Location: Chapel View, Portsea, Hampshire
Surname/tag: Whitehouse
Location: Chapel View, Portsea, Hampshire

Surname/tag: Whitehouse
This page has been accessed 128 times.
- Note: Data presented in Italic form did not appear on the 1881 census but is known data from other sources.
1881 UK Census - Albert Sheldon Whitehouse & Family, Chapel View, Portsea, Hampshire [1]
- Head: Albert Sheldon Whitehouse age 31, (e1850), West Bromwich, Staffordshire, occ: Railway Signalman [1]
- Wife: Amelia (Rand) Whitehouse 34, (e1841), Cowes, Hampshire, [2]
- Daughter: Florence K Whitehouse, 8 (e1873) Walsall, Staffordshire [3]
- Son: William S Whitehouse 6 (e1875) Walsall, Staffordshire [4]
- Son: Walter S Whitehouse 4 (e1877) Walsall, Staffordshire [5]
- Son: Arthur J Whitehouse 2 (e1879) Portsea, Hampshire [6]
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