20 Oct 1885
16 Jan 1886
Location: Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia
Surnames/tags: cholera immigration
Location: Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia
Surnames/tags: cholera immigration
This page has been accessed 11 times.
- 1885 'REUTERS AGENCY.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 1 December, p. 6. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- BATAVIA, November 28.
- The B.I.S.N. Company's R.M.S. Dorunda, from London 20th October, left to-day outwards.
- 1885 'QUEENSLAND NEWS.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 10 December, p. 6. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- COOKTOWN, December 9.
- The B.I.S.N. Company's R.M.S. Dorunda, arrived this morning from London. She was detained forty-eight hours at Aden owing to the non-arrival of the P. and O. Company's steamer with the mails. There was one birth, and three infants died, during the voyage, and dysentery was very prevalent. The Dorunda brings the following passengers. For Cooktown - Dr. Schoelig, Mr. Drees, and Mr. Russell; for Townsville - Mr. Arnott; for Mackay - G.B. Radcliffe ; for Brisbane, Mr. C.M. Woodford, collector for the British Museum, She also brings 17 immigrants for Cooktown, 15 for Townsville, 4 for Mackay, 22 for Rockhampton, and 259 for Brisbane.
- Cargo : For Cooktown, 23 tons ; Townsville, 276 tons; Bowen, 23 tons; Mackay, 12 tons; Rockhampton, 40 tons ; Brisbane, 1757 tons.
- The Dorunda resumed her voyage southward at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
- 1885 'The Doctor Arrested.', The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 11 December, p. 5. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- The Doctor Arrested.
- Urgent Message.
- Townsville. Friday. 1.50 p.m.
- Indignation is very strong against Dr. Ridgley, who will not remain in quarantine. He has visited the northern anchorage, where the Dorunda is lying, and on his return will be arrested under Quarantine Aot on information sworn by three leading citizens.
- 1885 'SHIPPING.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 11 December, p. 4. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- Dorunda, B.I.S.N. Company's R.M.S.. from London for Brisbane, via ports, left Cooktown at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, and arrived in Cleveland Bay yesterday afternoon. In consequence of the outbreak of cholera she proceeds to Moreton Bay direct, where she will be quarantined.
- 1885 'Cholera on hoard the Dorunda.', The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), 11 December, p. 2. (Afternoon Edition.), viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- Cholera on hoard the Dorunda.
- Cooktown. December 10.
- The Dorunda arrived this afternoon. There is cholera on board. Three died during the 24 hours before arrival, and several more are suffering.
- 1885 'CHOLERA OUTBREAK.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 11 December, p. 4. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- TOWNSVILLE, December 10.
- CONSIDERABLE consternation was caused here this afternoon by the report that an outbreak of cholera had occurred on board the R.M.S. Dorunda, which arrived at midday from London. When the vessel was visited by the Health Officer (Dr. Ridgley) it was reported by Dr. Hinckley, the ship's doctor, that an alarming epidemic had broken out since leaving Cooktown, four persons-one adult and three children-having died. After conversation with Dr. Hinckley, from the steamer, Dr. Ridgley went on board and examined the patients, finding sixteen seriously ill, four of whom were apparently dying. The symptoms are said to be those of Asiatic cholera-violent vomiting, cramps, and purging, the stools resembling rice water. A man who was quite well yesterday morning was dead before night. Dr. Hinckley, it is said, would not express an opinion as to the nature of the disease, but said the passengers had been troubled with disease more or less throughout the voyage, although no serious illness occurred until yesterday. A child in the saloon is also very ill; the symptoms are not exactly the same as those apparent with the immigrant patients, but little hope is entertained of its recovery.
- It is presumed that the infection was brought on board the ship while at Batavia. After remaining on board for more than a quarter of an hour, Dr. Ridgley returned in his launch, and ordered the ship into quarantine, and the yellow flag, was hoisted at once. He refused to allow the cargo to be worked or the passengers landed. Those on the launch were indignant that Dr. Ridgley should return after having been in contact with the infected persons, and this evening the doctor's action has been severely criticised. The mayor has written him a letter pointing out that he has contravened the Quarantine Act, and requesting him to keep within his own house until he (the mayor) has communicated with the Colonial Secretary. Meanwhile the mayor telegraphed to Mr. Griffith.
- On coming ashore Dr. Ridgley telegraphed to the Colonial Secretary for instructions, and received orders to prohibit all communication with the vessel,to send her on direct to Brisbane, and have the mails fumigated. This last order was useless, as the mails had been transhipped at Cooktown to the City of Melbourne and landed here about 4 o'clock, and were being sorted when the message from the Colonial Secretary was received. Some of the letters were, in fact, already in private hands.
- Upon receiving these orders, the post office was closed for the purpose of having the mails fumigated to-morrow morning. :The instructions of the Colonial Secretary were conveyed to the vessel. Dr. Ridgley was also advised to obtain the services of another medical man to assist Dr. Hinckley. There are 25 saloon passengers and 320 immigrants on board the Dorunda, and all panic-stricken, except Captain Sayers and the doctor, who have, since the epidemic appeared, had all the patients under control.
- 1885 'BRISBANE.', The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), 14 December, p. 2. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- Monday.
- The " Dorunda," from Townsville, arrived in Moreton Bay at 8.25 this morning, she did not call at Port Alma as expected; the Governnent steamer "Otter" goes down this morning to complete arrangements for quarantining the passengers ; no information regarding the spread of sickness on board has been received.
- 1885 'Shipping Intelligence.', The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 15 December, p. 4. , viewed 04 Nov 2022,
- December 14.— DORUNDA, B.I.S.N. Company's R.M.S., 2,977 tons. Captain Savers, from London, via ports, in quarantine at Peel Island. Saloon passengers : For Mackay— Mr. B. G. Radcliff. For Townsville— Mr. T. S. Arnott. For Brisbane— Mrs. Hickling, Mr. and Mrs. Larkin, Mrs. Dees and child, Mr. and Mrs J. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Salter and 2 children, Mr. J.C. and Mrs. Moffatt, Messrs. C. M Woodford, H. G. Biscoe. E. Atkinson, G. Phillips, A. Spears. and W. R. Strong. Immigrants : 15 for Townsville, 4 for Mackay, 22 for Rockhamton, and 259 for Brisbane.
- Passengers eventually embarked 16 January 1886.
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