
1908 Summer Olympics- Team Hungary

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
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1904 Summer Olympics
Team Hungary
Olympics Project

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1912 Summer Olympics
Team Hungary

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Olympics-Team Hungary
1908 Summer Olympics



Artistic Gymnastics

Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Individual All-Around, MenJános NyisztorNoN/C15th
Individual All-Around, MenKálmán SzabóNoN/C
Individual All-Around, MenImre GellértNoN/C
Individual All-Around, MenMihály AntosNoN/C
Individual All-Around, MenFrigyes GráfNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
100 metres, MenPál SimonNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*1,600 metres Medley Relay, MenBRONZE
100 metres, MenVilmos RáczNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*1,600 metres Medley Relay, MenBRONZE
100 metres, MenFrigyes Wiesner-MezeiNoN/C
*200 metres, Men
*1,600 metres Medley Relay, MenBRONZE
200 metres, MenKároly RadóczyNoN/C
400 metres, MenJózsef NagyNoN/C
*800 metres, Men
*1,500 metres, Men
*1,600 metres Medley Relay, MenBRONZE
800 metres, MenÖdön BodorNoN/C4th
*1,500 metres, Men
*1,600 metres Medley Relay, MenBRONZE
5 miles, MenAntal LovasNoN/C
*3,200 metres Steeplechase, Men
110 metres Hurdles, MenNándor KovácsNoN/C
*400 metres Hurdles, Men
3,500 metres Race Walk, MenIstván DrubinaNoN/C
High Jump, MenIstván SomodiNoN/CSILVER
High Jump, MenJózsef HaluzsinszkyNoN/C13th
Pole Vault, MenKálmán SzathmáryNoN/C8th
Long Jump, MenÖdön HolitsNoN/C14th
Shot Put, MenIstván MudinNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Greek Style, Men7th
*Hammer Throw, Men
*Javelin Throw, Freestyle, Men
Shot Put, MenMór KóczánNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Men
*Discus Throw, Greek Style, Men
*Javelin Throw, Freestyle, Men
Discus Throw, MenGyörgy LuntzerNoN/C7th
*Discus Throw, Greek Style, Men
*Javelin Throw, Freestyle, Men
Discus Throw, MenFerenc JesinaNoN/C
*Javelin Throw, Freestyle, Men
Discus Throw, MenImre MudinNoN/C
*Discus Throw, Greek Style, Men
*Javelin Throw, Freestyle, Men7th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Épée, Individual, MenBéla ZulawszkyNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, MenSILVER
Épée, Individual, MenPéter TóthNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men5th
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Épée, Individual, MenDezső FöldesNoN/C
*Sabre, Individual, Men
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenJenő FuchsNoN/CGOLD
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenJenő SzántayNoN/C4th
Sabre, Individual, MenLajos WerknerNoN/C6th
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenOszkár GerdeNoN/C
*Sabre, Team, MenGOLD
Sabre, Individual, MenJenő ApáthyNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Single Sculls, MenKároly LevitzkyNoN/CBRONZE
Single Sculls, MenErnő KillerNoN/C
Eights, MenSándor KlecknerNoN/C
Eights, MenLajos HaraszthyNoN/C
Eights, MenAntal SzebenyNoN/C
Eights, MenRóbert ÉderNoN/C
Eights, MenSándor HautzingerNoN/C
Eights, MenJenő VáradyNoN/C
Eights, MenImre WampetichNoN/C
Eights, MenFerenc KirchknopfNoN/C
Eights, MenKálmán VaskóNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenSándor ProkoppNoN/C
Free Rifle, Three Positions, 300 metres, MenKálmán MóriczNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
100 metres Freestyle, MenZoltán HalmayNoN/CSILVER
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres Freestyle, MenJózsef ÓnodyNoN/C
*400 metres Freestyle, Men
100 metres Freestyle, MenJózsef MunkNoN/C
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres Freestyle, MenHenrik (Guttman) HajosYesConnected
*400 metres Freestyle, Men
400 metres Freestyle, MenBéla Las-TorresNoN/C
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenSILVER
400 metres Freestyle, MenImre ZachárNoN/C
*4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, MenSILVER
100 metres Backstroke, MenSándor KuglerNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenÖdön ToldiNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenJózsef FabinyiNoN/C
200 metres Breaststroke, MenAndrás BaronyiNoN/C


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Singles, MenDezső LauberNoN/C16th
Singles, MenJenő ZsigmondyNoN/C16th
*Doubles, Men7th
Singles, MenEde TóthNoN/C16th
*Doubles, Men7th


Event Name Wikitree Profile
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Medal / Rank
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenÖdön RadványNoN/C5th
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenJózsef MaróthyNoN/C5th
Lightweight, Greco-Roman, MenJózsef TégerNoN/C9th
Middleweight, Greco-Roman, MenMiklós OroszNoN/C9th
Light-Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, MenHugó PayrNoN/C4th
*Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, Men4th
Light-Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, MenGyörgy LuntzerNoN/C17th
Heavyweight, Greco-Roman, MenRichárd WeiszNoN/CGOLD

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