Rosenfeldt
- Child
- Rosenfeldt
- Child
- Rosenfeldt
- Child
- Rydings, Eliza (nee Swift) - 1881/5537
- English
- Servant of Dr Campbell
- Sarah - 1881/5579
- Mr
- Auckland to Melbourne - steerage
- Scoone, John (Scown) - 1881/3064 and/or 1881/5552
- Mr J
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- Sharp - 1881/5546
- Mr
- Lyttelton to the Bluff - steerage
- Shaw, C
- Mr R.S.B.
- Wellington to Melbourne - saloon
- Shrevar,C - 1881/3550
- Mr C
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Tellien, Gustaf (Gustav) (Zelben/ Thalin) - Survived
- Mr
- Wellington to Melbourne - steerage
- Swedish
- Wallace, Joseph - 1881/4237 and/or 1881/5568
- Mr Joseph
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- (body found - in his pocket a through ticket for England, per s.s. Liguria) from Lyttelton
- Waterhouse, Joseph - 1881/5555
- Rev. J
- (he was very cool and calm)
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Saloon
- Son of John -
- Waterhouse , I - 1881/5566
- Son of Joseph
- Welsh, Roger (Walsh) - 1881/3539
- from Timaru
- White, William - 1881/5554
- Mr William
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- (Whitelaw Robert) - 1881/3565 Whitelaw R NR?
- Williams, John - Survived
- Mr
- Wellington to Melbourne - steerage
- Wilson, W R - 1881/4812
- From Timaru
- Married
- Wiltshire, George - 1881/5545
- Mr G
- Wellington to Melbourne - steerage
- Wright, Robert - 1881/4806
- Mr Robert
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Young, James - 1881/4795
- Mr James
- Steerage - Dunedin to Melbourne
- Young, William - 1881/5550
- Mr William
- Lyttelton to Melbourne - Steerage
- About 45ys from Dundee
- Wife And 4 Children
- Boot & Shoe maker
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