7 Aug 1907
11 Sep 1907
Location: Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana, United States
Surname/tag: Deputy
Location: Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana, United States

Surname/tag: Deputy
This page has been accessed 127 times.
- Date: 07 Aug 1907
- Estate of Charles H Deputy [1]
- Location: Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana
- Filed: New Castle County, Delaware
- Adminstrator: John L Deputy (brother)
Estate of Charles H Deputy
- 07 Aug 1907
- In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Montana in and for Beaverhead County
- In the matter of the Estate of
- Charles H Deputy, deceased
- In the matter of the bond and claim of the Estate of Charles H Deputy, deceased, against John L Deputy, coming on to be heard on the stipulation of the attorneys for the Administrators of the said Estate, and for the said John L Deputy, and upon testimony taken therein, and it appearing therefrom that it is to the best interests of said Estate to accept the sum of $1,000.00, cash in full payment of said bond.
- Wherefore, it is entered and decreed that the said Administrators be, and they are, hereby directed to accept the sum of $1,000.00 in full payment on the bond and obligation of the said John L Deputy, and upon the payment of said sum of $1,000.00 by the said John L Deputy to the said Administrators of the said Estate, to surrender to him the said bond and to execute a release of the mortgag securing the same.
- Done in open Court and dated this, the 7th day of August, A.D. 1907.
- Lew L Callaway, Judge.
- State of Montana, County of Beaverhead }
- I, F.A. Hazelbaker, Clerk of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Beaverhead, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the order directing the Administrators of the Estate of Charles H Deputy, deceased, to accept payment on the bond of John L Deputy to the said Estate, as the same appears of record in my office.
- In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this, the 26th day of August, A.D. 1907.
- F.A. Hazelbaker, Clerk
- By C.W. Langer, Deputy Clerk
11 Sep 1907
- First and final settlement of John L Deputy, Administrator of Charles H Deputy, deceased
- The Administrator charges himself with the following received, to wit:
Cash rec'd from Harrod Gillis Shff amt due Chas H Deputy from Atty of John L Deputy 1014.50
- ↑ "Estate of Charles H Deputy". 1907. New Castle County, Delaware. District and Probate Courts.
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