14 Apr 1900
Location: New Castle County, Delaware, United States
Surname/tag: Jones
Location: New Castle County, Delaware, United States

Surname/tag: Jones
This page has been accessed 67 times.
- Estate of Miles T Jones. [1]
- Manlove S Jones, Administrator
- Date: 14 Apr 1900
- Location: New Castle Delaware
Contents |
Estate of Miles T Jones
05 Apr 1900
- I am willing my son Manlove S Jones to administer on the Estate of Miles T Jones who of late died March 29, 1900. And it is perfect satisfaction to me.
- Rachel A Jones
- John Johnston Jr
05 Apr 1900
- From: Calvin W Crossan, Esquire, Register of Wills, Wilmington, Delaware
- Dear Sir, We, the widow and children of Miles T Jones, late of Appoquinimink Hundred, New Castle County and State of Delaware, deceased, do severally waive and renounce our right to administer on the Estate of the said Miles T Jones, and request that Letters of Administration be granted unto Manlove S Jones, one of the children of the said Miles T Jones, who died intestate March 29, 1900
- Yours very truly,
- Julia S Wright
- Emma V Banks
- Rhoda A Walter
- John H Jones
- Arcne Thompson
- Elizabeth A Jones Redmond
- Purnell F Jones
- Joseph Jones
23 Apr 1900
- Estate of Miles T Jones, deceased
- Inventory and Appraisement of the Goods and Chattels of Miles T Jones, deceased, made this 23rd day of April 1900
- This inventory of the goods and chattels, and list of debts, shall be delivered into the Register's Office, within six months from the grant of letters.
Qty Description Value 1 Bedstead 15 1 Mahogney Desk 35 1 Stand 25 1 Cane Setee 100 1 Cane Rocker 25 2 Cook stove 300 2 Tables 100 1 Setee 30 1 Lot dishes 100 1 Box 50 1 Bureau 100 25 Yds straw matting 125 1 Looking glass 30 1 Bedstead 50 2 Sm feather beds 600 14 Yds engrain carpet 50 1 Stand 25 1 Sausage grinder + 4 shoots 410 2 Harrow + Plow, half doz hens 380 1 Br Girth, 3 turkey hens + 1 gobbler 325 1 Bay horse, 1/2 interest in wheat 1875 2 Bu 5 acres of wheat 550 1 Horse cart 250 Total 5550
- Sworn and subscribed to before me Thomas Britton, a Justice of the Peace, this 23rd day of April A.D. 1900, Thomas Brotton, JP
- James Boyd
- John P Deputy
- Appraisers
10 Sep 1900
- Inventory & Appraisment
- Estate of Miles T Jones, deceased
- State of Delaware } New Castle County }
- We, James Boyd and John P Deputy do solemnly swear that we will appraise the goods and chattels of Miles T Jones, deceased, at their true value in money according to our best judgement; and that we will perform our duty as appraisers with fidelity.
- So help us God,
- James Boyd
- John P Deputy
- We the subscribers do on oath say that the goods and chattels in this Inventory have been appraised by us at the sums stated, which are, according to our best judgement, their true value.
- James Boyd
- John P Deputy
- New Castle County, ss,
- Manlove Jones makes solemn oath that he has made due inquiry concerning the goods, chattels and money of Miles T Jones, deceased; and that this Inventory doth contain all the goods, chattels, and money of the said Miles T Jones which have come to the knowledge of the deponent and that he has diligently inquired and can obtain no knowledge of any debts or credits due or belonging to Miles T Jones, the deceased.
- Manlove S Jones
- Subscribed and Sworn to, the tenth day of September A.D. 1900 ; before
- David J Bradford, Notary Public
12 Dec 1900
- First & Final Settlement of Manlove S Jones, Miles T Jones Estate
- The Administrator charges himself with the following amounts received to wit:
Amount of inventory & Appraisement 55.50 Cash sale of farm 600.00 Cash sale of farm 655.50
- Errors excepted, Manlove S Jones, Administrator
- Account examined, adjusted and passed Dec. 12th A.D. 1900
- Calvin W Crossan, Register.
- Administrator of Appoquinnimink Hundred, Deceased
- The Administrator craves allowance for the following amounts paid to wit:
Cash paid Register's fee 8.00 Cash paid William Wilson 95.00 Cash paid R A Walter 80.00 Costs in Orphans' Court 70.15 Cash paid Dr Thos A Enos 66.45 Cash paid County taxes 16.36 Cash paid DB Maloney pro/c 58.30 Cash paid Wm S Hills atty 25.00 Cash paid Manlove S Jones 168.19 Cash paid Rachel A Jones, Widow 55.50 642.95 642.95
- ↑ Jones, Miles T. 1900. New Castle County, Delaware. Register of Wills.
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